#!/bin/bash # # Automate installation of Spotify on openSUSE 12.2 # # Credits for original version go to arminw on spotify forums: # # http://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/Segfault-on-opensuse-12-2/m-p/161048/highlight/true#M1331 SPOTIFY_BIN="/usr/bin/spotify" POOL_URL="http://repository.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify" #RPM_TOPDIR="/usr/src/packages" RPM_TOPDIR="$HOME/rpmbuild" RPM_SOURCE_DIR="$RPM_TOPDIR/SOURCES" # We prefer to keep the amount of code running as root to an absolute # minimum, but spotify-installer.spec can't install to a user's home # directory, so the spec file goes in /usr/src/packages even though # the rest of the rpmbuild stuff lives in $HOME. RPM_SPEC_DIR="/usr/src/packages/SPECS" # Name of file residing within official Spotify repository above RPM_NAME="spotify-client" VERSION="" BASENAME="${RPM_NAME}_$VERSION" ISSUE_TRACKER_URL="https://github.com/aspiers/opensuse-spotify-installer/issues" main () { parse_args "$@" check_non_root if [ -z "$uninstall" ]; then if check_not_installed; then safe_run mkdir -p "$RPM_TOPDIR"/{BUILD,BUILDROOT,SPECS,SOURCES,SRPMS,RPMS/{i586,x86_64}} install_rpm_build echo download_spotify_deb echo build_rpm echo install_rpm fi echo maybe_install_libmp3lame0 echo progress "Spotify can now be run via $SPOTIFY_BIN - happy listening!" else uninstall fi } usage () { # Call as: usage [EXITCODE] [USAGE MESSAGE] exit_code=1 if [[ "$1" == [0-9] ]]; then exit_code="$1" shift fi if [ -n "$1" ]; then echo "$*" >&2 echo fi me=`basename $0` cat <&2 Usage: $me $me -u | --uninstall EOF exit "$exit_code" } parse_args () { uninstall= while [ $# != 0 ]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) usage 0 ;; -u|--uninstall) uninstall=y shift ;; -*) usage "Unrecognised option: $1" ;; *) break ;; esac done if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then usage fi if [ -n "$1" ]; then BASENAME=$1 fi } progress () { tput bold; tput setaf 2; echo "$*"; tput sgr0; } warn () { tput bold; tput setaf 3; echo >&2 "$*"; tput sgr0; } error () { tput bold; tput setaf 1; echo >&2 "$*"; tput sgr0; } fatal () { error "$@"; exit 1; } safe_run () { if ! "$@"; then fatal "$* failed! Aborting." >&2 exit 1 fi } check_non_root () { if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then fatal "\ Please run this script non-root, it's a bit safer that way. It will use sudo for commands which need root. Aborting." fi } maybe_install_libmp3lame0 () { if ! rpm -q libmp3lame0 >/dev/null; then warn "\ WARNING: You do not have libmp3lame0 installed, so playback of local mp3 files will not work. Would you like me to install this from Packman now? " echo -n "Type y/n> " read answer case "$answer" in y|yes|Y|YES) echo install_libmp3lame0 ;; esac fi } install_rpm_build () { if rpm -q rpm-build >/dev/null; then progress "rpm-build is already installed." else safe_run sudo zypper -n install -lny rpm-build fi } install_libmp3lame0 () { if safe_run zypper lr -d | grep -iq 'packman'; then progress "Packman repository is already configured - good :)" else safe_run sudo zypper ar -f http://packman.inode.at/suse/12.2/packman.repo progress "Added Packman repository." fi echo safe_run sudo zypper -n --gpg-auto-import-keys in -l libmp3lame0 echo progress "Installed libmp3lame0." } check_not_installed () { if rpm -q "$RPM_NAME" >/dev/null; then warn "$RPM_NAME is already installed! If you want to re-install, please uninstall first via: $0 -u" return 1 else return 0 fi } download_spotify_deb () { arch=$(arch) if [ "$arch" == "x86_64" ]; then deb=${BASENAME}_amd64.deb rpmarch="x86_64" elif [ "$arch" == "i686" ]; then deb=${BASENAME}_i386.deb rpmarch="i586" else fatal " Sorry, $arch architecture isn't supported. If you think this is a mistake, please consider filing a bug at: $ISSUE_TRACKER_URL Aborting. " fi RPM_DIR="$RPM_TOPDIR/RPMS/$rpmarch" dest="$RPM_SOURCE_DIR/$deb" if [ ! -e "$dest" ]; then echo "Downloading Spotify .deb package ..." safe_run wget -O "$dest" "$POOL_URL/$deb" progress ".deb downloaded." else progress "Spotify .deb package already exists:" echo echo " ${dest/$HOME/~}" echo echo "Skipping download." fi } build_rpm () { echo "About to build $RPM_NAME rpm; please be patient ..." echo sleep 3 safe_run rpmbuild -ba "$RPM_SPEC_DIR/${RPM_NAME}.spec" rpm="$RPM_DIR/${RPM_NAME}-${VERSION}.$rpmarch.rpm" if ! [ -e "$rpm" ]; then fatal " rpmbuild failed :-( Please consider filing a bug at: $ISSUE_TRACKER_URL " fi echo progress "rpm successfully built!" } install_rpm () { echo "Installing Spotify from the rpm we just built ..." safe_run sudo zypper -n in "$rpm" if ! rpm -q "$RPM_NAME" >/dev/null; then error "Failed to install $rpm :-(" error "Please consider filing a bug at: $ISSUE_TRACKER_URL" fi } uninstall () { if rpm -q "$RPM_NAME" >/dev/null; then echo "Removing $RPM_NAME rpm ..." safe_run sudo rpm -ev "$RPM_NAME" progress "De-installation done!" else warn "$RPM_NAME was not installed; nothing to uninstall." fi } main "$@"