= new Class({ Implements: [Options], Extends:, Binds: [ 'noteEvent', 'frame', 'tick', '_drawNote', 'resize' ], options: { colour: '#729fcf', vertical: 32, horizontal: 32, length: 48, middle: 60, thickness: 8, stepSize: 8, sustain: false, vitalisation: 0, honourCuts: true }, _currentNote: null, _vitality: 0, initialize: function(context, canvas, options) { this.parent(context, canvas, options); this.resize(this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); }, noteEvent: function(data) { if ((data.note < 0) && this.options.honourCuts) { this._currentNote = null; this._vitality = this._vitality / 2; // Note cut / note off return; } if (!this.filterNote(data)) return; this._currentNote = data.note; this._vitality = this.options.vitalisation; // If we're sustained or vitalised, drawing is handled in frame(), not noteEvent(). // if (this.options.sustain || this.options.vitalisation) return; this._drawNote(); }, tick: function() { // Decrement vitality in tick() rather than frame() to ensure it's fairly // consistent regardless of FPS if (this._vitality > 0) this._vitality -= 1; }, frame: function() { if (this._vitality || this.options.sustain) { this._drawNote(); } }, _drawNote: function() { if (!this._currentNote) return; var n = this.options.middle - this._currentNote; var y = this._centre + (n * this.options.stepSize) - (this.options.thickness / 2); if (this.options.vitalisation) { var prev_alpha = this._context.globalAlpha; this._context.globalAlpha = this._vitality / this.options.vitalisation; } this._context.fillStyle = this.options.colour; this._context.fillRect(this._left, y, this.options.length, this.options.thickness); if (this.options.vitalisation) { this._context.globalAlpha = prev_alpha; } }, resize: function(width, height) { this._left = (this.options.horizontal > 0 ? this.options.horizontal : (width + this.options.horizontal - this.options.length)); this._top = Math.abs(this.options.vertical); this._bottom = height - this._top; this._centre = (this._bottom - this._top) / 2; } });