. ************************************************************************************/ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); ?>get('fishsupport', 0); if ($fc) { if (($fish == 1) || ($fish == 2)) { $lingua = JRequest::getWord('lang', '' ); $limitlang = $params->get('limitlang'); } } $nothingtoshow = $params->get('nothingtoshow'); $hittitle_S = $params->get('hit_title_S'); $hittitle_P = $params->get('hit_title_P'); $hitprefix = $params->get('hit_prefix'); $ratingtitle_S = $params->get('rating_title_S'); $ratingtitle_P = $params->get('rating_title_P'); $ratingprefix = $params->get('rating_prefix'); $commenttitle_S = $params->get('comment_title_S'); $commenttitle_P = $params->get('comment_title_P'); $commentprefix = $params->get('comment_prefix'); $authorprefix = $params->get('auth_prefix'); $catprefix = $params->get('cat_prefix'); $dateprefix = $params->get('date_prefix'); $addcomm = $params->get('addcomm'); $fbshare = $params->get('fbshare'); //Related Items Variables if (($params->get('related') == 1) || ($params->get('flexirelated') == 1) || ($params->get('flexirelated') == 2)) { $temp = JRequest::getString('id'); $temp = explode(':', $temp); $id = $temp[0]; $relatednoid = $params->get('relatednoid'); } //Images-related Variables $image_default = $params->get('image_default'); $imagefloat = $params->get('imagefloat', 1); if ($params->get('show_image') != '0') { $imageWidth = intval($params->get('imageWidth', 0)) ; $imageHeight = intval($params->get('imageHeight', 0)) ; } //FLEXIcontent-specific Variables $flexiwatermark = $params->get('flexiwatermark', 1); if ($fc) { $img_field_id = $params->get('imagefieldid'); $date_field_id = $params->get('datefieldid'); $ftags = $params->get('flexitags'); $ftagsjoin = ""; $limitag = ""; } //Grid layout variables if ($params->get('grid_display') == 1) { $colmax = $params->get('colmax'); $col = 0; $attributes = $params->get('gridattr'); if ((empty($colmax)) || ($colmax == 0)) { $colmax = 1; } $colwidth = $params->get('colwidth'); } //Styling Variables $maincss = $params->get('maincss'); $title_css = $params->get('title_css'); $date_css = $params->get('date_css'); $author_css = $params->get('author_css'); $category_css = $params->get('category_css'); $image_css = $params->get('image_css'); $body_intro_css = $params->get('body_intro_css'); $body_bottom_css = $params->get('body_bottom_css'); $line_color = $params->get('line_color'); $bottom_more_css = $params->get('bottom_more_css'); $readmore_css = $params->get('readmore_css'); if ($fc) { $flexi_fields_css = $params->get('flexi_fields_css'); $fields_box_css = $params->get('fields_box_css'); } if ($params->get('disp_catblock')) { $cattitle_css = $params->get('cattitle_css'); $catimage_css = $params->get('catimage_css'); $catdesc_css = $params->get('catdesc_css'); $catblock_css = $params->get('catblock_css'); } //FLEXIfields variables $field_1_id = $params->get('field_1_id'); $field_2_id = $params->get('field_2_id'); $field_3_id = $params->get('field_3_id'); $field_4_id = $params->get('field_4_id'); $field_5_id = $params->get('field_5_id'); $field_6_id = $params->get('field_6_id'); //Categories if ($fc) { $catid = $params->get('categories'); $catid = is_array($catid) ? implode(',', $catid) : $catid; $excatid = $params->get('excategories'); if (is_array($excatid)) { $excatid = implode(",", array_values($excatid)); } }else{ $catid = $params->get('catid'); if (is_array($catid)) { $catid = implode(",", $catid); } $excatid = $params->get('excatid'); if (is_array($excatid)) { $excatid = implode(",", array_values($excatid)); } $secid = trim( $params->get('secid')); } //Unordered Variables (I soon got bored XD) $count = intval( $params->get('count',5)); $item_id = intval( $params->get('item_id')); // Test on itemid to make sure not to pass anything if (preg_match ('/([0-9]{1,5})/',$item_id, $result)) { $item_id = $result[0]; } else { $item_id = ''; } $order = $params->get('order', 0); $show_front = $params->get('show_front', 1); $number = intval( $params->get('number', 10)); $recent = $params->get('recent', 0); $limittitle = $params->get('limittitle'); $more = $params->get('show_more', 1); $morelink = $params->get('more_link'); $morewhat = $params->get('more_what'); $username = $params->get('what_username', 1); $startfrom = $params->get('startfrom'); $commentstable = $params->get('commentstable', 0); $profilesystem = $params->get('profilesystem', 0); $authlimit = $params->get('limitwrittenby', 0); $date =& JFactory::getDate(); $now = $date->toMySQL(); $dtoutput = $params->get('dateoutput'); if (empty($dtoutput)) { $dtoutput = "%d %B %Y, %H.%M"; } $nullDate = $db->getNullDate(); $intro = ""; $allow = $params->get('allow'); //Layout variables $top1 = $params->get('display_top_1'); $top2 = $params->get('display_top_2'); $top3 = $params->get('display_top_3'); $top4 = $params->get('display_top_4'); $bottom = $params->get('display_bottom'); $flexi = $params->get('display_flexi'); //Set these to nul to avoid errors $dtitle = ""; $ddate = ""; $dauthor = ""; $dcat = ""; $dcomm = ""; $dhits = ""; $drating = ""; $daddcomm = ""; $drm = ""; $dclear = '
'; $dempty = ""; $dimage = ""; $df1 = ""; $df2 = ""; $df3 = ""; $df4 = ""; $df5 = ""; $df6 = ""; $condition_avenir = ""; $flexidateordering = ""; $ac = ""; // ---------------------------- Understand what you need to get ---------------------------- $getthis = $top1 . ' ' . $top2 . ' ' . $top3 . ' ' . $top4 . ' ' . $bottom . '' . $flexi; $checktitle = strrpos ($getthis, '[title]'); $checkdate = strrpos ($getthis, '[date]'); $checkauthor = strrpos ($getthis, '[author]'); $checkcategory = strrpos ($getthis, '[category]'); $checkhits = strrpos ($getthis, '[hits]'); $checkcomments = strrpos ($getthis, '[comments]'); $checkrating = strrpos ($getthis, '[rating]'); $checkimage = strrpos ($getthis, '[image]'); $checkaddcomm = strrpos ($getthis, '[addcomments]'); $checkf1 = strrpos ($getthis, '[flexif1]'); $checkf2 = strrpos ($getthis, '[flexif2]'); $checkf3 = strrpos ($getthis, '[flexif3]'); $checkf4 = strrpos ($getthis, '[flexif4]'); $checkf5 = strrpos ($getthis, '[flexif5]'); $checkf6 = strrpos ($getthis, '[flexif6]'); // ---------------------------- Start gathering infos and preparing output ---------------------------- //Start from Xth article preparation if (empty($startfrom)) { $startfrom = 0; } $count += $startfrom; $starter = 0; //Limit Author preparation if ($authlimit != 0) { if ($authlimit == 1) { if ($my->id != 0) { $limitauth = "\n AND a.created_by = " . $my->id; } }elseif ($authlimit == 2) { if ($my->id != 0) { $limitauth = "\n AND a.created_by <> " . $my->id; } }elseif ($authlimit == 3) { if ($my->id != 0) { $query = 'SELECT memberid FROM #__comprofiler_members WHERE referenceid = ' . $my->id; $db->setQuery($query); $friends = $db->loadObjectList(); if ($friends) { $limitauth = "\n AND ("; $authcheck = 0; foreach ($friends as $friend) { if ($authcheck == 0) { $limitauth .= " a.created_by = " . $friend->memberid; $authcheck ++; }else{ $limitauth .= " OR a.created_by = " . $friend->memberid; } } $limitauth .= " )"; } } }elseif ($authlimit == 4) { if ($my->id != 0) { $query = 'SELECT connect_to FROM #__community_connection WHERE connect_from = ' . $my->id; $db->setQuery($query); $friends = $db->loadObjectList(); if ($friends) { $limitauth = "\n AND ("; $authcheck = 0; foreach ($friends as $friend) { if ($authcheck == 0) { $limitauth .= " a.created_by = " . $friend->memberid; $authcheck ++; }else{ $limitauth .= " OR a.created_by = " . $friend->memberid; } } $limitauth .= " )"; } } }elseif ($authlimit == 5) { $authors = $params->get('authors'); if (is_array($authors)) { $authors = implode(",", $authors); } $limitauth = " AND a.created_by IN ( $authors )"; } }else{ $limitauth = ""; } //Limit by FLEXItags if ($fc && $ftags) { if (is_array($ftags)) { $ftags = implode(",", $ftags); } $limitag = " AND tag.tid IN ( $ftags )"; $ftagsjoin = "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_tags_item_relations AS tag ON tag.itemid = a.id"; } //Related Items preparation $relatedcond = ''; if (($params->get('related') == 1) || ($params->get('flexirelated') == 1)) { if ($id) { $query = 'SELECT metakey' . ' FROM #__content' . ' WHERE id = '.(int) $id; $db->setQuery($query); $metakey = trim($db->loadResult()); if ($metakey) { // explode the meta keys on a comma $keys = explode(',', $metakey); $likes = array (); // assemble any non-blank word(s) foreach ($keys as $key) { $key = trim($key); if ($key) { $likes[] = ',' . $db->getEscaped($key) . ','; // surround with commas so first and last items have surrounding commas } $glue = "%' OR CONCAT(',', REPLACE(a.metakey,', ',','),',') LIKE '%"; $relatedcond = "\n AND ( CONCAT(',', REPLACE(a.metakey,', ',','),',') LIKE '%" . implode( $glue , $likes) . "%' )"; } $relnorepeat = "\n AND a.id <> " . $id; $reljoin = ""; if (empty($relatedcond) && empty($relnorepeat)) { $relatedcond = ""; $relnorepeat = ""; $reljoin = ""; } }else{ $relatedcond = "\n AND a.id = 'die'"; $relnorepeat = ""; $reljoin = ""; } }else{ if ($params->get('uselangfile') == 1) { echo JText::_('F_RELATEDINTRO'); }else{ echo $relatednoid; } $relatedcond = "\n AND a.id = 'die'"; $relnorepeat = ""; $reljoin = ""; } }else{ $relatedcond = ""; $relnorepeat = ""; $reljoin = ""; } //FLEXI Related Items preparation if ($params->get('flexirelated') == 2) { if ($id) { $reljoin = "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_tags_item_relations AS tag ON tag.itemid = a.id"; $relcheck = 0; $query = 'SELECT tid' . ' FROM #__flexicontent_tags_item_relations' . ' WHERE itemid = '.(int) $id; $db->setQuery($query); $tags = $db->loadObjectList(); $relatedcond = ""; foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($relcheck == 0) { $relatedcond .= "\n AND ( tag.tid IN ( " . $tag->tid; $relcheck++; }else{ $relatedcond .= " ) OR tag.tid IN ( " . $tag->tid; } } if ($tags) { $relatedcond .= ") )"; } if (empty($tags)) { if ($params->get('uselangfile') == 1) { echo JText::_('F_NOTHINGTOSHOW'); }else{ echo $nothingtoshow; } $relatedcond = "\n AND a.id = 'die'"; } $relnorepeat = "\n AND a.id <> " . $id; }elseif (empty($id)){ if ($params->get('uselangfile') == 1) { echo JText::_('F_RELATEDINTRO'); }else{ echo $relatednoid; } $relatedcond = "\n AND a.id = 'die'"; $relnorepeat = ""; $reljoin = ""; } } //Category Title, Description and Image if ($params->get('disp_catblock')) { $catcat = $params->get('catcat'); if ($params->get('disp_cattit')) { $query = 'SELECT title FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . $catcat; $db->setQuery($query); $cattit = $db->loadResult(); } if ($params->get('disp_catdesc')) { $query = 'SELECT description FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . $catcat; $db->setQuery($query); $catdesc = $db->loadResult(); } if ($params->get('disp_cattit')) { $query = 'SELECT image FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . $catcat; $db->setQuery($query); $cathimg = $db->loadResult(); } } //Comments table and columns if ($commentstable == '1') { $ctable = '#__jcomments'; $cartcol = 'object_id'; }elseif ($commentstable == '2') { $ctable = $params->get('customtable'); $cartcol = $params->get('customartcol'); }elseif ($commentstable == '3') { $ctable = '#__webeeComment_Comment'; $cartcol = 'articleId'; }elseif ($commentstable == '4') { $ctable = '#__comment'; $cartcol = 'contentid'; }elseif ($commentstable == '5') { $ctable = '#__yvcomment'; $cartcol = 'parentid'; }elseif ($commentstable == '6') { $ctable = '#__zimbcomment_comment'; $cartcol = 'articleId'; }elseif ($commentstable == '7') { $ctable = '#__rdbs_comment_comments'; $cartcol = 'refid'; }elseif ($commentstable == '8') { $ctable = '#__comments'; $cartcol = 'cotid'; }elseif ($commentstable == '9') { $ctable = '#__jomcomment'; $cartcol = 'contentid'; } //Set the variable for ordering by most commented, even if it isn't used $ordcomments = " "; //Ordering conditions if ($order == '0') { $ordering = " a.created DESC"; }elseif ($order == '1'){ $ordering = " a.hits DESC"; }elseif ($order == '2') { $ordering = " RAND()"; }elseif ($order == '3') { $ordering = " a.publish_down ASC"; $condition_avenir = "\n AND a.publish_down >= '$now' " ; }elseif ($order == '4'){ $ordering = " a.title ASC"; }elseif ($order == '5'){ $ordering = " a.title DESC"; }elseif ($order == '6'){ $ordering = " a.modified DESC, a.created DESC"; }elseif ($order == '7'){ $ordering = " a.ordering ASC"; }elseif ($order == '8'){ $ordering = " r.rating_sum DESC"; }elseif ($order == '9'){ $ordering = " a.created ASC"; }elseif ($order == '10'){ $ordering = " a.hits ASC"; }elseif ($order == '11'){ $ordering = " r.rating_sum ASC"; }elseif ($order == '12'){ $flexidateordering = "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS fd ON a.id = fd.item_id"; $condition_avenir = "\n AND fd.field_id = " . $date_field_id; $ordering = " STR_TO_DATE(fd.value,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') DESC"; }elseif ($order == '13'){ $flexidateordering = "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS fd ON a.id = fd.item_id"; $condition_avenir = "\n AND fd.field_id = " . $date_field_id; $condition_avenir .= "\n AND STR_TO_DATE(fd.value,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') >= '$now' " ; $ordering = " STR_TO_DATE(fd.value,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ASC"; }elseif ($order == '14'){ if ($commentstable != '0') { $ordcomments = ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ctable . " AS ordcom WHERE ordcom." . $cartcol . " = a.id ) AS comen "; $ordering = " comen DESC"; }else{ echo JText::_('COMORDWARNING'); $ordering = " RAND()"; } }elseif ($order == '15'){ if ($commentstable != '0') { $ordcomments = ", (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ctable . " AS ordcom WHERE ordcom." . $cartcol . " = a.id ) AS comen "; $ordering = " comen ASC"; }else{ echo JText::_('COMORDWARNING'); $ordering = " RAND()"; } } //Limit articles to current language if ($fc) { if (($fish == 1) || ($fish == 2)) { if ($fish == 2) { $lingua = $limitlang; } $fishjoin = "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_items_ext AS fish ON fish.item_id = a.id"; $fishlimit = "\n AND fish.language LIKE '" . $lingua . "%'"; }else{ $fishjoin = ""; $fishlimit = ""; } }else{ $fishjoin = ""; $fishlimit = ""; } //Frontpage Articles if($params->get('show_front') == 2 && $fc = 0) { //Frontpage Articles only $joinfront = "\n INNER JOIN #__content_frontpage AS front ON front.content_id = a.id"; }else{ $joinfront = ($show_front == '0' ? ' LEFT JOIN #__content_frontpage AS front ON front.content_id = a.id' : ''); } // Avoid duplicated joins if ($reljoin == $ftagsjoin) { $ftagsjoin = ""; } //Content Items if ($fc == 1) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT a.*, cc.alias AS catalias, " . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", a.id, a.alias) ELSE a.id END as slug,' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END as catslug ' . $ordcomments . "\n FROM #__content AS a" . "\n INNER JOIN #__categories AS cc ON cc.id = a.catid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_cats_item_relations AS flexi ON a.id = flexi.itemid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__content_rating AS r ON r.content_id = a.id" . $flexidateordering . $fishjoin . $reljoin . $ftagsjoin . "\n WHERE ( a.state = 1 AND a.sectionid > 0 )" . "\n AND ( a.publish_up = '$nullDate' OR a.publish_up <= '$now' )" . "\n AND ( a.publish_down = '$nullDate' OR a.publish_down >= '$now' )" . $condition_avenir // Jolindien addition for event with date of creation of the article = dates event . ( $access ? "\n AND a.access <= $my->gid AND cc.access <= $my->gid" : '' ) . ( (($catid) || ($catid === '0')) ? "\n AND ( " : '' ) . ( $catid ? "( flexi.catid IN ( $catid ) )" : '' ) . ( ($catid && $catid === '0') ? " OR " : '' ) . ( ($catid === '0') ? "( flexi.catid = '0' )" : '' ) . ( (($catid) || ($catid === '0')) ? " )" : '' ) . ( (($excatid) || ($excatid === '0')) ? "\n AND ( " : '' ) . ( $excatid ? "\n ( flexi.catid NOT IN ( $excatid ) )" : '' ) . ( ($excatid && $excatid === '0') ? " OR " : '' ) . ( ($excatid === '0') ? "( flexi.catid != 0 )" : '' ) . ( (($excatid) || ($excatid === '0')) ? " )" : '' ) . "\n AND cc.published = 1" . $fishlimit . $limitauth . $limitag . ( $recent ? "\n AND DATEDIFF(".$db->Quote($now).", a.created) < " . $recent : '' ) . $relnorepeat . $relatedcond . "\n ORDER BY $ordering" ;} elseif ($fc == 0) { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT a.*, a.images, cc.alias AS catalias, " . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", a.id, a.alias) ELSE a.id END as slug,' . ' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(":", cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END as catslug ' . $ordcomments . "\n FROM #__content AS a" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__content_frontpage AS f ON f.content_id = a.id" . "\n INNER JOIN #__categories AS cc ON cc.id = a.catid" . "\n INNER JOIN #__sections AS s ON s.id = a.sectionid" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__content_rating AS r ON r.content_id = a.id" . $flexidateordering . $fishjoin . $reljoin . $joinfront . "\n WHERE ( a.state = 1 AND a.sectionid > 0 )" . "\n AND ( a.publish_up = '$nullDate' OR a.publish_up <= '$now' )" . "\n AND ( a.publish_down = '$nullDate' OR a.publish_down >= '$now' )" . $condition_avenir // Jolindien addition for event with date of creation of the article = dates event . ( $access ? "\n AND a.access <= $my->gid AND cc.access <= $my->gid AND s.access <= $my->gid" : '' ) . ( (($catid) || ($catid === '0')) ? "\n AND ( " : '' ) . ( $catid ? "( a.catid IN ( $catid ) )" : '' ) . ( ($catid && $catid === '0') ? " OR " : '' ) . ( ($catid === '0') ? "( a.catid = '0' )" : '' ) . ( (($catid) || ($catid === '0')) ? " )" : '' ) . ( (($excatid) || ($excatid === '0')) ? "\n AND ( " : '' ) . ( $excatid ? "\n ( a.catid NOT IN ( $excatid ) )" : '' ) . ( ($excatid && $excatid === '0') ? " OR " : '' ) . ( ($excatid === '0') ? "( a.catid != 0 )" : '' ) . ( (($excatid) || ($excatid === '0')) ? " )" : '' ) . ( $secid ? "\n AND ( a.sectionid IN ( $secid ) )" : '' ) . ($show_front == '0' ? ' AND f.content_id IS NULL' : '') . "\n AND s.published = 1" . "\n AND cc.published = 1" . $fishlimit . $limitauth . ( $recent ? "\n AND DATEDIFF(".$db->Quote($now).", a.created) < " . $recent : '' ) . $relnorepeat . $relatedcond . "\n ORDER BY $ordering" ;} $db->setQuery( $query, 0, $count ); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); if (empty($rows)) { if ($params->get('related') == 0 && $params->get('flexirelated') == 0) { if ($params->get('uselangfile') == 1) { echo JText::_('F_NOTHINGTOSHOW'); }else{ echo $nothingtoshow; } } }else{ //Reduce queries used by getItemid for Content Items $bs = JApplication::getBlogSectionCount(); $bc = JApplication::getBlogCategoryCount(); $gbs = JApplication::getGlobalBlogSectionCount(); //FLEXIcontent Watermark if ($flexiwatermark == 0) { $flexipath = 'components/com_flexicontent/uploads/'; } elseif ($flexiwatermark == 1) { $flexipath = 'images/stories/flexicontent/s_'; }elseif ($flexiwatermark == 2) { $flexipath = 'images/stories/flexicontent/m_'; }elseif ($flexiwatermark == 3) { $flexipath = 'images/stories/flexicontent/l_'; }elseif ($flexiwatermark == 4) { $flexipath = $params->get('FLEXIcustom'); } //Profile Link preparation if ($profilesystem != 0) { if ($profilesystem == 1) { $profilelink = 'index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user='; } elseif ($profilesystem == 2) { $profilelink = 'index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid='; } elseif ($profilesystem == 3) { $profilelink = 'index.php?option=com_jsocialsuite&task=profile.view&id='; } }else{ $profilelink = ""; } //Images alternate floating preparation if ($params->get('show_image') != '0') { $dunno = 1; } //divs check $divcheck = 0; // ---------------------------- OUTPUT ---------------------------- //Module Class SFX echo '
'; //Show category title, image and description if ($params->get('disp_catblock')) { if ($params->get('disp_catimg')) { if ($params->get('catimagewidth') > 0) { $catwidth = ' width="'.$params->get('catimagewidth').'px"'; }else{ $catwidth = ''; } if ($params->get('catimageheight') > 0) { $catheight = ' height="'.$params->get('catimageheight').'px"'; }else{ $catheight = ''; } } echo '
'; if ($params->get('disp_cattit')) { echo '
' . $cattit . '
'; } if ($params->get('disp_catimg')) { echo '' . $cattit . ''; } if ($params->get('disp_catdesc')) { echo '' . $catdesc . ''; } if ($params->get('disp_catline') == '1') { echo '
'; } echo '
'; } //Articles foreach ( $rows as $row ) { //Itemid if ($item_id) { $Itemid = $item_id; }else{ $Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid( $row->id, 0, 0, $bs, $bc, $gbs );} // ---------------------------- IMAGES HANDLING ---------------------------- //Check if no image has to be displayed if ($params->get('show_image') != '0') { // ---------------------------- GET IMAGES ---------------------------- //FLEXIcontent Image Field - recoded in v 2.5 --------- $flexiimg if (($params->get('show_image') == '3') || ($params->get('show_image') == '4') || ($params->get('show_image') == '7') || ($params->get('show_image') == '8')) { $query = 'SELECT value FROM #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations WHERE item_id = ' . $row->id . ' AND field_id = ' . $img_field_id; $db->setQuery($query); $flexiimg4 = $db->loadResult(); if ($flexiimg4) { $flexiimg3 = strstr($flexiimg4, ';'); $flexiimg2 = strstr($flexiimg3, '"'); $flexiimg1 = substr($flexiimg2, 1); list($flexiimg0) = explode('"', $flexiimg1); $flexiimg = $flexipath . $flexiimg0; }else{ $flexiimg = ''; } } //Get category's image -------------------------------- $catimg if (($params->get('show_image') == '5') || ($params->get('show_image') == '6') || ($params->get('show_image') == '7') || ($params->get('show_image') == '8')) { $query = 'SELECT image FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . $row->catid; $db->setQuery($query); $catimg = $db->loadResult(); if ($catimg) { $catimg = 'images/stories/' . $catimg; } } //Get Community Builder Avatar ------------------------ $cbavatar if ($params->get('show_image') == '9') { $query = 'SELECT avatar FROM #__comprofiler WHERE id = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $cbavatar = $db->loadResult(); if ($cbavatar) { $cbavatar = 'images/comprofiler/' . $cbavatar; } } //Get JomSocial Avatar -------------------------------- $jsavatar if ($params->get('show_image') == '10') { if($params->get('js_avatar') == 0) { $query = 'SELECT avatar FROM #__community_users WHERE userid = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $jsavatar = $db->loadResult(); }elseif ($params->get('js_avatar') == 1) { $query = 'SELECT thumb FROM #__community_users WHERE userid = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $jsavatar = $db->loadResult(); } } //Get first of article's images (par Thor) ------------ $getimage if (($params->get('show_image') == '1') || ($params->get('show_image') == '4') || ($params->get('show_image') == '6') || ($params->get('show_image') == '8')) { $wheretolook = $row->introtext . $row->fulltext; $getimage = getFirstImg($wheretolook); } //Get Youtube ID from {youtube} TAG ------------------- $vid if ($params->get('youthumb')) { $wheretolook = $row->introtext . $row->fulltext; $pid = getYoutubeID($wheretolook); if ($pid) { $vid = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" . $pid . "/default.jpg"; } } //Get Image folder from {gallery} TAG ------------------- $gal if ($params->get('gallery')) { $basegalfolder = $params->get('basfold'); $wheretolook = $row->introtext . $row->fulltext; $al = getGalFolder($wheretolook); if ($al) { $fold = $basegalfolder . '/' . $al; $d = dir($fold) or die("Wrong path: $fold"); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry != '.' && $entry != '..' && !is_dir($dir.$entry)) { $gimages[] = $entry; } } $d->close(); $gimgurl = $gimages[0]; if (($gimgurl == "index.htm") || ($gimgurl == "index.html")) { $gimgurl = $gimages[1]; } $gal = $fold . '/' . $gimgurl; $gimages = array(); } } // ---------------------------- ORDER IMAGES ---------------------------- //0 = No Image if ($params->get('show_image') == '1') { //1 = First Image - Default if (!empty ($getimage)) { $image = $getimage; } else { $image = $image_default; } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '2') { //2 = Default Image $image = $image_default; }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '3') { //3 = FLEXIcontent Image - Default if (!empty ($flexiimg)) { $image = $flexiimg; }else{ $image = $image_default; } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '4') { //4 = FLEXI - First - Default if (!empty ($flexiimg)) { $image = $flexiimg; }else{ if (!empty ($getimage)) { $image = $getimage; } else { $image = $image_default; } } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '5') { //Category's Image - Default if (!empty ($catimg)) { $image = $catimg; } else { $image = $image_default; } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '6') { //First - Category - Default if (!empty ($getimage)) { $image = $getimage; }else{ if (!empty ($catimg)) { $image = $catimg; }else{ $image = $image_default; } } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '7') { //FLEXI - Category - Default if (!empty ($flexiimg)) { $image = $flexiimg; }else{ if (!empty ($catimg)) { $image = $catimg; }else{ $image = $image_default; } } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '8') { //FLEXI - First - Category - Default if (!empty ($flexiimg)) { $image = $flexiimg; }else{ if (!empty ($getimage)) { $image = $getimage; }else{ if (!empty ($catimg)) { $image = $catimg; }else{ $image = $image_default; } } } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '9') { //CB Avatar - Default if (!empty ($cbavatar)) { $image = $cbavatar; }else{ $image = $image_default; } }elseif ($params->get('show_image') == '10') { //JS Avatar - Default if (!empty ($jsavatar)) { $image = $jsavatar; }else{ $image = $image_default; } } if ($params->get('gallery')) { //Gallery TAGs - Default (Overrides everything else if available) if ($al) { $image = $gal; } } if ($params->get('youthumb')) { //Youtube Thumbnails - Default (Overrides everything else if available) if ($pid) { $image = $vid; } } // ---------------------------- DISPLAY IMAGES ---------------------------- if ($params->get('use_thumbs')) { //Images - Thumbs //Check if thumbnails folder exists - if not, create it if (!is_dir('images/stories/mod_aidanews_thumbs/')) { mkdir('images/stories/mod_aidanews_thumbs/'); } //If the module has a Thumb Suffix, get it and adjust it if ($params->get('thumbsuffix')) { $tsuff = $params->get('thumbsuffix') . '/'; $foldercheck = 'images/stories/mod_aidanews_thumbs/' . $tsuff; if (!is_dir($foldercheck)) { mkdir($foldercheck); } }else{ $tsuff = ''; } $last = strrpos($image, "/"); $name = substr($image, $last+1); $ext = strrchr($name, '.'); $thumb = substr($name, 0, -strlen($ext)); $newtb = "images/stories/mod_aidanews_thumbs/" . $tsuff . $thumb . ".jpg"; // ABondarets - JoomGallery fix if (strstr($name,"com_joomgallery")) { if (preg_match("/[0-9]{1,}/", $name, $matchesj)) { $query = ' SELECT CONCAT( "/", g.jg_paththumbs, c.catpath, "/", j.imgthumbname ) '; $query = $query.' FROM #__joomgallery j, #__joomgallery_catg c, #__joomgallery_config g '; $query = $query.' WHERE j.catid = c.cid AND j.id ='.$matchesj[0]; $db->setQuery($query); $newtb = $db->loadResult(); if (!empty($imageWidth) or !empty($imageHeight)) { $newtb = $newtb.'" style="'; if (!empty($imageWidth)) { $newtb=$newtb.'width: '.$imageWidth.'px; '; }; if (!empty($imageHeight)) { $newtb=$newtb.'height: '.$imageHeight.'px'; }; }; $jgfile=true; }; }; //if (file_exists($newtb)) {} else { if (file_exists($newtb)) {} elseif(!isset($jgfile)) { // end ABondarets - JoomGallery fix $tb = new ThumbAndCrop(); $tb->openImg($image); if($imageHeight && empty($imageWidth)) { $newWidth = $tb->getRightWidth($imageHeight); $tb->creaThumb($newWidth, $imageHeight); }elseif(empty($imageHeight) && $imageWidth) { $newHeight = $tb->getRightHeight($imageWidth); $tb->creaThumb($imageWidth, $newHeight); }elseif($imageHeight && $imageWidth) { $newWidth = $tb->getRightWidth($imageHeight); $newHeight = $tb->getRightHeight($imageWidth); if ($newWidth > $imageWidth) { $subWidth = ($newWidth - $imageWidth) / 2; $tb->creaThumb($newWidth, $imageHeight); $tb->setThumbAsOriginal(); $tb->cropThumb($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $subWidth, 0); }elseif ($newWidth == $imageWidth) { $tb->creaThumb($imageWidth, $imageHeight); }elseif ($newWidth < $imageWidth) { $subHeight = ($newHeight - $imageHeight) / 2; $tb->creaThumb($imageWidth, $newHeight); $tb->setThumbAsOriginal(); $tb->cropThumb($imageWidth, $imageHeight, 0, $subHeight); } }else{ $orHeight = $tb->getHeight(); $orWidth = $tb->getWidth(); $tb->creaThumb($orWidth, $orHeight); } $tb->saveThumb($newtb, $params->get('quality')); $tb->closeImg(); } if ($params->get('use_tooltips')) { $image_url = ''.$row->title.''; }else{ $image_url = ''.$row->title.''; } }else{ //Images - HTML Resize //Set up the width and height variables if ($imageWidth > 0) { $width = ' width="'.$imageWidth.'px"'; }else{ $width = ''; } if ($imageHeight > 0) { $height = ' height="'.$imageHeight.'px"'; }else{ $height = ''; } if ($params->get('use_tooltips')) { $image_url = ''.$row->title.''; }else{ $image_url = ''.$row->title.''; } } } // Show Introduction if (($params->get('show_intro') == 1) || ($params->get('use_tooltips') == 2)) { if ($params->get('fulltext') == 1 ) { $intro = strip_tags (str_replace ("
"," ",$row->fulltext), $allow); }else{ $intro = strip_tags (str_replace ("
"," ",$row->introtext), $allow); } if ($params->get('stripplugs') == 1 ) { $intro = preg_replace("'{youtube}([^<]*){/youtube}'si", '', $intro); $intro = preg_replace("'{gallery}([^<]*){/gallery}'si", '', $intro); $intro = preg_replace('#\{.*?\}#', '', $intro); } if ($params->get('startfromp') == 1 ) { $intro = strstr($intro, '

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'functions.myblog.php' ); $row->permalinkURL = myGetPermalinkUrl($row->id); $link = $row->permalinkURL; }else{ $link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($row->id, $row->catid, $row->sectionid)); } //Get rating if ($checkrating !== false) { $query = 'SELECT rating_sum FROM #__content_rating WHERE content_id = ' . $row->id; $db->setQuery($query); $voti = $db->loadResult(); if ($params->get('show_rating_average') == '1') { $query = 'SELECT rating_count FROM #__content_rating WHERE content_id = ' . $row->id; $db->setQuery($query); $media = $db->loadResult(); if (empty($media)) { //If $media is 0, $voti has to be 0, so nothing happens. }else{ $voti /= $media; } if ($params->get('roundrating') == 0) { $voti = round($voti); }elseif ($params->get('roundrating') == 1) { $voti = round($voti, 1); }elseif ($params->get('roundrating') == 2) { $voti = round($voti, 2); } } if (empty($voti)) { $voti = 0; } } //Get author name or username if ($checkauthor !== false) { if ($username == 0) { $query = 'SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $author = $db->loadResult(); $ac = 0; }elseif ($username == 1) { $query = 'SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $author = $db->loadResult(); $ac = 0; }elseif ($username == 2) { if ($row->created_by_alias) { $author = $row->created_by_alias; $ac = 1; }else{ $query = 'SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $author = $db->loadResult(); $ac = 0; } }elseif ($username == 3) { if ($row->created_by_alias) { $author = $row->created_by_alias; $ac = 1; }else{ $query = 'SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id = ' . $row->created_by; $db->setQuery($query); $author = $db->loadResult(); $ac = 0; } } } //Get Date if ($checkdate !== false && $params->get('flexi_date') != '1') { if ($params->get('what_date') == 0) { $row->created = JHTML::_('date', $row->created, $dtoutput); $date = $row->created; } elseif ($params->get('what_date') == 1) { $row->modified = JHTML::_('date', $row->modified, $dtoutput); $date = $row->modified; } elseif ($params->get('what_date') == 2) { $row->publish_up = JHTML::_('date', $row->publish_up, $dtoutput); $date = $row->publish_up; } elseif ($params->get('what_date') == 3) { $row->publish_down = JHTML::_('date', $row->publish_down, $dtoutput); $date = $row->publish_down; } } //Get Date from FLEXIcontent if ($checkdate !== false && $params->get('flexi_date') == '1') { $query = 'SELECT value FROM #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations WHERE item_id = ' . $row->id . ' AND field_id = ' . $date_field_id ; $db->setQuery($query); $date = $db->loadResult(); $date = JHTML::_('date', $date, $dtoutput); } //Shorten title if ($checktitle !== false) { if ( $limittitle && strlen( $row->title ) > $limittitle ) { $row->title = substr( $row->title, 0, $limittitle ). $params->get('title_ending'); } } //Get Item Category if ($checkcategory !== false) { $query = 'SELECT title FROM #__categories WHERE id = ' . $row->catid; $db->setQuery($query); $showcat = $db->loadResult(); } //Floating image? if ($params->get('show_image') != '0') { if ($imagefloat == 0) { $imgfloat = "right"; }elseif ($imagefloat == 1) { $imgfloat = "left"; }elseif ($imagefloat == 2) { $imgfloat = "none"; }elseif ($imagefloat == 3) { if (($dunno%2)==0) { $imgfloat = "left"; } else { $imgfloat = "right"; } $dunno++; }elseif ($imagefloat == 4) { if (($dunno%2)==0) { $imgfloat = "right"; } else { $imgfloat = "left"; } $dunno++; } } //Get number of comments if ($commentstable != '0') { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $ctable . ' WHERE ' . $cartcol . ' = ' . $row->id ; $db->setQuery($query); $commenti = $db->loadResult(); if (empty($commenti)) { $commenti = '0'; } } //Singular or plural? if ($commentstable != '0') { if ($commenti == 1) { $commenttitle = $commenttitle_S; }else{ $commenttitle = $commenttitle_P; } } if ($checkrating !== false) { if ($voti == 1) { $ratingtitle = $ratingtitle_S; }else{ $ratingtitle = $ratingtitle_P; } } if ($checkhits !== false) { if ($row->hits == 1) { $hittitle = $hittitle_S; }else{ $hittitle = $hittitle_P; } } //Get Custom Fields if ($checkf1 !== false) { $flexifield1 = FLEXIfield($row->id, $field_1_id, $db); $ft1 = FieldType ($db, $field_1_id); } if ($checkf2 !== false) { $flexifield2 = FLEXIfield($row->id, $field_2_id, $db); $ft2 = FieldType ($db, $field_2_id); } if ($checkf3 !== false) { $flexifield3 = FLEXIfield($row->id, $field_3_id, $db); $ft3 = FieldType ($db, $field_3_id); } if ($checkf4 !== false) { $flexifield4 = FLEXIfield($row->id, $field_4_id, $db); $ft4 = FieldType ($db, $field_4_id); } if ($checkf5 !== false) { $flexifield5 = FLEXIfield($row->id, $field_5_id, $db); $ft5 = FieldType ($db, $field_5_id); } if ($checkf6 !== false) { $flexifield6 = FLEXIfield($row->id, $field_6_id, $db); $ft6 = FieldType ($db, $field_6_id); } //Start from Xth article if ($starter >= $startfrom) { // ---------------------------- Actual Output ---------------------------- if ($params->get('grid_display') == 1) { if ($col == 0) { echo ''; $col++; } if ($col == 1) { echo ''; } if ($params->get('grid_valign')) { if ($colwidth) { echo ''; if ($col < $colmax) { $col++; }elseif (($col == $colmax) || ($col > $colmax)) { echo ''; $col = 1; } } }elseif ($starter < $startfrom) { $starter++; } } if ($params->get('grid_display') == 1) { echo '
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title, $params->get('artblank'), $params->get('linktitle')); } if ($checkdate !== false) { $ddate = OutputDate($params->get('uselangfile'), $dateprefix, $date, $date_css); } if ($checkauthor !== false) { $dauthor = OutputAuthor($params->get('uselangfile'), $authorprefix, $profilesystem, $profilelink, $row->created_by, $author, $author_css, $ac); } if ($checkcategory !== false) { $dcat = OutputCategory($params->get('uselangfile'), $catprefix, $showcat, $category_css); } if ($params->get('commentstable') != '0') { $dcomm = OutputComments($params->get('uselangfile'), $commentprefix, $commenti, $commenttitle, $params->get('show_comment_image'), $body_bottom_css); } if ($checkhits !== false) { $dhits = OutputHits($params->get('show_hits_image'), $params->get('uselangfile'), $hitprefix, $row->hits, $hittitle, $body_bottom_css); } if ($checkrating !== false) { $drating = OutputRating($params->get('show_rating_image'), $params->get('uselangfile'), $ratingprefix, $voti, $ratingtitle, $body_bottom_css); } $drm = OutputRM($params->get('uselangfile'), $link, $params->get('continue_reading'), $params->get('readmore'), $titolo, $row->title, $readmore_css); if ($checkaddcomm !== false) { $daddcomm = Outputaddcomm($params->get('uselangfile'), $link, $addcomm, $readmore_css, $commentstable); } if ($params->get('show_image') != '0') { $dimage = OutputImage($imgfloat, $image_css, $link, $params->get('artblank'), $image_url, $params->get('use_tooltips'), $titolo, $intro); } if ($checkf1 !== false) { $df1 = OutputField($flexi_fields_css, $flexifield1, $ft1); } if ($checkf2 !== false) { $df2 = OutputField($flexi_fields_css, $flexifield2, $ft2); } if ($checkf3 !== false) { $df3 = OutputField($flexi_fields_css, $flexifield3, $ft3); } if ($checkf4 !== false) { $df4 = OutputField($flexi_fields_css, $flexifield4, $ft4); } if ($checkf5 !== false) { $df5 = OutputField($flexi_fields_css, $flexifield5, $ft5); } if ($checkf6 !== false) { $df6 = OutputField($flexi_fields_css, $flexifield6, $ft6); } $sharefb = '' . $fbshare . ''; $turl = get_tiny_url($link); $tweetthis = ''; //No default image if ($params->get('hide_default_image') && $image == $image_default) { $dimage = ""; } $patterns = array ('/\[title\]/', '/\[date\]/', '/\[author\]/', '/\[category\]/', '/\[comments\]/', '/\[hits\]/', '/\[rating\]/', '/\[readmore\]/', '/\[image\]/', '/\[clear\]/', '/\[empty\]/', '/\[addcomments\]/', '/\[flexif1\]/', '/\[flexif2\]/', '/\[flexif3\]/', '/\[flexif4\]/', '/\[flexif5\]/', '/\[flexif6\]/', '/\[fb\]/', '/\[tweet\]/', '/\[id\]/'); $replace = array ($dtitle, $ddate, $dauthor, $dcat, $dcomm, $dhits, $drating, $drm, $dimage, $dclear, $dempty, $daddcomm, $df1, $df2, $df3, $df4, $df5, $df6, $sharefb, $tweetthis, $row->id); if ($top1) { if ($divcheck == 0) { $top1 = '
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get('readmore_introtext')) { echo $drm; }?>
' . $bottom . '
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get('grid_display') == 1) { echo '
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get('moreblank') == 1) {echo 'target="_blank"';} ?> >get('uselangfile') == 1) { echo JText::_('F_MOREARTICLES'); }else{ echo $morewhat; }?>