(function( $, undefined ){ $.fn.imagezoom = function(base, options){ var $this = $(this), defaults = { width : 700, height : 620, previewHeight: 50, previewDivWidth: 200, thumbsWidth: 0, imagePath: 'images' }, $stageDiv = createDiv(), $pictureFrame = null, $overlay = getOverlay(), $preview = null, arrowsLoaded = false, $thumbs = null; if(typeof options === 'object'){ options = $.extend({},defaults,options); } else{ options = defaults; } //cache variables that point to the zoom elements $pictureFrame = getPictureFrame(options); $preview = getPreview(options); $thumbs = getThumbs(); $("body").append($stageDiv); //if no images were found in the li passed in return if($this.find('li>img').length === 0){ $.error("No images were found under the root element."); } //remove the ul that has the images from the DOM $this.remove(); //loop through images and process each one $this.find('li>img').each(processImage); $pictureFrame.prepend($thumbs); var close_left = parseInt($pictureFrame.css("left"),10) + options.width; var close_top = parseInt($pictureFrame.css("top"),10) - 10; //add the close link $pictureFrame.find("#iz_close > a").click(function(){ $(this).parent().hide(); $pictureFrame.animate({height:0},function(){ $(this).animate({width:0},function(){ $pictureFrame.hide(); $overlay.fadeOut(); }); }); }).end().find("#iz_close").css({"left": close_left , "top": close_top}). hide(); //hide the objects $pictureFrame.hide(); $overlay.hide(); $pictureFrame.width(0).height(0); $preview.append(getLink()); base.append($preview); $("body").append($pictureFrame).append($overlay); //inner functions, these use vars nested in the plugin function processImage(){ var $span = $(''), $thumb = $(this), $newImg = $thumb.clone().height(options.height - 100), $previewImg = $thumb.clone().height(options.previewHeight); $thumb.mouseover(function(){ $thumb.css("cursor","pointer"); }); $thumb.height(100); $thumb.click(function(){ $("#iz_main").find("img").remove().end().append($newImg); }); $previewImg.click(function(){ show($overlay,$pictureFrame,options); }). hover(function(){ $(this).css({"cursor" : "pointer"}); }); $span.append($thumb); $preview.append($previewImg); var $stagingImage = $thumb.clone(); $stagingImage.load(function(){ options.thumbsWidth += $(this).get(0).clientWidth; //add the arrows if(options.thumbsWidth > options.width && !arrowsLoaded){ $rightArrow = createArrow('right'); $leftArrow = createArrow('left'); $pictureFrame.append($rightArrow).append($leftArrow); $pictureFrame.find(".arrow").bind("mouseover", function(){ if($(this).hasClass("right_arrow")){ scrollRight($thumbs); } else{ scrollLeft($thumbs); } }); arrowsLoaded = true; } }); $stageDiv.append($stagingImage); $thumbs.append($span); } function scrollRight($target){ return scroll($target,'right'); } function scrollLeft($target){ return scroll($target,'left'); } function scroll($target, direction){ var scrollAmount = 0; var currentPos = parseInt($target.css("right"),10); if(direction === 'left' && (isNaN(currentPos) || currentPos === 0)){ $target.stop(); return false; } else if(direction === 'right' && (currentPos + 100) + options.width > options.thumbsWidth){ console.log(options.width - currentPos); $target.stop(); return false; } if(isNaN(currentPos)){ scrollAmount = (direction === 'right') ? 100 : -100; } else{ if(direction === 'right'){ scrollAmount = currentPos + 100; } else{ scrollAmount = (currentPos >= 0 && currentPos < 100) ? 0 : currentPos - 100; } } $target.stop().animate({"right": scrollAmount},{ "duration": 200, "easing": "linear" }); var to = setTimeout(function(){ scroll($target,direction); },200); } function getLink(){ var $link = $('
Detailed Images
'); $link.click(function(){ show($overlay,$pictureFrame,options); }); return $link; } return $this; }; function createArrow(direction){ return $('
'); } function show($overlay,$pictureFrame,options){ $overlay.fadeIn('slow',function(){ $pictureFrame.height(0); $pictureFrame.find("#iz_main > img").remove(); $pictureFrame.find("#iz_thumbs > span").find("img").eq(0).click(); $pictureFrame.find("#iz_thumbs").width(options.thumbsWidth); $pictureFrame.show(); $pictureFrame.animate({width: options.width},function(){ $pictureFrame.animate({height: options.height},function(){ $pictureFrame.find("#iz_thumbs").slideDown('slow',function(){ $pictureFrame.find("#iz_close").show(); }); }); }); }); } function getOverlay(){ return $('
'); } function getPreview(argument){ return $('
'); } function getPictureFrame(options){ var $pictureFrame = $('
'), height = $(window).height(), width = $(document).width(); $pictureFrame.css({ 'left' : width/2 - (options.width/2), 'top' : height/2 - (options.height/2) }). width(options.width); return $pictureFrame; } function getThumbs(){ return $('
'); } function createDiv(){ return $('
').appendTo("body"); } })(jQuery);