* * Script für PHP ErrorHandler * * Dieses Script dient zur Anbindung des PHP ErrorHandlers. Registriert wird das Script in PHP * durch folgenden Eintrag in der Datei "php.ini" im Root Verzeichnis von IPS: * *
* * Mit der IPS Version 2.5 ist dieses File über die Datei "__autoload.php" zu registrieren, die * bei jedem Script Aufruf automatisch geladen wird. * *
include_once "\IPSLibrary\app\core\IPSLogger\IPSLogger_PhpErrorHandler.ips.php";
* */ function IPSLogger_PhpErrorHandler ($ErrType, $ErrMsg, $FileName, $LineNum) { if (error_reporting() !== E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED) {return false;} // No Reporting of suppressed Erros (suppressed by @), see https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php#125938 require_once "IPSLogger.inc.php"; $ErrorDetails = c_lf." Error in Script ".$FileName." on Line ".$LineNum; $FatalError = false; switch ($ErrType) { case E_ERROR: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_WARNING: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Warning: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); break; case E_PARSE: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Parsing Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_NOTICE: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Notice: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); break; case E_CORE_ERROR: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Core Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_CORE_WARNING: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Core Warning: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_COMPILE_ERROR: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Compile Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_COMPILE_WARNING: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Compile Warning: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_DEPRECATED: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Deprecated: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); break; case E_USER_ERROR: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'User Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; case E_USER_WARNING: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'User Warning: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); break; case E_USER_NOTICE: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'User Notice: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); break; case E_STRICT: $FatalError = true; IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Runtime Notice: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); break; default: IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Unknown Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); $FatalError = true; break; } global $_IPS; if (array_key_exists('ERROR_COUNT', $_IPS)) { $errorCount=$_IPS['ERROR_COUNT'] + 1; } else { $errorCount=1; } $_IPS['ERROR_COUNT'] = $errorCount; // Abort Processing during "Abort Flag" if (array_key_exists('ABORT_ON_ERROR', $_IPS) and $_IPS['ABORT_ON_ERROR']) { exit('Abort Processing during Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); // Abort Processing during "FATAL Error" } elseif ($FatalError) { exit('Abort Processing during Fatal-Error: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); // Abort Processing during maximal Error Counter } elseif ($errorCount > 10) { IPSLogger_Err("PHP", 'Maximal ErrorCount exceeded for this Session --> Abort Processing'); exit('Abort Processing during exceed of maximal ErrorCount: '.$ErrMsg.$ErrorDetails); } else { return false; } } $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("IPSLogger_PhpErrorHandler",E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); function IPSLogger_PhpFatalErrorHandler() { if (@is_array($e = @error_get_last())) { //print_r($e); echo "Reporting=".error_reporting()."\n"; $code = isset($e['type']) ? $e['type'] : 0; $msg = isset($e['message']) ? $e['message'] : ''; $file = isset($e['file']) ? $e['file'] : ''; $line = isset($e['line']) ? $e['line'] : ''; switch($code) { case E_ERROR: case E_PARSE: case E_CORE_ERROR: case E_CORE_WARNING: case E_COMPILE_ERROR: case E_COMPILE_WARNING: IPSLogger_PhpErrorHandler ($code, $msg, $file, $line, null); break; default: break; } } } register_shutdown_function('IPSLogger_PhpFatalErrorHandler'); /** @}*/ ?>