window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback, element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); var barryvan = barryvan || {}; = || {}; = new Class({ Implements: [Options], Binds: [ 'perform', '_determinePreferredAudio', '_resize', '_renderMeta', '_reset', '_calcTicks', '_initPerformers', '_initPrefilters', '_initPostfilters', '_initAudio', '_start', '_tick', '_pause', '_toggle' ], options: { background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.05)', scale: 1, meta: { visible: true, vertical: -16, horizontal: 16, colour: '#aaa', background: '#eee', padding: 8 } }, _perfData: null, _canvas: null, _context: null, _audio: null, _performers: null, _prefilters: null, _postfilters: null, _audioFormat: '', _tickLength: 20, _ticksElapsed: 0, _currentTime: 0, _offsetTime: null, _playing: false, _currentPattern: 0, _currentRow: 0, _initialCount: 0, _container: null, initialize: function(options, container) { this.setOptions(options); this._container = $(container) || $(document.body); var dimensions = this._container.getSize(); this._canvas = new Element('canvas', { 'class': 'trackPerformer', 'events': { 'click': this._toggle }, 'width': dimensions.x / this.options.scale, 'height': dimensions.y / this.options.scale, 'styles': { 'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'width': dimensions.x, 'height': dimensions.y } }).inject(container || document.body); window.addEvent('resize', this._resize); this._context = this._canvas.getContext('2d'); var c = (new Color(this.options.background)).rgbToHex(); // Fully opaque variant this._canvas.setStyle('background', c); this._context.fillStyle = c; this._context.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); this._audio = new Audio(); this._determinePreferredAudio(); }, perform: function(performanceData) { this._perfData = performanceData; this._renderMeta(); this._reset(); }, _determinePreferredAudio: function() { var modes = { 'audio/mp4': 'm4a', 'audio/mpeg': 'mp3', 'audio/ogg': 'ogg' }; for (var type in modes) { if (!modes.hasOwnProperty(type)) continue; if (this._audio.canPlayType(type).replace(/no/, '')) { this._audioFormat = modes[type]; break; } } }, _resize: function() { var dimensions = this._container.getSize(); this._canvas.set({ 'width': dimensions.x, 'height': dimensions.y }); for (var i = 0; i < this._prefilters.length; i++) { if (this._prefilters[i] && this._prefilters[i].resize) { this._prefilters[i].resize(dimensions.x, dimensions.y); } } for (var i = 0; i < this._performers.length; i++) { var instrumentPerformers = this._performers[i]; if (!(instrumentPerformers && instrumentPerformers.length)) continue; for (var j = 0; j < instrumentPerformers.length; j++) { if (instrumentPerformers[j] && instrumentPerformers[j].resize) { instrumentPerformers[j].resize(dimensions.x, dimensions.y); } } } for (var i = 0; i < this._postfilters.length; i++) { if (this._postfilters[i] && this._postfilters[i].resize) { this._postfilters[i].resize(dimensions.x, dimensions.y); } } }, _renderMeta: function() { if (!this.options.meta.visible) return; if (!this._perfData) return; if (!(this._perfData.title || this._perfData.composer || this._perfData.url)) return; var y = (this.options.meta.vertical < 0) ? (this._canvas.height + this.options.meta.vertical - 38 - this.options.meta.padding) : (this.options.meta.vertical); var x = this.options.meta.horizontal < 0 ? (this._canvas.width + this.options.meta.horizontal) : (this.options.meta.horizontal); this._context.fillStyle = this.options.meta.background; this._context.fillRect(x - this.options.meta.padding, y - this.options.meta.padding, 200 + this.options.meta.padding * 2, 38 + this.options.meta.padding * 2); this._context.textAlign = this.options.meta.horizontal < 0 ? 'right' : 'left'; this._context.textBaseline = 'hanging'; this._context.fillStyle = this.options.meta.colour; this._context.font = '14px "Trebuchet MS"'; this._context.fillText(this._perfData.title || '', x, y, 200); this._context.font = '12px "Trebuchet MS"'; this._context.fillText(this._perfData.composer || '', x, y + 14, 200); this._context.fillText(this._perfData.url || '', x, y + 26, 200); }, _renderReady: function() { this._context.fillStyle = this.options.meta.colour; this._context.textAlign = 'center'; this._context.textBaseline = 'middle'; this._context.font = '24px "Trebuchet MS"'; this._context.fillText('Click to start', this._canvas.width / 2, this._canvas.height / 2); }, _reset: function() { this._currentTime = 0; this._offsetTime = null; this._playing = false; this._currentPattern = 0; this._currentRow = 0; this._calcTicks(); this._initPerformers(); this._initPrefilters(); this._initPostfilters(); this._initAudio(); }, _calcTicks: function() { var beatsPerSecond = this._perfData.tempo / 60; var rowsPerSecond = beatsPerSecond * this._perfData.beatRows; this._tickLength = (1 / rowsPerSecond) * 1000; }, _initPerformers: function() { this._performers = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._perfData.instruments.length; i++) { var instrument = this._perfData.instruments[i]; if (!(instrument && instrument.performers && instrument.performers.length)) continue; this._performers[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < instrument.performers.length; j++) { var perf = instrument.performers[j]; if (typeOf(perf.performer) !== 'class') continue; var opts = Object.merge({}, this.options, perf.options); var newPerf = new perf.performer(this._context, this._canvas, opts); newPerf.__enabled__ = true; this._performers[i].push(newPerf); } } }, _initPrefilters: function() { this._prefilters = []; if (!this._perfData.prefilters) return; for (var i = 0; i < this._perfData.prefilters.length; i++) { var item = this._perfData.prefilters[i]; if (typeOf(item.filter) !== 'class') continue; var opts = Object.merge({}, this.options, item.options); var newFilt = new item.filter(this._context, this._canvas, opts); newFilt.__enabled__ = true; this._prefilters.push(newFilt); } }, _initPostfilters: function() { // TODO code duplication is bad this._postfilters = []; if (!this._perfData.postfilters) return; for (var i = 0; i < this._perfData.postfilters.length; i++) { var item = this._perfData.postfilters[i]; if (typeOf(item.filter) !== 'class') continue; var opts = Object.merge({}, this.options, item.options); var newFilt = new item.filter(this._context, this._canvas, opts); newFilt.__enabled__ = true; this._postfilters.push(newFilt); } }, _initAudio: function() { this._audio.src = + '.' + this._audioFormat; this._audio.loop = false; this._audio.load(); this._audio.pause(); this._audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() { this._audioReady = true; this._renderReady(); }.bind(this), false); }, _start: function() { if (!this._audioReady) return; var c = (new Color(this.options.background)).rgbToHex(); // Fully opaque variant this._context.fillStyle = c; this._context.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); this._offsetTime = new Date(); this._playing = true;; this._canvas.setStyle('cursor', 'none'); window.requestAnimFrame(this._tick, this._canvas); }, _tick: function(timestamp) { timestamp = timestamp || (new Date()); this._currentTime = ((timestamp - this._offsetTime) + (this._audio.currentTime * 1000)) / 2; // Average of the two var currentTicks = Math.floor(this._currentTime / this._tickLength); var processCount = currentTicks - this._ticksElapsed; // Process prefilters for (var i = 0; i < this._prefilters.length; i++) { if (this._prefilters[i].__enabled__ && this._prefilters[i].frame) this._prefilters[i].frame(); } this._context.fillStyle = this.options.background; this._context.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); if (processCount > 0) { var patternRows = this._perfData.patterns[this._currentPattern].rows; for (var n = 0; n <= processCount; n++) { this._ticksElapsed += 1; this._currentRow += 1; if (this._currentRow >= patternRows.length) { this._currentPattern += 1; this._currentRow = 0; if (this._currentPattern >= this._perfData.patterns.length) { this._pause(); return; } patternRows = this._perfData.patterns[this._currentPattern].rows; } // Process automation if (this._perfData.automation && this._perfData.automation[this._currentPattern]) { var patternAutomation = this._perfData.automation[this._currentPattern]; if (patternAutomation[this._currentRow]) { var automations = patternAutomation[this._currentRow]; for (var i = 0; i < automations.length; i++) { var automation = automations[i]; if (automation.instrument || automation.instrument === 0) { // Instrument automation if (!this._performers[automation.instrument]) continue; var autoPerfs = this._performers[automation.instrument]; if (automation.performer || automation.performer === 0) { if (!autoPerfs[automation.performer]) continue; var autoPerf = autoPerfs[automation.performer]; switch (automation.action) { case 'enable': autoPerf.__enabled__ = true; break; case 'disable': autoPerf.__enabled__ = false; break; case 'setOpts': if (automation.options && autoPerf.updateOpts) autoPerf.updateOpts(automation.options); break; } // switch } // if performer // End instrument automation } else if (automation.prefilter || automation.prefilter === 0) { // Prefilter automation if (!this._prefilters[automation.prefilter]) continue; var filter = this._prefilters[automation.prefilter]; switch (automation.action) { case 'enable': filter.__enabled__ = true; break; case 'disable': filter.__enabled__ = false; break; case 'setOpts': if (automation.options && filter.updateOpts) filter.updateOpts(automation.options); break; } // switch // End prefilter automation } else if (automation.postfilter || automation.postfilter === 0) { // Postfilter automation if (!this._postfilters[automation.postfilter]) continue; var filter = this._postfilters[automation.postfilter]; switch (automation.action) { case 'enable': filter.__enabled__ = true; break; case 'disable': filter.__enabled__ = false; break; case 'setOpts': if (automation.options && filter.updateOpts) filter.updateOpts(automation.options); break; } // switch // End postfilter automation } } } } // Process performer note events var rowData = patternRows[this._currentRow]; for (var i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) { if (!rowData[i].instrument) continue; var performers = this._performers[rowData[i].instrument - 1]; // Instruments are indexed from 1 if (!(performers && performers.length)) continue; for (var j = 0; j < performers.length; j++) { if (performers[j] && performers[j].__enabled__ && performers[j].noteEvent) performers[j].noteEvent(rowData[i]); } } // Process performer ticks for (var i = 0; i < this._performers.length; i++) { var performers = this._performers[i]; // Instruments are indexed from 1 if (!(performers && performers.length)) continue; for (var j = 0; j < performers.length; j++) { if (performers[j] && performers[j].__enabled__ && performers[j].tick) performers[j].tick(); } } } } // Process performer frames for (var i = 0; i < this._performers.length; i++) { var performers = this._performers[i]; // Instruments are indexed from 1 if (!(performers && performers.length)) continue; for (var j = 0; j < performers.length; j++) { if (performers[j] && performers[j].__enabled__ && performers[j].frame) performers[j].frame(); } } // Process postfilters for (var i = 0; i < this._postfilters.length; i++) { if (this._postfilters[i].__enabled__ && this._postfilters[i].frame) this._postfilters[i].frame(); } this._renderMeta(); if (this._playing) window.requestAnimFrame(this._tick, this._canvas); }, _pause: function() { this._playing = false; this._audio.pause(); }, _toggle: function() { if (this._playing) { this._pause(); } else { this._start(); } } });