* * Dieses Script enthält die Funktionen, die die Messages zu den diversen Outputs schicken. * */ include_once "IPSLogger_Constants.inc.php"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_Out($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg, $Priority=0) { $StackTxt = ''; $StackHtml = ''; if ($LogType==c_LogType_Error) { $DebugTrace = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($DebugTrace as $Idx=>$Stack) { if (array_key_exists('line', $Stack) and array_key_exists('function', $Stack) and array_key_exists('file', $Stack)) { $File = str_replace('scripts/', '', str_replace(IPS_GetKernelDir(), '', $Stack['file'])); $Function = $Stack['function']; $Line = str_pad($Stack['line'],3,' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); $StackTxt .= c_lf." $Line in $File (call $Function)"; } elseif (array_key_exists('function', $Stack)) { $StackTxt .= c_lf.' in '.$Stack['function']; } else { $StackTxt .= c_lf.' Unknown Stack ...'; } } } $Context = IPSLogger_normalizeContext($Context); if (!IPS_VariableExists(c_ID_HtmlOutEnabled)) { echo $Context.'-'.$LogType.'-'.$Msg; return; } IPSLogger_invokeLoggers($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg, $StackTxt, $Priority); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_WriteFile($Directory, $File, $Text, $ID_OutEnabled) { if ($Directory == "") { $Directory = IPS_GetKernelDir().'logs/'; if (function_exists('IPS_GetLogDir')) $Directory = IPS_GetLogDir(); } // bumaas: Semaphor eingebaut um einen zeitgleichen Zugriff ("Warning: fopen ...: // failed to open stream: permission denied")zu verhindern. // Da im Fall eines 'Parse Errors' keine Semaphore erhältlich ist ('Warning: // Cannot detect ThreadID!') sollten die Warnings unterdrückt werden (@) @IPS_SemaphoreEnter(__FUNCTION__.$Directory.$File, 1000); if(($FileHandle = fopen($Directory.$File, "a")) === false) { SetValue($ID_OutEnabled, false); @IPS_SemaphoreLeave(__FUNCTION__.$Directory.$File); return; } fwrite($FileHandle, $Text.c_lf); fclose($FileHandle); @IPS_SemaphoreLeave(__FUNCTION__.$Directory.$File); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutFile($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { switch ($LogType) { case c_LogType_Test: $prefix=' '; break; case c_LogType_Trace: $prefix=' '; break; case c_LogType_Debug: $prefix=' '; break; case c_LogType_Communication: $prefix=' '; break; default: $prefix=' '; } $Msg = str_replace("\n", " ", $Msg); $Out = 'IPSymcon'; $Out .= '-'.IPSLogger_LogTypeShort($LogType).'-'; $Out .= substr(str_pad($Context,15,' '),0,15); $Out .= date(c_Format_LogOutDate).substr(microtime(),1,c_Format_LogOutMicroLen); $Out .= $prefix.$Msg; $File = 'IPSLogger_'.date('Ymd').'.'.c_File_Extension; IPSLogger_WriteFile(c_File_Directory, $File, $Out, c_ID_FileOutEnabled); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutLog4IPS($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { $Out = ''; $Out .= ''; $File = 'IPSLogger_'.date('Ymd').'.'.c_Log4IPS_Extension; IPSLogger_WriteFile(c_Log4IPS_Directory, $File, $Out, c_ID_Log4IPSOutEnabled); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutSysLog($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { if (defined('c_SysLog_Enabled') and c_SysLog_Enabled) { $logTypeEnabled = true; if (isset($SysLog_LogTypes) and array_key_exists($LogLevel, $SysLog_LogTypes) and $SysLog_LogTypes[$LogLevel]==false) { $logTypeEnabled = false; } if ($logTypeEnabled) { // Sample Message //<14>May 19 20:15:42 sbs2008.wps-computer.local IP-Symcon: ID 34690::SENDER Execute: My third PHP syslog message $severityList = array(2 /*Critical*/, 3 /*Error*/, 4 /*Warning*/, 5 /*Notice*/, 6 /*Info*/, 7 /*Debug*/, 7 /*Debug*/, 7 /*Debug*/, 7 /*Debug*/); $severity = $severityList[$LogLevel]; $facility = 1; $priority = "<".($facility*8 + $severity).">"; $timestamp = date("M j H:i:s"); $host = ''; if (isset($_ENV["COMPUTERNAME"])) $host=$_ENV["COMPUTERNAME"]; $message = substr($priority.$timestamp.' '.$host.' IP-Symcon-'.$Context.': '.$Msg, 0, 1024); if (c_SysLog_Instance != '') { CSCK_SendText((int)c_SysLog_Instance, $message); } else if (c_SysLog_Host != '') { $handle = fsockopen("udp://".c_SysLog_Host, c_SysLog_Port, $errno, $errstr); if ($handle) { fwrite($handle, $message); fclose($handle); } } else { echo $message.PHP_EOL; } } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutEMail($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg, $Priority) { $Out = 'IPS-'.IPSLogger_LogTypeShort($LogType).'-'.substr($Context,0,c_Format_LogOutContextLen); $Out .= ' '.date(c_Format_LogOutDate).substr(microtime(),1,c_Format_LogOutMicroLen); $Out .= ' '.$Msg.c_lf; $MsgList = GetValue(c_ID_EMailOutMsgList); SetValue(c_ID_EMailOutMsgList, $MsgList.$Out); if (IPS_GetScriptTimer(c_ID_ScriptSendMail) == 0) { //Timer not active --> Start if (GetValue(c_ID_EMailOutDelay) == 0) { IPS_SetScriptTimer(c_ID_ScriptSendMail, 1); } else { IPS_SetScriptTimer(c_ID_ScriptSendMail, GetValue(c_ID_EMailOutDelay)); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutIPS($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { $Out = $LogType.': '.$Msg; IPS_LogMessage($Context, $Out); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutSingle($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { $Out = '
'.$LogType.': '.$Msg.'
'; SetValue(c_ID_SingleOutMsg, $Out); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutHtml($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { if(mb_detect_encoding($Msg, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1') !== 'UTF-8') $Msg = htmlentities($Msg, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $Msg = str_replace("\n", "
", $Msg); switch ($LogType) { case c_LogType_Test: $Msg = '
'; break; case c_LogType_Trace: $Msg = '
'; break; case c_LogType_Debug: $Msg = '
'; break; case c_LogType_Communication: $Msg = '
'; break; default: $Msg = '
'; } $CurrentMsgId = GetValue(c_ID_HtmlOutMsgId)+1; $MsgList = GetValue(c_ID_HtmlOutMsgList); $MsgCount = GetValue(c_ID_HtmlOutMsgCount); $TablePrefix = ' '; $TablePrefix .= c_Style_HtmlOutColGroup; //IPSymcon-Inf-WinLIRC 2010-12-03 22:09:13.000 Msg ... $Out = ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; //
if (IPSLOGGER_HTML_NEWMESSAGETOP) { if (strpos($MsgList, '') === false) { $MsgList = ""; } else { $StrPos1 = strlen($TablePrefix); $StrTmp = ''); } else { $StrPos2 = strpos($MsgList, $StrTmp); } $StrLen = $StrPos2 - $StrPos1; $MsgList = substr($MsgList, $StrPos1, $StrLen); } SetValue(c_ID_HtmlOutMsgList, $TablePrefix.$Out.$MsgList.''); } else { if (strpos($MsgList, '') === false) { $MsgList = ""; } else { $StrTmp = '') - $StrPos; $MsgList = substr($MsgList, $StrPos, $StrLen); } SetValue(c_ID_HtmlOutMsgList, $TablePrefix.$MsgList.$Out.''); } SetValue(c_ID_HtmlOutMsgId, $CurrentMsgId); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutEcho($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { switch ($LogType) { case c_LogType_Test: $prefix=' '; break; case c_LogType_Trace: $prefix=' '; break; case c_LogType_Debug: $prefix=' '; break; case c_LogType_Communication: $prefix=' '; break; default: $prefix=' '; } $Msg = str_replace("\n", " ", $Msg); $Msg = str_replace(chr(13), " ", $Msg); $Out = 'IPS'; $Out .= '-'.IPSLogger_LogTypeShort($LogType).'-'; $Out .= substr(str_pad($Context,20,' '),0,20).' '; $Out .= date(c_Format_LogOutDate).substr(microtime(),1,c_Format_LogOutMicroLen); $Out .= $prefix.$Msg.c_lf; echo $Out; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_SetOutEcho($OutEnabled, $LogLevel=null) { SetValue(c_ID_EchoOutEnabled, $OutEnabled); if ($LogLevel !== null) { SetValue(c_ID_EchoOutLevel, $LogLevel); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutProwl($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg, $Priority) { include_once('ProwlPHP.php'); $prowl = new Prowl(c_Key_ProwlService); $prowl->push(array( 'application' => 'IP-Symcon', 'event' => $Context, 'description' => $Msg, 'priority' => 0)); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_SendProwlMessage($Event, $Description, $Priority) { include_once('ProwlPHP.php'); $prowl = new Prowl(c_Key_ProwlService); $prowl->push(array( 'application' => 'IP-Symcon', 'event' => $Event, 'description' => $Description, 'priority' => $Priority)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function IPSLogger_OutProgram($Msg, $HtmlId, $LogId, $MsgCount, $FontSize=10) { if(mb_detect_encoding($Msg, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1') !== 'UTF-8') $Msg = htmlentities($Msg, ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1'); $Msg = str_replace("\n", "
", $Msg); $MsgList = GetValue($HtmlId); $TablePrefix = ''; $CurrentMsgId = GetValue($LogId)+1; SetValue($LogId, $CurrentMsgId); //Msg ... $Out = ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; $Out .= ''; //
'.date('Y-m-d H:i').''.$Msg.'
if (strpos($MsgList, '') === false) { $MsgList = ""; } else { $StrTmp = '') - $StrPos; $MsgList = substr($MsgList, $StrPos, $StrLen); } SetValue($HtmlId, $TablePrefix.$MsgList.$Out.''); } function IPSLogger_OutMySQL($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg) { $logTypeEnabled = false; if (defined('c_DB_MySQL_Enabled') and c_DB_MySQL_Enabled) { $logTypeEnabled = true; if (isset($DB_MySQL_LogTypes) and array_key_exists($LogLevel, $DB_MySQL_LogTypes) and $DB_MySQL_LogTypes[$LogLevel]==false) { $logTypeEnabled = false; } } if (!$logTypeEnabled) return; if (!defined("c_DB_MySQL_Server")) return; if (!defined("c_DB_MySQL_Port")) return; if (!defined("c_DB_MySQL_Database")) return; if (!defined("c_DB_MySQL_Table")) return; if (!defined("c_DB_MySQL_User")) return; if (!defined("c_DB_MySQL_Password")) return; // Testen ob Verbindung moeglich ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout','10'); $server = @mysql_connect(c_DB_MySQL_Server.":".c_DB_MySQL_Port,c_DB_MySQL_User,c_DB_MySQL_Password); if ( !$server ) { IPS_Logmessage(__FILE__,"MySQL-Server nicht bereit"); return false; } // Datenbank anlegen wenn nicht vorhanden $db_exist = @mysql_select_db(c_DB_MySQL_Database, $server); if (!$db_exist) { IPS_Logmessage(__FILE__,"MySQL-Datenbank wird angelegt"); $mysqlstring = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . c_DB_MySQL_Database .";"; $db_exist = mysql_query($mysqlstring); } if ( !$db_exist ) { IPS_Logmessage(__FILE__,"MySQL-Datenbank nicht bereit"); return false; } // Tabelle erstellen wenn nicht vorhanden $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".c_DB_MySQL_Table."'"); if (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { IPS_Logmessage(__FILE__,"MySQL-Tabelle nicht vorhanden wird erstellt"); $sql = "CREATE TABLE `" . c_DB_MySQL_Table . "` "; $sql = $sql . "( `ID` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , "; $sql = $sql . "`TIMESTAMP` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL ,"; $sql = $sql . "`LOGLEVEL` INT ,"; $sql = $sql . "`LOGTYPE` VARCHAR( 150 ) ,"; $sql = $sql . "`CONTEXT` VARCHAR( 150 ),"; $sql = $sql . "`MESSAGE` VARCHAR( 1024 ), "; $sql = $sql . "INDEX (LOGLEVEL), "; $sql = $sql . "INDEX (LOGTYPE), "; $sql = $sql . "INDEX (CONTEXT), "; $sql = $sql . "INDEX (MESSAGE) "; $sql = $sql . " ) ENGINE = MYISAM ;"; $tab_exist = mysql_query($sql); } else $tab_exist = true; if ( !$tab_exist ) { IPS_Logmessage(__FILE__,"MySQL-Tabelle Fehler bei Tabellenerstellung"); return; } $Context = str_replace("'",'"',$Context); $Context = str_replace("/","//",$Context); $Msg = str_replace("'",'"',$Msg); $Msg = str_replace("/",'//',$Msg); $Context = substr($Context,0,150); $Msg = substr($Msg,0,1024); // Meldung eintragen $sql = ""; $sql = $sql . "INSERT INTO ".c_DB_MySQL_Table." "; $sql = $sql . "(`LOGLEVEL`,`LOGTYPE`,`CONTEXT`,`MESSAGE`) "; $sql = $sql . "VALUES ('".$LogLevel."','".$LogType."','".$Context."','".$Msg."'); "; @mysql_query($sql); if ( mysql_error($server) ) { $error = mysql_errno($server) . ": " . mysql_error($server) . "\n"; IPS_LogMessage(__FILE__,"MySQL Fehler :". $error); } mysql_close($server); } $IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel = array(); function IPSLogger_SetContextLoggingLevel($Context, $LogLevel) { global $IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel; $Context = IPSLogger_normalizeContext($Context); $IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel[$Context] = $LogLevel; } function IPSLogger_HasContextCustomLogLevel($Context) { global $IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel; return isset($IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel[$Context]); } function IPSLogger_ShouldLogContext($Context, $LogLevel) { global $IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel; if(!IPSLogger_HasContextCustomLogLevel($Context)) { return true; } return $LogLevel <= $IPSLogger_contextLoggingLevel[$Context]; } function IPSLogger_invokeLoggers($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg, $StackTxt, $Priority) { $loggers = array( "Single" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_SingleOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_SingleOutLevel, "appendStack" => false ), "Html" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_HtmlOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_HtmlOutLevel, ), "IPS" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_IPSOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_IPSOutLevel, ), "EMail" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_EMailOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_EMailOutLevel, "priority" => c_ID_EMailOutPriority ), "File" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_FileOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_FileOutLevel, ), "Log4IPS" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_Log4IPSOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_Log4IPSOutLevel, ), "Echo" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_EchoOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_EchoOutLevel, ), "Prowl" => array( "enabled" => c_ID_ProwlOutEnabled, "level" => c_ID_ProwlOutLevel, "priority" => c_ID_ProwlOutPriority ), ); foreach($loggers as $name => $logger) { // check if logger is enabled at all $shouldLog = GetValue($logger["enabled"]); if(!$shouldLog) { continue; } // evaluate log level. If no custom level is defined, use the global log level. if(IPSLogger_HasContextCustomLogLevel($Context)) { $shouldLog &= IPSLogger_ShouldLogContext($Context, $LogLevel); } else { $shouldLog &= GetValue($logger["level"]) >= $LogLevel; } $appendStack = !isset($logger["appendStack"]) || (isset($logger["appendStack"]) && $logger["appendStack"] === true); $hasPriority = isset($logger["priority"]); $shouldLog &= !$hasPriority || ($hasPriority && GetValue($logger["priority"]) >= $Priority); if($shouldLog) { $parameters = array($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context); $parameters[] = $Msg.($appendStack ? $StackTxt : ""); if($hasPriority) $parameters[] = $Priority; call_user_func_array("IPSLogger_Out".$name, $parameters); } } @IPSLogger_OutSysLog($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg.$StackTxt); @IPSLogger_OutMySQL($LogLevel, $LogType, $Context, $Msg.$StackTxt); } function IPSLogger_normalizeContext($Context) { if (strrpos($Context, '/') !== false) { if (strpos($Context, '.') !== false) { $Context = substr($Context, strrpos($Context, '/')+1, strpos($Context, '.')-strrpos($Context, '/')-1); } } return $Context; } /** @}*/ ?>