// (c) 2012 Patrick Williams, BitTorrent Inc. // Btapp may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // For all details and documentation: // http://pwmckenna.github.com/btapp // Torrent Client (base functionality for Falcon/Local Torrent Clients) // ------------- // TorrentClient provides a very thin wrapper around the web api // It should facilitate finding the correct port and connecting if // necessary to the user computer through falcon...by default uses localhost // TorrentClient is responsible for the mapping between functions // passed to as arguments and the string that proxies them to the client // TorrentClient is responsible for creating functions that wrap around // specific urls that can can be dangled off of models so that when we call // stop on a torrent file, the torrent specific url is accessed without any // effort on the part of the client // Keep in mind that because jsonp won't time out naturally, we impose our own // timeouts...this can lead to some less than desirable code :( (function() { "use strict"; function assert(b, err) { if(!b) { throw err; } } //validate dependencies assert(typeof JSON !== 'undefined', 'JSON is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof _ !== 'undefined', 'underscore/lodash is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof PluginManager !== 'undefined', 'plugin.btapp.js is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof Pairing !== 'undefined', 'pairing.btapp.js is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof jQuery !== 'undefined', 'jQuery is a hard dependency'); assert(typeof jQuery.jStorage !== 'undefined', 'jQuery.jStorage is a hard dependency'); //we will sadly need to fiddle with some globals for falcon one offs. var root = this; this.TorrentClient = Backbone.Model.extend({ initialize: function(attributes) { this.btappCallbacks = {}; }, // We can't send function pointers to the torrent client server, so we'll send // the name of the callback, and the server can call this by sending an event with // the name and args back to us. We're responsible for making the call to the function // when we detect this. This is the same way that jquery handles ajax callbacks. storeCallbackFunction: function(cb) { cb = cb || function() {}; var str = 'bt_'; for(var i = 0; i < 20 || (str in this.btappCallbacks); i++) { str += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10); } this.btappCallbacks[str] = cb; return str; }, // We expect function signatures that come from the client to have a specific syntax isRPCFunctionSignature: function(f) { assert(typeof f === 'string', 'do not check function signature of non-strings'); return f.match(/\[native function\](\([^\)]*\))+/) || f.match(/\[nf\](\([^\)]*\))+/); }, isJSFunctionSignature: function(f) { assert(typeof f === 'string', 'do not check function signature of non-strings'); return f.match(/\[nf\]bt_/); }, getStoredFunction: function(f) { assert(TorrentClient.prototype.isJSFunctionSignature(f), 'only store functions that match the pattern "[nf]bt_*"'); var key = f.substring(4); assert(key in this.btappCallbacks, 'trying to get a function with a key that is not recognized'); return this.btappCallbacks[key]; }, // Seeing as we're interfacing with a strongly typed language c/c++ we need to // ensure that our types are at least close enough to coherse into the desired types // takes something along the lines of "[native function](string,unknown)(string)". validateArguments: function(functionValue, variables) { assert(typeof functionValue === 'string', 'expected functionValue to be a string'); assert(typeof variables === 'object', 'expected variables to be an object'); var signatures = functionValue.match(/\(.*?\)/g); return _.any(signatures, function(signature) { signature = signature.match(/\w+/g) || []; //["string","unknown"] return signature.length === variables.length && _.all(signature, function(type,index) { if(typeof variables[index] === 'undefined') { throw 'client functions do not support undefined arguments'; } else if(typeof variables[index] === 'null') { return true; } switch(type) { //Most of these types that the client sends up match the typeof values of the javascript //types themselves so we can do a direct comparison case 'number': case 'string': case 'boolean': return typeof variables[index] === type; //In the case of unknown, we have no choice but to trust the argument as //the client hasn't specified what type it should be case 'unknown': return true; case 'array': return typeof variables[index] === 'object'; case 'dispatch': return typeof variables[index] === 'object' || typeof variables[index] === 'function'; default: //has the client provided a type that we weren't expecting? throw 'there is an invalid type in the function signature exposed by the client'; } }); }); }, convertCallbackFunctionArgs: function(args) { _.each(args, function(value, key) { // We are responsible for converting functions to variable names... // this will be called later via a event with a callback and arguments variables if(typeof value === 'function') { args[key] = this.storeCallbackFunction(value); } else if(typeof value === 'object' && value) { this.convertCallbackFunctionArgs(value); } }, this); }, // Functions are simply urls that we make ajax request to. The cb is called with the // result of that ajax request. createFunction: function(session, path, signatures) { assert(session, 'cannot create a function without a session id'); var func = _.bind(function() { var args = []; // Lets do a bit of validation of the arguments that we're passing into the client // unfortunately arguments isn't a completely authetic javascript array, so we'll have // to "splice" by hand. All this just to validate the correct types! sheesh... var i; for(i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } // This is as close to a static class function as you can get in javascript i guess // we should be able to use verifySignaturesArguments to determine if the client will // consider the arguments that we're passing to be valid if(!TorrentClient.prototype.validateArguments.call(this, signatures, args)) { throw 'arguments do not match any of the function signatures exposed by the client'; } this.convertCallbackFunctionArgs(args); var ret = new jQuery.Deferred(); var success = _.bind(function(data) { //lets strip down to the relevent path data _.each(path, function(segment) { var decoded = decodeURIComponent(segment); if(typeof data !== 'undefined') { data = data[decoded]; } }); if(typeof data === 'undefined') { ret.reject('return value parsing error ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } else if(typeof data === 'string' && this.isJSFunctionSignature(data)) { var func = this.getStoredFunction(data); assert(func, 'the client is returning a function name that does not exist'); ret.resolve(func); } else { ret.resolve(data); } }, this); var error = function(data) { ret.reject(data); }; this.query({ type: 'function', path: JSON.stringify(path), args: JSON.stringify(args), session: session }).done(success).fail(error); this.trigger('queries', path); return ret; }, this); func.valueOf = function() { return signatures; }; return func; }, query: function(args) { var abort = false; var ret = new jQuery.Deferred(); assert(args.type === 'update' || args.type === 'state' || args.type === 'function' || args.type === 'disconnect', 'the query type must be either "update", "state", or "function"'); args.hostname = window.location.hostname || window.location.pathname; var success_callback = _.bind(function(data) { if (data === 'invalid request') { setTimeout(_.bind(this.reset, this), 1000); throw 'pairing occured with a torrent client that does not support the btapp api'; } else if(typeof data !== 'object' || 'error' in data) { ret.reject(); this.trigger('client:error', data); } else { ret.resolve(data); } }, this); this.send_query(args) .done(function() { if(!abort) { success_callback.apply(this, arguments); } }).fail(function() { if(!abort) { ret.reject.apply(this, arguments); } }); ret.abort = function() { abort = true; }; return ret; } }); // Falcon Torrent Client // ------------- // Falcon torrent client connections are a bit more involved than a client on the local machine // We have additional javascript dependencies that are substantial enough that we don't load them // unless you open a falcon connection. In addition we have some handshaking with the falcon proxy // that we need to wait for. this.FalconTorrentClient = TorrentClient.extend({ initialize: function(attributes) { TorrentClient.prototype.initialize.call(this, attributes); assert(('username' in attributes && 'password' in attributes) || 'remote_data' in attributes, 'attempting to connect to client through falcon without providing the necessary credentials'); this.username = attributes.username; this.password = attributes.password; if ('remote_data' in attributes) { this.remote_data = attributes.remote_data; } if ('login_success' in attributes) { this.login_success = attributes.login_success; } if ('login_error' in attributes) { this.login_error = attributes.login_error; } if ('login_progress' in attributes) { this.login_progress = attributes.login_progress; } // We only have to load all those expensive js dependencies once... // We can just skip straight to the good stuff (signing in) if we've // done this previously...the last dependency we load sets the // window.falcon variable, so we can just check for that if(typeof falcon !== 'undefined') { _.defer(_.bind(this.reset, this)); return; } // If we choose to use falcon we need this specific global config variable defined root.config = { srp_root:'https://remote.utorrent.com' }; var jsload = 'https://remote.utorrent.com/static/js/jsloadv2.js?v=0.57'; jQuery.getScript(jsload, _.bind(function(data, textStatus) { function create_tags(list) { var tags = []; var deps = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length - 1; i++) { var current = list[i]; tags.push( { name: current } ); deps.push( current ); } tags.push( { name: list[list.length-1], requires: deps } ); return tags; } var dependencies = [ 'falcon/deps/SHA-1.js', 'falcon/deps/jsbn.js', 'falcon/deps/jsbn2.js', 'falcon/deps/sjcl.js', 'falcon/falcon.js', 'falcon/falcon.encryption.js', 'falcon/falcon.api.js', 'falcon/falcon.session.js' ]; var tags = create_tags(dependencies); (new JSLoad(tags, "https://remote.utorrent.com/static/js/")).load(['falcon/falcon.session.js'], _.bind(function() { if (this.remote_data) { this.session = new falcon.session( { client_data: this.remote_data } ); this.falcon = this.session.api; this.trigger('client:connected'); } else { this.delayed_reset(); } }, this)); }, this)); }, connect: function() { assert(!this.falcon, 'trying to connect with falcon already set'); // set up some connection variables var opts = { success: _.bind(function(session) { if (this.login_success) { this.login_success(session); } this.falcon = this.session; this.trigger('client:connected', session); }, this), error: _.bind(function(xhr, status, data) { if (this.login_error) { this.login_error(xhr, status, data); } this.trigger('client:error_connecting', data); this.trigger('client:error', data); }, this) }; this.session = new falcon.session(); this.session.negotiate(this.username, this.password, { success: opts.success, error: opts.error, progress: this.login_progress } ); }, disconnect: function() { //TODO...how do we disconnect from a remote connection? }, // This is the Btapp object's gateway to the actual client requests. These requests look slightly // different than those headed to a local client because they are encrypted. send_query: function(args) { var ret = new jQuery.Deferred(); assert(this.falcon, 'cannot send a query to the client without falcon properly connected'); this.falcon.request( '/gui/', {'btapp':'backbone.btapp.js'}, args, function(data) { assert('build' in data, 'expected build information in the falcon response'); assert('result' in data, 'expected result information in the falcon response'); ret.resolve(data.result); }, _.bind(function() { ret.reject(); this.delayed_reset(); }, this), {} ); return ret; }, delayed_reset: function() { this.reset_timeout = setTimeout(_.bind(function() { this.reset(); this.reset_timeout = null; }, this), 1000 ); }, reset: function() { this.falcon = null; this.connect(); } }); // Local Torrent Client // ------------- // For clients on the local machine very little setup is neeeded. We have a known port that // the client listens on, so we can just make requests to that. We can also immediately // consider ourselves "connected", which indicates that we're connected to the machine // (for falcon clients we may not ever reach the client even if it is logged into falcon) this.LocalTorrentClient = TorrentClient.extend({ defaults: { product: 'Torque' }, initialize: function(attributes) { TorrentClient.prototype.initialize.call(this, attributes); this.btapp = attributes.btapp; this.initialize_objects(attributes); this.reset_timeout = null; }, disconnect: function() { if(this.pairing) { this.pairing.disconnect(); } if(this.plugin_manager) { this.plugin_manager.disconnect(); } if(this.reset_timeout) { clearTimeout(this.reset_timeout); } }, initialize_objects: function(attributes) { this.initialize_plugin(attributes); this.initialize_pairing(attributes); }, // We have a seperate object that is responsible for managing the browser // plugin and using that plugin to ensure that the client is downloaded and // running on the local machine. initialize_plugin: function(attributes) { if(this.get('plugin') === false) { return; } this.plugin_manager = new PluginManager(attributes); new PluginManagerView({'model': this.plugin_manager}); this.plugin_manager.on('all', this.trigger, this); }, // We have a seperate object responsible for determining exactly which // port the torrent client is bound to. initialize_pairing: function(attributes) { assert(this.get('plugin') === false || typeof this.plugin_manager !== 'undefined', 'you must initialize the plugin manager before the pairing object'); //all right...ready to roll. this.pairing = new Pairing(_.extend(attributes, {'plugin_manager': this.plugin_manager})); if(this.pairing.get('pairing_type') !== 'native') { new PairingView({'model': this.pairing}); } this.pairing.on('all', this.trigger, this); assert(this.has('product'), 'client does not know what product to connect to'); var product = this.get('product'); this.pairing.on('pairing:found', function(options) { if(options && options.name.toLowerCase() === product.toLowerCase()) { var key = jQuery.jStorage.get(product + '_pairing_key'); if(key) { // Let whoever triggered the pairing:found event know that they don't need // to continue scanning, nor do they need to handle aquiring a pairing key options.abort = true; options.authorize = false; this.connect_to_authenticated_port(options.port, key); } else { // We've found the port we want to work with, but we don't have a pairing key. // We'll set authorize to true so that a pairing dialog is presented // to the user options.abort = true; options.authorize = true; } } else { options.abort = false; options.authorize = false; } }, this); this.pairing.on('pairing:authorized', _.bind(function(options) { // Holy smokes! We found a port, and the client that's listening likes our pairing key. // Store the key off so that we don't have to bother the user again. jQuery.jStorage.set(product + '_pairing_key', options.key); this.connect_to_authenticated_port(options.port, options.key); }, this)); this.pairing.on('pairing:stop', this.delayed_reset, this); if(this.get('plugin') === false) { this.delayed_reset(); } else { this.plugin_manager.on('plugin:client_running', this.reset, this); } }, ajax: function(url, cb, err) { if(this.get('plugin') === false) { jQuery.ajax({ url: url, success: cb, error: err, dataType: 'jsonp' }); } else { this.plugin_manager.get_plugin().ajax(url, _.bind(function(response) { var obj; if(response.allowed && response.success && response.data !== 'invalid request') { try { obj = JSON.parse(response.data); } catch(e) { var msg = 'parsererror'; err(msg); this.trigger('client:error', msg); return; } cb(obj); } else { this.trigger('client:error', response); err(response); } }, this)); } }, // Before we actual start making requests against a client, we need to make sure // we have a valid pairing key. This might be redundant if we just got one from the // client, but its very very necessary if we've stored off a pairing key that's invalid // for some reason. connect_to_authenticated_port: function(port, key) { // Called if the pairing key is good to go. Tell whoever is listening that we're // ready to roll. var cb = _.bind(function() { this.url = '' + port + '/btapp/?pairing=' + key; this.trigger('client:connected'); }, this); // Handle the case of an invalid pairing key. Flush it out and start over. var err = _.bind(function() { jQuery.jStorage.deleteKey(this.get('product') + '_pairing_key'); this.delayed_reset(); }, this); var url = '' + port + '/btapp/?pairing=' + key; this.ajax(url, cb, err); }, delayed_reset: function() { this.reset_timeout = setTimeout(_.bind(function() { this.reset(); this.reset_timeout = null; }, this), 1000 ); }, reset: function() { // Reset is called upon initialization (or when we load pairing.btapp.js) // and whenever the btapp object errors out trying to communicate with the // torrent client. In both cases we probably need to scan through the ports // again as the torrent client won't necessarily be able to connect to the // same port when it is relaunched. this.pairing.connect(); }, send_query: function(args) { var ret = new jQuery.Deferred(); this.trigger('client:query', this.url, args); var url = this.url; _.each(args, function(value, key) { url += '&' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value); }); this.ajax(url, function(data) { ret.resolve(data); }, function() { ret.reject(); } ); return ret; } }); }).call(this);