require 'ostruct' # # Wirble: A collection of useful Irb features. # # To use, add the following to your ~/.irbrc: # # require 'rubygems' # require 'wirble' # Wirble.init # # If you want color in Irb, add this to your ~/.irbrc as well: # # Wirble.colorize # # Note: I spent a fair amount of time documenting this code in the # README. If you've installed via RubyGems, root around your cache a # little bit (or fire up gem_server) and read it before you tear your # hair out sifting through the code below. # module Wirble VERSION = '' # # Load internal Ruby features, including pp, tab-completion, # and a simple prompt. # module Internals # list of internal libraries to automatically load LIBRARIES = %w{pp irb/completion} # # load libraries # def self.init_libraries LIBRARIES.each do |lib| begin require lib rescue LoadError nil end end end # # Set a simple prompt, unless a custom one has been specified. # def self.init_prompt # set the prompt if IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] == :DEFAULT IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :SIMPLE end end # # Load all Ruby internal features. # def self.init(opt = nil) init_libraries unless opt && opt[:skip_libraries] init_prompt unless opt && opt[:skip_prompt] end end # # Basic IRB history support. This is based on the tips from # # class History DEFAULTS = { :history_path => ENV['IRB_HISTORY_FILE'] || "~/.irb_history", :history_size => (ENV['IRB_HISTORY_SIZE'] || 1000).to_i, :history_perms => File::WRONLY | File::CREAT | File::TRUNC, :history_uniq => true, } private def say(*args) puts(*args) if @verbose end def cfg(key) @opt["history_#{key}".intern] end def save_history path, max_size, perms, uniq = %w{path size perms uniq}.map { |v| cfg(v) } # read lines from history, and truncate the list (if necessary) lines = Readline::HISTORY.to_a lines.reverse! if reverse = uniq.to_s == 'reverse' lines.uniq! if uniq lines.reverse! if reverse lines.slice!(0, lines.size - max_size) if lines.size > max_size # write the history file real_path = File.expand_path(path), perms) { |fh| fh.puts lines } say 'Saved %d lines to history file %s.' % [lines.size, path] end def load_history # expand history file and make sure it exists real_path = File.expand_path(cfg('path')) unless File.exist?(real_path) say "History file #{real_path} doesn't exist." return end # read lines from file and add them to history lines = File.readlines(real_path).map { |line| line.chomp } Readline::HISTORY.push(*lines) say 'Read %d lines from history file %s' % [lines.size, cfg('path')] end public def initialize(opt = nil) @opt = DEFAULTS.merge(opt || {}) return unless defined? Readline::HISTORY load_history Kernel.at_exit { save_history } end end # # Add color support to IRB. # module Colorize # # Tokenize an inspection string. # module Tokenizer def self.tokenize(str) raise 'missing block' unless block_given? chars = str.split(//) # $stderr.puts "DEBUG: chars = #{chars.join(',')}" state, val, i, lc = [], '', 0, nil while i <= chars.size repeat = false c = chars[i] # $stderr.puts "DEBUG: state = #{state}" case state[-1] when nil case c when ':' state << :symbol when '"' state << :string when '#' state << :object when /[a-z]/i state << :keyword repeat = true when /[0-9-]/ state << :number repeat = true when '{' yield :open_hash, '{' when '[' yield :open_array, '[' when ']' yield :close_array, ']' when '}' yield :close_hash, '}' when /\s/ yield :whitespace, c when ',' yield :comma, ',' when '>' yield :refers, '=>' if lc == '=' when '.' yield :range, '..' if lc == '.' when '=' # ignore these, they're used elsewhere nil else # $stderr.puts "DEBUG: ignoring char #{c}" end when :symbol case c # XXX: should have =, but that messes up foo=>bar when /[a-z0-9_!?]/ val << c else yield :symbol_prefix, ':' yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' repeat = true end when :string case c when '"' if lc == "\\" val[-1] = ?" else yield :open_string, '"' yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' yield :close_string, '"' end else val << c end when :keyword case c when /[a-z0-9_]/i val << c else # is this a class? st = val =~ /^[A-Z]/ ? :class : state[-1] yield st, val state.pop; val = '' repeat = true end when :number case c when /[0-9e-]/ val << c when '.' if lc == '.' val[/\.$/] = '' yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' yield :range, '..' else val << c end else yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' repeat = true end when :object case c when '<' yield :open_object, '#<' state << :object_class when ':' state << :object_addr when '@' state << :object_line when '>' yield :close_object, '>' state.pop; val = '' end when :object_class case c when ':' yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' repeat = true else val << c end when :object_addr case c when '>' when '@' yield :object_addr_prefix, ':' yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' repeat = true else val << c end when :object_line case c when '>' yield :object_line_prefix, '@' yield state[-1], val state.pop; val = '' repeat = true else val << c end else raise "unknown state #{state}" end unless repeat i += 1 lc = c end end end end # # Terminal escape codes for colors. # module Color COLORS = { :nothing => '0;0', :black => '0;30', :red => '0;31', :green => '0;32', :brown => '0;33', :blue => '0;34', :cyan => '0;36', :purple => '0;35', :light_gray => '0;37', :dark_gray => '1;30', :light_red => '1;31', :light_green => '1;32', :yellow => '1;33', :light_blue => '1;34', :light_cyan => '1;36', :light_purple => '1;35', :white => '1;37', } # # Return the escape code for a given color. # def self.escape(key) COLORS.key?(key) && "\033[#{COLORS[key]}m" end end # # Default Wirble color scheme. # DEFAULT_COLORS = { # delimiter colors :comma => :blue, :refers => :blue, # container colors (hash and array) :open_hash => :green, :close_hash => :green, :open_array => :green, :close_array => :green, # object colors :open_object => :light_red, :object_class => :white, :object_addr_prefix => :blue, :object_line_prefix => :blue, :close_object => :light_red, # symbol colors :symbol => :yellow, :symbol_prefix => :yellow, # string colors :open_string => :red, :string => :cyan, :close_string => :red, # misc colors :number => :cyan, :keyword => :green, :class => :light_green, :range => :red, } # # Fruity testing colors. # TESTING_COLORS = { :comma => :red, :refers => :red, :open_hash => :blue, :close_hash => :blue, :open_array => :green, :close_array => :green, :open_object => :light_red, :object_class => :light_green, :object_addr => :purple, :object_line => :light_purple, :close_object => :light_red, :symbol => :yellow, :symbol_prefix => :yellow, :number => :cyan, :string => :cyan, :keyword => :white, :range => :light_blue, } # # Set color map to hash # def self.colors=(hash) @colors = hash end # # Get current color map # def self.colors @colors ||= {}.update(DEFAULT_COLORS) end # # Return a string with the given color. # def self.colorize_string(str, color) col, nocol = [color, :nothing].map { |key| Color.escape(key) } col ? "#{col}#{str}#{nocol}" : str end # # Colorize the results of inspect # def self.colorize(str) begin ret, nocol = '', Color.escape(:nothing) Tokenizer.tokenize(str) do |tok, val| # c = Color.escape(colors[tok]) ret << colorize_string(val, colors[tok]) end ret rescue # catch any errors from the tokenizer (just in case) str end end # # Enable colorized IRB results. # def self.enable(custom_colors = nil) # if there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears. ::IRB::Irb.class_eval do alias :non_color_output_value :output_value def output_value if @context.inspect? val = Colorize.colorize(@context.last_value.inspect) printf @context.return_format, val else printf @context.return_format, @context.last_value end end end self.colors = custom_colors if custom_colors end # # Disable colorized IRB results. # def self.disable ::IRB::Irb.class_eval do alias :output_value :non_color_output_value end end end # # Convenient shortcut methods. # module Shortcuts # # Print object methods, sorted by name. (excluding methods that # exist in the class Object) . # def po(o) o.methods.sort - Object.methods end # # Print object constants, sorted by name. # def poc(o) o.constants.sort end end # # Convenient shortcut for ri # module RiShortcut def self.init Kernel.class_eval { def ri(arg) puts `ri '#{arg}'` end } Module.instance_eval { def ri(meth=nil) if meth if instance_methods(false).include? meth.to_s puts `ri #{self}##{meth}` else super end else puts `ri #{self}` end end } end end # # Enable color results. # def self.colorize(custom_colors = nil) Colorize.enable(custom_colors) end # # Load everything except color. # def self.init(opt = nil) # make sure opt isn't nil opt ||= {} # load internal irb/ruby features Internals.init(opt) unless opt && opt[:skip_internals] # load the history unless opt && opt[:skip_history] # load shortcuts unless opt && opt[:skip_shortcuts] # load ri shortcuts RiShortcut.init # include common shortcuts Object.class_eval { include Shortcuts } end colorize(opt[:colors]) if opt && opt[:init_colors] end end