//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This source file is part of the SwiftNIO open source project // // Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Apple Inc. and the SwiftNIO project authors // Licensed under Apache License v2.0 // // See LICENSE.txt for license information // See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftNIO project authors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// import NIOCore /// A decoder that splits incoming `ByteBuffer`s around line end /// character(s) (`'\n'` or `'\r\n'`). /// /// Let's, for example, consider the following received buffer: /// /// +----+-------+------------+ /// | AB | C\nDE | F\r\nGHI\n | /// +----+-------+------------+ /// /// A instance of ``LineBasedFrameDecoder`` will split this buffer /// as follows: /// /// +-----+-----+-----+ /// | ABC | DEF | GHI | /// +-----+-----+-----+ /// public class LineBasedFrameDecoder: ByteToMessageDecoder & NIOSingleStepByteToMessageDecoder { /// `ByteBuffer` is the expected type passed in. public typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer /// `ByteBuffer`s will be passed to the next stage. public typealias InboundOut = ByteBuffer @available(*, deprecated, message: "No longer used") public var cumulationBuffer: ByteBuffer? // keep track of the last scan offset from the buffer's reader index (if we didn't find the delimiter) private var lastScanOffset = 0 public init() { } /// Decode data in the supplied buffer. /// - Parameters: /// - context: Calling cotext /// - buffer: Buffer containing data to decode. /// - Returns: State describing if more data is required. public func decode(context: ChannelHandlerContext, buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> DecodingState { if let frame = try self.findNextFrame(buffer: &buffer) { context.fireChannelRead(wrapInboundOut(frame)) return .continue } else { return .needMoreData } } /// Decode data in the supplied buffer. /// - Parameters: /// - buffer: Buffer containing data to decode. /// - Returns: The decoded object or `nil` if we require more bytes. public func decode(buffer: inout NIOCore.ByteBuffer) throws -> NIOCore.ByteBuffer? { return try self.findNextFrame(buffer: &buffer) } /// Decode all remaining data. /// If it is not possible to consume all the data then ``NIOExtrasErrors/LeftOverBytesError`` is reported via `context.fireErrorCaught` /// - Parameters: /// - context: Calling context. /// - buffer: Buffer containing the data to decode. /// - seenEOF: Has end of file been seen. /// - Returns: Always .needMoreData as all data will be consumed. public func decodeLast(context: ChannelHandlerContext, buffer: inout ByteBuffer, seenEOF: Bool) throws -> DecodingState { while try self.decode(context: context, buffer: &buffer) == .continue {} if buffer.readableBytes > 0 { context.fireErrorCaught(NIOExtrasErrors.LeftOverBytesError(leftOverBytes: buffer)) } return .needMoreData } /// Decode all remaining data. /// If it is not possible to consume all the data then ``NIOExtrasErrors/LeftOverBytesError`` is reported via `context.fireErrorCaught` /// - Parameters: /// - buffer: Buffer containing the data to decode. /// - seenEOF: Has end of file been seen. /// - Returns: The decoded object or `nil` if we require more bytes. public func decodeLast(buffer: inout ByteBuffer, seenEOF: Bool) throws -> InboundOut? { let decoded = try self.decode(buffer: &buffer) if buffer.readableBytes > 0 { throw NIOExtrasErrors.LeftOverBytesError(leftOverBytes: buffer) } return decoded } private func findNextFrame(buffer: inout ByteBuffer) throws -> ByteBuffer? { let view = buffer.readableBytesView.dropFirst(self.lastScanOffset) // look for the delimiter if let delimiterIndex = view.firstIndex(of: 0x0A) { // '\n' let length = delimiterIndex - buffer.readerIndex let dropCarriageReturn = delimiterIndex > buffer.readableBytesView.startIndex && buffer.readableBytesView[delimiterIndex - 1] == 0x0D // '\r' let buff = buffer.readSlice(length: dropCarriageReturn ? length - 1 : length) // drop the delimiter (and trailing carriage return if appicable) buffer.moveReaderIndex(forwardBy: dropCarriageReturn ? 2 : 1) // reset the last scan start index since we found a line self.lastScanOffset = 0 return buff } // next scan we start where we stopped self.lastScanOffset = buffer.readableBytes return nil } } @available(*, unavailable) extension LineBasedFrameDecoder: Sendable {}