en: number: delimiter: "," separator: "." date: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%d" funding: "%B %Y" word: inactive: Inactive twitter: Twitter facebook: Facebook monthly: Monthly flash: permissions: must-be-admin: You must be an administrator. cannot-remove-user: You are not allowed to remove this user. must-be-dean-or-admin: You must be an admin or dean to access this page. must-have-chapter: Your account is not associated with any chapters. cannot-view-finalists: "You are not permitted to see this." cannot-invite: "You do not have permission to invite others." cannot-modify-account: "You do not have permission to modify this account." cannot-mark-winner: "You cannot mark that a winner." votes: already-voted: "Vote already exists for this project" already-deleted: "Vote has already been deleted" applications: thanks: "Thanks for applying!" error: There was a problem with your application acceptances: cannot: "Could not accept the invitation" projects: hide-reason-required: You must supply a reason a to hide a project error: There was a problem saving your project flashes: failure_when_not_signed_in: You must be logged in. layouts: application: main-header: The Awesome Foundation apply: Apply dashboard: Dashboard blog: Blog chapters: Chapters chapter_header: Awesome Everywhere! projects: Projects home: Home about_us: About Us start_a_chapter: Start a Chapter about_contact: About & Contact faq: FAQ want_to_help: Get Involved sign-out: Sign out sign-in: Sign in shared: sidebar: projects: Projects finalists: Finalists trustees: Trustees members: Members create-chapter: Create a Chapter invite-trustee: Invite a Trustee edit-profile: Edit My Profile edit-chapter-profile: Edit Chapter Profile view-all-users: View all Users trustee-resources: Trustee Resources admin: Admin home: index: title: Forwarding the interest of Awesome in the universe, $1,000 at a time. by: "By %{name}" what: header: Need some funding? body-html: "Have a crazy brilliant idea that needs funding? We award $1,000 grants every month. It couldn't be simpler! Your idea is yours alone. We don't want a stake in it. We just want to help you make it happen!" call-to-action: Apply now for an Awesome Foundation grant! who: header: Awesome is everywhere! body: The Awesome Foundation is an ever-growing worldwide community devoted to forwarding the interest of awesome in the universe. Created in the long hot summer days of 2009 in Boston, the Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees” and given up front in cash, check, or gold doubloons. news: header: Awesome News! recent: Recent blog posts events: Upcoming Events funding-html: "$%{amount} Granted" winner-count-html: "%{amount} projects funded" chapter-count-html: "%{count} Chapters" country-count-html: "%{count} Countries" chapters: index: title: Awesome is Everywhere show_active_chapters: Show Active Chapters Only show_inactive_chapters: Show Inactive Chapters show: edit: Edit Chapter recent_winners: Recently funded projects see_more: See more Awesomeness byline: "By %{name}" trustees: header: Meet the Trustees about: About Us news: "%{name} News" photo-alt-text: "Photo of %{name}" apply-for-grant: Apply For a Grant inactive-chapter: This chapter is currently inactive. inactive-chapter-reason: An inactive chapter is one that has not given a grant in six months. If you are interested in re-activating this chapter, you can %{start_link:learn more about getting started}. edit: title: Edit chapter information new: title: Create a new chapter finalists: index: title: "Finalists for %{name}" filter-button: Filter start-date: start date end-date: end date past-trustees-filter: Votes from past trustees hidden-filter: Hidden funded-filter: Funded table: title: Title id: ID votes: Votes date: Date funded_projects: index: all_chapters: All Chapters reset: Reset show: view-photos: "View Photos" edit: Edit Project byline-html: "%{chapter_name} project created by %{submitter_name}" funder-html: "Funded by %{name}" submitted-to-html: "Project application submitted to %{name}" description: header: Project Description feed-title: Recent Posts prev-project: Previous Project next-project: Next Project passwords: create: description: You will receive an email within the next few minutes. It contains instructions for changing your password. edit: description: Your password has been reset. Choose a new password below. title: Change your password new: description: To be emailed a link to reset your password, please enter your email address. title: Reset your password projects: wait-for-uploads-to-complete: Please wait for your images to finish uploading before submitting your application. project: awesome: one: Awesome other: Awesome (%{chapter}) delete: Delete this project see-the-rest: See the rest → view-public-page: View the public page edit: Edit project confirm-delete: Really delete this? winner: "Winner for %{name}" publish-as-winner: Publish as winner unpublish-as-winner: Unpublish as winner edit-winner: Update winning project details about-me: "A little about me:" about-project: "Here's my idea:" use-for-money: "How I will use the money:" not-answered: Not Answered images: "Images:" image: "Image #%{index}" add-comment: Add a comment confirm-delete-comment: Are you sure you want to remove this comment? delete-comment: Delete comment hide_form: hide: Hide unhide: Unhide consider-hiding: Not an appropriate project? hide-reason: Why is this not appropriate? hidden-details: "Hidden by %{username} on %{hidden_at} because %{reason}." view-application: view application hiding-explanation: "Hiding a project will hide its details from everyone; the title and why it was hidden will still be visible, and it can be easily unhidden." unhiding-explanation: "Restore this project so everyone will be able to see it again." new: title: Are you ready to get Awesome!? description: Just fill out the application below with information about yourself and the details of your project. apply: Apply success: title: Thanks for applying! description: We look forward to reviewing your application to the %{chapter} chapter. explore-projects: Explore more Awesome Projects share-on-twitter: Share on Twitter share-on-facebook: Share on Facebook i-just-applied-tweet: I just applied for a grant from %{twitter}! form: save: Save image-notes: Upload up to 5 images that will help the trustees better understand your project. If you get an error message, please try again with a smaller file. use-classic-uploader: Switch to the classic uploader use-default-uploader: Switch to the default uploader index: filter-button: Filter search: search start-date: start date end-date: end date short-list-filter: My short-list funded-filter: Winners only title: one: "%{count} Project for %{name}" other: "%{count} Projects for %{name}" export-projects: Export Filtered export-all-projects: Export All From Date Range show: back-to: 'Back to %{name}' emails: invitation: subject: "You have been invited to the %{name} chapter of the Awesome Foundation!" welcome: subject: "Welcome to the %{name} chapter!" application: subject: "Thanks for applying!" sessions: new: sign-in: Trustee and Dean Sign In intro: This section of the website is reserved for Awesome Foundation Trustees and Deans only. If you are a trustee and need access, please get in touch with your chapter's Dean directly. forgot-password: Forgot your password? users: user: promote_to_dean: Promote demote_to_trustee: Demote demote_admin: Demote promote_admin: Promote error_dean_promotion: Dean promotion failed error_dean_demotion: Dean demotion failed error_admin_promotion: Admin promotion failed error_admin_demotion: Admin demotion failed error_removing_user: Error removing user remove_from_chapter: Remove edit: title: Edit user information index: title: Awesome Foundation Members name: Name email: Email chapter: Chapter role: Role remove: Remove dean: Dean admin: Admin invitations: new: title: Invite a new trustee invite_to_chapter: "Trustee will be invited to:" invite: Invite create: invitation_sent: Your invitation was sent to %{email} acceptances: new: title: Accept your trustee invitation accept: Accept create: success: Your account was successfully created winners: edit: title: Publish a winning project description: | The following details will be posted on the winning project's public page as well as your chapter's page. save: Publish winning project cancel: or go back without setting this project as the winner form: chapter_id: Funding chapter name: Project creator's name image-notes: "**Please upload at least 1 image since it will be displayed on the homepage with a link to your project.** If you get an error message, please try again with a smaller file." hints: chapter_id: This can only be changed for projects that were submitted to the Any chapter. funded_on: When did you give this grant out? This date can be in the past and it determines the order your project is shown on your chapter page and on the homepage. pages: about_us: title_tag: About Us meta_description: About the Awesome Foundation meta_keywords: start_a_chapter: title_tag: Start a Chapter meta_description: Start an Awesome Foundation Chapter meta_keywords: headline: Anyone Can Start An Awesome Foundation Chapter intro: | The Awesome Foundation isn't actually a foundation at all — it's a grassroots movement! Our global community is made up of amazing people who have made the decision to make their communities a bit more awesome. They organize to assemble, launch, and run their own chapters. We're probably biased, but we think it's a lot of fun. Chapters have made amazing things happen all around the world, from [building a giant hammock](/en/projects/188-the-big-hammock) and [assembling swings in public places](/en/projects/2598-swings), to [helping dogs play poker](/en/projects/50233-dogs-playing-poker-live) and [letting anyone be Indiana Jones for a day](/en/projects/5071-indiana-jones-and-the-alley-of-doom). **Sound awesome? Read on to learn how you can start your own chapter!** photo_alt_0: Two people from the Singapore Chapter pose in front of a banner reading "Awesome Wanted" photo_alt_1: Trustees watching a presentation at the 2019 global summit with the words "Celebrating 10 Years" projected behind the speaker photo_alt_2: Three women from the Amsterdam chapter holding a sign reading "Ik Maak Leiden Awesomûrrr" steps_headline: Five Easy Steps steps_intro: Getting a new Awesome Foundation chapter up and running is straightforward — we like keeping things simple. existing_chapters_header: Check out existing chapters existing_chapters_text: There are Awesome Foundation chapters all around the world so it's possible that there is already a chapter in your area. Check the "Chapters" menu above to see if there is one, and get in touch with them if you see one nearby. handbook_header: Download the Handbook handbook_text: To help you get started, we collected the wisdom we've gained from giving out thousands of grants since 2009 and put it in our [New Chapter Handbook](https://wiki.awesomestudies.org/images/9/92/Awesome_Foundation_New_Chapter_Handbook.pdf). Download it and give it a read to find out what it takes to start your own chapter. Do that now — we'll wait! contact_header: Get in Touch contact_text: So you've read the handbook and you're ready to get started. Great! Send an email to join@awesomefoundation.org and tell us who you are and where you're starting your chapter. We'll connect you with the global Awesome Foundation community and will answer any questions you might have about getting your chapter up and running. trustees_header: Assemble your trustees trustees_text: Trustees are at the heart of each Awesome Foundation chapter. They chip in money each month (usually $100 or the local equivalent) and they decide the winner of each grant. It's your job to find these folks and bring them all together! Once you've assembled most of your team, let us know and we'll add you to our website so you can start accepting grant applications. launch_header: Launch launch_text: Congratulations! You are now part of the Awesome Foundation movement. Tell everyone about your new chapter and start funding the fantastic, wonderful, and (dare we say) awesome in your community. faq: title_tag: FAQ headline: Frequently Asked Questions simple_form: labels: project: name: Your name email: Email phone: Phone number title: Project title url: Project website current_photos-html: "Current images (drag to re-order)" new_photos-html: "Upload images of your project" chapter_id: Select chapter to apply to rss_feed_url: Project RSS feed url about_me: Tell us a little about yourself about_project: Tell us about your awesome project! use_for_money: How will you use the money? funded_on: Funding date funded_description: Funded description photos: caption: Add an optional caption chapter: name: Name slug: Name in the URL rss_feed_url: RSS Feed URL description: Description extra_question_1: Extra question 1 extra_question_2: Extra question 2 extra_question_3: Extra question 3 submission_response_email: Customized Email Response inactive: This chapter is inactive submit: Submit locale: Language for %{slug}.awesomefoundation.org redirect user: first_name: First name last_name: Last name email: Email bio: Bio url: Website URL twitter_username: Twitter username facebook_url: Facebook URL linkedin_url: LinkedIn URL new_password: New Password submit: Submit user_image: User Image invitation: chapter_id: Select a chapter password: Set a new password role_name: Invite this user as a dean hints: project: funded_description: "This is the description shown to the public. We encourage you to rewrite this description to include details about why you funded this project and why your chapter thinks that it is awesome. Formatting: **bold** _italics_ [link](http://example.com)" rss_feed_url: If present, posts from this feed will be shown on the project page user: user_image: Set your user image at gravatar.com using your email address above chapter: submission_response_email: This text will be included in the confirmation email sent to your grant applicants hide_trustees: Prevent the trustee list from being displayed on the public chapter page application_intro: "This text will appear at the top of your application form. Optional, limited to 1,000 characters. Formatting: **bold** _italics_ [link](http://example.com)" prompts: invitation: chapter_id: "- Select -" placeholders: comment: body: Type your comment and press Enter to submit project: photos: caption: e.g. Photo credit, brief description of the image activerecord: attributes: chapter: twitter_url: Twitter URL facebook_url: Facebook URL instagram_url: Instagram URL blog_url: Blog URL application_intro: Application Intro Text errors: models: chapter: attributes: slug: invalid: must be lowercase and can not contain spaces project: attributes: url: invalid: is not a valid website base: spam_detected: Application is not complete vote: attributes: chapter_id: invalid_for_user: is not valid for this user meta: description: Forwarding the interest of Awesome in the universe, $1,000 at a time. feed: title: Awesome Foundation - Projects