# Getting Started ### Prerequisites You'll need [homebrew](https://brew.sh) [asdf](https://asdf-vm.com/guide/getting-started.html), [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/) and Watchman installed (`brew install watchman`). #### Setting up asdf There are instructions here: https://asdf-vm.com/guide/getting-started.html You will want the java, nodejs, and ruby plugins to get all of our tooling. ``` brew install asdf # configure your shell setup scripts for your shell, see asdfs instructions on the site asdf plugin add ruby asdf plugin add nodejs asdf plugin add java ``` ### Set up iOS Download Xcode version 15. You can find all available versions of Xcode at [Apple's Developer Portal 🔐](http://developer.apple.com/download/more/). Ask your mentor to add you on the [firebase.console](https://console.firebase.google.com/project/eigen-a7d3b/settings/iam) to be able to release.
NOTE: After installing Xcode Check that Command Line Tools version is added in the Locations tab. Xcode>Settings>Locations: ![command-line-tools](./screenshots/command-line-tools.png)
### Set up Android > [!IMPORTANT] > We use asdf for managing java, you can skip the section in the docs below around the Java Development Kit. Instead do: > > `asdf install` in the eigen directory. > > then set JAVA_HOME in you shell config (e.g. .zshrc) to the asdf java install path. > > find that path by running: > > `asdf where java` > > and then add to your shell config: > > `export JAVA_HOME=""` 1. Android development environment: Follow the [official docs](https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup). Select "React Native CLI Quickstart" tab 2. [Create a virtual device](https://developer.android.com/studio/run/managing-avds) on which to run the Android app. ## Run Eigen ### Get eigen ``` git clone https://github.com/artsy/eigen.git cd eigen ``` ### Install the dependencies
Work at Artsy? 1. Run ``` asdf install yarn setup:artsy yarn install:all yarn relay ``` You will need [awscli](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/awscli) to get our ENV vars.
Independent Contributor? #### Set up awscli You will need [awscli](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/awscli) to get our font files. You can configure it with a personal user account. #### Set up your env file and download assets: ```sh yarn setup:oss # this is `yarn setup:artsy` if you're working at Artsy ``` #### Get a mapbox token and set it in .env.shared: You can create an account on mapbox and get a token with their free tier: Follow the instructions here: https://docs.mapbox.com/ios/maps/guides/install. Add the token to .env.shared as MAPBOX_DOWNLOAD_TOKEN #### Install dependencies and generate relay files: ```sh yarn install:all yarn relay ``` ### Known limitations Some third party services will not function when working as an open source contributor including but not limited to Braze, Unleash, Sentry and Google Sign In. The conversations tab and related features are also inaccessible. Thanks for supporting open source!
**Note**: `yarn pod-install` (which is included in `yarn install:all`) may fail the first time you run it (due to a [bug](https://github.com/orta/cocoapods-keys/issues/127) in a dependency of ours). Re-running the command should work. ## Troubleshooting If there are issues setting up the app, see the [troubleshooting doc](troubleshooting.md). ## Contribute We welcome independent contributions! Feel free to open an issue and open a PR and assign one of [Brian Beckerle](https://github.com/brainbicycle), [Pavlos Vinieratos](https://github.com/pvinis), [Mounir Dhahri](https://github.com/MounirDhahri) as a reviewer or anyone else listed [here](https://github.com/artsy/eigen#meta). If you work at Artsy you can find a ticket on [CX backlog 🔐](https://artsyproduct.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/CX/boards/77/backlog?issueLimit=100) and look for a **#good-first-issue** ## Run the app Start the react-native bundler: ```sh yarn start ``` ### Run the iOS app First, ask for your apple developer account to be added on the project and login with your apple id under settings/accounts/apple Id. #### Using Xcode Open the app in Xcode: ```sh open ios/Artsy.xcworkspace ``` From Xcode, run the app by hitting `Product > Run` (or ⌘R). This will start the Artsy app in an iOS simulator, pointed at Artsy's staging environment. #### Using terminal > Make sure that you have a simulator running before running the command. In order to do so you can use the `yarn open-sim` command ```sh yarn ios ``` #### Flipper Once you've built & run the app through Xcode once, you can use [Flipper](https://fbflipper.com/) to run/debug the iOS app locally. This is typically much faster than running through Xcode. Make sure Flipper is running, then start the iOS simulator directly via your terminal: ```sh yarn open-sim ``` The simulator that opens should include the Artsy app even if you don’t have xcode running, and then you can use Flipper's dev tools for inspecting log output. Occasionally you'll need to rebuild the app in Xcode for Flipper. The most likely scenario that requires a rebuild is that you’ve pulled latest, run bundle exec pod install, and dependency versions were updated in Podfile.lock. **Note**: You'll want to confirm that the above command started the same simulator that you last ran in xcode, i.e. iPhone 12 vs iPhone 12 max. If it didn't, you can choose the correct simulator from `File|Open|…` **Note**: The Artsy app icon is on the _second_ screen of the simulator, not the first, so make sure you swipe over to find it. ### Run the Android app ```sh yarn android ``` This will start the Artsy app in an Android emulator, pointed at Artsy's staging environment. #### Wifi setup on Android emulators In order to have internet access on android emulator you need to add Google's DNS servers to your device's network settings. You can do that by following these steps: 1. Click Apple menu > System Preferences > Search for DNS. 1. Click DNS Domains. 1. Select the DNS tab. 1. Add and 1. Click OK > Apply. 1. Restart the emulator with **cold boot** now. (Android Studio > Device Manager > Three Dots (settings) > Cold Boot Now) > :warning: You might need to run the last step above after you get setup with [Artsy's VPN](https://www.notion.so/artsy/VPN-Configuration-60798c292185407687356997bf251d8c) or if you edit your DNS settings! ## Run native tests We can only run tests in one specific environment, today that is iPhone 12 Pro with the iOS 14.2 Simulator. This is because we use visual snapshots for UI regressions. ### Run tests in Xcode Tap `cmd + u` to run all tests, use `ctrl + alt + cmd + g` to run the last set you clicked on via the GUI. ### Run tests via command line You can run tests via the CLI using: ```sh ./scripts/ci/test-ios ``` ## Certificates We use Xcode's auto-codesigning. It should magically "just work" if you log in to Xcode with an iTunes account which is on the Artsy team. We have [cert troubleshooting here](https://github.com/artsy/eigen/blob/main/docs/certs.md) ## Connect a device ### iOS When you connect an iPhone to your machine, Xcode will prompt you to join a team, then to enable the device for development. If you have to choose a team, choose _Art.sY Inc._. ### Android 1. On your Android device go to Settings > About Phone 2. Find the 'Build number' menu item and tap it 7 times to enable developer mode. 3. Now go to Settings > System > Developer Options, and turn on 'USB Debugging' 4. Connect your device to your computer via USB cable. After a moment the device should show a prompt for you to allow USB debugging for your computer. Press yes. 5. After that run `yarn android` from within the eigen directory. This will build the app, install it on your device, and run it. ## Read more Learn about what things are architecturally [here](https://github.com/artsy/eigen/blob/main/docs/overview.md), then move [to the blog.](http://artsy.github.io/blog/categories/eigen/) for more in-depth discussions on Eigen.