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"http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2013-4939/" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "2.8.0" , "below" : "2.9.1", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE_2012-5883"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2012-5883/" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "2.5.0" , "below" : "2.9.1", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2012-5882"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2012-5882/" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "2.4.0" , "below" : "2.9.1", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2012-5881"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2012-5881/" ] }, { "below" : "2.9.0", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2010-4710"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2010-4710/" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "2.8.0" , "below" : "2.8.2", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2010-4209"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2010-4209/" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "2.5.0" , "below" : "2.8.2", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2010-4208"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2010-4208/" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "2.4.0" , "below" : "2.8.2", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2010-4207"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2010-4207/" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "YUI.Version" ], "filename" : [ "yui-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js"], "filecontent" : [ "YUI (§§version§§)", "/yui/license.(?:html|txt)\nversion: (§§version§§)"], "hashes" : {} } }, "prototypejs" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "atOrAbove" : "1.6.0", "below" : "", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2008-7220"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2008-7220/" ] }, { "below" : "", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2008-7220"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2008-7220/" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "Prototype.Version" ], "uri" : [ "/(§§version§§)/prototype(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "prototype-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ "Prototype JavaScript framework, version 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"72a6a9fbef9fa5a73cd47e49942199147f905206" : "1.1.1" } } }, "angularjs" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "1.2.0", "severity": "high", "identifiers": { "summary": [ "execution of arbitrary javascript", "sandboxing fails", "possible cross-site scripting vulnerabilities" ] }, "info" : [ "https://code.google.com/p/mustache-security/wiki/AngularJS" ] }, { "below" : "1.2.19", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { "release": "1.3.0-beta.14", "summary": "execution of arbitrary javascript" }, "info" : [ "https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/b3b5015cb7919708ce179dc3d6f0d7d7f43ef621/CHANGELOG.md" ] }, { "below" : "1.2.24", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { "commit": "b39e1d47b9a1b39a9fe34c847a81f589fba522f8", "summary": "execution of arbitrary javascript" }, "info" : [ "http://avlidienbrunn.se/angular.txt", "https://github.com/angular/angular.js/commit/b39e1d47b9a1b39a9fe34c847a81f589fba522f8"] }, { "atOrAbove" : "1.3.0-beta.1", "below" : "1.3.0-beta.14", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { "commit": "b39e1d47b9a1b39a9fe34c847a81f589fba522f8", "summary": "execution of arbitrary javascript" }, "info" : [ "https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/b3b5015cb7919708ce179dc3d6f0d7d7f43ef621/CHANGELOG.md" ] }, { "atOrAbove" : "1.3.0-beta.1", "below" : "1.3.0-rc.1", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { "commit": "b39e1d47b9a1b39a9fe34c847a81f589fba522f8", "summary": "execution of arbitrary javascript" }, "info" : [ "http://avlidienbrunn.se/angular.txt", "https://github.com/angular/angular.js/commit/b39e1d47b9a1b39a9fe34c847a81f589fba522f8"] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "angular.version.full" ], "uri" : [ "/(§§version§§)/angular(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "angular(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ "/\\*[ \n]+AngularJS v(§§version§§)" ], "hashes" : {} } }, "backbone.js" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "0.5.0", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { "release": "0.5.0", "summary": "cross-site scripting vulnerability" }, "info" : [ "http://backbonejs.org/#changelog" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "Backbone.VERSION" ], "uri" : [ "/(§§version§§)/backbone(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "backbone(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ "//[ ]+Backbone.js (§§version§§)", "a=t.Backbone={}}a.VERSION=\"(§§version§§)\"" ], "hashes" : {} } }, "mustache.js" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "0.3.1", "severity": "high", "identifiers": { "bug": "112", "summary": "execution of arbitrary javascript" }, "info" : [ "https://github.com/janl/mustache.js/issues/112" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "Mustache.version" ], "uri" : [ "/(§§version§§)/mustache(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "mustache(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ "name:\"mustache.js\",version:\"(§§version§§)\"", "[^a-z]mustache.version[ ]?=[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")", "exports.name[ ]?=[ ]?\"mustache.js\";[\n ]*exports.version[ ]?=[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\");" ], "hashes" : {} } }, "handlebars.js" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "1.0.0.beta.3", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { "summary": "poorly sanitized input passed to eval()" }, "info" : [ "https://github.com/wycats/handlebars.js/pull/68" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "Handlebars.VERSION" ], "uri" : [ "/(§§version§§)/handlebars(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "handlebars(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ "Handlebars.VERSION = \"(§§version§§)\";", "Handlebars=\\{VERSION:(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")", "this.Handlebars=\\{\\};[\n\r \t]+\\(function\\([a-z]\\)\\{[a-z].VERSION=(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")" ], "hashes" : {} } }, "easyXDM" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "2.4.18", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2013-5212"}, "info" : [ "http://blog.kotowicz.net/2013/09/exploiting-easyxdm-part-1-not-usual.html", "http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-5212" ] }, { "below" : "2.4.19", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2014-1403"}, "info" : [ "http://blog.kotowicz.net/2014/01/xssing-with-shakespeare-name-calling.html", "http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-1403" ] } ], "extractors" : { "uri" : [ "/(easyXDM-)?(§§version§§)/easyXDM(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "easyXDM-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ " \\* easyXDM\n \\* http://easyxdm.net/(?:\r|\n|.)+version:\"(§§version§§)\"", "@class easyXDM(?:.|\r|\n)+@version (§§version§§)(\r|\n)" ], "hashes" : { "cf266e3bc2da372c4f0d6b2bd87bcbaa24d5a643" : "2.4.6"} } }, "plupload" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "1.5.4", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2012-2401"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2012-2401/" ] }, { "below" : "1.5.5", "severity": "high", "identifiers": {"CVE": "CVE-2013-0237"}, "info" : [ "http://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2013-0237/" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "plupload.VERSION" ], "uri" : [ "/(§§version§§)/plupload(\\.min)?\\.js" ], "filename" : [ "plupload-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ], "filecontent" : [ "\\* Plupload - multi-runtime File Uploader(\r|\n)+ \\* v§§version§§", "var g=\\{VERSION:\"§§version§§\",.*;window.plupload=g\\}" ], "hashes" : {} } }, "DOMPurify" : { "vulnerabilities" : [ { "below" : "0.6.1", "severity": "medium", "identifiers": { }, "info" : [ "https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/releases/tag/0.6.1" ] } ], "extractors" : { "func" : [ "DOMPurify.version" ], "filecontent" : [ "DOMPurify.version = '§§version§§';" ], "hashes" : {} } }, "dont check" : { "extractors" : { "uri" : [ "^http[s]?://(ssl|www).google-analytics.com/ga.js", "^http[s]?://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js", "^http[s]?://cdn.cxense.com/cx.js" ] } } }