FORMAT: 1A # Resource Model API Resource model is a [resource manifestation]( One particular representation of your resource. Furthermore, in API Blueprint, any `resource model` you have defined can be referenced in a request or response section, saving you lots of time maintaining your API blueprint. You simply define a resource model as any payload (e.g. [request]( or [response]( and then reference it later where you would normally write a `request` or `response`. ## API Blueprint + [Previous: Data Structures]( + [This: Raw API Blueprint]( + [Next: Advanced Action]( # Group Messages Group of all messages-related resources. ## My Message [/message] + Model (application/vnd.siren+json) This is the `application/vnd.siren+json` message resource representation. + Headers Location: + Body { "class": [ "message" ], "properties": { "message": "Hello World!" }, "links": [ { "rel": "self" , "href": "/message" } ] } ### Retrieve a Message [GET] At this point we will utilize our `Message` resource model and reference it in `Response 200`. + Response 200 [My Message][] ### Update a Message [PUT] + Request Update Plain Text Message (text/plain) All your base are belong to us. + Request Update JSON Message (application/json) { "message": "All your base are belong to us." } + Response 204