# TxContent ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **hash** | **String** | Transaction hash | **block** | **String** | Block hash | **blockHeight** | **Int** | Block number | **slot** | **Int** | Slot number | **index** | **Int** | Transaction index within the block | **outputAmount** | [TxContentOutputAmount] | | **fees** | **String** | Fees of the transaction in Lovelaces | **deposit** | **String** | Deposit within the transaction in Lovelaces | **size** | **Int** | Size of the transaction in Bytes | **invalidBefore** | **String** | Left (included) endpoint of the timelock validity intervals | **invalidHereafter** | **String** | Right (excluded) endpoint of the timelock validity intervals | **utxoCount** | **Int** | Count of UTXOs within the transaction | **withdrawalCount** | **Int** | Count of the withdrawals within the transaction | **mirCertCount** | **Int** | Count of the MIR certificates within the transaction | **delegationCount** | **Int** | Count of the delegations within the transaction | **stakeCertCount** | **Int** | Count of the stake keys (de)registration and delegation certificates within the transaction | **poolUpdateCount** | **Int** | Count of the stake pool registration and update certificates within the transaction | **poolRetireCount** | **Int** | Count of the stake pool retirement certificates within the transaction | **assetMintOrBurnCount** | **Int** | Count of asset mints and burns within the transaction | **redeemerCount** | **Int** | Count of redeemers within the transaction | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)