// ==UserScript== // @name ThunderLixianExporter // @namespace http://dynamic.cloud.vip.xunlei.com/ // @version 0.78.4 // @description export thunder lixian url to aria2/wget // @include http://dynamic.cloud.vip.xunlei.com/user_task* // @include http://lixian.vip.xunlei.com/lx3_task.html* // @include http://jiayuan.xunlei.com/lxhome/lx3_task.html* // @include http://cloud.vip.xunlei.com/* // @run-at document-end // @copyright 2012~2017, Binux // @updateURL https://cdn.rawgit.com/binux/ThunderLixianExporter/master/ThunderLixianExporter.meta.js // ==/UserScript== function tle_wrapper() { // vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 ff=unix fenc=utf8: // Author: Binux // http://binux.me // Created on Fri 20 Jul 2012 11:43:22 AM CST TLE = {}; TLE.exporter = { '复制链接': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = '"; $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': '复制选中的链接 > 在新窗口中打开', 'content': str}).show().pop({ onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); }, 'Aria2': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; var filepath = TLE.safe_title(file.title); if (task.tasktype == 0 && task.filelist.length > 1) filepath = TLE.safe_title(task.taskname) + "/" + TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace(/\\+\*?/g,"/")); str += "aria2c -c -s10 -x10 --out "+TLE.escape_command(filepath)+" --header 'Cookie: gdriveid="+todown.gdriveid+";' '"+file.downurl+"'\n"; }); }); TLE.text_pop("aria2 download command", str); }, 'wget': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += "wget -c -O "+TLE.escape_command(TLE.safe_title(file.title))+" --header 'Cookie: gdriveid="+todown.gdriveid+";' '"+file.downurl+"'\n"; }); }); TLE.text_pop("wget download command", str); }, "YAAW": function(todown) { if (TLE.getConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc")) { show_tip("添加中...到YAAW界面查看是否添加成功"); var aria2 = new ARIA2(TLE.getConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc")); $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; var filepath = TLE.safe_title(file.title); if (task.tasktype == 0 && task.filelist.length > 1) filepath = TLE.safe_title(task.taskname) + "/" + TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace(/\\+\*?/g,"/")); aria2.addUri(file.downurl, {out: filepath, header: 'Cookie: gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid}); }); }); hide_tip(); } else { show_tip("尚未设置Aria2 JSONRPC地址"); hide_tip(); }; }, 'Aria2导出': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; var filepath = TLE.safe_title(file.title); if (task.tasktype == 0 && task.filelist.length > 1) filepath = TLE.safe_title(task.taskname) + "/" + TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace(/\\+\*?/g,"/")); str += file.downurl+'\r\n out='+filepath+'\r\n header=Cookie: gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid+'\r\n continue=true\r\n max-connection-per-server=5\r\n split=10\r\n parameterized-uri=true\r\n\r\n'; }); }); TLE.file_pop("Aria2导出文件下载", str, "aria2.down"); }, 'IDM导出': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += '<\r\n'+TLE.url_rewrite(file.downurl, TLE.safe_title(file.title))+'\r\ncookie: gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid+'\r\n>\r\n' }); }); TLE.file_pop("IDM导出文件下载", str, "idm.ef2"); }, 'Orbit导出': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += TLE.url_rewrite(file.downurl, TLE.safe_title(file.title))+'|'+TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace("|", "_"))+'||gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid+'\r\n' }); }); TLE.file_pop("Orbit导出文件下载", str, "orbit.olt"); }, 'eagleget': function(todown) { var ret = {tasks: []}; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; ret.tasks.push({ cookie: 'gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid, fname: TLE.safe_title(file.title), url: TLE.url_rewrite(file.downurl, TLE.safe_title(file.title)) }); }); }); TLE.file_pop("Eagleget导出文件下载(test)", JSON.stringify(ret), "eagleget.eg"); }, }; (function(TLE) { function get_taskinfo(p) { var taskid = p.attr("taskid"); var info = {}; p.find("input").each(function(n, e) { var key = e.getAttribute("id").replace(taskid, ""); info[key] = e.getAttribute("value"); }); return info; }; function build_normal_taskinfo(info) { var taskinfo = { 'taskname': info.taskname || info.cloud_taskname, 'f_url': info.f_url, 'cid': info.dcid || info.cloud_cid, 'size': parseInt(info.ysfilesize), 'tasktype': info.d_tasktype, 'status': info.d_status, }; var filelist = []; filelist.push({ 'title': info.taskname || info.cloud_taskname, 'f_url': info.f_url, 'downurl': info.dl_url || info.cloud_dl_url, 'cid': info.dcid || info.cloud_cid, 'gcid': "", 'size': parseInt(info.ysfilesize), }); taskinfo['filelist'] = filelist; return taskinfo; }; function build_bt_taskinfo(info, rdata) { var taskinfo = { 'taskname': info.taskname, 'f_url': info.f_url, 'cid': info.dcid, 'size': parseInt(info.ysfilesize), 'tasktype': info.d_tasktype, 'status': info.d_status, }; var filelist = []; $.each(rdata, function(n, e) { filelist.push({ 'title': e.title, 'f_url': e.url, 'downurl': e.downurl, 'cid': e.cid, 'gcid': e.gcid, 'size': parseInt(e.filesize), }); }); taskinfo['filelist'] = filelist; return taskinfo; }; TLE.safe_title = function safe_title(title) { return title.replace(/[\\\|\:\*\"\?\<\>]/g,"_"); }; TLE.down = function(_this, _do) { var p = $(_this).parents(".rw_list"); var info = get_taskinfo(p); console.log(info); if (info.d_tasktype == "0") { //bt task show_tip("载入中..."); $.getJSON(INTERFACE_URL+"/fill_bt_list?tid="+info.input+"&g_net="+G_section+"&uid="+G_USERID+"&callback=?", function(data) { hide_tip(); var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; todown.tasklist[info.input] = build_bt_taskinfo(info, data['Result'][info.input]); _do(todown); }); } else { var todown = {} todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; todown.tasklist[info.input] = build_normal_taskinfo(info); _do(todown); }; }; TLE.batch_down = function(_this, _do) { var ck = document.getElementsByName("ck"); var bt_task_list = []; var normal_task_list = []; $.each(ck, function(n, e) { if (e.checked == false) return; var taskid = e.value; var d_status = $("#d_status"+taskid).val(); var d_tasktype = $("#d_tasktype"+taskid).val(); var d_flag = $("#dflag"+taskid).val(); if (d_flag != 4 && d_status == 2) { if (d_tasktype == 0) { bt_task_list.push(taskid); } else { normal_task_list.push(taskid); }; }; }); if (bt_task_list.length) { show_tip("载入中..."); $.getJSON(INTERFACE_URL+"/fill_bt_list?tid="+bt_task_list.join(",")+"&g_net="+G_section+"&uid="+G_USERID+"&callback=?", function(data) { hide_tip(); var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; $.each(data['Result'], function(n, e) { var info = get_taskinfo($("#tr_c"+n)); todown.tasklist[n] = build_bt_taskinfo(info, e); }); $.each(normal_task_list, function(n, e) { var info = get_taskinfo($("#tr_c"+e)); todown.tasklist[e] = build_normal_taskinfo(info); }); _do(todown); }); } else { var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; $.each(normal_task_list, function(n, e) { var info = get_taskinfo($("#tr_c"+e)); todown.tasklist[e] = build_normal_taskinfo(info); }); _do(todown); }; }; TLE.bt_down = function(_this, _do) { var ck = document.getElementsByName("bt_list_ck"); var files = []; $.each(ck, function(n, e) { if (e.checked == false) return; var fid = e.getAttribute("_i"); var file = { 'title': $("#bt_taskname"+fid).val(), 'url': $("#bturl"+fid).val(), 'downurl': $("#btdownurl"+fid).val(), 'cid': $("#btcid"+fid).val(), 'gcid': $("#btgcid"+fid).val(), 'filesize': $("#bt_filesize"+fid).val(), }; files.push(file); }); var taskid = $("#view_bt_taskid").val(); var info = get_taskinfo($("#tr_c"+taskid)); var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; todown.tasklist[taskid] = build_bt_taskinfo(info, files); //console.log(todown); _do(todown); //console.log("bt_down"); }; TLE.bt_down_one = function(_this, _do) { var files = [] var fid = $(_this).parents(".rw_list").attr("i"); var file = { 'title': $("#bt_taskname"+fid).val(), 'url': $("#bturl"+fid).val(), 'downurl': $("#btdownurl"+fid).val(), 'cid': $("#btcid"+fid).val(), 'gcid': $("#btgcid"+fid).val(), 'filesize': $("#bt_filesize"+fid).val(), }; files.push(file); var taskid = $("#view_bt_taskid").val(); var info = get_taskinfo($("#tr_c"+taskid)); var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; todown.tasklist[taskid] = build_bt_taskinfo(info, files); //console.log(todown); _do(todown); //console.log("bt_down"); }; TLE.getbtn = function(_this) { $(_this).parents(".TLE_get_btnbox").find(".TLE_p_getbtn").toggle(); close_rightmenu_layer(); return false; }; TLE.text_pop = function(title, content) { content = $('
').text(content).html() content = '' $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': title, 'content': content}).show().pop({ onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); }; TLE.file_pop = function(title, content, filename) { var url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"+encodeURIComponent(content); var content = '
' +'
' +'导出文件' +(isChrome ? '' : '(右键另存为'+filename+')') +'
' +'
' $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': title, 'content': content}).show().pop({ onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); }; TLE.window_pop = function(title, content) { $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': title, 'content': content}).show().pop({ onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); }; TLE.multiple_server_fix = function(url) { return "'"+url.replace("gdl", "'{gdl,dl.{f,g,h,i,twin}}'")+"'"; } function encode_utf8(s) { return unescape( encodeURIComponent( s ) ); }; function to_hex(num) { var s = num.toString(16); if (s.length == 1) return '0'+s; else return s; }; var thunder_filename_mask = [0x61, 0x31, 0xe4, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]; function thunder_filename_encode(filename) { var result = ["01", ]; $.each(encode_utf8(filename), function(i, n) { result.push(to_hex(n.charCodeAt(0)^thunder_filename_mask[i%8]).toUpperCase()) }); while (result.length % 8 != 1) { result.push(to_hex(thunder_filename_mask[(result.length-1)%8]).toUpperCase()); } return result.join(""); }; TLE.url_rewrite = function(url, filename) { url = url.replace(/&n=\w+/, "&n="+thunder_filename_encode(filename)); return url; }; var alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; TLE.escape_command = function(str) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (alpha.indexOf(str[i]) == -1) result += "\\"+str[i]; else result += str[i]; } return result; }; //setting TLE.getConfig = function(key) { if (window.localStorage) { return window.localStorage.getItem(key) || ""; } else { return getCookie(key); } }; TLE.setConfig = function(key, value) { if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem(key, value); } else { setGdCookie(key, value, 86400*365); } }; //set default config if (TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter") == "") { var exporters = []; for (var key in TLE.exporter) { exporters.push(key); }; TLE.setConfig("TLE_exporter", exporters.join("|")); }; function init() { //css $("head").append(''); //pop $("body").append(''); $("body").append(''); $("#TLE_text_tpl").text('
' +'
' +'


' +'
' +'
' +'$[content]' +'
' +'关闭' +'
'); $("#setting_main_tpl").text($("#setting_main_tpl").text().replace(/(<\/div>\s+
)/, '
' +'

Thunder Lixian Exporter 设定

' +'
    ' +'
  • 启用以下导出器
  • ' +'
  • '+(function(){ var enabled_exporter = TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter").split("|"); var str = ''; for (var name in TLE.exporter) { str += ''+name+''; } return str; })()+'
  • ' +'
  • Aria2 JSON-RPC Path
  • ' +'
  • Path:
  • ' +'
' +'$1')); $(".n_vip").after('
'); var _set_notice_submit = set_notice_submit; set_notice_submit = function(f) { _set_notice_submit(f); var enabled_exporter = []; $(".TLE_setting_ck").each(function(n, e) { if (e.checked) enabled_exporter.push(e.name.replace(/^TLE_ck_/, "")); }); var config_str = (enabled_exporter.length == 0) ? "_" : enabled_exporter.join("|"); var jsonrpc_path = $("#TLE_aria2_jsonrpc").val(); if (TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter") != config_str || TLE.getConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc") != jsonrpc_path) { TLE.setConfig("TLE_exporter", config_str); TLE.setConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc", jsonrpc_path); TS2.show('设置已生效',1); setTimeout(function(){ setting.hide(); location.reload(true); }, 1*1000); } }; function exporter_anchors(type) { var enabled_exporter = TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter").split("|"); var str = ''; $.each(TLE.exporter, function(n, f) { if (enabled_exporter.indexOf(n) == -1) return; str+=(''+n+''); }); return str; } //down $(".rwbtn.ic_redownloca").each(function(n, e) { $(e).after('
' + '' + '取回本地' + '' + '' + '' + '
'); }); //batch_down $("#li_task_down,#li_task_download").after('批量导出') .parents(".main_link").append( ''); var _task_check_click = task_check_click; task_check_click = function() { _task_check_click(); if ($("#li_task_down,#li_task_download").hasClass("noit")) { $("#TLE_batch_down").addClass("noit").unbind("click"); } else { $("#TLE_batch_down").removeClass("noit").unbind("click").click(function() { $("#TLE_batch_getbtn").css("left", $("#TLE_batch_down").position().left); $("#TLE_batch_getbtn").toggle(); return false; }); }; //console.log("task_check_click called"); }; $('input[name=ck],input#ckbutton').click(task_check_click); //bt_down $("#view_bt_list_nav_tpl").text($("#view_bt_list_nav_tpl").text().replace('取回本地', '取回本地' +'批量导出' +'')); $("#view_bt_list_tpl").text($("#view_bt_list_tpl").text().replace('ic_redownloca" title="">取回本地', 'ic_redownloca" title="">取回本地' +'
' + '' + '取回本地' + '' + '' + '' + '
')); var _bt_view_nav = bt_view_nav; bt_view_nav = function() { _bt_view_nav(); if ($("#view_bt_list_nav_down").hasClass("noit")) { $("#TLE_bt_down").addClass("noit").unbind("click"); } else { $("#TLE_bt_down").removeClass("noit").unbind("click").click(function() { $("#TLE_bt_getbtn").css("left", $("#TLE_bt_down").position().left); $("#TLE_bt_getbtn").toggle(); return false; }); }; $("#TLE_bt_getbtn").hide(); //console.log("bt_view_nav called"); }; //close menu binding $(document.body).bind("click",function(){ $("div.TLE_p_getbtn, #TLE_batch_getbtn, #TLE_bt_getbtn").hide(); }); $("div.rw_list").click(function(e){ $("div.TLE_p_getbtn, #TLE_batch_getbtn, #TLE_bt_getbtn").hide(); }); $("div.TLE_get_btnbox").click(function(e){e.stopPropagation();}); // support for shift group select document.addEventListener('click', function(e) { var that; if ($(e.target).is('div.rw_list')) { that = $(e.target); } else if ($(e.target).is('div.rw_list *')) { that = $(e.target).parents('div.rw_list'); } else { return; } var id=that.attr('taskid'); if (e.button == 0 && e.shiftKey) { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); e.stopPropagation(); var checked = $('div.rw_list:has(input[value]:checked)').map(function(i, e) { return $(e).index('div.rw_list') }).get(); var myindex = $('.rw_list[taskid="'+id+'"]').index('div.rw_list'); var from = checked.reduce(function(a, e) { return Math.abs(e-myindex) < Math.abs(a-myindex) ? e : a; }, checked[0]); if (from > myindex) { var tmp = from; from = myindex; myindex = tmp; } $('div.rw_list:eq('+from+'), div.rw_list:gt('+from+'):lt('+(myindex-from)+')').each(function(i, e) { var id = $(e).attr('taskid'); if(!in_array(id,task_nowcheck)){ task_nowcheck.push(id); } $("#input"+id).attr("checked","true"); }); task_check_click(); clickFun(e,that); } }, true); }; init(); })(TLE); var ARIA2 = (function() { var jsonrpc_version = '2.0'; function get_auth(url) { return url.match(/^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)[^:\/?#.]+:)?(?:\/\/)?(?:([^:@]*(?::[^:@]*)?)?@)?/)[1]; }; function request(jsonrpc_path, method, params) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var auth = get_auth(jsonrpc_path); jsonrpc_path = jsonrpc_path.replace(/^((?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)[^:\/?#.]+:)?(\/\/)?(?:(?:[^:@]*(?::[^:@]*)?)?@)?(.*)/, '$1$2$3'); // auth string not allowed in url for firefox var request_obj = { jsonrpc: jsonrpc_version, method: method, id: (new Date()).getTime().toString(), }; if (params) request_obj['params'] = params; if (auth && auth.indexOf('token:') == 0) params.unshift(auth); xhr.open("POST", jsonrpc_path+"?tm="+(new Date()).getTime().toString(), true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); if (auth && auth.indexOf('token:') != 0) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic "+btoa(auth)); } xhr.send(JSON.stringify(request_obj)); }; return function(jsonrpc_path) { this.jsonrpc_path = jsonrpc_path; this.addUri = function (uri, options) { request(this.jsonrpc_path, 'aria2.addUri', [[uri, ], options]); }; return this; } })(); } // end of wrapper function tle_lx3_wrapper() { // vim: set et sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 ff=unix fenc=utf8: // Author: Binux // http://binux.me // Created on 2013-12-27 23:00:34 TLE = {}; TLE.exporter = { '复制链接': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = '
    '; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += '
  • '+file.title+'
  • '; }); }); str += "
"; TLE.window_pop('复制选中的链接 > 在新窗口中打开', str); }, 'Aria2': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; var filepath = TLE.safe_title(file.title); if (task.tasktype === 0 && task.filelist.length > 1) filepath = TLE.safe_title(task.taskname) + "/" + TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace(/\\+\*?/g,"/")); str += "aria2c -c -s10 -x10 --out "+TLE.escape_command(filepath)+" --header 'Cookie: gdriveid="+todown.gdriveid+";' '"+file.downurl+"'\n"; }); }); TLE.text_pop("aria2 download command", str); }, 'wget': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += "wget -c -O "+TLE.escape_command(TLE.safe_title(file.title))+" --header 'Cookie: gdriveid="+todown.gdriveid+";' '"+file.downurl+"'\n"; }); }); TLE.text_pop("wget download command", str); }, "YAAW": function(todown) { if (TLE.getConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc")) { TLE.tip("添加中...到YAAW界面查看是否添加成功"); var aria2 = new ARIA2(TLE.getConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc")); $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; var filepath = TLE.safe_title(file.title); if (task.tasktype === 0 && task.filelist.length > 1) filepath = TLE.safe_title(task.taskname) + "/" + TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace(/\\+\*?/g,"/")); aria2.addUri(file.downurl, {out: filepath, header: 'Cookie: gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid}); }); }); TLE.hide_tip(); } else { TLE.tip("尚未设置Aria2 JSONRPC地址", 5); } }, 'Aria2导出': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; var filepath = TLE.safe_title(file.title); if (task.tasktype === 0 && task.filelist.length > 1) filepath = TLE.safe_title(task.taskname) + "/" + TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace(/\\+\*?/g,"/")); str += file.downurl+'\r\n out='+filepath+'\r\n header=Cookie: gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid+'\r\n continue=true\r\n max-connection-per-server=5\r\n split=10\r\n parameterized-uri=true\r\n\r\n'; }); }); TLE.file_pop("Aria2导出文件下载", str, "aria2.down"); }, 'IDM导出': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += '<\r\n'+TLE.url_rewrite(file.downurl, TLE.safe_title(file.title))+'\r\ncookie: gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid+'\r\n>\r\n'; }); }); TLE.file_pop("IDM导出文件下载", str, "idm.ef2"); }, 'Orbit导出': function(todown) { //console.log(todown); var str = ""; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; str += TLE.url_rewrite(file.downurl, TLE.safe_title(file.title))+'|'+TLE.safe_title(file.title.replace("|", "_"))+'||gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid+'\r\n'; }); }); TLE.file_pop("Orbit导出文件下载", str, "orbit.olt"); }, 'eagleget导出': function(todown) { var ret = {tasks: []}; $.each(todown.tasklist, function(n, task) { $.each(task.filelist, function(l, file) { if (!file.downurl) return; ret.tasks.push({ cookie: 'gdriveid='+todown.gdriveid, fname: TLE.safe_title(file.title), url: TLE.url_rewrite(file.downurl, TLE.safe_title(file.title)) }); }); }); TLE.file_pop("Eagleget导出文件下载(test)", JSON.stringify(ret), "eagleget.eg"); }, }; (function(TLE) { function get_taskinfo(taskid) { return { taskname: $("#tr_c"+taskid+" .title .w_title").attr("title"), title: $("#tr_c"+taskid+" .title .w_title").attr("title"), f_url: $("#f_url"+taskid).val(), downurl: $("#dl_url"+taskid).val(), cid: $("#dcid"+taskid).val(), gcid: $("#gcid"+taskid).val(), size: parseInt($("#ysfilesize"+taskid).val()), tasktype: parseInt($("#d_tasktype"+taskid).val()), status: $("#d_status"+taskid).val(), }; } function get_bt_taskinfo(taskid) { return { title: $("#bt_taskname"+taskid).val(), f_url: $("#bturl"+taskid).val(), downurl: $("#btdownurl"+taskid).val(), cid: $("#btcid"+taskid).val(), gcid: $("#btgcid"+taskid).val(), size: $("#bt_filesize"+taskid).val(), status: $("#btd_status"+taskid).val(), }; } function build_bt_taskinfo(info, rdata) { var taskinfo = { 'taskname': info.taskname, 'f_url': info.f_url, 'cid': info.dcid, 'size': parseInt(info.ysfilesize), 'tasktype': parseInt(info.d_tasktype), 'status': info.d_status, }; var filelist = []; $.each(rdata, function(n, e) { filelist.push({ 'title': e.title, 'f_url': e.url, 'downurl': e.downurl, 'cid': e.cid, 'gcid': e.gcid, 'size': parseInt(e.filesize), }); }); taskinfo['filelist'] = filelist; return taskinfo; }; TLE.safe_title = function safe_title(title) { return title.replace(/[\\\|\:\*\"\?\<\>]/g,"_"); }; TLE.bt_down = function(_this, _do) { var ck = document.getElementsByName("bt_list_ck"); var files = []; $.each(ck, function(n, e) { if (e.checked == false) return; var fid = e.getAttribute("_i"); var file = { 'title': $("#bt_taskname"+fid).val(), 'url': $("#bturl"+fid).val(), 'downurl': $("#btdownurl"+fid).val(), 'cid': $("#btcid"+fid).val(), 'gcid': $("#btgcid"+fid).val(), 'filesize': $("#bt_filesize"+fid).val(), }; files.push(file); }); var taskid = $("#view_bt_taskid").val(); var info = get_taskinfo($("#tr_c"+taskid)); var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; todown.tasklist[taskid] = build_bt_taskinfo(info, files); //console.log(todown); _do(todown); //console.log("bt_down"); }; TLE.text_pop = function(title, content) { content = $('
').text(content).html() content = '' $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': title, 'content': content}).show().pop({ //onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); }; TLE.file_pop = function(title, content, filename) { var url = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"+encodeURIComponent(content); if (isChrome) { $('').appendTo('body').get(0).click(); } else { var content = '
' +'
' +'导出文件' +(isChrome ? '' : '(右键另存为'+filename+')') +'
' +'
' $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': title, 'content': content}).show().pop({ //onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); } }; TLE.window_pop = function(title, content) { $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {'title': title, 'content': content}).show().pop({ //onHide: function() { $(document.body).click(); }, }); }; TLE.tip = function(content, time) { TS2.show(content, time); }; TLE.hide_tip = function() { TS2.hide(); }; TLE.multiple_server_fix = function(url) { return "'"+url.replace("gdl", "'{gdl,dl.{f,g,h,i,twin}}'")+"'"; } function encode_utf8(s) { return unescape( encodeURIComponent( s ) ); }; function to_hex(num) { var s = num.toString(16); if (s.length == 1) return '0'+s; else return s; }; var thunder_filename_mask = [0x61, 0x31, 0xe4, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]; function thunder_filename_encode(filename) { var result = ["01", ]; $.each(encode_utf8(filename), function(i, n) { result.push(to_hex(n.charCodeAt(0)^thunder_filename_mask[i%8]).toUpperCase()) }); while (result.length % 8 != 1) { result.push(to_hex(thunder_filename_mask[(result.length-1)%8]).toUpperCase()); } return result.join(""); }; TLE.url_rewrite = function(url, filename) { url = url.replace(/&n=\w+/, "&n="+thunder_filename_encode(filename)); return url; }; var alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; TLE.escape_command = function(str) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (alpha.indexOf(str[i]) == -1) result += "\\"+str[i]; else result += str[i]; } return result; }; //setting TLE.getConfig = function(key) { if (window.localStorage) { return window.localStorage.getItem(key) || ""; } else { return getCookie(key); } }; TLE.setConfig = function(key, value) { if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem(key, value); } else { setGdCookie(key, value, 86400*365); } }; //set default config if (TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter") == "") { var exporters = []; for (var key in TLE.exporter) { exporters.push(key); }; TLE.setConfig("TLE_exporter", exporters.join("|")); }; function init() { //css $("head").append(''); //pop $("body").append(''); $("body").append(''); $("#TLE_text_tpl").text('
' +'
' +'


' +'
' +'
' +'$[content]' +'
' +'关闭浮层' +'
'); //setting $("#view_down_bar ul").prepend('
  • TLE设置
  • '); $("#TLE_setting_anchor").on("click", function() { var content = '
      ' +'
    • 启用以下导出器
    • ' +'
    • '+(function(){ var enabled_exporter = TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter").split("|"); var str = ''; for (var name in TLE.exporter) { str += ''+name+''; } return str; })()+'
    • ' +'
    • Aria2 JSON-RPC Path
    • ' +'
    • Path:
    • ' +'
    ' +'
    ' +'
    ' +''; $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {title: "Thunder Lixian Exporter 设定", content: content}).show().pop(); $("#TLE_setting_ok").on("click", function() { var enabled_exporter = []; $(".TLE_setting_ck").each(function(n, e) { if (e.checked) enabled_exporter.push(e.name.replace(/^TLE_ck_/, "")); }); var config_str = (enabled_exporter.length == 0) ? "_" : enabled_exporter.join("|"); var jsonrpc_path = $("#TLE_aria2_jsonrpc").val(); if (TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter") != config_str || TLE.getConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc") != jsonrpc_path) { TLE.setConfig("TLE_exporter", config_str); TLE.setConfig("TLE_aria2_jsonrpc", jsonrpc_path); } $("a.pop_close:visible").click(); TLE.tip("配置已保存", 5); }); }); //download binding function exporter_anchors() { var enabled_exporter = TLE.getConfig("TLE_exporter").split("|"); var str = ''; $.each(TLE.exporter, function(n, f) { if (enabled_exporter.indexOf(n) == -1) return; str+=('
  • '+n+'
  • '); }); return str; } function show_exporter_selector() { $("#TLE_text_pop").tpl("TLE_text_tpl", {title: "您正在使用Thunder Lixian Exporter", content: ''}).pop(); } TLE.todown = {}; window.thunder_download = function(taskid, type) { TLE.todown = {}; TLE.todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); if (type === 1) { // bt_down_one var taskinfo = { taskname: $("#bt_info_list .title .w").text(), f_url: null, cid: null, size: null, tasktype: 0, status: 2, } var filelist = []; filelist.push(get_bt_taskinfo(taskid)); taskinfo['filelist'] = filelist; TLE.todown.tasklist = {}; TLE.todown.tasklist['0'] = taskinfo; } else { // down var taskinfo = get_taskinfo(taskid); var filelist = []; filelist.push(get_taskinfo(taskid)); taskinfo['filelist'] = filelist; TLE.todown.tasklist = {}; TLE.todown.tasklist[taskid] = taskinfo; } show_exporter_selector(); } window.bt_task_down = function(cid, taskid) { // bt_down batch_down_all_f([taskid, ]); } window.batch_down_all_f = function(taskids) { // batch_down if (!taskids) { taskids = []; $("span[name=ck][checked]").each(function(n, e) { taskids.push($(e).attr("value")); }); } var bt_task_list = [], normal_task_list = []; $.each(taskids, function(n, taskid) { var d_status = $("#d_status"+taskid).val(); var d_tasktype = parseInt($("#d_tasktype"+taskid).val()); var d_flag = $("#dflag"+taskid).val(); if (d_flag != 4 && d_status == 2) { if (d_tasktype == 0) { bt_task_list.push(taskid); } else { normal_task_list.push(taskid); }; }; }); if (bt_task_list.length) { TLE.tip("载入中..."); $.getJSON(INTERFACE_URL+"/fill_bt_list?tid="+bt_task_list.join(",")+"&g_net="+G_section+"&uid="+G_USERID+"&callback=?", function(data) { TLE.hide_tip(); var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; $.each(data['Result'], function(n, e) { var taskinfo = get_taskinfo(n); var filelist = []; $.each(e, function(n, e) { filelist.push({ title: e.title, f_url: e.url, downurl: e.downurl, cid: e.cid, gcid: e.gcid, size: parseInt(e.filesize), }); }); taskinfo.filelist = filelist; todown.tasklist[n] = taskinfo; }); $.each(normal_task_list, function(n, e) { var taskinfo = get_taskinfo(e); taskinfo['filelist'] = taskinfo; todown.tasklist[e] = taskinfo; }); TLE.todown = todown; show_exporter_selector(); }); } else { var todown = {}; todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); todown.tasklist = {}; $.each(normal_task_list, function(n, e) { var taskinfo = get_taskinfo(e); taskinfo['filelist'] = taskinfo; todown.tasklist[e] = taskinfo; }); TLE.todown = todown; show_exporter_selector(); }; }; window.batch_down_bt = function() { var taskids = []; $("span[name=bt_list_ck][checked]").each(function(n, e) { var taskid = $(e).attr("value"); if ($("#btd_status"+taskid).val() == 2) taskids.push(taskid); }); TLE.todown = {}; TLE.todown.gdriveid = $("#cok").val() || getCookie("gdriveid"); var taskinfo = { taskname: $("#bt_info_list .title .w").text(), f_url: null, cid: null, size: null, tasktype: 0, status: 2, } var filelist = []; $.each(taskids, function(n, e) { filelist.push(get_bt_taskinfo(e)); }); taskinfo['filelist'] = filelist; TLE.todown.tasklist = {}; TLE.todown.tasklist['0'] = taskinfo; show_exporter_selector(); } } init(); })(TLE); var ARIA2 = (function() { var jsonrpc_version = '2.0'; function get_auth(url) { return url.match(/^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)[^:\/?#.]+:)?(?:\/\/)?(?:([^:@]*(?::[^:@]*)?)?@)?/)[1]; }; function request(jsonrpc_path, method, params) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var auth = get_auth(jsonrpc_path); jsonrpc_path = jsonrpc_path.replace(/^((?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)[^:\/?#.]+:)?(\/\/)?(?:(?:[^:@]*(?::[^:@]*)?)?@)?(.*)/, '$1$2$3'); // auth string not allowed in url for firefox var request_obj = { jsonrpc: jsonrpc_version, method: method, id: (new Date()).getTime().toString(), }; if (params) request_obj['params'] = params; if (auth && auth.indexOf('token:') == 0) params.unshift(auth); xhr.open("POST", jsonrpc_path+"?tm="+(new Date()).getTime().toString(), true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"); if (auth && auth.indexOf('token:') != 0) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic "+btoa(auth)); } xhr.send(JSON.stringify(request_obj)); }; return function(jsonrpc_path) { this.jsonrpc_path = jsonrpc_path; this.addUri = function (uri, options) { request(this.jsonrpc_path, 'aria2.addUri', [[uri, ], options]); }; return this; } })(); } // end of wrapper function onload(func) { if (document.readyState === "complete") { func(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', func); } } onload(function(){ var script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = "TLE_script"; if (location.host == "dynamic.cloud.vip.xunlei.com") { script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ tle_wrapper +')();')); } else { script.appendChild(document.createTextNode('('+ tle_lx3_wrapper +')();')); } (document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script); });