# For the Common Good # Language file for English # To ensure the highest quality of translation, please read the LOCALIZATION NOTE lines. # You do not need to translate lines beginning with the # symbol. LanguageCode=en # Main window OriginalFileName_TextBox=&Name: Go_Button=&Go RandomFile_Button=&Random file # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this should have the same access key as "RandomFile_Button" NextFileInList_Button=Next file f&rom list OtherSource_Option=&Other source... Settings_Button=&Settings... FilePageOnLocalWiki_TextBox_Format=File description &page on {0} FilePageOnCommons_TextBox=File description page on Wi&kimedia Commons MakeSelectedTextIntoWikilink_Hyperlink=Linkify selected te&xt PreviewCommonsWikitext_Hyperlink=Preview wikitext CurrentVersion_Label=Current version OldVersion_Label=Old version MultipleVersions_Label={0} of {1} versions selected Bytes_Format={0} bytes OneEarlierVersion_Label=One earlier version EarlierVersions_Format={0} earlier versions SelectVersion_Button=Select &version... ContainsExifMetadata_Label=Contains EXIF data ViewMetadata_Button=View &metadata ImageUsage_Label=Pages using this file: NoImageUsages_Label=No pages use this file SeeWikiForFullList_Label=see wiki for full list # LOCALIZATION NOTE: these two items appear in a menu when you right-click on an entry # in the "pages using this file" list. "Title" refers to the title of the page on which # the image is used. "Copy title" and "Copy titles" will never be shown together; nor # will "Copy URL" and "Copy URLs" CopyTitle_MenuItem=&Copy title CopyUrl_MenuItem=Copy &URL CopyTitles_MenuItem=&Copy titles CopyUrls_MenuItem=Copy &URLs # LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate "File:" (this namespace name works on all wikis) NewFilenameOnCommons_TextBox=New &filename on Commons (with File: prefix): NewFilenameOnTarget_TextBox=New &filename on {0} (with File: prefix): IgnoreWarnings_CheckBox=Ignore &warnings # LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate "{{now Commons}}" TagLocalFileWithNowCommons_Label=T&ag local file with {{now Commons}} DeleteLocalFile_Label=Delete local file &after transfer # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "transfer" is a verb Transfer_Button=&Transfer ViewFilePageOnLocalWiki_Hyperlink_Format=View file pag&e on {0} ViewFilePageOnWikimediaCommons_Hyperlink=View file page on Wikimedia &Commons # LOCALIZATION NOTE: {0} is either ViewFilePageOnLocalWiki_Hyperlink_Format or # ViewFilePageOnWikimediaCommons_Hyperlink Success_Label=Click "{0}" to view your transferred file. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "check" is a noun here, I think; consider translating as "check with Google" - # but it must be kept short! GoogleCheck_Hyperlink=Google check IfIneligibleEditManually_Label=If the file is not eligible, edit the file page manually and amend the license tag. NoExifRotation_Label=Note: this preview does not take into account EXIF rotation Successful_Label=Successful # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "potential", adjective ~= "possible" PotentialProblems_Label=Potential problems # Category selector AddCategory_Tooltip=Add a category RemoveCategory_Tooltip=Remove ModifyCategory_Tooltip=Modify CategoryExists_Tooltip=Category exists CategoryDoesNotExist_Tooltip=Category does not exist # General OK_Button=OK Cancel_Button=Cancel # Other Source window RandomSource_WindowTitle=Select source of random files FilesInCategory_Option=Files in category: FilesUploadedByUser_Option=Files uploaded by user: Browse_Button=Browse... FilesFromTextFile_Option=Files from text file on disk (one filename per line): # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "open" is a verb OpenTextFile_WindowTitle=Open text file FileNotFound_Label=The file "{0}" could not be found. Continue anyway? # Settings window Settings_WindowTitle=Settings # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "log in" is a verb here LogIn_WindowTitle=Log in CommonsLoginDetails_Label=Wikimedia Commons login details TargetLoginDetails_Label=Target wiki ({0}) login details LocalLoginDetails_Label=Local wiki login details UserName_TextBox=User name: Password_TextBox=Password: LocalWiki_TextBox=Local wiki: SameCredentialsAsCommons_CheckBox=Same as Commons login details SameCredentialsAsTarget_CheckBox=Same as {0} login details IAmLocalAdministrator_CheckBox=I am an admin on my local wiki # LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate "{{now Commons}}" LocalAdministratorExplanation_Label=If checked, files will be deleted after transfer, instead of being tagged with {{now Commons}}. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate "Base64" SavePasswordsToDisk_CheckBox=Save passwords to disk (unencrypted, in Base64 encoding) CheckForUpdates_CheckBox=Check for updated versions of For the Common Good OpenFilePageAutomatically_CheckBox=Open file page on Commons after a successful transfer OpenTargetFilePageAutomatically_CheckBox=Open file page on {0} after a successful transfer OpenLocalFilePageAutomatically_CheckBox=Open file page on local wiki after a successful transfer # LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate "CommonsTransfers.log" LogTransfers_CheckBox=Log all transfers to a file (CommonsTransfers.log) LocalWikiData_Label=Local wiki data LocalWikiDataHint_Label=You can load different datasets that allow For the Common Good to work effectively on many different wikis. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: these are both verbs LocalWikiDataLoad_Button=Import... LocalWikiDataReset_Button=Reset LocalWikiDataCurrent_Label=Currently using: LocalWikiDataUseLoaded_Option=Use imported file: LocalWikiDataUseHosted_Option=Use live data from the Internet: LocalWikiDataUseDefault_Option=Use built-in local wiki data (English Wikipedia) LocalWikiDataNoneSelected_Option=(none selected) UseHttps_CheckBox=Use HTTPS (secure connection) # "About box" area of Settings window Version_Format=Version {0} # LOCALIZATION NOTE: followed by the username "This, that and the other" Author_Label=By PublicDomain_Label=Released into the public domain # Revision browser window SelectVersion_WindowTitle=Select version to transfer SelectVersionBlurb_Label=Select the version(s) to transfer. To transfer more than one version, hold Ctrl and click each revision. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: here, "preview" is a noun, not a verb Preview_Column=Preview DateTime_Column=Date/Time # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this column contains the "height x width (xyz bytes)" data Dimensions_Column=Dimensions UserName_Column=User # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this is the upload log summary Comment_Column=Comment SelectAllVersions_Button=Select all # LOCALIZATION NOTE: for technical reasons this is split across three lines; # if you don't require all three lines leave the unneeded ones # blank (but don't delete the line). FailedToGenerateThumbnail1_Label=Failed to FailedToGenerateThumbnail2_Label=generate FailedToGenerateThumbnail3_Label=thumbnail UserNameHidden=(username hidden) CommentHidden=(comment hidden) # EXIF viewer window ExifViewer_WindowTitle=View EXIF metadata # LOCALIZATION NOTE: followed by "current/old version" then timestamp ExifDataForVersion_Label=EXIF data for selected revision: Name_Column=Name Value_Column=Value # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "close" is a verb here Close_Button=Close EXIFFailedNotice=Notice EXIFFailedMessage=Failed to display some metadata. # Messages (error, etc.) Welcome1=Welcome to For the Common Good. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: do not translate "Base64" Welcome2=The next dialog will ask for your wiki login credentials. If you choose to save them to disk, your wiki password will be stored not in cleartext, but in the Base64 encoding (no security at all!). Be aware of this. NowCommonsPotentialProblem=The file is tagged with {{now Commons}}, so it has probably already been transferred. ChangeIfNotOwnWork=change this if not own work Loading=Loading... Downloading=Downloading... AlreadyCommons=File is already on Commons; can't do anything. ImageMissing=File does not exist on local wiki. NoFile=There seems to be a problem; perhaps the file is actually a redirect. FailedToDownload=Failed to download the file. Perhaps try again later. FailedToReadTextFile=Could not read the text file "{0}". Click the "Other source..." option to choose a different file. NoMoreFiles=That category contains no more files. Perhaps you misspelt it... or perhaps the backlog is finally clear :) PotentialProblemsGoAhead=This file has potential problems which may prevent or affect the transfer. Do you still want to transfer this file to Commons? StillDownloading=The file hasn't been downloaded yet. Try again in a few moments. OldVersionTransferAdvice=You are transferring an old version of this file. You will need to manually clean up the "original upload log" section of the new wikitext. Click Cancel and do this (or click OK if you have already done so). MultipleVersionTransferAdvice=You are transferring multiple versions of this file. You may need to manually clean up the "original upload log" section of the new wikitext. Click Cancel and make sure the original upload log is accurate (or click OK if you have already done so). FilenameClash=An image of that name already exists on Commons. InvalidFilenameCommons=The filename you chose was invalid. Remove the funky characters and try again. Warnings1=The following warnings were encountered: Warnings2=If you still want to upload, select the "Ignore warnings" option and try again. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this uses .NET timestamp formatting. For assistance, consult User:This, that and the other. LogFileTimestampFormat=HH:mm, d MMMM yyyy LogFileWriteFailed=Failed to write to log file. LocalFileDeleted=The image seems to have been deleted on your local wiki. Not sure what's going on. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this one should end with a colon. NowCommonsFailed=Successful up to the point of tagging the local file with {{now commons}}: AlreadyDeleted=It looks like the image may have already been deleted. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this one should end with a colon. FailedPlus=Failed: # LOCALIZATION NOTE: sense here is "it seems that all is well, but that might not be the case - I don't know". # Don't translate as "success", since it isn't guaranteed success. LooksGood=Looks good to me. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: probably do not translate "Partial Trust" - it is .NET jargon - but do translate "scenario" LinkVisitFailed=Can't open this link - you need to run FtCG locally, not in a Partial Trust scenario. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: if I didn't have a sense of humour this would read: # "You did not select any versions to transfer. Please select at least one item from the list before clicking OK." NoRevisionSelected=Now, go back and pick some items from the list, you mischievous little child. NewVersionTitle=New version available NewVersionNotice1=A new version ({0}) of For the Common Good is available. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: {0} will be replaced by the URL of the download site NewVersionNotice2=It is suggested that you visit {0} to download it. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: The text of NewVersionNoticeWatchLink will be inserted at {0} (the separate # string is needed to allow the creation of a clickable link) NewVersionNotice3=You can disable update checks in Settings, but if you do, please {0}. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: for non-English languages, please specify that WT:FTCG is on English Wikipedia NewVersionNoticeWatchLink=add WT:FTCG to your watchlist TextFileAutoClean=For the Common Good can remove entries from the text file, up to the most recently processed entry. SaveChanges=Do you want to save these changes to "{0}"? TextFileSaveFailed=Failed to save text file. LightboxFailed=Failed to generate lightbox. Perhaps it is a SVG - can't preview those at the moment. ReadSettingsError=An error occurred when trying to read the settings file. SaveSettingsError=An error occurred when trying to save the settings file. LocalWikiDataLoadFailed=Failed to load local wiki data file. Please make sure all lines are valid and are not misspelt. FileNotFoundLocal=The file "{0}" could not be found. LocalWikiDataWrongDomain=The local wiki data file you chose is intended for use on {0}. It is suggested that you change the "local wiki" option to match. ParsePageFailed=Failed to fetch the preview from the server. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: {0} is the TalkPage localized string, {1} is something like " (1,234 bytes)" ContentOnTalkPage=The file has a {0}{1} - copy it over manually if relevant. TalkPage=talk page LocalWikiDataError=There is an error in the currently loaded local wiki data file. If you think you have already corrected this problem, please go back to the Settings dialog and load the file again. LocalWikiDataRegexError=The regular expression provided for "{0}" is invalid. FailedToLoadHostedLocalWikiData=Failed to download the live local wiki data file at {0}. If the problem persists, go to Settings and choose a different local wiki data source. For now, you will be using the default English Wikipedia local wiki data file. FailedToLoadHostedLocalWikiDataList=Failed to load the list of live local wiki data files. Please try again later. ContinueAnyway=Continue anyway? # MediaWiki upload warnings UploadWarning_BadFilename=The filename is not acceptable in its current form. It will be altered to "{0}". UploadWarning_BadPrefix=The filename begins with a disallowed prefix. Try to choose a more specific filename. UploadWarning_Duplicate=The file is a duplicate of the following file(s) on Commons: UploadWarning_DuplicateArchive=The file is a duplicate of "{0}", a file on Commons that has been deleted. UploadWarning_ExistsNormalized=A file with a similar name, "{0}", exists on Commons. UploadWarning_ThumbName=The file is named like an automatically generated thumbnail. Please remove the prefix ("200px-" or similar) and try again. UploadWarning_Unknown="{0}": {1} # Network errors MorebitsDotNet_LoginFailure=Login failure: {0} MorebitsDotNet_NetRequestFailure=An Internet request failed. MorebitsDotNet_UnknownLoginFailure=Unknown login failure. MorebitsDotNet_ApiError=An API error occurred. # Welcome text, shown in left-hand text box on startup # LOCALIZATION NOTE: this string should be no longer than 54 characters. WelcomeToFtcg_Title=Welcome to For the Common Good! # LOCALIZATION NOTE: each of these strings should be no longer than 62 characters. If you need more # space, you can continue your translation in the extra blank line/s provided # (these are blank in English because we don't need them, but they will be shown # to the user if filled in). # Do not delete any blank entries though!! WelcomeToFtcg_IsGood1=It's a great way to quickly transfer free files to Commons. WelcomeToFtcg_IsGood2= WelcomeToFtcg_GetStarted1=To get started, either WelcomeToFtcg_GetStarted2=1. enter the name of a file to transfer, and click "Go", or # LOCALIZATION NOTE: GetStarted3 must be no longer than 59 characters WelcomeToFtcg_GetStarted3= WelcomeToFtcg_GetStarted4=2. click "Random file" to traverse a chosen category at random # LOCALIZATION NOTE: GetStarted5 must be no longer than 59 characters WelcomeToFtcg_GetStarted5= # LOCALIZATION NOTE: "Transfer" should be the same as the "Transfer_Button" string WelcomeToFtcg_NotABludge1=IMPORTANT: FtCG doesn't do all your work for you. WelcomeToFtcg_NotABludge2=You *must* clean up the "auto-generated" wikitext in the WelcomeToFtcg_NotABludge3=right-hand panel before clicking "Transfer". WelcomeToFtcg_NotABludge4= WelcomeToFtcg_NotABludge5= # LOCALIZATION NOTE: a breezy salutation to make people happy WelcomeToFtcg_Enjoy=Enjoy!