# Development This document contains notes about development and testing of IndexStoreDB. ## Table of Contents * [Writing Tests](#writing-tests) * [Tibs, the "Test Index Build System"](Tibs.md) ## Writing Tests As much as is practical, all code should be covered by tests. New tests can be added under the `Tests` directory and should use `XCTest`. The rest of this section will describe the additional tools available in the `ISDBTestSupport` module to make it easier to write good and efficient tests. Most indexer tests follow a pattern: 1. Build and index a test project 2. Perform index queries 3. Compare the results against known locations in the test code 4. (Optional) modify the code and repeat. ### Test Projects (Fixtures) Index test projects should be put in the `ISDBTestSupport/INPUTS` directory, and use the [Tibs](Tibs.md) build system to define their sources and targets. An example test project might look like: ``` ISDBTestSupport/ INPUTS/ MyTestProj/ a.swift b.swift c.cpp ``` Where `project.json` describes the project's targets, for example ``` { "sources": ["a.swift", "b.swift", "c.cpp"] } ``` Tibs supports more advanced project configurations, such as multiple swift modules with dependencies, etc. For much more information about Tibs, including what features it supports and how it works, see [Tibs.md](Tibs.md). ### TibsTestWorkspace The `TibsTestWorkspace` pulls together the various pieces needed for working with tests, including building the project, creating an IndexStoreDB instance, and keeping it up to date after modifying sources. To create a `TibsTestWorkspace`, use the `staticTibsTestWorkspace` and `mutableTibsTestWorkspace` methods. Tests that do not mutate sources should use `staticTibsTestWorkspace`. ```swift func testFoo() { // Loads an immutable workspace for the test project "MyTestProj" and resolves // all of its targets, ready to be indexed. guard let ws = try staticTibsTestWorkspace(name: "MyTestProj") else { return } // Perform the build and read the produced index data. try ws.buildAndIndex() // See the results ws.index.occurrences(ofUSR: "", ...) ... } ``` #### Source Locations It is common to want to refer to specific locations in the source code of a test project. This is supported using inline comment syntax. ```swift Test.swift: func /*myFuncDef*/myFunc() { /*myFuncCall*/myFunc() } ``` In a test, these locations can be referenced by name. The named location is immediately after the comment. ```swift let loc = ws.testLoc("myFuncDef") // TestLocation(url: ..., line: 1, column: 19) ``` A common use of a `TestLocation` is to form a `SymbolOccurrence` at that location. ```swift let occurrence = Symbol(...).at(ws.testLoc("myFuncDef"), roles: .definition) ``` #### Comparing SymbolOccurrences Rather than attempting to compare `SymbolOccurrences` for equality, prefer using the custom XCTest assertion method `checkOccurrences`. This API avoids accidentally comparing details that are undefined (e.g. the order of occurrences), or likely to change frequently (e.g. `SymbolRole`s are checked to be a superset instead of an exact match, as we often add new roles). ``` checkOccurrences(ws.index.occurrences(ofUSR: sym.usr, roles: .all), expected: [ sym.at(ws.testLoc("c"), roles: .definition), sym.at(ws.testLoc("c_call"), roles: .call), ]) ``` #### Mutating Test Sources In order to test changes to the index, we create a mutable test workspace. The mutable project takes care of copying the sources to a new location. Afterwards, we can mutate the sources using the `TibsTestWorkspace.edit(rebuild: Bool, block: ...)` method. ``` func testMutating() { guard let ws = try mutableTibsTestWorkspace(name: "MyTestProj") else { return } try ws.buildAndIndex() // Check initial state... // Perform modifications to "url"! ws.edit(rebuild: true) { editor, files in // Read the original contents and add a new line. let new = try files.get(url).appending("func /*moreCodeDef*/moreCode() {}") // Provide the new contents for "url". editor.write(new, to: url) } } ``` After we return from `edit()`, the sources are modified and any changes to stored source locations are reflected. We can now `buildAndIndex()` to update the index, or as a convenience we can pass `rebuild: true` to `edit`.