#!/bin/sh # # This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project # # Copyright (c) 2021 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors # Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception # # See http://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information # See http://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for Swift project authors # # Prints system environment information. # # Example Output: # Swift version: Apple Swift version 5.5 (swiftlang-1300.0.19.104 clang-1300.0.18.4) # Target: arm64-apple-macosx12.0 # Unix version: Darwin 21.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.0.0: Thu May 27 21:02:33 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7938. arm64 arm; # macOS version: 12.0 # Xcode-select path: '/Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer' # Xcode: Xcode 13.0 (Build version 13A5154h) echo "Gathering you system's environment information..." swiftversion=$(swift --version) unix_version_name=$(uname -mprsv | tr '\n' ';') i="${i}Swift version: ${swiftversion}\n" i="${i}Unix version: ${unix_version_name}\n" # Check if OS is macOS, if so retrieve which version and Xcode version. if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then macos=$(defaults read loginwindow SystemVersionStampAsString | cat -) xcodebuild_version=$(/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version | grep Xcode) xcodebuild_build=$(/usr/bin/xcodebuild -version | grep Build) xcodeselectpath=$(xcode-select -p | cat -) i="${i}macOS version: ${macos}\n" i="${i}Xcode-select path: '${xcodeselectpath}'\n" i="${i}Xcode: ${xcodebuild_version} (${xcodebuild_build})" fi echo "\n" echo "Paste the following into your bug report:" echo "-------------------------------------------" echo "${i}" echo "-------------------------------------------"