Developer's Edition (App Users) ============== Authetication + Single User Mode -------------------- When using the Developer's Edition (App Users), developers should conform to BOXAPIAccessTokenDelegate protocol in order to retrieve an account's access token. Additionally, BOXContentClient instances using the Developer's Edition (App Users) should have its delegate set. ```objectivec @implementation BOXClass <BOXAPIAccessTokenDelegate> - (void)fetchAccessTokenWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSString *, NSDate, NSError *))completion { // Do things to retrieve access token and access token expiration date. completion(accessToken, accessTokenExpiration, error); } - (void)buttonPressed:(UIButton *)button { BOXContentClient *client = [BOXContentClient defaultClient]; [client setAccessTokenDelegate: self]; [client autheticateWithCompletionBlock: ^(BOXUser *user, NSError *error){ if (error) { //Do stuff in case of error. } else { //Do stuff if authetication was successful. } }]; } @end ``` When you no longer need the session, it is a good practice to logout. ```objectivec BOXUser *user = //Get the desired BOXUser instance. BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient clientForUser:user]; [contentClient logOut] ``` Multi-Account Mode ------------------------ Implement the BOXAccessTokenDelegate method to retrieve the access token for corresponding user. ```objectivec - (void)fetchAccessTokenWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSString *, NSDate *, NSError))completion { // Do things to retrieve access tokens and access token expiration dates. completion(accessToken, accessTokenExpiration, error); } ``` Check for existing Box Users that the SDK has authenticated. ```objectivec NSArray *boxUsers = [BOXContentClient users]; ``` Get a BOXContentClient for an existing Box User that the SDK has authenticated ```objectivec for (BOXUser *boxUser in boxUsers) { BOXContentClient *contentClient = [BOXContentClient clientForUser:boxUser]; [contentClient setAccessTokenDelegate: self]; // You can now do something with the contentClient... } ``` Authenticate a new account: ```objectivec BOXContentClient *client = [BOXContentClient clientForNewSession]; [client setAccessTokenDelegate: self]; [client autheticateWithCompletionBlock: ^(BOXUser *user, NSError *error){ if (error) { //Do stuff in case of error. } else { //Do stuff if authetication was successful. } }]; ``` Log all users out. ```objectivec [BOXContentClient logOutAll]; ```