# Styleguide This styleguide defines the conventions that have been agreed upon when writing Swift code at Boinx Software. When contributing to this repository, the styleguide must be followed. ## Swift Code In general, please refer to the [Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide](https://github.com/raywenderlich/swift-style-guide) for a set of sane *defaults*. This document lists certain aspects of writing Swift code that either differ from the Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide or that are particularly important for our organization. ### Method and Conditional Braces In contrast to many resources, we prefer method braces and other braces (if/else/switch/while etc.) to always **open on the line below** the statement and also close on a new line. Preferred: ```swift if someCondition { // bla } else { // foo } func myMethod(withArgument argument: Int, anotherArgument: Bool) { // content } ```