| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // // $Id: mod_cms_forms_header.php,v 1.17 2010/03/08 16:44:52 sebastien Exp $ /** * Template CMS_forms_header * * Represent a header template for module cms_forms * * @package Automne * @subpackage cms_forms * @author Sébastien Pauchet */ //force loading module cms_forms if (!class_exists('CMS_module_cms_forms')) { die('Cannot find cms_forms module ...'); } //set current page ID $mod_cms_forms["pageID"] = $parameters['pageID'] = '{{pageID}}'; //little function to enclose PHP vars with curly braces to avoid errors with array indexes function curlyBracesVars($text) { return preg_replace('#(\s)(\$[a-zA-Z0-9_\[\]\'-]*)#','\\1".\\2."',$text); } //eval polymod vars in all forms actions function evalPolymodVars($text, $language){ global $mod_cms_forms; $definition = new CMS_polymod_definition_parsing($text, true); $parameters = array( 'module' => MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, 'cache' => false, 'public' => true, 'pageID' => $mod_cms_forms["pageID"], 'language' => $language ); return $definition->getContent(CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::OUTPUT_RESULT, $parameters); } // Detect and parse mail string vars, if present function detectAndParseString($string){ $pattern = '/##([a-zA-Z0-9]+)##/'; preg_match_all($pattern, $string, $aMatches); if(!empty($aMatches)){ foreach($aMatches as $aValues){ foreach($aValues as $key => $val){ if(isset($_POST[$aMatches[1][$key]])) { $string = str_replace($aMatches[0][$key], $_POST[$aMatches[1][$key]], $string); } else { $string = str_replace($aMatches[0][$key], '', $string); } } } } return $string; } $separator = (strtolower(APPLICATION_DEFAULT_ENCODING) != 'utf-8') ? "\xa7\xa7" : "\xc2\xa7\xc2\xa7"; //if page has forms if (is_array($mod_cms_forms["usedforms"]) && $mod_cms_forms["usedforms"]) { $sender = CMS_forms_sender::getSenderForContext(); foreach($mod_cms_forms["usedforms"] as $formID) { $form = new CMS_forms_formular($formID); $cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()] = $cms_forms_error_msg[$form->getID()] = $cms_forms_token[$form->getID()] = ''; //if form exists and is public if ($form->getID() && $form->isPublic()) { /*********************************************************** * LOGIN ATTEMPT * ***********************************************************/ //check for authentification action in form if ($form->getActionsByType(CMS_forms_action::ACTION_AUTH)) { //check for valid session / logout attempt if (io::request('logout') == 'true' || io::request('logout') == 1) { // Disconnect user CMS_session::authenticate(array('disconnect'=> true)); //then reload current page (to load public user) CMS_view::redirect($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); } elseif (isset($cms_user) && $cms_user->getUserId() != ANONYMOUS_PROFILEUSER_ID) { //declare form ok action $cms_forms_okAction[$form->getID()] = true; } else { //launch authentification process (for modules which can use it) CMS_session::authenticate(array('authenticate' => true)); //load current user if exists $cms_user = CMS_session::getUser(); if ($cms_user) { $cms_language = $cms_user->getLanguage(); //declare form ok action if ($cms_user->getUserId() != ANONYMOUS_PROFILEUSER_ID) { $cms_forms_okAction[$form->getID()] = true; } } else { unset($cms_user); } } //get form ok action $actions = $form->getActionsByType(CMS_forms_action::ACTION_FORMOK); $action = array_shift($actions); //check if form ok send to a page and if user has rights for this page if (isset($cms_user) && is_object($cms_user) && $action->getString("value") == "page") { //for compatibility with old versions of module if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($action->getString('text'))) { $redirect = new CMS_href(); $redirect->setInternalLink($action->getString('text')); $redirect->setLinkType(RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL); } else { $redirect = new CMS_href($action->getString('text')); } if ($redirect->hasValidHREF()) { if (($redirect->getLinkType() == RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL && $cms_user->hasPageClearance($redirect->getInternalLink(), CLEARANCE_PAGE_VIEW)) || $redirect->getLinkType() == RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_EXTERNAL) { //declare form ok action $cms_forms_okAction[$form->getID()] = true; } else { //declare form not action $cms_forms_okAction[$form->getID()] = false; } } } //then launch form ok action if needed if (isset($cms_forms_okAction[$form->getID()]) && $cms_forms_okAction[$form->getID()]) { //if we have an encoded referer, use it if (isset($_REQUEST['referer']) && $_REQUEST['referer'] && ($url = base64_decode($_REQUEST['referer']))) { //analyse url to get page if any $redirectPage = CMS_tree::analyseURL($url); if ($redirectPage) { //if page found, check existence and rights $pageID = $redirectPage->getID(); if ($redirectPage->hasError() || !CMS_tree::pagesExistsInUserSpace($pageID) || (APPLICATION_ENFORCES_ACCESS_CONTROL && (!isset($cms_user) || !$cms_user->hasPageClearance($pageID, CLEARANCE_PAGE_VIEW))) ) { $url = PATH_FORBIDDEN_WR; } } CMS_view::redirect($url); } //in case of OK for this form, do action if ($action->getString("value") == "page") { //go to given page //for compatibility with old versions of module if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($action->getString('text'))) { $redirect = new CMS_href(); $redirect->setInternalLink($action->getString('text')); $redirect->setLinkType(RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL); } else { $redirect = new CMS_href($action->getString('text')); } if ($redirect->hasValidHREF()) { $href = $redirect->getHTML(false, MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, RESOURCE_DATA_LOCATION_PUBLIC, false, true); $href = eval('return "'.CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::preReplaceVars(curlyBracesVars($href)).'";'); if ($href) { CMS_view::redirect($href); } } } else { //append message to form message $cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()] .= nl2br($action->getString("text")).'
'; } } } /*********************************************************** * FORM SUBMISSION * ***********************************************************/ //if form has been submited if (isset($_POST["formID"]) && $_POST["formID"] == $formID && $_POST["cms_action"] == 'validate') { $form_language = $form->getLanguage(); //check form token if (!isset($_POST["atm-token"]) || !CMS_session::checkToken(MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, $_POST["atm-token"])) { $cms_forms_token[$form->getID()] = true; } //check for required fields $fields = $form->getFields(true); //Proceed actions $actions = $form->getActions(); if (!$cms_forms_token[$form->getID()] && is_array($actions) && $actions) { foreach ($actions as $action) { switch ($action->getInteger('type')) { case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_ALREADY_FOLD: //check if form is already folded by sender if (isset($sender) && $form->isAlreadyFolded($sender)) { //get form CMS_forms_action::ACTION_ALREADY_FOLD action $alreadyFoldAction = array_shift($form->getActionsByType(CMS_forms_action::ACTION_ALREADY_FOLD)); if (is_object($alreadyFoldAction)) { if ($action->getString("value") == "page") { //go to given page //for compatibility with old versions of module if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($action->getString('text'))) { $redirect = new CMS_href(); $redirect->setInternalLink($action->getString('text')); $redirect->setLinkType(RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL); } else { $redirect = new CMS_href($action->getString('text')); } if ($redirect->hasValidHREF()) { $href = $redirect->getHTML(false, MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, RESOURCE_DATA_LOCATION_PUBLIC, false, true); //needed in case of vars in redirection. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! //$href = (strpos($href, '$') !== false) ? eval('return "'.str_replace(array('"',"'"),'',$href).'";') : $href; $href = eval('return "'.CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::preReplaceVars(curlyBracesVars($href)).'";'); if ($href) { CMS_view::redirect($href); } } } else { if ($alreadyFoldAction->getString("text")) { $cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()] .= nl2br($alreadyFoldAction->getString("text")); } } } break 2; //then quit actions loop } break; case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_FORMNOK: $cms_forms_required = array(); $cms_forms_malformed = array(); foreach ($fields as $aField) { //check if field is required and has datas if ($aField->getAttribute('required') == 1 && $aField->getAttribute('type') != 'file' && (!isset($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) || trim($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) === '')) { $cms_forms_required[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } elseif ($aField->getAttribute('required') == 1 && $aField->getAttribute('type') == 'file' && !$_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name']) { $cms_forms_required[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } //check if field data is correct and clean datas if needed if(($aField->getAttribute('type') != 'file' && isset($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) && $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) || ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'file' && $_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name'])) { switch($aField->getAttribute('type')) { case 'email': if (!sensitiveIO::isValidEmail($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')])) { $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } break; case 'url': //check if value start with http if ($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')] && substr($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')], 0, 4) != 'http') { $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } case 'textarea': case 'text': //if field has html tags, it is malformed if (strip_tags($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) != $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) { $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } break; case 'select': //if value is not in possible values then it is maformed if (!in_array(io::decodeEntities($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]), array_keys($aField->getAttribute('options')))) { $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } break; case 'integer': //if value is not in possible values then it is maformed if (!is_numeric($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) || intval($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) != $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) { $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } break; case 'file': //if error or no tmp file then it is malformed if ($_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['error'] || !$_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['tmp_name']) { $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } else { // Check by params $fileParams = $aField->getAttribute('params'); $fileInfo = pathinfo($_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name']); $badParam = false; if(!$badParam && isset($fileParams['extensions']) && $fileParams['extensions']){ $allowedExtensions = explode(',', $fileParams['extensions']); $allowedExtensions = array_map('trim', $allowedExtensions); if(!$fileInfo['extension'] || !in_array($fileInfo['extension'], $allowedExtensions)){ $badParam = true; $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } } if(!$badParam && isset($fileParams['weight']) && $fileParams['weight']){ if($_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['size'] >= ($fileParams['weight'] * 1024)){ $badParam = true; $cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()][] = $aField->getAttribute('name'); } } } break; case 'submit': default: //nothing needed on this one break; } } } if (isset($cms_forms_malformed[$form->getID()]) || isset($cms_forms_required[$form->getID()])) { //in case of NOK for this form, do action if ($action->getString("value") == "page") { //go to given page //for compatibility with old versions of module if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($action->getString('text'))) { $redirect = new CMS_href(); $redirect->setInternalLink($action->getString('text')); $redirect->setLinkType(RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL); } else { $redirect = new CMS_href($action->getString('text')); } if ($redirect->hasValidHREF()) { $href = $redirect->getHTML(false, MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, RESOURCE_DATA_LOCATION_PUBLIC, false, true); //needed in case of vars in redirection. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! //$href = (strpos($href, '$') !== false) ? eval('return "'.str_replace(array('"',"'"),'',$href).'";') : $href; $href = eval('return "'.CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::preReplaceVars(curlyBracesVars($href)).'";'); if ($href) { CMS_view::redirect($href); } } } else { //append message to form error message if ($action->getString("text")) { $cms_forms_error_msg[$form->getID()] .= nl2br($action->getString("text")).'
'; } } break 2; //then quit actions loop } break; case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_DB: //create id for sender if not already have one if (isset($sender) && !$sender->getID()) { $sender->writeToPersistence(); } if (isset($sender) && $sender->getID()) { foreach ($fields as $aField) { //insert datas of each field if ((($aField->getAttribute('type') != 'file' && isset($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) && $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) || ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'file' && $_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name'])) && $aField->getAttribute('type') != 'submit' ) { $fieldRecord = new CMS_forms_record(); $fieldRecord->setAttribute('fieldID', $aField->getID()); $fieldRecord->setAttribute('senderID', $sender->getID()); if ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'pass') { //do not store users passwords $fieldRecord->setAttribute('value', '---'); } elseif ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'file') { //do file upload management $filename = sensitiveIO::sanitizeAsciiString($_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name']); $filepath = PATH_MODULES_FILES_FS.'/'.MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME; $count=0; while(@file_exists($filepath.'/'.$filename)) { $count++; $filename = $count.'_'.sensitiveIO::sanitizeAsciiString($_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name']); } //move uploaded file $fileDatas = CMS_file::uploadFile($aField->getAttribute('name'), PATH_TMP_FS); if ($fileDatas['error']) { $filename = ''; } if (!CMS_file::moveTo(PATH_TMP_FS.'/'.$fileDatas['filename'], $filepath."/".$filename)) { $filename = ''; } $_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['atm_name'] = $filename; $fieldRecord->setAttribute('value', $_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['atm_name']); } else { $fieldRecord->setAttribute('value', $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]); } $fieldRecord->writeToPersistence(); } } } break; case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_EMAIL: case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_FIELDEMAIL: //generate email content $email = new CMS_email(); //get email texts $texts = explode($separator, $action->getString("text")); //create email body $body = ''; $bodyHtml = ''; foreach ($fields as $aField) { if ((($aField->getAttribute('type') != 'file' && isset($_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) && $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]) || ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'file' && $_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['name'])) && $aField->getAttribute('type') != 'submit' ) { //insert datas of each field if ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'file') { $filepath = PATH_MODULES_FILES_WR.'/'.MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME; $mainurl = CMS_websitesCatalog::getMainURL(); $body .= ($aField->getAttribute('label')) ? $aField->getAttribute('label').' : ' : ''; $body .= $mainurl.$filepath.'/'.$_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['atm_name']."\n\n"; $bodyHtml .= ($aField->getAttribute('label')) ? ''.$aField->getAttribute('label').' : ' : ''; $bodyHtml .= $mainurl.$filepath.'/'.$_FILES[$aField->getAttribute('name')]['atm_name']."
"; } elseif ($aField->getAttribute('type') != 'checkbox' && $aField->getAttribute('type') != 'select') { $body .= ($aField->getAttribute('label')) ? $aField->getAttribute('label').' : ' : ''; $body .= $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]."\n\n"; $bodyHtml .= ($aField->getAttribute('label')) ? ''.$aField->getAttribute('label').' : ' : ''; $bodyHtml .= $_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]."
"; } elseif ($aField->getAttribute('type') == 'select') { $optionsLabels = $aField->getAttribute('options'); $body .= ($aField->getAttribute('label')) ? $aField->getAttribute('label').' : ' : ''; $body .= $optionsLabels[$_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]]."\n\n"; $bodyHtml .= ($aField->getAttribute('label')) ? ''.$aField->getAttribute('label').' : ' : ''; $bodyHtml .= $optionsLabels[$_POST[$aField->getAttribute('name')]]."
"; } else { $body .= ' - '.$aField->getAttribute('label')."\n\n"; $bodyHtml .= ' - '.$aField->getAttribute('label')."
"; } } } //append header and footer texts if any to body text if (isset($texts[1])) { // header //needed in case of vars in text. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! $header = evalPolymodVars($texts[1], $form_language->getCode()); $header = detectAndParseString($header); $body = $header."\n\n".$body; $bodyHtml = '
".$bodyHtml; } if (isset($texts[2])) { //footer //needed in case of vars in text. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! $footer = evalPolymodVars($texts[2], $form_language->getCode()); $footer = detectAndParseString($footer); $body = $body."\n\n". $footer; $bodyHtml = $bodyHtml.'
"; } $email->setBody($body); //create subject if ($texts[0]) { //from DB if any //needed in case of vars in text. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! $subject = evalPolymodVars($texts[0], $form_language->getCode()); $subject = detectAndParseString($subject); } else { // or default subject $subject = $form_language->getMessage(CMS_forms_formular::MESSAGE_CMS_FORMS_EMAIL_SUBJECT, array($form->getAttribute('name'), APPLICATION_LABEL), MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME); } $email->setSubject($subject); //set email from if (!isset($texts[3]) || !sensitiveIO::isValidEmail($texts[3])) { $email->setEmailFrom(APPLICATION_POSTMASTER_EMAIL); } else { $email->setEmailFrom($texts[3]); } // set template if (isset($texts[4]) && is_file(PATH_TEMPLATES_FS. '/mail/' . $texts[4])) { $email->setEmailHTML($bodyHtml); $email->setTemplate(PATH_TEMPLATES_FS . '/mail/' . $texts[4]); } //and send emails if ($action->getInteger('type') == CMS_forms_action::ACTION_EMAIL) { $emailAddresses = array_map('trim',explode(';',io::decodeEntities($action->getString("value")))); } elseif ($action->getInteger('type') == CMS_forms_action::ACTION_FIELDEMAIL) { $emailAddresses = array_map('trim',explode(';',$_POST[$fields[$action->getString("value")]->getAttribute('name')])); } if ($emailAddresses) { foreach ($emailAddresses as $emailAddress) { $emailAddress = evalPolymodVars($emailAddress, $form_language->getCode()); if (sensitiveIO::isValidEmail($emailAddress)) { $email->setEmailTo($emailAddress); $email->sendEmail(); } } } break; case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_AUTH : $login = $password = $permanent = ''; $values = explode(';',$action->getString('value')); if (isset($values[0]) && isset($fields[$values[0]]) && is_object($fields[$values[0]])) { $login = $_POST[$fields[$values[0]]->getAttribute('name')]; } if (isset($values[1]) && isset($fields[$values[1]]) && is_object($fields[$values[1]])) { $password = $_POST[$fields[$values[1]]->getAttribute('name')]; } if (isset($values[2]) && isset($fields[$values[2]]) && is_object($fields[$values[2]])) { $permanent = @$_POST[$fields[$values[2]]->getAttribute('name')]; } if ($login && $password) { // Vérification données obligatoires if (trim($login) != '' && trim($password) != '') { //Auth parameters $params = array( 'login' => $login, 'password' => $password, 'remember' => ($permanent ? true : false) ); CMS_session::authenticate($params); $user = CMS_session::getUser(); if ($user && $user->getUserId() != ANONYMOUS_PROFILEUSER_ID) { $cms_user = $user; $cms_language = $cms_user->getLanguage(); } else { //append message to form error message if ($action->getString("text")) { $cms_forms_error_msg[$form->getID()] .= nl2br($action->getString("text")).'
'; } break 2; //quit actions loop } } else { break 2; //quit actions loop } } break; case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_SPECIFIC_PHP : //load specific PHP code if ($action->getString("value") && file_exists(PATH_TEMPLATES_FS.'/'.$action->getString("value"))) { include(PATH_TEMPLATES_FS.'/'.$action->getString("value")); } break; case CMS_forms_action::ACTION_FORMOK: //if we have an encoded referer, use it if ($_REQUEST['referer'] && ($url = base64_decode($_REQUEST['referer']))) { CMS_view::redirect($url); } //in case of OK for this form, do action if ($action->getString("value") == "page") { //go to given page //for compatibility with old versions of module if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($action->getString('text'))) { $redirect = new CMS_href(); $redirect->setInternalLink($action->getString('text')); $redirect->setLinkType(RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL); } else { $redirect = new CMS_href($action->getString('text')); } if ($redirect->hasValidHREF()) { $href = $redirect->getHTML(false, MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, RESOURCE_DATA_LOCATION_PUBLIC, false, true); //needed in case of vars in redirection. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! //$href = (strpos($href, '$') !== false) ? eval('return "'.str_replace(array('"',"'"),'',$href).'";') : $href; $href = eval('return "'.CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::preReplaceVars(curlyBracesVars($href)).'";'); if ($href) { CMS_view::redirect($href); } } } else { //append message to form message if (isset($cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()])) { $cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()] .= nl2br($action->getString("text")).'
'; } else { $cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()] = nl2br($action->getString("text")).'
'; } } break; } } } } else { /*********************************************************** * FORM ALREADY FOLDED * ***********************************************************/ //check if form is already folded by sender and if it need page redirection if (isset($sender) && $form->isAlreadyFolded($sender)) { //get form CMS_forms_action::ACTION_ALREADY_FOLD action $alreadyFoldAction = array_shift($form->getActionsByType(CMS_forms_action::ACTION_ALREADY_FOLD)); if (is_object($alreadyFoldAction)) { if ($alreadyFoldAction->getString("value") == "page") { //go to given page //for compatibility with old versions of module if (sensitiveIO::isPositiveInteger($alreadyFoldAction->getString('text'))) { $redirect = new CMS_href(); $redirect->setInternalLink($alreadyFoldAction->getString('text')); $redirect->setLinkType(RESOURCE_LINK_TYPE_INTERNAL); } else { $redirect = new CMS_href($alreadyFoldAction->getString('text')); } if ($redirect->hasValidHREF()) { $href = $redirect->getHTML(false, MOD_CMS_FORMS_CODENAME, RESOURCE_DATA_LOCATION_PUBLIC, false, true); //needed in case of vars in redirection. Simple and double quotes are not welcome in this case ! //$href = (strpos($href, '$') !== false) ? eval('return "'.str_replace(array('"',"'"),'',$href).'";') : $href; $href = eval('return "'.CMS_polymod_definition_parsing::preReplaceVars(curlyBracesVars($href)).'";'); if ($href) { CMS_view::redirect($href); } } } else { $cms_forms_msg[$form->getID()] .= $alreadyFoldAction->getString("text"); } } } } } } } ?>