= new Class({ Implements: [Options], Extends:, Binds: [ 'noteEvent', 'frame', 'tick', 'resize' ], options: { //colour: '#8ae234', colour: '#204a87', middle: 60, position: -100, thickness: 1, length: 2, size: 24, slope: 0.9, cutPower: 4 }, _n: 0, _x: 0, _y: 0, _baseline: 0, initialize: function(context, canvas, options) { this.parent(context, canvas, options); this.resize(this._canvas.width, this._canvas.height); this._y = this._baseline; }, noteEvent: function(data) { if (data.note <= 0) { this._n = this._n * Math.pow(this.options.slope, this.options.cutPower); //this._n = this._n / 2; return; } if (this.filterNote(data.note)) { this._n = this._n + 1; if (data.note > this.options.middle) this._n = -Math.abs(this._n); } }, frame: function() { var oldX = this._x, oldY = this._y; this._x = this._x + this.options.length; if (this._x > this._canvas.width) { this._x = 0; oldX = 0; } this._y = this._baseline + this.options.size * this._n; this._context.lineWidth = this.options.thickness; this._context.strokeStyle = this.options.colour; this._context.beginPath(); this._context.moveTo(oldX, oldY); this._context.lineTo(this._x, this._y); this._context.closePath(); this._context.stroke(); // Move back to the normal position. if (this._n) { this._n = this._n * this.options.slope; if (this._y > -0.5 && this._y < 0.5) { this._n = 0; } } }, resize: function(width, height) { if (this.options.position > 0) { this._baseline = this.options.position; } else { this._baseline = this._canvas.height + this.options.position; } this._baseline = Math.floor(this._baseline) + 0.5; } });