import android.os.*; import*; import*; import android.view.*; import*; import android.content.*; import android.util.*; import android.hardware.*; import android.widget.*; import android.view.inputmethod.*; import android.content.res.*; import android.opengl.*; import android.text.*; import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10; import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig; import com.monkey.LangUtil; class ActivityDelegate{ public void onStart(){ } public void onRestart(){ } public void onResume(){ } public void onPause(){ } public void onStop(){ } public void onDestroy(){ } public void onActivityResult( int requestCode,int resultCode,Intent data ){ } public void onNewIntent( Intent intent ){ } } class BBAndroidGame extends BBGame implements GLSurfaceView.Renderer,SensorEventListener{ static BBAndroidGame _androidGame; Activity _activity; GameView _view; List _activityDelegates=new LinkedList(); int _reqCode; Display _display; long _nextUpdate; long _updatePeriod; boolean _canRender; float[] _joyx=new float[2]; float[] _joyy=new float[2]; float[] _joyz=new float[2]; boolean[] _buttons=new boolean[32]; public BBAndroidGame( Activity activity,GameView view ){ _androidGame=this; _activity=activity; _view=view; _display=_activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); System.setOut( new PrintStream( new LogTool() ) ); } public static BBAndroidGame AndroidGame(){ return _androidGame; } //***** LogTool ****** static class LogTool extends OutputStream{ ByteArrayOutputStream out=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); @Override public void write( int b ) throws IOException{ if( b==(int)'\n' ){ Log.i( "[Monkey]",new String( this.out.toByteArray() ) ); this.out=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); }else{ this.out.write(b); } } } void ValidateUpdateTimer(){ _nextUpdate=0; _updatePeriod=0; if( _updateRate!=0 ) _updatePeriod=1000000000/_updateRate; } //***** GameView ***** public static class GameView extends GLSurfaceView{ Object args1[]=new Object[1]; float[] _touchX=new float[32]; float[] _touchY=new float[32]; boolean _useMulti; Method _getPointerCount,_getPointerId,_getX,_getY; boolean _useGamepad; Method _getSource,_getAxisValue; void init(){ //get multi-touch methods try{ Class cls=Class.forName( "android.view.MotionEvent" ); Class intClass[]=new Class[]{ Integer.TYPE }; _getPointerCount=cls.getMethod( "getPointerCount" ); _getPointerId=cls.getMethod( "getPointerId",intClass ); _getX=cls.getMethod( "getX",intClass ); _getY=cls.getMethod( "getY",intClass ); _useMulti=true; }catch( Exception ex ){ } if( MonkeyConfig.ANDROID_GAMEPAD_ENABLED.equals( "1" ) ){ try{ //get gamepad methods Class cls=Class.forName( "android.view.MotionEvent" ); Class intClass[]=new Class[]{ Integer.TYPE }; _getSource=cls.getMethod( "getSource" ); _getAxisValue=cls.getMethod( "getAxisValue",intClass ); _useGamepad=true; }catch( Exception ex ){ } } } public GameView( Context context ){ super( context ); init(); } public GameView( Context context,AttributeSet attrs ){ super( context,attrs ); init(); } /* public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection( EditorInfo outAttrs ){ //voodoo to disable various undesirable soft keyboard features such as predictive text and fullscreen mode. outAttrs.inputType=InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT|InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD|InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS; outAttrs.imeOptions=EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN|EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI; return null; } */ public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection( EditorInfo outAttrs ){ //voodoo to disable various undesirable soft keyboard features such as predictive text and fullscreen mode. outAttrs.inputType=InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT|InputType.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD|InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS; outAttrs.imeOptions=EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_FULLSCREEN|EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI; outAttrs.initialSelStart=-1; outAttrs.initialSelEnd=-1; return new BackspaceInputConnection( this,false ); } //Yet more voodoo courtesy of secondgear private class BackspaceInputConnection extends BaseInputConnection { public BackspaceInputConnection( View targetView,boolean fullEditor ){ super( targetView,fullEditor ); } public boolean deleteSurroundingText( int beforeLength,int afterLength ){ if( beforeLength==1 && afterLength==0 ){ return super.sendKeyEvent( new KeyEvent( KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN,KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL ) ) && super.sendKeyEvent( new KeyEvent( KeyEvent.ACTION_UP,KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL ) ); } return super.deleteSurroundingText( beforeLength,afterLength ); } } //View event handling public boolean dispatchKeyEventPreIme( KeyEvent event ){ if( _useGamepad ){ int button=-1; switch( event.getKeyCode() ){ case 96: button=0;break; //A case 97: button=1;break; //B case 99: button=2;break; //X case 100:button=3;break; //Y case 102:button=4;break; //LB case 103:button=5;break; //RB case 108:button=7;break; //START case 21: button=8;break; //LEFT case 19: button=9;break; //UP case 22: button=10;break; //RIGHT case 20: button=11;break; //DOWN } if( button!=-1 ){ _androidGame._buttons[button]=(event.getAction()==KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN); return true; } } //Convert back button to ESC in soft keyboard mode... if( _androidGame._keyboardEnabled ){ if( event.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK ){ if( event.getAction()==KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN ){ _androidGame.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyChar,27 ); } return true; } } return false; } public boolean onKeyDown( int key,KeyEvent event ){ int vkey=-1; switch( event.getKeyCode() ){ case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU:vkey=0x1a1;break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH:vkey=0x1a3;break; } if( vkey!=-1 ){ _androidGame.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyDown,vkey ); _androidGame.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyUp,vkey ); return true; } if( !_androidGame._keyboardEnabled ) return false; if( event.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL ){ _androidGame.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyChar,8 ); }else{ int chr=event.getUnicodeChar(); if( chr!=0 ){ _androidGame.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyChar,chr==10 ? 13 : chr ); } } return true; } public boolean onKeyMultiple( int keyCode,int repeatCount,KeyEvent event ){ if( !_androidGame._keyboardEnabled ) return false; String str=event.getCharacters(); for( int i=0;i>ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT; args1[0]=Integer.valueOf( index ); int pid=((Integer)_getPointerId.invoke( event,args1 )).intValue(); float x=_touchX[pid]=((Float)_getX.invoke( event,args1 )).floatValue(); float y=_touchY[pid]=((Float)_getY.invoke( event,args1 )).floatValue(); if( masked==ACTION_DOWN || masked==ACTION_POINTER_DOWN ){ _androidGame.TouchEvent( BBGameEvent.TouchDown,pid,x,y ); }else{ _androidGame.TouchEvent( BBGameEvent.TouchUp,pid,x,y ); } } int pointerCount=((Integer)_getPointerCount.invoke( event )).intValue(); for( int i=0;i sensorList=sensorManager.getSensorList( Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER ); Iterator it=sensorList.iterator(); if( it.hasNext() ){ Sensor; sensorManager.registerListener( this,sensor,SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME ); } //audio volume control _activity.setVolumeControlStream( AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC ); //GL version if( MonkeyConfig.OPENGL_GLES20_ENABLED.equals( "1" ) ){ // //_view.setEGLContextClientVersion( 2 ); //API 8 only! // try{ Class clas=_view.getClass(); Class parms[]=new Class[]{ Integer.TYPE }; Method setVersion=clas.getMethod( "setEGLContextClientVersion",parms ); Object args[]=new Object[1]; args[0]=Integer.valueOf( 2 ); setVersion.invoke( _view,args ); }catch( Exception ex ){ } } _view.setRenderer( this ); _view.setFocusableInTouchMode( true ); _view.requestFocus(); } //***** GLSurfaceView.Renderer ***** public void onDrawFrame( GL10 gl ){ if( !_canRender ) return; StartGame(); if( _updateRate==0 ){ UpdateGame(); RenderGame(); return; } if( _nextUpdate==0 ){ _nextUpdate=System.nanoTime(); }else{ long delay=_nextUpdate-System.nanoTime(); if( delay>0 ){ try{ Thread.sleep( delay/1000000 ); }catch( InterruptedException e ){ _nextUpdate=0; } } } int i=0; for( ;i<4;++i ){ UpdateGame(); if( _nextUpdate==0 ) break; _nextUpdate+=_updatePeriod; if( _nextUpdate>System.nanoTime() ) break; } if( i==4 ) _nextUpdate=0; RenderGame(); } public void onSurfaceChanged( GL10 gl,int width,int height ){ } public void onSurfaceCreated( GL10 gl,EGLConfig config ){ _canRender=true; DiscardGraphics(); } //***** SensorEventListener ***** public void onAccuracyChanged( Sensor sensor,int accuracy ){ } public void onSensorChanged( SensorEvent event ){ Sensor sensor=event.sensor; float x,y,z; switch( sensor.getType() ){ case Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION: break; case Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER: // switch( _display.getRotation() ){ switch( _display.getOrientation() ){ //deprecated in API 8, but we support 3... case Surface.ROTATION_0: x=event.values[0]/-9.81f; y=event.values[1]/9.81f; break; case Surface.ROTATION_90: x=event.values[1]/9.81f; y=event.values[0]/9.81f; break; case Surface.ROTATION_180: x=event.values[0]/9.81f; y=event.values[1]/-9.81f; break; case Surface.ROTATION_270: x=event.values[1]/-9.81f; y=event.values[0]/-9.81f; break; default: x=event.values[0]/-9.81f; y=event.values[1]/9.81f; break; } z=event.values[2]/-9.81f; MotionEvent( BBGameEvent.MotionAccel,-1,x,y,z ); break; } } } class AndroidGame extends Activity{ BBAndroidGame _game; GameView _view; //***** GameView ***** public static class GameView extends BBAndroidGame.GameView{ public GameView( Context context ){ super( context ); } public GameView( Context context,AttributeSet attrs ){ super( context,attrs ); } } //***** Activity ***** public void onWindowFocusChanged( boolean hasFocus ){ if( hasFocus ){ _view.onResume(); _game.ResumeGame(); }else{ _game.SuspendGame(); _view.onPause(); } } @Override public void onBackPressed(){ //deprecating this! _game.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyDown,27 ); _game.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyUp,27 ); //new KEY_BACK value... _game.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyDown,0x1a0 ); _game.KeyEvent( BBGameEvent.KeyUp,0x1a0 ); } @Override public void onStart(){ super.onResume(); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onStart(); } } @Override public void onRestart(){ super.onResume(); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onRestart(); } } @Override public void onResume(){ super.onResume(); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onResume(); } } @Override public void onPause(){ super.onPause(); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onPause(); } } @Override public void onStop(){ super.onResume(); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onStop(); } } @Override protected void onDestroy(){ super.onDestroy(); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onDestroy(); } } @Override protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode,int resultCode,Intent data ){ for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onActivityResult( requestCode,resultCode,data ); } } @Override public void onNewIntent( Intent intent ){ super.onNewIntent( intent ); for( ActivityDelegate delegate : _game._activityDelegates ){ delegate.onNewIntent( intent ); } } }