# v3 Migration Guide As expected with a major release, JWTDecode.swift v3 contains breaking changes. Please review this guide thorougly to understand the changes required to migrate your application to v3. ## Table of Contents - [**Supported Languages**](#supported-languages) + [Swift](#swift) + [Objective-C](#objective-c) - [**Supported Platform Versions**](#supported-platform-versions) - [**Types Removed**](#types-removed) - [**Types Changed**](#types-changed) - [**Properties Changed**](#properties-changed) ## Supported Languages ### Swift The minimum supported Swift version is now **5.5**. ### Objective-C JWTDecode.swift no longer supports Objective-C. ## Supported Platform Versions The deployment targets for each platform were raised to: - iOS **12.0** - macOS **10.15** - tvOS **12.0** - watchOS **6.2** ## Types Removed The built-in ID token validator was removed: - `ValidatorJWT` protocol - `ValidationError` enum - `IDTokenValidation` struct ## Types Changed The `DecodeError` enum was renamed to `JWTDecodeError`. ## Properties Changed The `JWTDecodeError.invalidBase64Url` enum case was renamed to `JWTDecodeError.invalidBase64URL`.