/* Copyright (c) 2011 Batiste Bieler and contributors, https://github.com/batiste/sprite.js Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*jslint bitwise: true, undef: true, white: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */ /* Sprite.js v1.2.1 * * coding guideline * * CamelCase everywhere (I don't like it but it seems to the standard these days). * Tabs have to be 4 spaces (python style). * If you contribute don't forget to add your name in the AUTHORS file. */ (function (global) { "use strict"; var sjs, Sprite, Scene, Layer, Ticker, Ticker_, Cycle, Input, _Input, List, doc = global.document, // number of sprites nb_sprite = 0, // number of scenes nb_scene = 0, // number of cycle nb_cycle = 0, browser_specific_runned = false, // global z-index zindex = 1; //IE 8 fix help functions function _addEventListener(element, type,listener,useCapture){ if(element.addEventListener){ element.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); }else if(element.attachEvent){ element.attachEvent("on" + type, listener); } } function _removeEventListener(element, type,listener,useCapture){ if(element.removeEventListener){ element.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); }else if (element.detachEvent){ element.detachEvent(type, listener); } } function _preventEvent(e){ if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }else{ e.returnValue = false; } } // math functions function mod(n, base) { // strictly positive modulo return ((n % base) + base) % base; } function hypo(x, y) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); } function normalVector(vx, vy, intensity) { var n = hypo(vx, vy); if (n === 0) { return {x: vx, y: vy}; } if (intensity) { return {x: ((vx / n) * intensity), y: ((vy / n) * intensity)}; } return {x: vx / n, y: vy / n}; } function lineSide(ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) { // return true if the point C is on the right of the line (A, B) var v = (bx - ax) * (cy - ay) - (by - ay) * (cx - ax); if (v === 0) { return null; } return v > 0; } // browser specific feature detection function has(el, propList) { var prop = propList.shift(); while (prop) { if (typeof el[prop] !== 'undefined') { return prop; } prop = propList.shift(); } } function initBrowserSpecific() { sjs.tproperty = has(doc.body.style, [ 'transform', 'webkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform', 'msTransform']); sjs.requestAnimationFrame = has(global, [ 'requestAnimationFrame', 'mozRequestAnimationFrame', 'webkitRequestAnimationFrame', 'oRequestAnimationFrame', 'msRequestAnimationFrame']); sjs.cancelAnimationFrame = has(global, [ 'cancelAnimationFrame', 'cancelRequestAnimationFrame', 'mozCancelAnimationFrame', 'mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame', 'webkitCancelAnimationFrame', 'webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame', 'oCancelAnimationFrame', 'oCancelRequestAnimationFrame', 'msCancelAnimationFrame', 'msCancelRequestAnimationFrame']); sjs.createEventProperty = has(doc, ['createEvent', 'createEventObject']); browser_specific_runned = true; } function optionValue(options, name, default_value, type) { if (options && options[name] !== undefined) { if (type === 'int') { return options[name] | 0; } return options[name]; } return default_value; } function overlay(x, y, w, h) { var div = doc.createElement('div'), s = div.style; s.top = y + 'px'; s.left = x + 'px'; s.width = w + 'px'; s.height = h + 'px'; s.color = '#fff'; s.zIndex = 100; s.position = 'absolute'; s.backgroundColor = '#000'; s.opacity = 0.7; return div; } Scene = function Scene(options) { if (this.constructor !== Scene) { return new Scene(options); } if (!browser_specific_runned) { initBrowserSpecific(); } this.autoPause = optionValue(options, 'autoPause', true); // main function this.main = optionValue(options, 'main', function () {}); var div = doc.createElement('div'), parent; div.style.overflow = 'hidden'; // TODO: detect those features // image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; // ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; div.style.imageRendering = '-webkit-optimize-contrast'; div.style.position = 'relative'; div.className = 'sjs'; div.id = 'sjs' + nb_scene; this.id = nb_scene; nb_scene = nb_scene + 1; parent = optionValue(options, 'parent', doc.body); parent.appendChild(div); this.w = optionValue(options, 'w', 480, 'int'); this.h = optionValue(options, 'h', 320, 'int'); this.dom = div; this.dom.style.width = this.w + 'px'; this.dom.style.height = this.h + 'px'; this.layers = {}; this.ticker = null; this.useCanvas = optionValue(options, "useCanvas", global.location.href.indexOf('canvas') !== -1); this.xscale = 1; this.yscale = 1; // needs to be done after this.useCanvas this.Layer("default"); sjs.scenes.push(this); return this; }; Scene.prototype.constructor = Scene; Scene.prototype.Sprite = function SceneSprite(src, layer) { // A shortcut for sjs.Sprite if(layer===undefined) sjs.error("When you create Sprite from the scene the layer should be specified or false."); return new Sprite(this, src, layer); }; Scene.prototype.Layer = function SceneLayer(name, options) { return new Layer(this, name, options); }; // just for convenience Scene.prototype.Cycle = function SceneCycle(triplets) { return new Cycle(triplets); }; Scene.prototype.Input = function SceneInput() { this.input = new Input(this); return this.input; }; Scene.prototype.scale = function SceneScale(x, y) { this.xscale = x; this.yscale = y; this.dom.style[sjs.tproperty+"Origin"] = "0 0"; this.dom.style[sjs.tproperty] = "scale(" + x + "," + y + ")"; }; Scene.prototype.toString = function () { return "Scene(" + String(this.id) + ")"; }; Scene.prototype.reset = function reset() { var l; if (this.ticker) { this.ticker.pause(); } for (l in this.layers) { if (this.layers.hasOwnProperty(l)) { this.layers[l].dom.parentNode.removeChild(this.layers[l].dom); delete this.layers[l]; } } // remove remaining children while (this.dom.childNodes.length >= 1) { this.dom.removeChild(this.dom.firstChild); } this.layers = {}; this.Layer("default"); }; Scene.prototype.Ticker = function Ticker(paint, options) { if (this.ticker) { this.ticker.pause(); this.ticker.paint = function () {}; } this.ticker = new Ticker_(this, paint, options); return this.ticker; }; Scene.prototype.loadImages = function loadImages(images, callback) { // function used to preload the sprite images if (!callback) { callback = this.main; } var toLoad = 0, total, div, img, src, error, scene, i; for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (!sjs.spriteCache[images[i]]) { toLoad += 1; sjs.spriteCache[images[i]] = {src: images[i], loaded: false, loading: false}; } } if (toLoad === 0) { return callback(); } total = toLoad; div = overlay(0, 0, this.w, this.h); div.style.textAlign = 'center'; div.style.paddingTop = (this.h / 2 - 16) + 'px'; div.innerHTML = 'Loading'; this.dom.appendChild(div); scene = this; error = false; var _loadImg = function(src) { sjs.spriteCache[src].loading = true; img = doc.createElement('img'); sjs.spriteCache[src].img = img; _addEventListener(img, 'load', function () { sjs.spriteCache[src].loaded = true; toLoad -= 1; if (error === false) { if (toLoad === 0) { scene.dom.removeChild(div); callback(); } else { div.innerHTML = 'Loading ' + ((total - toLoad) / total * 100 | 0) + '%'; } } }, false); _addEventListener(img, 'error', function () { error = true; div.innerHTML = 'Error loading image ' + src; }, false); img.src = src; } for (src in sjs.spriteCache) { if (sjs.spriteCache.hasOwnProperty(src)) { if (!sjs.spriteCache[src].loading) { _loadImg(src); } } } }; Sprite = function Sprite(scene, src, layer) { this.scene = scene; this._dirty = {}; this.changed = false; // positions this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this._x_before = 0; this._x_rounded = 0; this._y_before = 0; this._y_rounded = 0; //velocity this.xv = 0; this.yv = 0; this.rv = 0; // shape: rectangle, circle this.type = "rectangle"; // newton this.mass = 1; this.friction = 0.05; // forces this.xf = 0; this.yf = 0; // image this.src = null; this.img = null; this.imgNaturalWidth = null; this.imgNaturalHeight = null; // width and height of the sprite view port this.w = null; this.h = null; // offsets of the image within the viewport this.xoffset = 0; this.yoffset = 0; this.dom = null; this.cycle = null; this.xscale = 1; this.yscale = 1; this.angle = 0; this.xTransformOrigin = null; this.yTransformOrigin = null; this.backgroundRepeat = null; this.opacity = 1; this.color = false; this.id = ++nb_sprite; // necessary to get set this.layer = null; var value, target, setF, first_char, d, p, properties; // if it doesn't seems to kouak like a Layer object if (layer) { // this is a layer object if (layer.sprites) { this.layer = layer; } else { // we can receive things like this // {x: 10, y: 10, w: 10, h: 50, size: [20, 30], layer: var} properties = layer; // this is the messy magic options initializer code for (p in properties) { if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p)) { value = properties[p]; target = this[p]; if (typeof target === "function") { this[p].apply(this, value); } else if (target !== undefined) { // this is necessary to set cache value properly first_char = p.charAt(0); if ((first_char === 'x' || first_char === 'y') && p.length > 1) { setF = 'set' + first_char.toUpperCase() + p.charAt(1).toUpperCase() + p.slice(2); } else { setF = 'set' + first_char.toUpperCase() + p.slice(1); } if (this[setF]) { this[setF].apply(this, [value]); } else { // necessary for layer option this[p] = value; } } } } } } // can be set by the properties if (this.layer === undefined || layer === undefined) { this.layer = scene.layers['default']; } if (this.layer && !this.layer.useCanvas) { d = doc.createElement('div'); d.style.position = 'absolute'; this.dom = d; this.layer.dom.appendChild(d); } if (src) { this.loadImg(src); } return this; }; Sprite.prototype.constructor = Sprite; /* boilerplate setter functions */ Sprite.prototype.setX = function setX(value) { this.x = value; // this secessary for the physic this._x_rounded = value | 0; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setY = function setY(value) { this.y = value; this._y_rounded = value | 0; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setW = function setW(value) { this.w = value; this._dirty.w = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setH = function setH(value) { this.h = value; this._dirty.h = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setXOffset = function setXoffset(value) { this.xoffset = value; this._dirty.xoffset = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setYOffset = function setYoffset(value) { this.yoffset = value; this._dirty.yoffset = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setAngle = function setAngle(value) { this.angle = value; this._dirty.angle = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setColor = function setColor(value) { this.color = value; this._dirty.color = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setOpacity = function setOpacity(value) { this.opacity = value; this._dirty.opacity = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setXScale = function setXscale(value) { this.xscale = value; this._dirty.xscale = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setYScale = function setYscale(value) { this.yscale = value; this._dirty.yscale = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.transformOrigin = function transformOrigin(x, y) { this.xTransformOrigin = x; this.yTransformOrigin = y; this._dirty.transform = true; this.changed = true; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.setBackgroundRepeat = function setBackgroundRepeat(value) { this._dirty.backgroundRepeat = true; this.backgroundRepeat = value; return this; }; // End of boilerplate setters, start of helpers Sprite.prototype.rotate = function (v) { this.setAngle(this.angle + v); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.orient = function orient(x, y) { var a = Math.atan2(y, x); this.setAngle(a); }; Sprite.prototype.scale = function (x, y) { if (this.xscale !== x) { this.setXScale(x); } if (y === undefined) { y = x; } if (this.yscale !== y) { this.setYScale(y); } return this; }; Sprite.prototype.move = function (x, y) { this.setX(this.x + x); this.setY(this.y + y); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.position = function (x, y) { this.setX(x); this.setY(y); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.offset = function (x, y) { this.setXOffset(x); this.setYOffset(y); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.size = function (w, h) { this.setW(w); this.setH(h); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.toFront = function(){ this.layer.lastZIndex++; return this.setZIndex(this.layer.lastZIndex); }; Sprite.prototype.toBack = function(){ this.layer.lastZIndex++; return this.setZIndex(-this.layer.lastZIndex); }; Sprite.prototype.setZIndex = function(z){ if(this.dom && this.layer) { this._dirty.zindex = true; this.changed = true; this.zindex = z; } return this; }; // Physic Sprite.prototype.setForce = function setForce(xf, yf) { this.xf = xf; this.yf = yf; }; Sprite.prototype.addForce = function addForce(xf, yf) { this.xf += xf; this.yf += yf; }; Sprite.prototype.applyForce = function applyForce(ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) { ticks = 1; } // Integrate newton's laws of motion F = ma => a = F / m this.xv -= this.friction * this.xv * this.mass * ticks; this.xv += (this.xf / this.mass) * ticks; this.yv -= this.friction * this.yv * this.mass * ticks; this.yv += (this.yf / this.mass) * ticks; }; Sprite.prototype.velocity = function () { return hypo(this.xv, this.yv); }; Sprite.prototype.setVelocity = function (xv, yv) { this.xv = xv; this.yv = yv; }; Sprite.prototype.addVelocity = function (xv, yv) { this.xv += xv; this.yv += yv; }; Sprite.prototype.applyVelocity = function (ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) ticks = 1; if (this.xv !== 0) this.setX(this.x + this.xv * ticks); if (this.yv !== 0) this.setY(this.y + this.yv * ticks); if (this.rv !== 0) this.setAngle(this.angle + this.rv * ticks); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.reverseVelocity = function (ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) ticks = 1; if (this.xv !== 0) this.setX(this.x - this.xv * ticks); if (this.yv !== 0) this.setY(this.y - this.yv * ticks); if (this.rv !== 0) this.setAngle(this.angle - this.rv * ticks); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.applyXVelocity = function (ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) ticks = 1; if (this.xv !== 0) this.setX(this.x + this.xv * ticks); }; Sprite.prototype.reverseXVelocity = function (ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) ticks = 1; if (this.xv !== 0) this.setX(this.x-this.xv * ticks); }; Sprite.prototype.applyYVelocity = function (ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) ticks = 1; if (this.yv !== 0) this.setY(this.y+this.yv * ticks); }; Sprite.prototype.reverseYVelocity = function (ticks) { if (ticks === undefined) ticks = 1; if (this.yv !== 0) this.setY(this.y-this.yv * ticks); }; Sprite.prototype.rotateVelocity = function (a) { var x = this.xv * Math.cos(a) - this.yv * Math.sin(a); this.yv = this.xv * Math.sin(a) + this.yv * Math.cos(a); this.xv = x; }; Sprite.prototype.orientVelocity = function (x, y) { var intensity = hypo(this.xv, this.yv), v; v = normalVector(x, y, intensity); this.xv = v.x; this.yv = v.y; }; Sprite.prototype.remove = function remove() { if (this.cycle) this.cycle.removeSprite(this); if (this.layer && !this.layer.useCanvas) { this.layer.dom.removeChild(this.dom); this.dom = null; } if (this.texture) this.texture.remove(); this.texture = null; //delete this.layer.sprites[this.layerIndex]; this.layer = null; this.img = null; }; // Update methods Sprite.prototype.webGLUpdate = function webGLUpdate () { if (!this.texture) { this.texture = new webgl.Texture(this); } this.texture.render(this.x, this.y); return this; }; Sprite.prototype.update = function updateDomProperties () { if(this.layer.scene.disableUpdate) return this; // This is the CPU heavy function. if (this.layer.useWebGL) { return this.webGLUpdate(); } if (this.layer.useCanvas) { return this.canvasUpdate(); } var style = this.dom.style, trans; // using Math.round to round integers before changing seems to improve a bit performances if (this._x_before !== this._x_rounded) style.left=(this.x | 0) + 'px'; if (this._y_before !== this._y_rounded) style.top=(this.y | 0) + 'px'; // cache rounded positions, it's used to avoid unecessary update this._x_before = this._x_rounded; this._y_before = this._y_rounded; if (!this.changed) return this; if (this._dirty.w) style.width=(this.w | 0) +'px'; if (this._dirty.h) style.height=(this.h | 0) + 'px'; // translate and translate3d doesn't seems to offer any speedup // in my tests. if (this._dirty.xoffset || this._dirty.yoffset) style.backgroundPosition=-(this.xoffset | 0) + 'px ' + -(this.yoffset | 0) + 'px'; if (this._dirty.opacity) if ('opacity' in document.body.style) { style.opacity = this.opacity; } else { style.filter = "alpha(opacity="+ this.opacity*100 + ")"; } if (this._dirty.color) style.backgroundColor = this.color; if (this._dirty.zindex) style.zIndex = this.zindex; if(this._dirty.transform) { style[sjs.tproperty + 'Origin'] = this.xTransformOrigin + " " + this.yTransformOrigin; } if(this._dirty.backgroundRepeat) { style.backgroundRepeat = this.backgroundRepeat; } // those transformation have pretty bad perfs implication on Opera, // don't update those values if nothing changed if (this._dirty.xscale || this._dirty.yscale || this._dirty.angle) { trans = ""; if (this.angle !== 0) trans += 'rotate(' + this.angle + 'rad) '; if (this.xscale !== 1 || this.yscale !== 1) { trans += ' scale(' + this.xscale + ', ' + this.yscale + ')'; } style[sjs.tproperty] = trans; } // reset this.changed = false; this._dirty = {}; return this; }; Sprite.prototype.canvasUpdate = function canvasUpdate(layer) { var ctx, transx, transy, repeat_w, repeat_y; if (layer) ctx = layer.ctx; else ctx = this.layer.ctx; var fast_track = ( this.angle == 0 && this.opacity == 1 && this.imgNaturalWidth == this.w && this.imgNaturalHeight == this.h && this.xTransformOrigin === null ) if(fast_track) { ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.xoffset, this.yoffset, this.w, this.h, this._x_rounded, this._y_rounded, this.w, this.h); return this; } ctx.save(); if (this.xTransformOrigin === null) { // 50% 505 in CSS transx = this.w >> 1; transy = this.h >> 1; } else { transx = this.xTransformOrigin; transy = this.yTransformOrigin; } // rounding the coordinates yield a big performance improvement ctx.translate(this._x_rounded + transx, this._y_rounded + transy); ctx.rotate(this.angle); if (this.xscale !== 1 || this.yscale !== 1) ctx.scale(this.xscale, this.yscale); ctx.globalAlpha = this.opacity; ctx.translate(-transx, -transy); // handle background colors. if (this.color) { ctx.fillStyle = this.color; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.w, this.h); } // handle repeating images, a way to implement repeating background in canvas if (this.imgLoaded && this.img) { if (this.imgNaturalWidth < this.w || this.imgNaturalHeight < this.h) { repeat_w = Math.floor(this.w / this.imgNaturalWidth); while(repeat_w > 0) { repeat_w = repeat_w-1; repeat_y = Math.floor(this.h / this.imgNaturalHeight); while(repeat_y > 0) { repeat_y = repeat_y-1; ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.xoffset, this.yoffset, this.imgNaturalWidth, this.imgNaturalHeight, repeat_w * this.imgNaturalWidth, repeat_y * this.imgNaturalHeight, this.imgNaturalWidth, this.imgNaturalHeight); } } } else { // image with normal size or with ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.xoffset, this.yoffset, this.w, this.h, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); } } ctx.restore(); return this; }; // Other methods Sprite.prototype.toString = function () { return "Sprite(" + String(this.id) + ")"; }; Sprite.prototype.onload = function (callback) { if (this.imgLoaded && this._callback) { this._callback = callback; } }; Sprite.prototype.loadImg = function (src, resetSize) { // the image exact source value will change according to the // hostname, this is useful to retain the original source value here. var _loaded, there = this, img; this.src = src; // check if the image is already in the cache if (!sjs.spriteCache[src]) { // if not we create the image in the cache this.img = doc.createElement('img'); sjs.spriteCache[src] = {src: src, img: this.img, loaded: false, loading: true}; _loaded = false; } else { // if it's already there, we set img object and check if it's loaded this.img = sjs.spriteCache[src].img; _loaded = sjs.spriteCache[src].loaded; } // actions to perform when the image is loaded function imageReady(e) { img = there.img; sjs.spriteCache[src].loaded = true; there.imgLoaded = true; if (there.layer && !there.layer.useCanvas) there.dom.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + src + ')'; there.imgNaturalWidth = img.width; there.imgNaturalHeight = img.height; if (there.w === null || resetSize) there.setW(img.width); if (there.h === null || resetSize) there.setH(img.height); there.onload(); } if (_loaded) imageReady(); else { _addEventListener(this.img, 'load', imageReady, false); this.img.src = src; } return this; }; Sprite.prototype.distance = function distance(x, y) { // Return the distance between this sprite and the point (x, y) or a Sprite if (typeof x === "number") { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x + this.w / 2 - x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y + this.h / 2 - y, 2)); } else { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x + (this.w / 2) - (x.x + (x.w / 2)), 2) + Math.pow(this.y + (this.h / 2) - (x.y + (x.h / 2)), 2)); } }; Sprite.prototype.center = function center() { return {x: this.x + this.w / 2, y: this.y + this.h / 2}; }; // Fx Sprite.prototype.explode2 = function explode(v, horizontal, layer) { if (!layer) layer = this.layer; var props = {layer:layer, color:this.color}; if (v === undefined) { if (horizontal) v = this.h >> 1; else v = this.w >> 1; } var s1 = layer.scene.Sprite(this.src, props); var s2 = layer.scene.Sprite(this.src, props); if (horizontal) { s1.size(this.w, v); s1.position(this.x, this.y); s2.size(this.w, this.h - v); s2.position(this.x, this.y + v); s2.setYOffset(v); } else { s1.size(v, this.h); s1.position(this.x, this.y); s2.size(this.w - v, this.h); s2.position(this.x + v, this.y); s2.setXOffset(v); } return [s1, s2]; }; Sprite.prototype.explode4 = function explode(x, y, layer) { if (x === undefined) x = this.w >> 1; if (y === undefined) y = this.h >> 1; if (!layer) layer = this.layer; var props = {layer:layer, color:this.color}; // top left sprite, going counterclockwise var s1 = layer.scene.Sprite(this.src, props), s2 = layer.scene.Sprite(this.src, props), s3 = layer.scene.Sprite(this.src, props), s4 = layer.scene.Sprite(this.src, props); s1.size(x, y); s1.position(this.x, this.y); s2.size(this.w - x, y); s2.position(this.x + x, this.y); s2.offset(x, 0); s3.size(this.w - x, this.h - y); s3.position(this.x + x, this.y + y); s3.offset(x, y); s4.size(x, this.h - y); s4.position(this.x, this.y + y); s4.offset(0, y); return [s1, s2, s3, s4]; }; Cycle = function Cycle(triplets) { if (this.constructor !== Cycle) { return new Cycle(triplets); } var i, triplet; // Cycle for the Sprite image. // A cycle is a list of triplet (x offset, y offset, game tick duration) this.triplets = triplets; // total duration of the animation in ticks this.cycleDuration = 0; // this array knows on which ticks in the animation // an image change is needed this.changingTicks = triplets.map(function(triplet) { this.cycleDuration += triplet[2]; return this.cycleDuration; }, this); this.changingTicks.unshift(0); this.currentTripletIndex = undefined; // suppose to be private this.sprites = []; // if set to false, the animation will stop automaticaly after one run this.repeat = true; this.tick = 0; this.done = false; this.id = ++nb_cycle; }; Cycle.prototype.addSprite = function addSprite(sprite) { this.sprites.push(sprite); sprite.cycle = this; return this; }; Cycle.prototype.toString = function () { return "Cycle(" + String(this.id) + ")"; }; Cycle.prototype.update = function update() { var sprites = this.sprites, i, sp; for (i = 0; sp = sprites[i]; i++) { sp.update(); } return this; }; Cycle.prototype.addSprites = function addSprites(sprites) { this.sprites = this.sprites.concat(sprites); var j, sp; for (j = 0; sp = sprites[j]; j++) { sp.cycle = this; } return this; }; Cycle.prototype.removeSprite = function removeSprite(sprite) { var j, sp; for (j = 0; sp = this.sprites[j]; j++) { if (sprite == sp) { sp.cycle = null; this.sprites.splice(j, 1); } } return this; }; Cycle.prototype.next = function (ticks, update) { if (this.tick > this.cycleDuration) { if (this.repeat) this.tick = 0; else { this.done = true; return this; } } // search the current triplet index var currentTripletIndex, i, j, sprite, next; for (i = 0; i < this.changingTicks.length; i++) { next = this.changingTicks[i+1]; if (this.tick >= this.changingTicks[i]) { if(next === undefined) { currentTripletIndex = 0; this.tick = 0; break; } else if(this.tick < next) { currentTripletIndex = i; break; } } } if (currentTripletIndex !== undefined && currentTripletIndex !== this.currentTripletIndex) { this.sprites.map(function(sprite) { sprite.setXOffset(this.triplets[currentTripletIndex][0]); sprite.setYOffset(this.triplets[currentTripletIndex][1]); if (update) { sprite.update(); } }.bind(this)); this.currentTripletIndex = currentTripletIndex; } ticks = ticks || 1; // default tick: 1 this.tick = this.tick + ticks; return this; }; Cycle.prototype.reset = function resetCycle(update) { var j, sprite; this.tick = 0; this.done = false; for (j = 0; sprite = this.sprites[j]; j++) { sprite.setXOffset(this.triplets[0][0]); sprite.setYOffset(this.triplets[0][1]); if (update) sprite.update(); } return this; }; Cycle.prototype.go = function gotoCycle(n) { var j, sprite; for (j = 0; sprite = this.sprites[j]; j++) { sprite.setXOffset(this.triplets[n][0]); sprite.setYOffset(this.triplets[n][1]); } return this; }; Ticker_ = function Ticker_(scene, paint, options) { // backward compatiblity from the 1.1.1 API if (typeof paint == "number") { var buf = paint; paint = options; options = {tickDuration: buf} } this.scene = scene; if (this.constructor !== Ticker_){ return new Ticker_(tickDuration, paint); } this.tickDuration = optionValue(options, 'tickDuration', 16); this.expectedFps = 1000 / this.tickDuration; this.useAnimationFrame = optionValue(options, 'useAnimationFrame', false); if (!sjs.requestAnimationFrame || !sjs.cancelAnimationFrame) { this.useAnimationFrame = false; } this.paint = paint; var that = this; this.bindedRun = function bindedRun(t) {that.run(t);} this.start = new Date().getTime(); this.now = this.start; this.ticksElapsed = 0; // absolute number of ticks that have been played ever this.currentTick = 0; this.ticksSinceLastStart = 0; this.droppedFrames = 0; // will divide the framerate by 2 if true this.lowFrameRate = false; }; Ticker_.prototype.next = function (timestamp) { var now = new Date().getTime(); this.diff = now - this.now; this.now = now; // number of ticks that have elapsed since the last start this.lastTicksElapsed = Math.round(this.diff / this.tickDuration); this.droppedFrames += Math.max(0, this.lastTicksElapsed - 1); this.ticksSinceLastStart += this.lastTicksElapsed; // add the diff to the current ticks this.currentTick += this.lastTicksElapsed; return this.lastTicksElapsed; }; Ticker_.prototype.run = function(timestamp) { if (this.paused) { return; } /*if(this.lowFrameRate || this.load > 20 && this.fps < (this.expectedFps / 2)) { this.lowFrameRate = true; if(this.skippedFrames == 1) { this.skippedFrames = 0; this.skipPaint = true; this.scene.disableUpdate = true; } else { this.skippedFrames = 1; this.skipPaint = false; this.scene.disableUpdate = false; } } else { this.skipPaint = false; }*/ var t = this; var ticksElapsed = this.next(timestamp); // no update needed, this happen on the first run /*if (ticksElapsed == 0) { // this is not a cheap operation setTimeout(this.bindedRun, this.tickDuration); return; }*/ //if(!this.skipPaint) { for (var name in this.scene.layers) { var layer = this.scene.layers[name]; if (layer.useCanvas && layer.autoClear) { layer.clear(); } } //} this.paint(this); // reset the keyboard change if (this.scene.input) { this.scene.input.next(); } this.timeToPaint = (new Date().getTime()) - this.now; // spread the load value on 2 frames so the value is more stable this.load = ((this.timeToPaint / this.tickDuration * 100) + this.load) >> 1; this.fps = Math.round(1000 / (this.now - (this.lastPaintAt || 0))); this.lastPaintAt = this.now; if (this.useAnimationFrame) { this.tickDuration = 16; this.animationId = global[sjs.requestAnimationFrame](this.bindedRun); } else { var _nextPaint = Math.max(this.tickDuration - this.timeToPaint, 6); this.timeout = setTimeout(this.bindedRun, _nextPaint); } }; Ticker_.prototype.pause = function () { if (this.useAnimationFrame) { global[sjs.cancelAnimationFrame](this.animationId); } else { global.clearTimeout(this.timeout); } this.paused = true; }; Ticker_.prototype.resume = function () { this.start = new Date().getTime(); this.ticksElapsed = 0; this.ticksSinceLastStart = 0; this.paused = false; this.run(); }; var inputSingleton = false; function Input(scene) { if (!inputSingleton) inputSingleton = new _Input(scene); return inputSingleton; }; _Input = function _Input(scene) { if (scene) this.dom = scene.dom; else this.dom = doc.body; var that = this; // record the current keyboard state this.keyboard = {}; this.mouse = {position: {}, click: undefined}; // record the keyboard changes since the last call this.keyboardChange = {}; this.mousedown = false; that.mousepressed = false; this.mousereleased = false; this.keydown = false; this.touchMoveSensibility = 20; this.enableCustomEvents = false; this.touchable = 'ontouchstart' in global; this.next = function () { if(this.disableFor) this.disableFor = that.disableFor - 1; this.keyboardChange = {}; this.mousepressed = false; this.mouse.click = undefined; this.mousereleased = false; } this.disableFor = 0; this.disable = function (ticks) { that.disableFor = ticks; } this.keyPressed = function (name) { return that.keyboardChange[name] !== undefined && that.keyboardChange[name]; }; this.keyReleased = function (name) { return that.keyboardChange[name] !== undefined && !that.keyboardChange[name]; }; this.arrows = function arrows() { /* Return true if any arrow key is pressed */ return this.keyboard.right || this.keyboard.left || this.keyboard.up || this.keyboard.down; }; function fireEvent(name, value) { if(!that.enableCustomEvents) return; if(doc.createEvent) { var evObj = doc.createEvent('Events'); evObj.initEvent('sjs' + name, true, true); evObj.value = value; that.dom.dispatchEvent(evObj); } else if(doc.createEventObject) { var evObj = doc.createEventObject(); evObj.value = value; that.dom.fireEvent('onsjs' + name, evObj); } } function updateKeyChange(name, val) { fireEvent(name, val); if(name == "space" || name == "enter") { updateKeyChange("action", val) } if (that.keyboard[name] !== val) { that.keyboard[name] = val; that.keyboardChange[name] = val; } } // this is handling WASD, and arrows keys function updateKeyboard(e, val) { if (e.keyCode == 40 || e.keyCode == 83) { updateKeyChange('down', val); } if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 87) { updateKeyChange('up', val); } if (e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 68) { updateKeyChange('right', val); } if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 65) { updateKeyChange('left', val); } if (e.keyCode == 32) { updateKeyChange('space', val); } if (e.keyCode == 17) { updateKeyChange('ctrl', val); } if (e.keyCode == 13) { updateKeyChange('enter', val); } if (e.keyCode == 27) { updateKeyChange('esc', val); } // 0..9, a-z if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 90) { var keyStr = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); updateKeyChange(keyStr.toLowerCase(), val); } } var listen = function (name, fct) { _addEventListener(global, name, fct, false); } // Mouse like events function clickEvent(event) { that.mouse.click = { x: (event.clientX - that.dom.offsetLeft) / scene.xscale, y: (event.clientY - that.dom.offsetTop) / scene.yscale }; } function mouseDownEvent(event) { that.mousedown = true; that.mouse.down = true; that.mousepressed = true; // prevent unwanted browser drag and drop behavior _preventEvent(event); } function mouseUpEvent(event) { that.mousedown = false; that.mouse.down = false; that.mousereleased = true; that.mouse.click = { x: (event.clientX - that.dom.offsetLeft) / scene.xscale, y: (event.clientY - that.dom.offsetTop) / scene.yscale }; } function mouseMoveEvent(event) { that.mouse.position = { x: (event.clientX - that.dom.offsetLeft) / scene.xscale, y: (event.clientY - that.dom.offsetTop) / scene.yscale }; } function reduceTapEvent(e) { // To simplify I ignore multiple touch events and only return the first event if (e.touches && e.touches.length) { e = e.touches[0]; } else if (e.changedTouches && e.changedTouches.length) { e = e.changedTouches[0];} return e } if (this.touchable) { listen("touchstart", function (e) { e = reduceTapEvent(e); updateKeyChange('space', true); // tap imitates space // simulate the click clickEvent(e); //store initial coordinates to find out swipe directions later that.touchStart = {"x" : e.clientX, "y": e.clientY}; }); listen("touchend", function (e) { mouseUpEvent(e); that.keyboard = {} that.touchStart = null; }); listen("touchmove", function (e) { _preventEvent(e); // avoid scrolling the page e = reduceTapEvent(e); updateKeyChange('space', false); // if it moves: it is not a tap mouseMoveEvent(e); if (that.touchStart) { var deltaX = e.clientX - that.touchStart.x; var deltaY = e.clientY - that.touchStart.y; if (deltaY < -that.touchMoveSensibility) { updateKeyChange('up', true); updateKeyChange('down', false); } else if (deltaY > that.touchMoveSensibility) { updateKeyChange('down', true); updateKeyChange('up', false); } else { updateKeyChange('up', false); updateKeyChange('down', false); } if (deltaX < -that.touchMoveSensibility) { updateKeyChange('left', true); updateKeyChange('right', false); } else if(deltaX > that.touchMoveSensibility) { updateKeyChange('right', true); updateKeyChange('left', false); } else { updateKeyChange('left', false); updateKeyChange('right', false); } } }); listen("touchmove", function (e) { e = reduceTapEvent(e); mouseMoveEvent(e); }); }; listen("mousedown", mouseDownEvent); listen("mouseup", mouseUpEvent); listen("click", clickEvent); listen("mousemove", mouseMoveEvent); listen("keydown", function (e) { that.keydown = true; updateKeyboard(e, true); }); listen("keyup", function (e) { that.keydown = false; updateKeyboard(e, false); }); // can be used to avoid key jamming listen("keypress", function (e) {}); if (!sjs.debug) listen("contextmenu", function (e) {_preventEvent(e);}); }; // Add an automatic pause to all the scenes when the user // quit the current window. _addEventListener(global, "blur", function (e) { for (var i = 0; i < sjs.scenes.length; i++) { var scene = sjs.scenes[i]; if (!scene.autoPause) continue; var anon = function (scene) { Input(scene); inputSingleton.keyboard = {}; inputSingleton.keydown = false; inputSingleton.mousedown = false; // create a semi transparent layer on the game if (scene.ticker && !scene.ticker.paused) { scene.ticker.pause(); var div = overlay(0, 0, scene.w, scene.h); div.innerHTML = '


Click or press any key to resume.

'; div.style.textAlign = 'center'; div.style.paddingTop = ((scene.h / 2) - 32) + 'px'; var listener = function (e) { _preventEvent(e); scene.dom.removeChild(div); _removeEventListener(doc, 'click', listener, false); _removeEventListener(doc, 'keyup', listener, false); scene.ticker.resume(); } _addEventListener(doc, 'click', listener, false); _addEventListener(doc, 'keyup', listener, false); scene.dom.appendChild(div); } } anon(scene); } }, false); Layer = function Layer(scene, name, options) { var domElement, needToCreate, domH, domW; if (!this || this.constructor !== Layer) return new Layer(scene, name, options); this.sprites = {}; this.scene = scene; if (options === undefined) options = {useCanvas: scene.useCanvas, autoClear: true} if (options.useWebGL) options.useCanvas = true; if (options.autoClear === undefined) this.autoClear = true; else this.autoClear = options.autoClear; if (options.useCanvas === undefined) this.useCanvas = this.scene.useCanvas; else this.useCanvas = options.useCanvas; this.useWebGL = options.useWebGL; this.name = name; if (this.scene.layers[name] === undefined) { this.scene.layers[name] = this; } else { if (sjs.debug) { sjs.warning("A layer named " + name + " already exist."); } // if the user try to create a Layer that already exists, // we send back the same. return this.scene.layers[name]; } this.lastZIndex = 0; domElement = doc.getElementById(name); if (!domElement) needToCreate = true; else needToCreate = false; if (this.useCanvas) { if (domElement && domElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "canvas") { sjs.error("Cannot use HTMLElement " + domElement.nodeName + " with canvas renderer."); } if (needToCreate) { domElement = doc.createElement('canvas'); } } else { if (needToCreate) { domElement = doc.createElement('div'); } } if (!needToCreate) { domH = domElement.height || domElement.style.height; domW = domElement.width || domElement.style.width; } else { domH = false; domW = false; } if (options.parent) this.parent = options.parent; else this.parent = this.scene.dom; this.parent.appendChild(domElement); domElement.id = domElement.id || 'sjs' + scene.id + '-' + name; if (!options.disableAutoZIndex) { zindex += 1; domElement.style.zIndex = String(zindex); } domElement.style.backgroundColor = options.color || domElement.style.backgroundColor; this.h = options.h || domH || scene.h; this.w = options.w || domW || scene.w; if (domElement.nodeName == "CANVAS") { domElement.height = this.h; domElement.width = this.w; } else { domElement.style.height = this.h + 'px'; domElement.style.width = this.w +'px'; }; domElement.style.position = 'absolute'; domElement.style.top = domElement.style.top || '0px'; domElement.style.left = domElement.style.left || '0px'; this.dom = domElement; // webgl needs to be set after the size if (this.useCanvas) { if (options.useWebGL) { this.ctx = webgl.init(domElement); } else { this.ctx = domElement.getContext('2d'); } } }; Layer.prototype.constructor = Layer; Layer.prototype.clear = function clear() { if (this.useWebGL) this.ctx.clear(this.ctx.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | this.ctx.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); else this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.dom.width, this.dom.height); }; Layer.prototype.Sprite = function (src, options) { if (options) options.layer = this; else options = this; return new Sprite(this.scene, src, options); }; Layer.prototype.remove = function remove() { this.parent.removeChild(this.dom); delete this.scene.layers[this.name]; }; Layer.prototype.addSprite = function addSprite(sprite) { var index = Math.random() * 11; this.sprites[index] = sprite; return index }; Layer.prototype.setColor = function setColor(color) { this.dom.style.backgroundColor = color; }; Layer.prototype.onTop = function onTop(color) { zindex += 1; this.dom.style.zIndex = String(zindex); }; List = function List(list) { if (this.constructor !== List) return new List(list); // ensure that a List can be initialized with a list. this.list = (list && (list.list || list)) || []; this.length = this.list.length; this.index = -1; }; List.prototype.add = function add(sprite) { if (sprite.length) this.list.push.apply(this.list, sprite); else this.list.push(sprite); this.length = this.list.length; }; // alias List.prototype.append = List.prototype.add; List.prototype.remove = function remove(toRemove) { var removed = false for (var i = 0, el; el = this.list[i]; i++) { if (el == toRemove) { this.list.splice(i, 1); // delete during the iteration is possible if (this.index > -1) this.index = this.index - 1; i--; removed = true; } } this.length = this.list.length; return removed; }; List.prototype.iterate = function iterate() { this.index += 1; if (this.index >= this.list.length) { this.index = -1; return false; } return this.list[this.index]; }; List.prototype.pop = function pop() { this.length -= 1; return this.list.pop(); }; List.prototype.shift = function shift() { this.index -= 1; this.length -= 1; return this.list.shift(); }; List.prototype.isIn = function isInList(el) { for(var i=0; i