comment -*- mode: text; tab-width:2; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- List of escape/control sequences which mlterm supports. O: Support, -: Not support MNEMONIC SEQUENCE O CBT (Cursor Backward Tabulation) CSI Pn Z O CHA (Cursor Horizontal Absolute) CSI Pn G O CHT (Cursor Horizontal Forward Tabulation) CSI Pn I O CNL (Cursor Next Line) CSI Pn E O CPL (Cursor Previous Line) CSI Pn F O CPR (Cursor Position Report) CSI 6 n - CRM (Show Control Character Mode) CSI 3 [hl] O CUB (Cursor Backward) CSI Pn D O CUD (Cursor Down) CSI Pn B O CUF (Cursor Forward) CSI Pn C O CUP (Cursor Position) CSI Pl;Pc H O CUU (Cursor Up) CSI Pn A O DA1 (Primary Device Attributes) CSI c O DA2 (Secondary Device Attributes) CSI > c O DA3 (Tertiary Device Attributes) CSI = c O DCH (Delete Character) CSI Pn P - DECAAM (Set/Reset Auto Answerback Mode) CSI ? 100 [hl] O DECAC (Assign Color) CSI Ps1;Ps2;Ps3 , l O DECALN (Screen Alignment Pattern) ESC # 8 O DECANM (ANSI Mode) CSI ? 2 [hl] - DECARM (Autorepeat Mode) CSI ? 8 [hl] - DECARR (Select Auto Repeat Rate) CSI Ps - p - DECARSM (Set/Reset Auto Resize Mode) CSI ? 98 [hl] O DECATC (Alternate Text Color) CSI Ps1;Ps2;Ps3 , } - DECATCBM (Set/Reset Alternate Text Color Blink Mode) CSI ? 115 [hl] - DECATCUM (Set/Reset Alternate Text Color Underline Mode) CSI ? 114 [hl] - DECAUPSS (Assigning User-Preferred Supplemental Sets) DCS Pn ! u Dscs ST O DECAWM (Autowrap Mode) CSI ? 7 [hl] O DECBI (Back Index) ESC 6 O DECBBSM (Bold and Blink Style Mode) CSI ? 116 [hl] O DECBKM (Backarrow Key Mode) CSI ? 67 [hl] - DECCANSM (Conceal Answerback Message Mode) CSI ? 101 [hl] - DECCAPSLK (Caps Lock Mode) CSI ? 109 [hl] O DECCARA (Change Attributes in Rectangular Area) CSI Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr;Ps1;...;Psn $ r - DECCKD (Copy Key Default) DCS " z D...D ST O DECCKM (Cursor Keys Mode) CSI ? 1 [hl] O DECCKSR (Memory Checksum Report) CSI ? 63;Pid n DCS Pid ! ~ D...D ST O DECCOLM (Select 80 or 132 Columns per Page) CSI ? 3 [hl] O DECCRA (Copy Rectangular Area) CSI Pts;Pls;Pbs;Prs;Pps;Ptd;Pld;Ppd $ v - DECCRTSM (Set/Reset CRT Save Mode) CSI ? 97 [hl] - DECCRTST (CRT Saver Timing) CSI Ps - q O DECCTR (Color Table Request) CSI 2;Pu $ u O DECDC (Delete Column) CSI Pn ' ~ O DECDHL (Double-WidthDouble-Height Line) ESC # [34] O DECDLD (Dynamically Redefinable Character Sets) DCS Pfn;Pcn;Pe;Pcmw;Pss;Pt;Pcmh;Pcss f Dscs Sxbp1;...;Sxbpn ST O DECDMAC (Define Macro) DCS Pid;Pdt;Pen ! z D...D ST - DECDLDA (Down Line Load Allocation) CSI Ps , z O DECDWL (Double-WidthSingle-Height Line) ESC # 6 O DECECM (Erase Color Mode) CSI ? 117 [hl] - DECEKBD (Extended Keyboard Report) APC : ppp mm ST - DECELF (Enable Local Functions) CSI Pf1;Pc1;...;Pfn;Pcn + q O DECERA (Erase Rectangular Area) CSI Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr $ z - DECES (Enable Session) CSI & x - DECESKM (Enable Secondary Keyboard Language Mode) CSI ? 104 [hl] O DECFI (Forward Index) ESC 9 O DECFRA (Fill Rectangular Area) CSI Pch;Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr $ x - DECFWM (Set/Reset Framed Windows Mode) CSI ? 111 [hl] - DECHDPXM (Set/Reset Half-Duplex Mode) CSI ? 103 [hl] - DECHEBM (Hebrew/N-A Keyboard Mapping) CSI ? 35 [hl] - DECHEM (Hebrew Encoding Mode) CSI ? 36 [hl] - DECHWUM (Host Wake-Up Mode (CRT and Energy Saver)) CSI ? 113 [hl] O DECIC (Insert Column) CSI Pn ' } O DECID (Identify Device) ESC Z O DECINVM (Invoke Macro) CSI Pid * z - DECIPEM (Enter/Return from IBM ProPrinter Emulation Mode) CSI ? 58 [hl] - DECKBD (Keyboard Language Selection) CSI Ps1;Ps2 SP } - DECKBUM (Typewriter or Data Processing Keys) CSI ? 68 [hl] O DECKLHIM (Keyboard LED's Host Indicator Mode) CSI ? 110 [hl] O DECKPAM (Keypad Application Mode) ESC = - DECKPM (Key Position Mode) CSI ? 81 [hl] O DECKPNM (Keypad Numeric Mode) ESC > - DECLANS (Load Answerback Message) DCS Ps v D...D ST - DECLBAN (Load Banner Message) DCS Ps r D...D ST - DECLFKC (Local Function Key Control) CSI Pk1;Pf1;...;Kpn;Pfn * } - DECLL (Load LEDs) CSI Ps q O DECLRMM (Left Right Margin Mode) CSI ? 69 [hl] - DECLTOD (Load Time of Day) CSI Ps1;Ps2 , p - DECMCM (Set/Reset Modem Control Mode) CSI ? 99 [hl] - DECNAKB (Greek/N-A Keyboard Mapping) CSI ? 57 [hl] O DECNCSM (Set/Reset No Clearing Screen On Column Change) CSI ? 95 [hl] O DECNKM (Numeric Keypad Mode) CSI ? 66 [hl] - DECNRCM (National Replacement Character Set Mode) CSI ? 42 [hl] - DECNULM (Set/Reset Ignoring Null Mode) CSI ? 102 [hl] - DECNUMLK (Num Lock Mode) CSI ? 108 [hl] O DECOM (Origin Mode) CSI ? 6 [hl] - DECOSCNM (Set/Reset Overscan Mode) CSI ? 106 [hl] - DECPAK (Program Alphanumeric Key) DCS " y D...D ST - DECPCCM (Page Cursor-Coupling Mode) CSI ? 64 [hl] - DECPCTERM (Enter/Exit PCTerm or Scancode Mode) CSI ? Ps1;Ps2 r - DECPEX (Printer Extent Mode) CSI ? 19 [hl] - DECPFF (Print Form Feed Mode) CSI ? 18 [hl] - DECPFK (Program Function Key) DCS " x D...D ST - DECPKA (Program Key Action) CSI Ps + z - DECPS (Play Sound) CSI Pv;Pd;Pn , ~ O DECRARA (Reverse Attributes in Rectangular Area) CSI Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr;Ps1;...;Psn $ t O DECRC (Restore Cursor) ESC 8 - DECRLCM (Right-to-Left Copy) CSI ? 96 [hl] - DECRLM (Cursor Right to Left Mode) CSI ? 34 [hl] O DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) CSI Pid;Pp;Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr * y O DECRQDE (Request Displayed Extent) CSI " v - DECRQKD (Request Key Definition) CSI Ps1;Ps2 , w - DECRQKT (Key Type Inquiry) CSI Ps , u O DECRQM (Request Mode Host To Terminal) (ANSI) CSI Pa $ p (DEC) CSI ? Pd $ p - DECRQPKFM (Program Key Free Memory Inquiry) CSI + x O DECRQPSR (Request Presentation State Report) CSI Ps $ w O DECRQSS (Request Selection or Setting) DCS $ q D...D ST O DECRQTSR (Request Terminal State Report) CSI Ps $ u - DECRQUPSS (User-Preferred Supplemental Set) CSI & u O DECRSPS (Restore Presentation State) DCS Ps $ t D...D ST - DECRSTS (Restore Terminal State) DCS Ps $ p D...D ST O DECSACE (Select Attribute Change Extent) CSI Ps * x O DECSASD (Select Active Status Display) CSI Ps $ } O DECSC (Save Cursor) ESC 7 O DECSCA (Select Character Protection Attribute) CSI Ps " q - DECSCL (Select Conformance Level) (L1) CSI 61 " p (L4) CSI 6 n ; Pn " p - DECSCLM (Scrolling Mode) CSI ? 4 [hl] O DECSCNM (Screen ModeLight or Dark Screen) CSI ? 5 [hl] - DECSCP (Select Communication Port) CSI Ps1;Ps2 * u O DECSCPP (Select 80 or 132 Columns per Page) CSI Ps $ | - DECSCS (Select Communication Speed) CSI Ps1;Ps2 * r O DECSCUSR (Set Cursor Style) CSI Ps SP q - DECSDDT (Select Disconnect Delay Time) CSI Ps $ q - DECSDPT (Select Digital Printed Data Type) CSI Ps ) p O DECSED (Selective Erase in Display) CSI ? Ps J O DECSEL (Selective Erase in Line) CSI ? Ps K - DECSEST (Energy Saver Timing) CSI Ps - r O DECSERA (Selective Erase Rectangular Area) CSI Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr $ { - DECSFC (Select Flow Control) CSI Ps1;Ps2;Ps3;Ps4 * s - DECSIN (Set Icon Name) OSC 2 L; ST - DECSKCV (Set Key Click Volume) CSI Ps SP r - DECSLCK (Set Lock Key Style) CSI Ps SP v O DECSLPP (Set Lines Per Page) CSI Pn t O DECSLRM (Set Left and Right Margins) CSI Pl;Pr s - DECSMBV (Set Margin Bell Volume) CSI Ps SP u - DECSMKR (Select Modifier Key Reporting) CSI Pm1;Pf1;...;Pmn;Pfn + r O DECSNLS (Set Lines Per Screen) CSI Pn * | - DECSPMA (Session Page Memory Allocation) CSI Pn1;Pn2;Pn3;Pn4; ' x - DECSPP (Set Port Parameter) CSI Ps1;Ps2;Ps3;Ps4 + w - DECSPPCS (Select ProPrinter Character Set) CSI Pn * p - DECSPRTT (Select Printer Type) CSI Ps $ s O DECSR (Secure Reset) CSI Pr + p - DECSSCLS (Set Scroll Speed) CSI Ps SP p O DECSSDT (Select Status Display (LineType)) CSI Ps $ ~ - DECSSL (Select Set-Up Language) CSI Ps p O DECST8C (Set Tab at Every Columns) CSI ? 5 W O DECSTBM (Set Top and Bottom Margins) CSI Pt;Pb r O DECSTGLT (Select Color Look-Up Table) CSI Pn ) { O DECSTR (Soft Terminal Reset) CSI ! p - DECSTUI (Setting Terminal Unit ID) DCS ! { D...D ST - DECSTRL (Set Transmit Rate Limit) CSI Ps1;Ps2 " u - DECSWBV (Set Warning Bell Volume) CSI Ps SP t O DECSWL (Single-Width, Single-Height Line) ESC # 5 - DECSZS (Select Zero Symbol) CSI Ps , { - DECSWT (Set Window Title) OSC 2 1; ST O DECTCEM (Text Cursor Enable Mode) CSI ? 25 [hl] - DECTID (Select Terminal ID) CSI Ps , q - DECTME (Terminal Mode Emulation) CSI Ps SP ~ - DECTST (Invoke Confidence Test) CSI 4;Ps;...;Ps y - DECUDK (User Defined Keys) DCS Ps1;Ps2;Ps3 | D...D ST - DECUS (Update Session) CSI PS , y - DECVCCM (Vertical Cursor-Coupling Mode) CSI ? 61 [hl] - DECXRLM (Transmit Rate Limiting) CSI ? 73 [hl] O DL (Delete Line) CSI Pn M O DSR (Cursor Position Report (CPR)) CSI 6 n O DSR (Data Integrity Report) CSI ? 75 n O DSR (Extended Cursor Position Report (DECXCPR)) CSI ? 6 n O DSR (Keyboard) CSI ? 26 n O DSR (Locator) CSI ? 53 n or CSI ? 55 n O DSR (Locator Exist) CSI ? 56 n O DSR (Macro Space Report) CSI ? 62 n O DSR (Memory Checksum (DECCKSR)) CSI ? 63;Pid n DCS Pid ! ~ D...D ST O DSR (Multiple Session) CSI ? 83 n O DSR (Operating Status) CSI 5 n O DSR (Printer Port) CSI ? 15 n O DSR (User-Defined Keys (VT Level Only)) CSI ? 25 n O ECH (Erase Character) CSI Pn X O ED (Erase in Display) CSI Ps J O EL (Erase in Line) CSI Ps K O HPA (Horizontal Position Absolute) CSI Pn ` O HPR (Horizontal Position Relative) CSI Pn a O HTS (Horizontal Tab Set) ESC H O HVP (Horizontal and Vertical Position) CSI Pl;Pc f O ICH (Insert Character) CSI Pn @ O IL (Insert Line) CSI Pn L O IND (Index) ESC D O IRM (Insert/Replace Mode) CSI 4 [hl] O KAM (Keyboard Action Mode) CSI 2 [hl] O LNM (Line Feed/New Line Mode) CSI 20 [hl] O MC (Media Copy) (ANSI) CSI Pn i (DEC) CSI ? Pn i O NEL (Next Line) ESC E O NP (Next Page) CSI Pn U O PP (Preceding Page) CSI Pn V O PPA (Page Position Absolute) CSI Pn SP P O PPB (Page Position Backward) CSI Pn SP R O PPR (Page Position Relative) CSI Pn SP Q O RIS (Reset to Initial State) ESC c - S7C1T (Send CControl Character to the Host) ESC SP F - S8C1T (Send CControl Character to the Host) ESC SP G O SD (Pan Up) CSI Pn T O SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) CSI Ps;Ps;... m O SRM (Local Echo: Send/Receive Mode) CSI 12 [hl] O SU (Pan Down) CSI Pn S O TBC (Tab Clear) CSI Ps g O VPA (Vertical Line Position Absolute) CSI Pn d O VPR (Vertical Position Relative) CSI Pn e --- SCO Console Emulation - SCODFK (Define Function Key) ESC Q Fn string - SCODPCC (Display PC Characters) ESC xx (xx = hex value) O SCOSC CSI s O SCORC CSI u - DECSRFR (Select Refresh Rate) CSI Ps " t O DECEFR (Enable Filter Rectangle) CSI Pt;Pl;Pb;Pr ' w O DECELR (Enable Locator Reports) CSI Pn;Ps ' z O DECREGIS DCS Pn p D...D ST O DECRQLP (Request Locator Position) CSI ' | O DECSIXEL DCS Pn1;Pn2;Pn3;Pn4 q D...D ST O DECSDM (Sixel Scrolling) CSI ? 80 [hl] O DECSLE (Select Locator Events) CSI Pn ' { O DECREQTPARM (Request Terminal Parameters) CSI Pn x O DECCAHT (Clear All Horizontal Tabs) ESC 2 - DECCAVT (Clear All Vertical Tabs) ESC 4 - DECHTS (Horizontal Tab Set) ESC 1 - DECVTS (Vertical Tab Set) ESC 3 - DECSHTS (Set Horizontal Tabulation Stops) CSI Pn u - DECSVTS (Set Vertical Tabulation Stops) CSI Pn v O WYSTCURM (Wyse Steady Cursor Mode) CSI 33 [hl] O WYULCURM (Wyse Underline Cursor Mode) CSI 34 [hl] O CUP (Cursor Up) ESC A O BPH (Cursor Down) ESC B - ESA (Exit Graphics Mode) ESC G O MCP (Direct Cursor Address) ESC Y y x O NBH (Cursor Right) ESC C O V5EX (Exiting ANSI(VT52) Mode) ESC < - SCI (Identify) ESC Z - SSA (Enter Graphics Mode) ESC F O (Cursor Left) ESC D O (Cursor to Home Position) ESC H O (Reverse Line Feed) ESC I O (Erase to end of screen) ESC J O (Erase to end of line) ESC K - (Enter Alternate Keypad Mode) ESC = - (Exit Alternate Keypad Mode) ESC > - (Enter Auto Print Mode) ESC ^ - (Exit Auto Print Mode) ESC _ - (Enter Printer Contoller Mode) ESC W - (Exit Printer COntroller Mode) ESC X - (Print Screen) ESC ] - (Print cursor line) ESC V O XTALTSCRN (Use Alternate Screen Buffer) CSI ? 47 [hl] O XTALTS47 (Use Alternate Screen Buffer) CSI ? 1047 [hl] O XTALTS48 (Save cursor as in DECSC) CSI ? 1048 [hl] O XTEXTSCRN (Save cursor as in DECSC and use Alternate Screen Buffer) CSI ? 1049 [hl] O XTBRACKET (Set bracketed paste mode) CSI ? 2004 [hl] O XTMDKEY CSI > Pn;Ps m O XTMDKYD CSI > Pn n O XTMSEANY (Use All Motion Mouse Tracking) CSI ? 1003 [hl] O XTMSEBTN (Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking) CSI ? 1002 [hl] O XTMSERXVT (Enable urxvt Mouse Mode) CSI ? 1015 [hl] O XTMSESGR (Enable SGR Mouse Mode) CSI ? 1006 [hl] O XTMSEUTF (Enable UTF-8 Mouse Mode) CSI ? 1005 [hl] O XTMSEWIN (Send FocusIn/FocusOut events) CSI ? 1004 [hl] O XTMSEX11 (Send Mouse X & Y on button press and release) CSI ? 1000 [hl] O (Scroll to bottom on tty output (rxvt)) CSI ? 1010 [hl] X (Scroll to bottom on key press (rxvt)) CSI ? 1011 [hl] O (Interpret "meta" key (set eighth bit of keyboard input)) CSI ? 1034 [hl] O (Send ESC when Meta modifiers a key) CSI ? 1036 [hl] O XTSMPOINTER (Set resource value pointerMode) CSI > Pn p O XTREST (Restore DEC Private Mode Values) CSI ? Pn r O XTSAVE (Save DEC Private Mode Values) CSI ? Pn s O XTSMTT (Set one or more features of the title modes) CSI > Pn t O XTRMTT (Reset one or more features of the title modes to the default value) CSI > Pn T O XTVERSION CSI > Ps q O XTWOP (Window manipulation) CSI Pn;P1;P2 t - XTSTCAP (Set Termcap/Terminfo Data) DCS + p D...D ST O XTRQCAP (Request Termcap/Terminfo String) DCS + q D...D ST - XTCOLREG CSI ? Pi;Pa;Pv S - XTMSEX10 (X10 xterm mouse protocol) CSI ? 9 [hl] - XTCBLINK (Start Blinking Cursor (att610)) CSI ? 12 [hl] O (Allow 80 -> 132 Mode) CSI ? 40 [hl] - (more(1) fix) CSI ? 41 [hl] - (Reverse-wraparound Mode) CSI ? 45 [hl] - (Use Hilite Mouse Tracking) CSI ? 1001 [hl] O (Enable Urgency window manager hint) CSI ? 1042 [hl] O (Change Icon Name and Window Title) OSC 0;Pt ST O (Change Icon Name) OSC 1;Pt ST O (Change Window Title) OSC 2;Pt ST - (Set X property on top-level window) OSC 3;Pt ST O (Change Color Number c to the color spec) OSC 4;c;spec ST O (Change Special Color Number c to the color spec) OSC 5;c;spec - (Enable/disable Special Color Number c) OSC 6;c;f OSC 106;c;f O (Change VT100 text foreground color) OSC 10;Pt ST O (Change VT100 text background color) OSC 11;Pt ST O (Change text cursor color) OSC 12;Pt ST - (Change mouse foreground color) OSC 13;Pt ST - (Change mouse background color) OSC 14;Pt ST - (Change Tektronix foreground color) OSC 15;Pt ST - (Change Tektronix background color) OSC 16;Pt ST - (Change highlight background color) OSC 17;Pt ST - (Change Tektronix cursor color) OSC 18;Pt ST - (Change highlight foreground color) OSC 19;Pt ST - (Change Log File) OSC 46;Pt ST - (Set Font) OSC 50;Pt ST O (Manipulate Selection Data) OSC 52;Pt ST O (Reset Color Number c) OSC 104;c ST O (Reset Special Color Number c) OSC 105;c ST - (Reset VT100 text foreground color) OSC 110;Pt ST - (Reset VT100 text background color) OSC 111;Pt ST - (Reset text cursor color) OSC 112;Pt ST - (Reset mouse foreground color) OSC 113;Pt ST - (Reset mouse background color) OSC 114;Pt ST - (Reset Tektronix foreground color) OSC 115;Pt ST - (Reset Tektronix background color) OSC 116;Pt ST - (Reset highlight color) OSC 117;Pt ST - (Reset Tektronix cursor color) OSC 118;Pt ST - (Reset highlight foreground color) OSC 119;Pt ST O CTC (Cursor Tabulation Control) CSI Pn W - DAQ (Define Area Qualification) CSI Pn o - EA (Erase in Area) CSI Pn O - EF (Erase in Field) CSI Pn N - EPA (End of Guarded Area) ESC W - FNT (Font Selection) CSI Pn SP D O HPB (Character Position Backward) CSI Pn j O HTJ (Character Tabulation with Justification) ESC I - PLD (Partial Line Forward) ESC K - PLU (Partial Line Backward) ESC L O REP (Repeat) CSI Pn b O RI (Reverse Line Feed) ESC M O SL (Scroll Left) CSI Pn SP @ - SPA (Start of Guarded Area) ESC V O SR (Scroll Right) CSI Pn SP A O VPB (Line Position Backward) CSI Pn k - VTS (Line Tabulation Set) ESC J O TTIMERS CSI < r O TTIMEST CSI < Pn t O TTIMESV CSI < s O (Application Escape Mode) CSI ? 7727 [hl] - CSI ? 7700/7728/7730/7766/7767/7783/7786/7787/7796/ - C25LCT CSI = Pn S O RLAMBCHM CSI ? 8428 [hl] - RLBFAT CSI Pn p - RLCURCOL CSI < Pn ! q - RLIMGCP CSI < Pn ! i - RLSCD CSI Pn v O (Sixel scrolling leaves cursor to right of graphic) CSI ? 8452 [hl] - CSI ? 8400/8401/8402/8403/8405/8406/8435/8437/8440/8441/8442/8443/8448/8449/8450/8451/8453/8455/8456/8457/8458 [hl] O OSC 1337;Pt ST O DRCSMMv1 CSI ? 8800 [hl] O TNREPTAMB CSI ? 8840 n O OSC 20;Pt ST O OSC 5379/5380/5381/5383;Pt ST * References