-- $Id$ -- -- Copyright 2002-2003 Ewan Birney, Elia Stupka, Chris Mungall -- Copyright 2003-2008 Hilmar Lapp -- -- This file is part of BioSQL. -- -- BioSQL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the -- License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- BioSQL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with BioSQL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- -- ======================================================================== -- -- Authors: Ewan Birney, Elia Stupka, Hilmar Lapp, Aaron Mackey -- Post-Cape Town changes by Hilmar Lapp. -- Singapore changes by Hilmar Lapp and Aaron Mackey. -- Migration of the MySQL schema to InnoDB by Hilmar Lapp -- -- comments to biosql - biosql-l@open-bio.org -- conventions: -- <table_name>_id is primary internal id (usually autogenerated) -- -- Certain definitions in this schema, in particular certain unique -- key constrain definitions, are optional, or may optionally be -- changed (customized, if you wil). Search for the word OPTION: in -- capital letters. -- -- Note that some aspects of the schema like uniqueness constraints -- may be changed to best suit your requirements. Search for the tag -- CONFIG and read the documentation you find there. -- -- database have bioentries. That is about it. -- we do not store different versions of a database as different dbids -- (there is no concept of versions of database). There is a concept of -- versions of entries. Versions of databases deserve their own table and -- join to bioentry table for tracking with versions of entries CREATE TABLE biodatabase ( biodatabase_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, name VARCHAR(128) BINARY NOT NULL, authority VARCHAR(128), description TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (biodatabase_id), UNIQUE (name) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX db_auth on biodatabase(authority); -- we could insist that taxa are NCBI taxon id, but on reflection I made this -- an optional extra line, as many flat file formats do not have the NCBI id -- -- no organelle/sub species -- -- this corresponds to the node table of the NCBI taxonomy database -- left_value, right_value implement a nested sets model; -- see http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2002/11/27/bioconf.html -- or Joe Celko's 'SQL for smarties' for more information. CREATE TABLE taxon ( taxon_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, ncbi_taxon_id INT(10), parent_taxon_id INT(10) UNSIGNED, node_rank VARCHAR(32), genetic_code TINYINT UNSIGNED, mito_genetic_code TINYINT UNSIGNED, left_value INT(10) UNSIGNED, right_value INT(10) UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (taxon_id), UNIQUE (ncbi_taxon_id), UNIQUE (left_value), UNIQUE (right_value) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX taxparent ON taxon(parent_taxon_id); -- corresponds to the names table of the NCBI taxonomy databaase CREATE TABLE taxon_name ( taxon_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) BINARY NOT NULL, name_class VARCHAR(32) BINARY NOT NULL, UNIQUE (taxon_id,name,name_class) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX taxnametaxonid ON taxon_name(taxon_id); CREATE INDEX taxnamename ON taxon_name(name); -- this is the namespace (controlled vocabulary) ontology terms live in -- we chose to have a separate table for this instead of reusing biodatabase CREATE TABLE ontology ( ontology_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, name VARCHAR(32) BINARY NOT NULL, definition TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ontology_id), UNIQUE (name) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- any controlled vocab term, everything from full ontology -- terms eg GO IDs to the various keys allowed as qualifiers CREATE TABLE term ( term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, name VARCHAR(255) BINARY NOT NULL, definition TEXT, identifier VARCHAR(40) BINARY, is_obsolete CHAR(1), ontology_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (term_id), UNIQUE (identifier), -- CONFIG: uncomment exactly one of the two following lines. The -- first one puts a unqiueness constraint on term name within an -- ontology, which is a conservative approach. However, if you are -- going to load GO and update it too, there are situations where -- you'll run into problems with this constraint unless you delete -- obsoleted terms (which has its own shortcomings, read the POD of -- load_ontology.pl in bioperl-db). The second line includes the -- obsoleteness into the uniqueness constraint. -- UNIQUE (name,ontology_id) UNIQUE (name,ontology_id,is_obsolete) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX term_ont ON term(ontology_id); -- ontology terms have synonyms, here is how to store them -- Synonym is a reserved word in many RDBMSs, so the column synonym -- may eventually be renamed to name. CREATE TABLE term_synonym ( synonym VARCHAR(255) BINARY NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (term_id,synonym) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- ontology terms to dbxref association: ontology terms have dbxrefs CREATE TABLE term_dbxref ( term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` SMALLINT, PRIMARY KEY (term_id, dbxref_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX trmdbxref_dbxrefid ON term_dbxref(dbxref_id); -- relationship between controlled vocabulary / ontology term -- we use subject/predicate/object but this could also -- be thought of as child/relationship-type/parent. -- the subject/predicate/object naming is better as we -- can think of the graph as composed of statements. -- -- we also treat the relationshiptypes / predicates as -- controlled terms in themselves; this is quite useful -- as a lot of systems (eg GO) will soon require -- ontologies of relationship types (eg subtle differences -- in the partOf relationship) -- -- this table probably won''t be filled for a while, the core -- will just treat ontologies as flat lists of terms CREATE TABLE term_relationship ( term_relationship_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, subject_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, predicate_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, object_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ontology_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (term_relationship_id), UNIQUE (subject_term_id,predicate_term_id,object_term_id,ontology_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX trmrel_predicateid ON term_relationship(predicate_term_id); CREATE INDEX trmrel_objectid ON term_relationship(object_term_id); CREATE INDEX trmrel_ontid ON term_relationship(ontology_id); -- CONFIG: you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken -- with respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX ontrel_subjectid ON term_relationship(subject_term_id); -- This lets one associate a single term with a term_relationship -- effecively allowing us to treat triples as 1st class terms. -- -- At this point this table is only supported in Biojava. If you want -- to know more about the rationale and idea behind it, read the -- following article that Mat Pocock posted to the mailing list: -- http://www.open-bio.org/pipermail/biosql-l/2003-October/000455.html CREATE TABLE term_relationship_term ( term_relationship_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( term_relationship_id ), UNIQUE ( term_id ) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- the infamous transitive closure table on ontology term relationships -- this is a warehouse approach - you will need to update this regularly -- -- the triple of (subject, predicate, object) is the same as for ontology -- relationships, with the exception of predicate being the greatest common -- denominator of the relationships types visited in the path (i.e., if -- relationship type A is-a relationship type B, the greatest common -- denominator for path containing both types A and B is B) -- -- See the GO database or Chado schema for other (and possibly better -- documented) implementations of the transitive closure table approach. CREATE TABLE term_path ( term_path_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, subject_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, predicate_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, object_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ontology_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, distance INT(10) UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (term_path_id), UNIQUE (subject_term_id,predicate_term_id,object_term_id,ontology_id,distance) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX trmpath_predicateid ON term_path(predicate_term_id); CREATE INDEX trmpath_objectid ON term_path(object_term_id); CREATE INDEX trmpath_ontid ON term_path(ontology_id); -- CONFIG: you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken -- with respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX trmpath_subjectid ON term_path(subject_term_id); -- we can be a bioentry without a biosequence, but not visa-versa -- most things are going to be keyed off bioentry_id -- -- accession is the stable id, display_id is a potentially volatile, -- human readable name. -- -- Version may be unknown, may be undefined, or may not exist for a certain -- accession or database (namespace). We require it here to avoid RDBMS- -- dependend enforcement variants (version is in a compound alternative key), -- and to simplify query construction for UK look-ups. If there is no version -- the convention is to put 0 (zero) here. Likewise, a record with a version -- of zero means the version is to be interpreted as NULL. -- -- not all entries have a taxon, but many do. -- one bioentry only has one taxon! (weirdo chimerias are not handled. tough) -- -- Name maps to display_id in bioperl. We have a different column name -- here to avoid confusion with the naming convention for foreign keys. CREATE TABLE bioentry ( bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, biodatabase_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, taxon_id INT(10) UNSIGNED, name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, accession VARCHAR(128) BINARY NOT NULL, identifier VARCHAR(40) BINARY, division VARCHAR(6), description TEXT, version SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (bioentry_id), UNIQUE (accession,biodatabase_id,version), -- CONFIG: uncomment one (and only one) of the two lines below. The -- first puts a uniqueness constraint on the identifier column alone; -- the other one puts a uniqueness constraint on identifier only -- within a namespace. -- UNIQUE (identifier) UNIQUE (identifier, biodatabase_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX bioentry_name ON bioentry(name); CREATE INDEX bioentry_db ON bioentry(biodatabase_id); CREATE INDEX bioentry_tax ON bioentry(taxon_id); -- -- bioentry-bioentry relationships: these are typed -- CREATE TABLE bioentry_relationship ( bioentry_relationship_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, object_bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, subject_bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` INT(5), PRIMARY KEY (bioentry_relationship_id), UNIQUE (object_bioentry_id,subject_bioentry_id,term_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX bioentryrel_trm ON bioentry_relationship(term_id); CREATE INDEX bioentryrel_child ON bioentry_relationship(subject_bioentry_id); -- CONFIG: you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken -- with respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX bioentryrel_parent ON bioentry_relationship(object_bioentry_id); -- for deep (depth > 1) bioentry relationship trees we need a transitive -- closure table too CREATE TABLE bioentry_path ( object_bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, subject_bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, distance INT(10) UNSIGNED, UNIQUE (object_bioentry_id,subject_bioentry_id,term_id,distance) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX bioentrypath_trm ON bioentry_path(term_id); CREATE INDEX bioentrypath_child ON bioentry_path(subject_bioentry_id); -- CONFIG: you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken -- with respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX bioentrypath_parent ON bioentry_path(object_bioentry_id); -- some bioentries will have a sequence -- biosequence because sequence is sometimes a reserved word CREATE TABLE biosequence ( bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, version SMALLINT, length INT(10), alphabet VARCHAR(10), seq LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY (bioentry_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- CONFIG: add these only if you want them: -- ALTER TABLE biosequence ADD COLUMN ( isoelec_pt NUMERIC(4,2) ); -- ALTER TABLE biosequence ADD COLUMN ( mol_wgt DOUBLE PRECISION ); -- ALTER TABLE biosequence ADD COLUMN ( perc_gc DOUBLE PRECISION ); -- database cross-references (e.g., GenBank:AC123456.1) -- -- Version may be unknown, may be undefined, or may not exist for a certain -- accession or database (namespace). We require it here to avoid RDBMS- -- dependend enforcement variants (version is in a compound alternative key), -- and to simplify query construction for UK look-ups. If there is no version -- the convention is to put 0 (zero) here. Likewise, a record with a version -- of zero means the version is to be interpreted as NULL. -- CREATE TABLE dbxref ( dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, dbname VARCHAR(40) BINARY NOT NULL, accession VARCHAR(128) BINARY NOT NULL, version SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (dbxref_id), UNIQUE(accession, dbname, version) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX dbxref_db ON dbxref(dbname); -- for roundtripping embl/genbank, we need to have the "optional ID" -- for the dbxref. -- -- another use of this table could be for storing -- descriptive text for a dbxref. for example, we may want to -- know stuff about the interpro accessions we store (without -- importing all of interpro), so we can attach the text -- description as a synonym CREATE TABLE dbxref_qualifier_value ( dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (dbxref_id,term_id,`rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX dbxrefqual_dbx ON dbxref_qualifier_value(dbxref_id); CREATE INDEX dbxrefqual_trm ON dbxref_qualifier_value(term_id); -- Direct dblinks. It is tempting to do this -- from bioentry_id to bioentry_id. But that wont work -- during updates of one database - we will have to edit -- this table each time. Better to do the join through accession -- and db each time. Should be almost as cheap CREATE TABLE bioentry_dbxref ( bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` SMALLINT, PRIMARY KEY (bioentry_id,dbxref_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX dblink_dbx ON bioentry_dbxref(dbxref_id); -- We can have multiple references per bioentry, but one reference -- can also be used for the same bioentry. -- -- No two references can reference the same reference database entry -- (dbxref_id). This is where the MEDLINE id goes: PUBMED:123456. CREATE TABLE reference ( reference_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED, location TEXT NOT NULL, title TEXT, authors TEXT, crc VARCHAR(32), PRIMARY KEY (reference_id), UNIQUE (dbxref_id), UNIQUE (crc) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- bioentry to reference associations CREATE TABLE bioentry_reference ( bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, reference_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, start_pos INT(10), end_pos INT(10), `rank` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(bioentry_id,reference_id,`rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX bioentryref_ref ON bioentry_reference(reference_id); -- We can have multiple comments per seqentry, and -- comments can have embedded '\n' characters CREATE TABLE comment ( comment_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, comment_text TEXT NOT NULL, `rank` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (comment_id), UNIQUE(bioentry_id, `rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; -- tag/value and ontology term annotation for bioentries goes here CREATE TABLE bioentry_qualifier_value ( bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, value TEXT, `rank` INT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, UNIQUE (bioentry_id,term_id,`rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX bioentryqual_trm ON bioentry_qualifier_value(term_id); -- feature table. We cleanly handle -- - simple locations -- - split locations -- - split locations on remote sequences CREATE TABLE seqfeature ( seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, bioentry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, type_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, source_term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, display_name VARCHAR(64), `rank` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (seqfeature_id), UNIQUE (bioentry_id,type_term_id,source_term_id,`rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX seqfeature_trm ON seqfeature(type_term_id); CREATE INDEX seqfeature_fsrc ON seqfeature(source_term_id); -- you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken with -- respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX seqfeature_bioentryid ON seqfeature(bioentry_id); -- seqfeatures can be arranged in containment hierarchies. -- one can imagine storing other relationships between features, -- in this case the term_id can be used to type the relationship CREATE TABLE seqfeature_relationship ( seqfeature_relationship_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, object_seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, subject_seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` INT(5), PRIMARY KEY (seqfeature_relationship_id), UNIQUE (object_seqfeature_id,subject_seqfeature_id,term_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX seqfeaturerel_trm ON seqfeature_relationship(term_id); CREATE INDEX seqfeaturerel_child ON seqfeature_relationship(subject_seqfeature_id); -- CONFIG: you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken -- with respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX seqfeaturerel_parent ON seqfeature_relationship(object_seqfeature_id); -- for deep (depth > 1) seqfeature relationship trees we need a transitive -- closure table too CREATE TABLE seqfeature_path ( object_seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, subject_seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, distance INT(10) UNSIGNED, UNIQUE (object_seqfeature_id,subject_seqfeature_id,term_id,distance) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX seqfeaturepath_trm ON seqfeature_path(term_id); CREATE INDEX seqfeaturepath_child ON seqfeature_path(subject_seqfeature_id); -- CONFIG: you may want to add this for mysql because MySQL often is broken -- with respect to using the composite index for the initial keys -- CREATE INDEX seqfeaturerel_parent ON seqfeature_path(object_seqfeature_id); -- tag/value associations - or ontology annotations CREATE TABLE seqfeature_qualifier_value ( seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (seqfeature_id,term_id,`rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX seqfeaturequal_trm ON seqfeature_qualifier_value(term_id); -- DBXrefs for features. This is necessary for genome oriented viewpoints, -- where you have a few have long sequences (contigs, or chromosomes) with many -- features on them. In that case the features are the semantic scope for -- their annotation bundles, not the bioentry they are attached to. CREATE TABLE seqfeature_dbxref ( seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `rank` SMALLINT, PRIMARY KEY (seqfeature_id,dbxref_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX feadblink_dbx ON seqfeature_dbxref(dbxref_id); -- basically we model everything as potentially having -- any number of locations, ie, a split location. SimpleLocations -- just have one location. We need to have a location id for the qualifier -- associations of fuzzy locations. -- please do not try to model complex assemblies with this thing. It wont -- work. Check out the ensembl schema for this. -- we allow nulls for start/end - this is useful for fuzzies as -- standard range queries will not be included -- for remote locations, the join to make is to DBXref -- the FK to term is a possibility to store the type of the -- location for determining in one hit whether it's a fuzzy or not CREATE TABLE location ( location_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, seqfeature_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, dbxref_id INT(10) UNSIGNED, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED, start_pos INT(10), end_pos INT(10), strand TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `rank` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (location_id), UNIQUE (seqfeature_id, `rank`) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX seqfeatureloc_start ON location(start_pos, end_pos); CREATE INDEX seqfeatureloc_dbx ON location(dbxref_id); CREATE INDEX seqfeatureloc_trm ON location(term_id); -- location qualifiers - mainly intended for fuzzies but anything -- can go in here -- some controlled vocab terms have slots; -- fuzzies could be modeled as min_start(5), max_start(5) -- -- there is no restriction on extending the fuzzy ontology -- for your own nefarious aims, although the bio* apis will -- most likely ignore these CREATE TABLE location_qualifier_value ( location_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, term_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, int_value INT(10), PRIMARY KEY (location_id,term_id) ) ENGINE=INNODB; CREATE INDEX locationqual_trm ON location_qualifier_value(term_id); -- -- Create the foreign key constraints -- -- ontology term ALTER TABLE term ADD CONSTRAINT FKont_term FOREIGN KEY (ontology_id) REFERENCES ontology(ontology_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- term synonyms ALTER TABLE term_synonym ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_syn FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- term_dbxref ALTER TABLE term_dbxref ADD CONSTRAINT FKdbxref_trmdbxref FOREIGN KEY (dbxref_id) REFERENCES dbxref(dbxref_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_dbxref ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_trmdbxref FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- term_relationship ALTER TABLE term_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmsubject_trmrel FOREIGN KEY (subject_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmpredicate_trmrel FOREIGN KEY (predicate_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmobject_trmrel FOREIGN KEY (object_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_trmrel FOREIGN KEY (ontology_id) REFERENCES ontology(ontology_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- term_relationship_term ALTER TABLE term_relationship_term ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmrel_trmreltrm FOREIGN KEY (term_relationship_id) REFERENCES term_relationship(term_relationship_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_relationship_term ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrm_trmreltrm FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- term_path ALTER TABLE term_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmsubject_trmpath FOREIGN KEY (subject_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmpredicate_trmpath FOREIGN KEY (predicate_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrmobject_trmpath FOREIGN KEY (object_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE term_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKontology_trmpath FOREIGN KEY (ontology_id) REFERENCES ontology(ontology_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- taxon, taxon_name -- unfortunately, we can't constrain parent_taxon_id as it is violated -- occasionally by the downloads available from NCBI -- ALTER TABLE taxon ADD CONSTRAINT FKtaxon_taxon -- FOREIGN KEY (parent_taxon_id) REFERENCES taxon(taxon_id); ALTER TABLE taxon_name ADD CONSTRAINT FKtaxon_taxonname FOREIGN KEY (taxon_id) REFERENCES taxon(taxon_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- bioentry ALTER TABLE bioentry ADD CONSTRAINT FKtaxon_bioentry FOREIGN KEY (taxon_id) REFERENCES taxon(taxon_id); ALTER TABLE bioentry ADD CONSTRAINT FKbiodatabase_bioentry FOREIGN KEY (biodatabase_id) REFERENCES biodatabase(biodatabase_id); -- bioentry_relationship ALTER TABLE bioentry_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_bioentryrel FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE bioentry_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKparentent_bioentryrel FOREIGN KEY (object_bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE bioentry_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKchildent_bioentryrel FOREIGN KEY (subject_bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- bioentry_path ALTER TABLE bioentry_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_bioentrypath FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE bioentry_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKparentent_bioentrypath FOREIGN KEY (object_bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE bioentry_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKchildent_bioentrypath FOREIGN KEY (subject_bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- biosequence ALTER TABLE biosequence ADD CONSTRAINT FKbioentry_bioseq FOREIGN KEY (bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- comment ALTER TABLE comment ADD CONSTRAINT FKbioentry_comment FOREIGN KEY(bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- bioentry_dbxref ALTER TABLE bioentry_dbxref ADD CONSTRAINT FKbioentry_dblink FOREIGN KEY (bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE bioentry_dbxref ADD CONSTRAINT FKdbxref_dblink FOREIGN KEY (dbxref_id) REFERENCES dbxref(dbxref_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- dbxref_qualifier_value ALTER TABLE dbxref_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKtrm_dbxrefqual FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE dbxref_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKdbxref_dbxrefqual FOREIGN KEY (dbxref_id) REFERENCES dbxref(dbxref_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- bioentry_reference ALTER TABLE bioentry_reference ADD CONSTRAINT FKbioentry_entryref FOREIGN KEY (bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE bioentry_reference ADD CONSTRAINT FKreference_entryref FOREIGN KEY (reference_id) REFERENCES reference(reference_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- bioentry_qualifier_value ALTER TABLE bioentry_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKbioentry_entqual FOREIGN KEY (bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE bioentry_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_entqual FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); -- reference ALTER TABLE reference ADD CONSTRAINT FKdbxref_reference FOREIGN KEY ( dbxref_id ) REFERENCES dbxref ( dbxref_id ) ; -- seqfeature ALTER TABLE seqfeature ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_seqfeature FOREIGN KEY (type_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE seqfeature ADD CONSTRAINT FKsourceterm_seqfeature FOREIGN KEY (source_term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE seqfeature ADD CONSTRAINT FKbioentry_seqfeature FOREIGN KEY (bioentry_id) REFERENCES bioentry(bioentry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- seqfeature_relationship ALTER TABLE seqfeature_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_seqfeatrel FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE seqfeature_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKparentfeat_seqfeatrel FOREIGN KEY (object_seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE seqfeature_relationship ADD CONSTRAINT FKchildfeat_seqfeatrel FOREIGN KEY (subject_seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- seqfeature_path ALTER TABLE seqfeature_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_seqfeatpath FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE seqfeature_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKparentfeat_seqfeatpath FOREIGN KEY (object_seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE seqfeature_path ADD CONSTRAINT FKchildfeat_seqfeatpath FOREIGN KEY (subject_seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- seqfeature_qualifier_value ALTER TABLE seqfeature_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_featqual FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); ALTER TABLE seqfeature_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKseqfeature_featqual FOREIGN KEY (seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- seqfeature_dbxref ALTER TABLE seqfeature_dbxref ADD CONSTRAINT FKseqfeature_feadblink FOREIGN KEY (seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE seqfeature_dbxref ADD CONSTRAINT FKdbxref_feadblink FOREIGN KEY (dbxref_id) REFERENCES dbxref(dbxref_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; -- location ALTER TABLE location ADD CONSTRAINT FKseqfeature_location FOREIGN KEY (seqfeature_id) REFERENCES seqfeature(seqfeature_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE location ADD CONSTRAINT FKdbxref_location FOREIGN KEY (dbxref_id) REFERENCES dbxref(dbxref_id); ALTER TABLE location ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_featloc FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id); -- location_qualifier_value ALTER TABLE location_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKfeatloc_locqual FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES location(location_id) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE location_qualifier_value ADD CONSTRAINT FKterm_locqual FOREIGN KEY (term_id) REFERENCES term(term_id);