#!/bin/bash ## # You can create multiple Vagrant boxes with this scrpit. # Do these first or run vaginit.sh script if you don't have any Vagrant boxes. # If you have a Vagrant box already, just package it. # $ sudo apt-get update # $ sudo apt-get -y install vagrant # $ vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box # $ vagrant init # $ vagrant up # $ vagrant ssh # vagrant@lucid32:~$ sudo apt-get -y install libnss-mdns # vagrant@lucid32:~$ exit # $ cat Vagrantfile | sed s/'# config.vm.network :hostonly, ""'/'config.vm.network :hostonly, ""'/ > tmpvag # $ mv tmpvag Vagrantfile # $ vagrant package ## echo "Number of VMs to be created(1-99): " read NUMBER COUNT=1 echo "####################################" until [ $COUNT -gt $NUMBER ]; do { cp package.box vbox$COUNT.box # Copies the packaged box vagrant box add vbox$COUNT ./vbox$COUNT.box # Adds new box copies to Vagrant rm vbox$COUNT.box sed '$d' < Vagrantfile > tmpvag ; mv tmpvag Vagrantfile # Removes the last line of Vagrantfile cat >> Vagrantfile << EOF config.vm.define :vbox$COUNT do |kconfig_$COUNT| kconfig_$COUNT.vm.box = "vbox$COUNT" #kconfig_$COUNT.vm.network :bridged # uncomment to use IPs from DHCP kconfig_$COUNT.vm.network :hostonly, "$COUNT" end end EOF echo "VM vbox$COUNT created" let COUNT=COUNT+1 } done echo "Run 'vagrant up' to start all VMs" echo "Run 'vagrant up vbox1' to start vbox1"