if !exists('g:env') finish endif function! s:b4b4r07() "{{{1 hide enew setlocal buftype=nofile nowrap nolist nonumber bufhidden=wipe setlocal modifiable nocursorline nocursorcolumn let b4b4r07 = [] call add(b4b4r07, 'Copyright (c) 2014 b4b4r07''s vimrc.') call add(b4b4r07, '.______ _ _ .______ _ _ .______ ___ ______ ') call add(b4b4r07, '| _ \ | || | | _ \ | || | | _ \ / _ \ |____ | ') call add(b4b4r07, '| |_) | | || |_ | |_) | | || |_ | |_) | | | | | / / ') call add(b4b4r07, '| _ < |__ _| | _ < |__ _| | / | | | | / / ') call add(b4b4r07, '| |_) | | | | |_) | | | | |\ \----.| |_| | / / ') call add(b4b4r07, '|______/ |_| |______/ |_| | _| `._____| \___/ /_/ ') call add(b4b4r07, ' #VIM + #ZSH + #TMUX = Best Developer Environmen ') silent put =repeat([''], winheight(0)/2 - len(b4b4r07)/2) let space = repeat(' ', winwidth(0)/2 - strlen(b4b4r07[0])/2) for line in b4b4r07 put =space . line endfor silent put =repeat([''], winheight(0)/2 - len(b4b4r07)/2 + 1) silent file B4B4R07 1 execute 'syntax match Directory display ' . '"'. '^\s\+\U\+$'. '"' setlocal nomodifiable redraw let char = getchar() silent enew call feedkeys(type(char) == type(0) ? nr2char(char) : char) endfunction augroup vimrc-without-plugin autocmd! autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | call b4b4r07() | endif augroup END "function! s:cd_file_parentdir() "{{{1 " execute ":lcd " . expand("%:p:h") "endfunction "command! Cdcd call cd_file_parentdir() " ""if g:env.vimrc.auto_cd_file_parentdir == g:true "augroup cd-file-parentdir " autocmd! " autocmd BufRead,BufEnter * if g:env.vimrc.auto_cd_file_parentdir == g:true | call cd_file_parentdir() | endif "augroup END ""endif command! -nargs=? -complete=dir -bang CD call s:change_current_dir('', '') function! s:change_current_dir(directory, bang) if a:directory == '' lcd %:p:h else execute 'lcd' . expand(a:directory) endif if a:bang == '' redraw call s:ls('', '') endif endfunction if g:env.vimrc.auto_cd_file_parentdir == g:true augroup cd-file-parentdir autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * call change_current_dir('', '!') augroup END endif function! s:win_tab_switcher(...) "{{{1 let minus = 0 if &laststatus == 1 && winnr('$') != 1 let minus += 1 elseif &laststatus == 2 let minus += 1 endif let minus += &cmdheight if &showtabline == 1 && tabpagenr('$') != 1 let minus += 1 elseif &showtabline == 2 let minus += 1 endif let is_split = winheight(0) != &lines - minus let is_vsplit = winwidth(0) != &columns let is_tabpage = tabpagenr('$') >= 2 let buffer_switcher = get(g:, 'buffer_switcher', 0) if a:0 && a:1 ==# 'l' if is_tabpage if tabpagenr() == tabpagenr('$') if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bnext else echohl WarningMsg echo 'Last tabpages' echohl None endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == winnr('$') if buffer_switcher silent bnext else echohl WarningMsg echo 'Last tabpages' echohl None endif elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != winnr('$') silent wincmd w endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit silent tabnext endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == winnr('$') silent tabnext elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != winnr('$') silent wincmd w endif endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bnext else echohl WarningMsg echo 'Last tabpages' echohl None endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == winnr('$') if buffer_switcher silent bnext else echohl WarningMsg echo 'Last tabpages' echohl None endif else silent wincmd w endif endif endif if a:0 && a:1 ==# 'h' if is_tabpage if tabpagenr() == 1 if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else echohl WarningMsg echo 'First tabpages' echohl None endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == 1 if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else echohl WarningMsg echo 'First tabpages' echohl None endif elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != 1 silent wincmd W endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit silent tabprevious endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == 1 silent tabprevious elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != 1 silent wincmd W endif endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else echohl WarningMsg echo 'First tabpages' echohl None endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == 1 if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else echohl WarningMsg echo 'First tabpages' echohl None endif else silent wincmd W endif endif endif if g:plug.is_installed("vim-buftabs") else redraw call get_buflists() endif endfunction "nnoremap :call win_tab_switcher('l') "nnoremap :call win_tab_switcher('h') function! s:get_buflists(...) "{{{1 if a:0 && a:1 ==# 'n' silent bnext elseif a:0 && a:1 ==# 'p' silent bprev endif let list = '' let lists = [] for buf in range(1, bufnr('$')) if bufexists(buf) && buflisted(buf) let list = bufnr(buf) . "#" . fnamemodify(bufname(buf), ':t') let list .= getbufvar(buf, "&modified") ? '+' : '' if bufnr('%') ==# buf let list = "[" . list . "]" else let list = " " . list . " " endif call add(lists, list) endif endfor redraw | echo join(lists, "") endfunction function! s:root() "{{{1 let me = expand('%:p:h') let gitd = finddir('.git', me.';') if empty(gitd) echo "Not in git repo" else let gitp = fnamemodify(gitd, ':h') echo "Change directory to: ".gitp execute 'lcd' gitp endif endfunction command! Root call root() function! s:get_buflists(...) "{{{1 if a:0 && a:1 ==# 'n' silent bnext elseif a:0 && a:1 ==# 'p' silent bprev endif let list = '' let lists = [] for buf in range(1, bufnr('$')) if bufexists(buf) && buflisted(buf) let list = bufnr(buf) . "#" . fnamemodify(bufname(buf), ':t') let list .= getbufvar(buf, "&modified") ? '+' : '' if bufnr('%') ==# buf let list = "[" . list . "]" else let list = " " . list . " " endif call add(lists, list) endif endfor redraw | echo join(lists, "") endfunction if g:plug.is_installed('vim-buftabs') nnoremap :silent bnext nnoremap :silent bprev else nnoremap :silent bnext:call get_buflists() nnoremap :silent bprev:call get_buflists() endif " Kill buffer if !g:plug.is_installed('vim-buftabs') nnoremap k :call smart_bwipeout(0) nnoremap K :call smart_bwipeout(1) nnoremap :call smart_bwipeout(2) else "autocmd BufUnload,BufLeave,BufDelete,BufWipeout * call get_buflists() nnoremap k :call smart_bwipeout(0) nnoremap K :call smart_bwipeout(1) nnoremap :call smart_bwipeout(2) "nnoremap k :silent call smart_bwipeout(0):call get_buflists() "nnoremap K :silent call smart_bwipeout(1):call get_buflists() "nnoremap :silent call smart_bwipeout(2):call get_buflists() endif function! s:buf_delete(bang) "{{{1 let file = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p') let g:buf_delete_safety_mode = 1 let g:buf_delete_custom_command = "system(printf('%s %s', 'gomi', shellescape(file)))" if filereadable(file) if empty(a:bang) redraw | echo 'Delete "' . file . '"? [y/N]: ' endif if !empty(a:bang) || nr2char(getchar()) ==? 'y' silent! update if g:buf_delete_safety_mode == 1 silent! execute has('clipboard') ? '%yank "*' : '%yank' endif if eval(g:buf_delete_custom_command == "" ? delete(file) : g:buf_delete_custom_command) == 0 let bufname = bufname(fnamemodify(file, ':p')) if bufexists(bufname) && buflisted(bufname) execute "bwipeout" bufname endif echo "Deleted '" . file . "', successfully!" return g:true endif "echo "Could not delete '" . file . "'" return Error("Could not delete '" . file . "'") else echo "Do nothing." endif else return Error("The '" . file . "' does not exist") endif endfunction " Delete the current buffer and the file. command! -bang -nargs=0 -complete=buffer Delete call s:buf_delete(0) nnoremap d :Delete nnoremap :Delete! function! s:open(file) "{{{1 if !g:env.bin.open return Error('open: not supported yet.') endif let file = empty(a:file) ? expand('%') : fnamemodify(a:file, ':p') call system(printf('%s %s &', 'open', shellescape(file))) return v:shell_error ? g:false : g:true endfunction command! -nargs=? -complete=file Open call open() command! -nargs=0 Op call open('.') function! s:load_source(path) "{{{1 let path = expand(a:path) if filereadable(path) execute 'source ' . path endif endfunction " Source file command! -nargs=? Source call load_source(empty() ? expand('%:p') : ) function! s:copy_current_path(...) "{{{1 let path = a:0 ? expand('%:p:h') : expand('%:p') if IsWindows() let @* = substitute(path, '\\/', '\\', 'g') else let @* = path endif echo path endfunction " Get current file path command! CopyCurrentPath call s:copy_current_path() " Get current directory path command! CopyCurrentDir call s:copy_current_path(1) command! CopyPath CopyCurrentPath function! s:make_junkfile() "{{{1 let junk_dir = $HOME . '/.vim/junk'. strftime('/%Y/%m/%d') if !isdirectory(junk_dir) call s:mkdir(junk_dir) endif let ext = input('Junk Ext: ') let filename = junk_dir . tolower(strftime('/%A')) . strftime('_%H%M%S') if !empty(ext) let filename = filename . '.' . ext endif execute 'edit ' . filename endfunction " Make the notitle file called 'Junk'. command! -nargs=0 JunkFile call s:make_junkfile() function! s:rename(new, type) "{{{1 if a:type ==# 'file' if empty(a:new) let new = input('New filename: ', expand('%:p:h') . '/', 'file') else let new = a:new endif elseif a:type ==# 'ext' if empty(a:new) let ext = input('New extention: ', '', 'filetype') let new = expand('%:p:t:r') if !empty(ext) let new .= '.' . ext endif else let new = expand('%:p:t:r') . '.' . a:new endif endif if filereadable(new) redraw echo printf("overwrite `%s'? ", new) if nr2char(getchar()) ==? 'y' silent call delete(new) else return g:false endif endif if new != '' && new !=# 'file' let oldpwd = getcwd() lcd %:p:h execute 'file' new execute 'setlocal filetype=' . fnamemodify(new, ':e') write call delete(expand('#')) execute 'lcd' oldpwd endif endfunction " Rename the current editing file command! -nargs=? -complete=file Rename call s:rename(, 'file') " Change the current editing file extention if v:version >= 730 command! -nargs=? -complete=filetype ReExt call s:rename(, 'ext') else command! -nargs=? ReExt call s:rename(, 'ext') endif function! s:smart_execute(expr) "{{{1 let wininfo = winsaveview() execute a:expr call winrestview(wininfo) endfunction " Remove EOL ^M command! RemoveCr call s:smart_execute('silent! %substitute/\r$//g | nohlsearch') " Remove EOL space command! RemoveEolSpace call s:smart_execute('silent! %substitute/ \+$//g | nohlsearch') function! s:smart_foldcloser() "{{{1 if foldlevel('.') == 0 normal! zM return endif let foldc_lnum = foldclosed('.') normal! zc if foldc_lnum == -1 return endif if foldclosed('.') != foldc_lnum return endif normal! zM endfunction nnoremap :call smart_foldcloser() function! s:win_tab_switcher(...) "{{{1 " TODO: refactor let minus = 0 if &laststatus == 1 && winnr('$') != 1 let minus += 1 elseif &laststatus == 2 let minus += 1 endif let minus += &cmdheight if &showtabline == 1 && tabpagenr('$') != 1 let minus += 1 elseif &showtabline == 2 let minus += 1 endif let is_split = winheight(0) != &lines - minus let is_vsplit = winwidth(0) != &columns let is_tabpage = tabpagenr('$') >= 2 let buffer_switcher = get(g:, 'buffer_switcher', 0) if a:0 && a:1 ==# 'l' if is_tabpage if tabpagenr() == tabpagenr('$') if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bnext else call Warn('Last tabpages') endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == winnr('$') if buffer_switcher silent bnext else call Warn('Last tabpages') endif elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != winnr('$') silent wincmd w endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit silent tabnext endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == winnr('$') silent tabnext elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != winnr('$') silent wincmd w endif endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bnext else call Warn('Last tabpages') endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == winnr('$') if buffer_switcher silent bnext else call Warn('Last tabpages') endif else silent wincmd w endif endif endif if a:0 && a:1 ==# 'h' if is_tabpage if tabpagenr() == 1 if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else call Warn('First tabpages') endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == 1 if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else call Warn('First tabpages') endif elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != 1 silent wincmd W endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit silent tabprevious endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == 1 silent tabprevious elseif (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() != 1 silent wincmd W endif endif else if !is_split && !is_vsplit if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else call Warn('First tabpages') endif endif if (is_split || is_vsplit) && winnr() == 1 if buffer_switcher silent bprevious else call Warn('First tabpages') endif else silent wincmd W endif endif endif if g:plug.is_installed('vim-buftabs') else redraw call get_buflists() endif endfunction nnoremap :call win_tab_switcher('l') nnoremap :call win_tab_switcher('h') " Add execute permission {{{1 if g:env.vimrc.add_execute_perm == g:true if g:env.bin.chmod augroup auto-add-executable autocmd! autocmd BufWritePost * call add_permission_x() augroup END function! s:add_permission_x() let file = expand('%:p') if !executable(file) if getline(1) =~# '^#!' \ || &filetype =~ "\\(z\\|c\\|ba\\)\\?sh$" \ && input(printf('"%s" is not perm 755. Change mode? [y/N] ', expand('%:t'))) =~? '^y\%[es]$' call system("chmod 755 " . shellescape(file)) redraw | echo "Set permission 755!" endif endif endfunction endif endif " Backup automatically {{{1 if IsWindows() set nobackup else set backup call Mkdir('~/.vim/backup') augroup backup-files-automatically autocmd! autocmd BufWritePre * call s:backup_files() augroup END function! s:backup_files() let dir = strftime("~/.backup/vim/%Y/%m/%d", localtime()) if !isdirectory(dir) call system("mkdir -p " . dir) call system("chown goth:staff " . dir) endif execute "set backupdir=" . dir execute "set backupext=." . strftime("%H_%M_%S", localtime()) endfunction endif " Restore cursor position {{{1 if g:env.vimrc.restore_cursor_position == g:true function! s:restore_cursor_postion() if line("'\"") <= line("$") normal! g`" return 1 endif endfunction augroup restore-cursor-position autocmd! autocmd BufWinEnter * call restore_cursor_postion() augroup END endif " Restore the buffer that has been deleted {{{1 let s:bufqueue = [] augroup buffer-queue-restore autocmd! "autocmd BufDelete * call buf_enqueue(expand('#')) augroup END " Automatically get buffer list {{{1 if !g:plug.is_installed('vim-buftabs') augroup bufenter-get-buffer-list autocmd! " Escape getting buflist by "@% != ''" when "VimEnter" autocmd BufEnter,BufAdd,BufWinEnter * if @% != '' | call get_buflists() | endif augroup END endif " Automatically cd parent directory when opening the file {{{1 function! s:cd_file_parentdir() execute ":lcd " . expand("%:p:h") endfunction command! Cdcd call cd_file_parentdir() nnoremap Q :call cd_file_parentdir() if g:env.vimrc.auto_cd_file_parentdir == g:true augroup cd-file-parentdir autocmd! autocmd BufRead,BufEnter * call cd_file_parentdir() augroup END endif " QuickLook for mac {{{1 if IsMac() && !g:env.bin.qlmanage command! -nargs=? -complete=file QuickLook call s:quicklook() function! s:quicklook(...) let file = a:0 ? expand(a:1) : expand('%:p') if !s:has(file) echo printf('%s: No such file or directory', file) return 0 endif call system(printf('qlmanage -p %s >& /dev/null', shellescape(file))) endfunction endif " __END__ {{{1 " vim:fdm=marker expandtab fdc=3: