# EpochParamContent ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **epoch** | **Int** | Epoch number | **minFeeA** | **Int** | The linear factor for the minimum fee calculation for given epoch | **minFeeB** | **Int** | The constant factor for the minimum fee calculation | **maxBlockSize** | **Int** | Maximum block body size in Bytes | **maxTxSize** | **Int** | Maximum transaction size | **maxBlockHeaderSize** | **Int** | Maximum block header size | **keyDeposit** | **String** | The amount of a key registration deposit in Lovelaces | **poolDeposit** | **String** | The amount of a pool registration deposit in Lovelaces | **eMax** | **Int** | Epoch bound on pool retirement | **nOpt** | **Int** | Desired number of pools | **a0** | **Double** | Pool pledge influence | **rho** | **Double** | Monetary expansion | **tau** | **Double** | Treasury expansion | **decentralisationParam** | **Double** | Percentage of blocks produced by federated nodes | **extraEntropy** | [**AnyCodable**](.md) | Seed for extra entropy | **protocolMajorVer** | **Int** | Accepted protocol major version | **protocolMinorVer** | **Int** | Accepted protocol minor version | **minUtxo** | **String** | Minimum UTXO value | **minPoolCost** | **String** | Minimum stake cost forced on the pool | **nonce** | **String** | Epoch number only used once | **priceMem** | **Double** | The per word cost of script memory usage | **priceStep** | **Double** | The cost of script execution step usage | **maxTxExMem** | **String** | The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single transaction | **maxTxExSteps** | **String** | The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single transaction | **maxBlockExMem** | **String** | The maximum number of execution memory allowed to be used in a single block | **maxBlockExSteps** | **String** | The maximum number of execution steps allowed to be used in a single block | **maxValSize** | **String** | The maximum Val size | **collateralPercent** | **Double** | The percentage of the transactions fee which must be provided as collateral when including non-native scripts | **maxCollateralInputs** | **Int** | The maximum number of collateral inputs allowed in a transaction | **coinsPerUtxoWord** | **String** | The cost per UTxO word | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)