/** * Inheritance plugin * * Copyright (c) 2010 Filatov Dmitry (dfilatov@yandex-team.ru) * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * @version 1.3.5 */ (function($) { var hasIntrospection = (function(){_}).toString().indexOf('_') > -1, emptyBase = function() {}, objCreate = Object.create || function(ptp) { var inheritance = function() {}; inheritance.prototype = ptp; return new inheritance(); }, needCheckProps = true, testPropObj = { toString : '' }; for(var i in testPropObj) { // fucking ie hasn't toString, valueOf in for testPropObj.hasOwnProperty(i) && (needCheckProps = false); } var specProps = needCheckProps? ['toString', 'valueOf'] : null; function override(base, result, add) { var hasSpecProps = false; if(needCheckProps) { var addList = []; $.each(specProps, function() { add.hasOwnProperty(this) && (hasSpecProps = true) && addList.push({ name : this, val : add[this] }); }); if(hasSpecProps) { $.each(add, function(name) { addList.push({ name : name, val : this }); }); add = addList; } } $.each(add, function(name, prop) { if(hasSpecProps) { name = prop.name; prop = prop.val; } if($.isFunction(prop) && (!hasIntrospection || prop.toString().indexOf('.__base') > -1)) { var baseMethod = base[name] || function() {}; result[name] = function() { var baseSaved = this.__base; this.__base = baseMethod; var result = prop.apply(this, arguments); this.__base = baseSaved; return result; }; } else { result[name] = prop; } }); } $.inherit = function() { var args = arguments, hasBase = $.isFunction(args[0]), base = hasBase? args[0] : emptyBase, props = args[hasBase? 1 : 0] || {}, staticProps = args[hasBase? 2 : 1], result = props.__constructor || (hasBase && base.prototype.__constructor)? function() { return this.__constructor.apply(this, arguments); } : function() {}; if(!hasBase) { result.prototype = props; result.prototype.__self = result.prototype.constructor = result; return $.extend(result, staticProps); } $.extend(result, base); var basePtp = base.prototype, resultPtp = result.prototype = objCreate(basePtp); resultPtp.__self = resultPtp.constructor = result; override(basePtp, resultPtp, props); staticProps && override(base, result, staticProps); return result; }; $.inheritSelf = function(base, props, staticProps) { var basePtp = base.prototype; override(basePtp, basePtp, props); staticProps && override(base, base, staticProps); return base; }; })(jQuery);