// (c) 2012 Kyle Graehl / Patrick Williams, BitTorrent Inc. // Btapp may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // For all details and documentation: // http://pwmckenna.github.com/btapp (function() { "use strict"; function assert(b, err) { if(!b) { throw err; } } //validate dependencies assert(typeof JSON !== 'undefined', 'JSON is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof _ !== 'undefined', 'underscore/lodash is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof jQuery !== 'undefined', 'jQuery is a hard dependency'); function isMac() { var match = navigator.userAgent.match(/Macintosh/); return match !== undefined && match !== null; } var add_plugin = _.memoize(function(mime_type) { var ret = new jQuery.Deferred(); var obj = document.createElement('object'); var onload = mime_type + '_onload'; window[onload] = function() { ret.resolve(); }; var div = document.createElement('div'); jQuery(div).css({'position':'absolute','left':'-999em','z-index':-1}); div.innerHTML = '' + '' + ''; document.body.appendChild(div); return ret; }); //utility function to wait for some condition //this ends up being helpful as we toggle between a flow chart and a state diagram function when(condition, functionality, interval) { var when_func = function() { if(condition.call()) { functionality.call(); } else { setTimeout(when_func, interval || 500); } }; _.defer(when_func); } function getCSS(url) { jQuery(document.createElement('link') ).attr({ href: url, type: 'text/css', rel: 'stylesheet' }).appendTo('head'); } function initializeFacebox() { jQuery.facebox.settings.overlay = true; // to disable click outside overlay to disable it jQuery.facebox.settings.closeImage = 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/facebox/src/closelabel.png'; jQuery.facebox.settings.loadingImage = 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/facebox/src/loading.gif'; jQuery.facebox.settings.opacity = 0.6; } this.PluginManagerView = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function(options) { this.model.on('plugin:install_plugin', this.download, this); this.model.on('plugin:plugin_updated', this.restart, this); }, setup: function(callback, context) { //make sure that we've loaded what we need to display if(typeof jQuery.facebox === 'undefined') { getCSS('https://torque.bittorrent.com/facebox/src/facebox.css'); jQuery.getScript( 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/facebox/src/facebox.js', _.bind(this.setup, this, callback, context) ); return; } initializeFacebox(); callback.call(context); }, restart: function(options) { options.abort = true; this.setup(function() { var dialog = jQuery('
'); dialog.attr('id', 'plugin_download'); dialog.css('position', 'absolute'); dialog.css('height', '200px'); dialog.css('width', '400px'); dialog.css('left', '%50'); dialog.css('margin-left', '-200px'); var paragraph = jQuery('

'); paragraph.text('The ' + this.model.get('product') + ' plugin needs to complete an update. Please restart your browser.'); dialog.append(paragraph); dialog.hide(); jQuery('body').append(dialog); jQuery.facebox({ div: '#plugin_download' }); }, this); }, download: function(options) { options.install = true; this.setup(function() { var dialog = jQuery('
'); dialog.attr('id', 'plugin_download'); dialog.css('position', 'absolute'); dialog.css('height', '200px'); dialog.css('width', '400px'); dialog.css('left', '%50'); dialog.css('margin-left', '-200px'); var button_url = this.model.get('download_url'); var html ='

' + 'This site requires the ' + this.model.get('product') + ' plugin.
' + 'By installing this software, you
are agreeing to the EULA

' + 'Download' + '

'; dialog.append(html); this.model.on('plugin:plugin_installed', function() { jQuery(document).trigger('close.facebox'); jQuery('#plugin_download').remove(); }); dialog.hide(); jQuery('body').append(dialog); jQuery.facebox({ div: '#plugin_download' }); }, this); } }); this.PluginManager = Backbone.Model.extend({ soshare_props: { latest_version: '4.4.1', mime_type: 'application/x-gyre-soshare', activex_progid: 'gyre.soshare', windows_download_url: 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/SoShare.msi', osx_download_url: 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/SoShare.pkg' }, torque_props: { latest_version: '4.3.8', mime_type: 'application/x-bittorrent-torque', activex_progid: 'bittorrent.torque', windows_download_url: 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/Torque.msi', osx_download_url: 'https://torque.bittorrent.com/Torque.pkg' }, defaults: { //Avoid DOM collisions by having a ridiculous id. pid: 'btapp_plugin_WARNING_HAVE_NOT_INITIALIZED', //All BitTorrent products have this number appended to their window names window_hash: '4823', product: 'Torque' }, initialize: function() { _.bindAll(this); this.set('pid', 'btapp_plugin_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1024)); if(this.get('product') === 'SoShare') { _.each(this.soshare_props, function(value, key) { if(!this.has(key)) { this.set(key, value); } }, this); } else if(this.get('product') === 'Torque' || this.get('product') === 'uTorrent' || this.get('product') === 'BitTorrent') { //Everyone else can piggy back on the torque plugin _.each(this.torque_props, function(value, key) { if(!this.has(key)) { this.set(key, value); } }, this); } var download_url = isMac() ? this.get('osx_download_url') : this.get('windows_download_url'); this.set('download_url', download_url); //when we load jquery, we should defer a call to mime_type_check jQuery(_.bind(_.defer, this, this.mime_type_check)); }, disconnect: function() { }, //we know nothing. we want: //the plugin installed //the plugin up to date //the client installed //the client running mime_type_check: function() { if(this.supports_mime_type()) { this.mime_type_check_yes(); } else { this.mime_type_check_no(); } }, mime_type_check_no: function() { var switches = {'install':false}; this.trigger('plugin:install_plugin', switches); when(this.supports_mime_type, this.mime_type_check_yes); }, mime_type_check_yes: function() { this.trigger('plugin:plugin_installed'); var add = add_plugin(this.get('mime_type')); add.then(_.bind(function() { this.trigger('plugin:plugin_running'); this.plugin_up_to_date_check(); }, this)); }, plugin_up_to_date_check: function() { if(this.plugin_up_to_date()) { this.plugin_up_to_date_yes(); } else { this.plugin_up_to_date_no(); } }, plugin_up_to_date_yes: function() { this.client_installed_check(); }, plugin_up_to_date_no: function() { var updateoptions = {'update':true}; this.trigger('plugin:update_plugin', updateoptions); if(updateoptions.update) { this.get_plugin().checkForUpdate(_.bind(this.plugin_up_to_date_yes, this)); } else { this.plugin_up_to_date_yes(); } }, //the plugin is installed. good. client_installed_check: function() { if(this.client_installed()) { this.client_installed_check_yes(); } else { this.client_installed_check_no(); } }, client_installed_check_no: function() { var installoptions = {'install':true}; this.trigger('plugin:install_client', installoptions); if(installoptions.install) { this.get_plugin().downloadProgram(this.get('product'), _.bind(function(a,b,c,d,key) { jQuery.jStorage.set('pairing_key', key); this.trigger('plugin:downloaded_client'); }, this)); when(this.client_installed, this.client_running_check_yes); } else { var runningcheckoptions = {'check':false}; this.trigger('plugin:check_for_running_client', runningcheckoptions); if(runningcheckoptions.check) { this.client_running_check(); } } }, client_installed_check_yes: function() { this.trigger('plugin:client_installed'); this.client_running_check(); }, //the client is installed. good. client_running_check: function() { if(this.client_running()) { this.client_running_check_yes(); } else { this.client_running_check_no(); } }, client_running_check_no: function() { var switches = {'run':true}; this.trigger('plugin:run_client', switches); if(switches.run) { this.get_plugin().runProgram(this.get('product'), function() {}); } when(this.client_running, this.client_running_check_yes); }, client_running_check_yes: function() { //well i'll be...looks like we made it to the end. this.trigger('plugin:client_running'); }, // Plugin Specific Functionality // --------------------------- supports_mime_type: function() { if(window.location.protocol === 'chrome-extension:') { //if we're in a chrome extension, assume we have the mime type available return true; } var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE') !== -1) ? true : false; if(isIE) { try { var tq = new ActiveXObject(this.get('activex_progid')); return tq !== undefined; } catch (e) { return false; } } else { navigator.plugins.refresh(); for (var i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) { var plugin = navigator.plugins[i][0]; if (plugin.type === this.get('mime_type')) { return true; } } return false; } }, plugin_up_to_date: function() { if(window.location.protocol === 'chrome-extension:') { //if we're in a chrome extension, there's a different update path return true; } var version = this.get_plugin().version; var version_arr = _.map(version.split('.'), function(i) { return parseInt(i, 10); }); var required_version_arr = _.map(this.get('latest_version').split('.'), function(i) { return parseInt(i, 10); }); for (var i=0; i required_version_arr[i]) { return true; } } return true; }, get_plugin: function() { var plugins = jQuery('[type="' + this.get('mime_type') + '"]'); assert(plugins.length === 1, 'cannot call get_plugin before adding the plugin'); return plugins[0]; }, plugin_loaded: function() { assert(this.supports_mime_type(), 'you have not installed the plugin yet'); assert(jQuery('#' + this.get('pid')).length !== 0, 'you have not yet added the plugin'); return this.get_plugin().version; }, // Client Specific Functionality // --------------------------- // Lets ask the plugin if the specific client is running. get_window_name: function(product) { if (product === 'uTorrent') { return 'Torrent4823'; } else { return product; } }, client_running: function() { var ret = this.get_plugin().isRunning(this.get_window_name(this.get('product'))); if(typeof ret === 'object') { return ret && ret.length > 0; } else { return ret; } }, client_installed: function() { var version = this.get_plugin().getInstallVersion(this.get('product')); var not_supported = 'This application is not supported.'; assert(version !== not_supported, not_supported); return version; } }); }).call(this);