(function() { /** * Engines * -------------------- */ var engines = {}; /** * DetectType * * @param {object} input */ var detectType = function(input) { return typeof input; }; /** * Each * * Applies an iterator function to each item in an array or an object, in series. * * @param {object} list * @param {function} iterator * @param {function} callback */ var each = function(list, iterator, callback) { /** * SyncEach * * @param {object} list * @param {function} iterator */ var syncEach = function(list, iterator) { // If the list is an array if (isArray(list) && !isEmpty(list)) { for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { iterator.apply(list, [i, list[i]]); } } // If the list is an object if (isObject(list) && !isEmpty(list)) { for (var key in list) { if (list.hasOwnProperty(key)) { iterator.apply(list, [key, list[key]]); } } } }; /** * AsyncEach * @param {object} list * @param {function} iterator * @param {function} callback */ var asyncEach = function(list, iterator, callback) { var finished = 0; var started = 0; var hasCalled = false; var mayCallback = false; var tryCallback = function() { if (mayCallback && finished == started) { // finished all functions, celebrate! return callback(); } } /** * AddToQueue * * @param {string} key * @param {string|object} value */ var addToQueue = function(key, value) { var cb = function(error) { // return early if already called back if (hasCalled) return; if (error) { // if error, fail fast hasCalled = true; return callback(error); } finished++; return tryCallback(); }; // execute right away started++; return iterator(key, value, cb); } // If the list is an array if (isArray(list) && !isEmpty(list)) { for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { addToQueue(i, list[i]); } // If the list is an object } else if (isObject(list) && !isEmpty(list)) { for (var key in list) { if (list.hasOwnProperty(key)) { addToQueue(key, list[key]); } } // If the list is not an array or an object } else { return callback(); } // Done adding items. Allow callback to fire mayCallback = true return tryCallback(); }; if (typeof callback === 'undefined') { return syncEach.apply(this, arguments); } else { return asyncEach.apply(this, arguments); } }; /** * Every * * @param {object} arr * @param {function} iterator */ var every = function(arr, iterator) { return Array.prototype.every.apply(arr, [iterator]); }; /** * Filter * * @param {object} arr * @param {function} iterator */ var filter = function(arr, iterator, context) { return Array.prototype.filter.apply(arr, [iterator, context || this]); }; /** * HasProperty * * @param {object} input */ var hasProperty = function(obj, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(obj, [property]); }; /** * IsArray * * Returns true if the passed-in object is an array. * * @param {object} input */ var isArray = function(input) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Array]'; }; /** * IsBoolean * * @param {object} input */ var isBoolean = function(input) { return typeof input === 'boolean'; }; /** * IsDefined * * @param {object} input */ var isDefined = function(input) { return typeof input !== 'undefined'; }; /** * IsEmpty * * Returns true if the passed-in object is empty. * * @param {object} input */ var isEmpty = function(input) { if (isNumber(input)) { return false; } if (input === null) { return true; } // If the passed-in object is an array or a string if (isArray(input) || typeof input === 'string') { return input.length === 0; } // If the passed-in object is an object if (isObject(input)) { for (var key in input) { if (hasOwnProperty.call(input, key)) return false; } } return true; }; /** * IsEqual * * @param {object} obj1 * @param {object} obj2 */ var isEqual = function(obj1, obj2) { /** * Arrays */ if (isArray(obj1, obj2)) { if (obj1.length !== obj2.length) { return false; } return every(obj1, function(value, index, context) { return obj2[index] === value; }); } /** * Objects */ if (isObject(obj1, obj2)) { var keys1 = keys(obj1), keys2 = keys(obj2); if (!isEqual(keys1, keys2)) { return false; } for (key in obj1) { if (!obj2[key] || obj1[key] !== obj2[key]) { return false; } } return true; } return false; }; /** * IsFunction * * @param {object} input */ var isFunction = function(input) { return typeof input === 'function'; }; /** * IsInteger * * @param {object} input */ var isInteger = function(input) { return isNumber(input) && input % 1 === 0; }; /** * IsNull * * @param {object} input */ var isNull = function(input) { return input === null; }; /** * IsNumber * * @param {object} input */ var isNumber = function(input) { return typeof input === 'number'; }; /** * IsObject * * Returns true if the passed-in object is an object. * * @param {object} input */ var isObject = function(input) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Object]'; }; /** * IsString * * @param {object} input */ var isString = function(input) { return typeof input === 'string'; }; /** * IsUndefined * * @param {object} input */ var isUndefined = function(input) { return typeof input === 'undefined'; }; /** * Keys * * @param {object} obj */ var keys = function(obj) { return Object.keys(obj); }; /** * Merge * * Copy all of the properties in the source objects over to the destination object. * * @param {object} obj1 * @param {object} obj2 */ var merge = function(obj1, obj2) { for (var key in obj2) { if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(key) && !obj1.hasOwnProperty(key)) { obj1[key] = obj2[key]; } } return obj1; }; /** * Pluck * * Extracts a list of property values. * * @param {object} list * @param {string} propertyName */ var pluck = function(list, propertyName) { var output = []; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { var property = list[i][propertyName]; if (output.indexOf(property) === -1) { output.push(property); } } return output; }; /** * ReturnTrue */ var returnTrue = function() { return true; }; /** * Some * * @param {object} arr * @param {function} iterator */ var some = function(arr, iterator) { return Array.prototype.some.apply(arr, [iterator]); }; (function() { /** * Validation * * @constructor * @param {object} options */ var Validation = function(options) { // Save a reference to the ‘this’ var self = this; var defaultOptions = { singleError: true, messages: errorMessages, cache: false }; each(defaultOptions, function(key, value) { if (isObject(value) && options[key]) { self[key] = merge(options[key], defaultOptions[key]); } else if (isObject(value) && !options[key]) { self[key] = merge ({}, defaultOptions[key]); } else { self[key] = (isDefined(options[key])) ? options[key] : defaultOptions[key]; } }); this.errors = new ValidationError(this); }; /** * Attributes * -------------------- */ Validation.prototype.attributes = {}; /** * AddAttribute * * @param {string} attributeName * @param {function} attributeFn */ Validation.prototype.addAttribute = function(attributeName, attributeFn) { return Validation.prototype.attributes[attributeName] = attributeFn; }; /** * AddAttributeConstructor * * @param {string} attributeName * @param {function} attributeConstructor */ Validation.prototype.addAttributeConstructor = function(attributeName, attributeConstructor) { return Validation.prototype.attributes[attributeName] = attributeConstructor(); }; /** * AdditionalProperties */ var additionalPropertiesAttribute = function additionalProperties(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { var self = this; /** * { * additionalProperties: true, * ... * } */ if (attributeValue === true) { return callback(); } // Filter the forbidden properties var propertyKeys = keys(propertyValue); var forbiddenProperties = filter(propertyKeys, function(key) { return !propertyAttributes.properties[key]; }); if (isEmpty(forbiddenProperties)) { return callback(); } /** * { * additionalProperties: false, * ... * } */ if (attributeValue === false) { forbiddenProperties.forEach(function(forbiddenProperty) { this.addError({ property: this.joinPath(property, forbiddenProperty), propertyValue: propertyValue[forbiddenProperty] }); }, this); return callback(); } /** * { * additionalProperties: { * type: 'string', * ... * }, * ... * } */ if (isObject(attributeValue)) { return each(forbiddenProperties, function(index, key, callback) { return self.validateSchema( propertyValue[key], attributeValue, property + key, callback ); }, callback); } }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('additionalProperties', additionalPropertiesAttribute); /** * DivisibleBy */ var divisibleByAttribute = function divisibleBy(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (attributeValue === 0) { this.addError('The value of this attribute should not be 0.'); return callback(); } if (isNumber(propertyValue) && (propertyValue % attributeValue !== 0)) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('divisibleBy', divisibleByAttribute); /** * Enum */ var enumAttribute = function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (attributeValue.indexOf(propertyValue) === -1) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('enum', enumAttribute); /** * Except */ var exceptAttribute = function except(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (attributeValue.indexOf(propertyValue) !== -1) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('except', exceptAttribute); /** * Format */ Validation.prototype.addAttributeConstructor('format', function formatConstructor() { // Uložíme si referenci na this var self = this; /** * Formats */ var formats = { /** * date-time * * This should be a date in ISO 8601 format of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ in UTC * time or with the timezone suffix. */ 'date-time': { type: 'string', pattern: /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d{1,})?([\-\+]\d{2}:\d{2}|Z)?$/ }, /** * date * * This should be a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD. It is recommended that you * use the "date-time" format instead of "date" unless you need to transfer only the date part. */ date: function(input) { if (isString(input)) { return input.match(/^\d{4}-(?:0[0-9]{1}|1[0-2]{1})-[0-9]{2}$/); } return Object.prototype.toString.call(input) === '[object Date]'; }, /** * time * * This should be a time in the format of hh:mm:ss. */ 'time': { type: 'string', pattern: /^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/ }, /** * utc-milisec * * This should be the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the specified * time and midnight, 00:00 of January 1, 1970 UTC. The value * should be a number (integer or float). */ 'utc-milisec': { type: 'number' }, /** * regex * * This should be a time in the format of hh:mm:ss. */ regex: function(input) { return input && input.test && input.exec; }, /** * color * * This is a CSS color (like "#FF0000" or "red"), based on CSS 2.1. */ 'color': { type: 'string' }, /** * style * * This is a CSS style definition (like "color: red; background-color:#FFF"), based on CSS 2.1. */ 'style': { type: 'string' }, /** * phone * * This should be a phone number. */ 'phone': { type: 'number' }, /** * uri * * This value should be a URI. */ 'uri': { type: 'string', pattern: /^[^\s]+$/ }, /** * email * * This should be an email address. */ 'email': { type: 'string', pattern: /^(?:[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+@(?:(?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!\.)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-](?!$)){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?)|(?:\[(?:(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}(?:[01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\]))$/ }, /** * ip-address * * This should be an ip version 4 address. */ 'ip-address': { type: 'string', pattern: /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/ }, /** * ipv6 * * This should be an ip version 6 address. */ 'ipv6': { type: 'string', pattern: /(?:(?:[a-f\d]{1,4}:)*(?:[a-f\d]{1,4}|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})|(?:(?:[a-f\d]{1,4}:)*[a-f\d]{1,4})?::(?:(?:[a-f\d]{1,4}:)*(?:[a-f\d]{1,4}|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}))?)/ }, /** * host-name * * This should be a host-name. */ 'host-name': { type: 'string' } }; /** * CustomFormats * -------------------- */ formats.alpha = { required: true, type: 'string', pattern: /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ }; formats.alphanumeric = { required: true, type: ['string', 'number'], pattern: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/ }; formats.decimal = function(input) { if (!isNumber(input)) return false; return (input + '').match(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$/); }; formats.percentage = { required: true, type: ['string', 'number'], pattern: /^-?[0-9]{0,2}(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$|^-?(100)(\.[0]{1,2})?$/, minimum: -100, maximum: 100 }; formats.port = { required: true, type: ['string', 'number'], pattern: /\:\d+/ }; /** * Aliases * -------------------- */ var aliases = { url: 'uri', ip: 'ip-address', ipv4: 'ip-address', host: 'host-name', hostName: 'host-name' }; // Apply aliases each(aliases, function(alias, format) { formats[alias] = formats[format]; }); // Export return function format(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { /** * { * format: { * type: 'string', * pattern: /abc/ * ... * } * ... * } */ if (isObject(attributeValue)) { return this.validateProperty(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, callback); } /** * { * format: 'lorem ipsum dolor', * ... * } */ if (isString(attributeValue) && !hasProperty(formats, attributeValue)) { this.addError('The format ‘' + attributeValue + '’ is not supported.'); return callback(); } /** * { * format: 'phone', * ... * } */ if (isString(attributeValue)) { var fn = formats[attributeValue]; if (isFunction(fn)) { var noError = fn(propertyValue); if (!noError) { this.addError(); } return callback(); } if (isObject(fn)) { return this.validateProperty(property, propertyValue, fn, callback); } } }; }); /** * Length */ var lengthAttribute = function length(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isString(propertyValue) && propertyValue.length !== attributeValue) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('length', lengthAttribute); /** * Maximum */ var maximumAttribute = function maximum(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isNumber(propertyValue)) { if ((propertyAttributes.exclusiveMaximum && propertyValue >= attributeValue) || (propertyValue > attributeValue)) { this.addError(); } } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('maximum', maximumAttribute); /** * MaxItems */ var maxItemsAttribute = function maxItems(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isArray(propertyValue) && propertyValue.length > attributeValue) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('maxItems', maxItemsAttribute); /** * MaxLength */ var maxLengthAttribute = function maxLength(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isString(propertyValue) && propertyValue.length > attributeValue) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('maxLength', maxLengthAttribute); /** * Minimum */ var minimumAttribute = function minimum(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isNumber(propertyValue)) { if ((propertyAttributes.exclusiveMinimum && propertyValue <= attributeValue) || (propertyValue < attributeValue)) { this.addError(); } } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('minimum', minimumAttribute); /** * MinItems */ var minItems = function minItems(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isArray(propertyValue) && propertyValue.length < attributeValue) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('minItems', minItems); /** * MinLength */ var minLengthAttribute = function minLength(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isString(propertyValue) && propertyValue.length < attributeValue) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('minLength', minLengthAttribute); /** * Pattern */ var patternAttribute = function pattern(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (isString(propertyValue) && !propertyValue.match(attributeValue)) { this.addError(); } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('pattern', patternAttribute); (function() { /** * PatternProperties */ var attribute = function patternProperties(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { // Saves a reference to ‘this’ var self = this; // Skip if (isEmpty(attributeValue)) { return callback(); } var matches = {}; var patterns = keys(attributeValue); each(propertyValue, function(key, value) { each(patterns, function(index, pattern) { if (key.match(new RegExp(pattern))) { matches[key] = attributeValue[pattern]; } }); }); if (isEmpty(matches)) { return callback(); } each(matches, function(propertyName, propertySchema, callback) { return self.validateSchema( propertyValue[propertyName], propertySchema, self.joinPath(property, propertyName), callback ); }, callback); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('patternProperties', attribute); }()); /** * Required */ var requiredAttribute = function required(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { if (attributeValue) { var undefinedCondition = isUndefined(propertyValue); if (undefinedCondition) { this.addError(); } } return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('required', requiredAttribute); /** * Type */ var typeConstructor = function typeConstructor() { /** * Types */ var types = { 'string': isString, 'number': isNumber, 'function': isFunction, 'boolean': isBoolean, 'object': isObject, 'array': isArray, 'integer': isInteger, 'int': isInteger, 'null': isNull, 'any': returnTrue }; // Export return function type(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { /** * { * type: ['string', 'number'] * } */ if (isArray(attributeValue)) { var typesSupported; typesSupported = every(attributeValue, function(type) { return hasProperty(types, type); }); if (!typesSupported) { this.addError('One of the following types ‘' + attributeValue.join(',') + '’ is not supported.'); return callback(); } var noError = attributeValue.some(function(type) { return types[type](propertyValue); }); if (!noError) { this.addError(); } return callback(); /** * { * type: 'string' * } */ } else { if (!hasProperty(types, attributeValue)) { this.addError('Type ‘' + attributeValue + '’ is not supported.'); } else { var testSuccess = types[attributeValue](propertyValue); if (!testSuccess) { this.addError(); } } return callback(); } }; }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttributeConstructor('type', typeConstructor); (function() { /** * UniqueItems */ var attribute = function uniqueItems(property, propertyValue, attributeValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { var self = this; each(propertyValue, function(index, value) { if (isString(value)) { if ((propertyValue.indexOf(value) < index)) { self.addError(); } } if (isObject(value) || isArray(value)) { propertyValue.forEach(function(subValue, subIndex) { if (subIndex !== index) { if (isEqual(value, subValue)) { self.addError({ property: self.joinPath(property, subIndex) }); } } }); } }); return callback(); }; // Export Validation.prototype.addAttribute('uniqueItems', attribute); }()); /** * Error * * @constructor */ var ValidationError = function(parent) { this.length = 0; this.errorMessages = parent.messages; }; ValidationError.prototype.renderErrorMessage = function(error) { var errorMessage = this.errorMessages[error.attributeName]; if (errorMessage && isFunction(errorMessage)) { return errorMessage( error.property, error.propertyValue, error.attributeValue ); } if (errorMessage && isString(errorMessage)) { [ 'property', 'propertyValue', 'attributeValue' ].forEach(function(placeholder) { errorMessage = errorMessage.replace(new RegExp('{{' + placeholder + '}}', 'g'), error[placeholder]); }); // Deprecated errorMessage = errorMessage.replace(/{{validator}}/g, error['attributeValue']); return errorMessage.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); } return error.message; }; ValidationError.prototype.push = function(error) { this[this.length] = { property: error.property, propertyValue: error.propertyValue, attributeName: error.attributeName, attributeValue: error.attributeValue, message: this.renderErrorMessage(error), // Deprecated validator: error.attributeName, validatorName: error.attributeName, validatorValue: error.attributeValue }; this.length += 1; }; /** * GetProperties */ ValidationError.prototype.getProperties = function() { return pluck(this, 'property'); }; /** * GetMessages */ ValidationError.prototype.getMessages = function() { return pluck(this, 'message'); }; /** * Messages * -------------------- */ var vowels = "aeiou", errorMessages = { /** * Maximum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ required: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return 'The ‘' + property + '’ property is required.'; }, /** * MinLength * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ minLength: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ' + property + ' property must be at least ' + attributeValue + ' characters.', 'The length of the property is ' + propertyValue.length + '.' ].join(' '); }, /** * MaxLength * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ maxLength: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ' + property + ' property must not exceed ' + attributeValue + ' character' + (attributeValue > 1 ? 's' : '') + '.', 'The length of the property is ' + propertyValue.length + '.' ].join(' '); }, /** * MaxLength * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ length: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ' + property + ' property must be exactly ' + attributeValue + ' character' + (attributeValue > 1 ? 's' : '') + '.', 'The length of the property is ' + propertyValue.length + '.' ].join(' '); }, /** * Format * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ format: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ‘' + property + '’ property must be a/an ‘' + attributeValue + '’.', 'The current value of the property is ‘' + propertyValue + '’' ].join(' '); }, /** * Type * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ type: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ‘' + property + '’ property must be ' + (vowels.indexOf(attributeValue[0]) > -1 ? 'an' : 'a') + ' ‘' + attributeValue + '’.', 'The type of the property is ‘' + detectType(propertyValue) + '’' ].join(' '); }, /** * Except * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ except: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return; }, /** * Minimum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ minimum: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The minimum value of the ‘' + property + '’ must be ' + attributeValue + '.', 'The current value of the property is ‘' + propertyValue + '’' ].join(' '); }, /** * Maximum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ maximum: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The maximum value of the ‘' + property + '’ must be ' + attributeValue + '.', 'The current value of the property is ‘' + propertyValue + '’.' ].join(' '); }, /** * Maximum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ pattern: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return 'The ‘' + property + '’ does not match the ‘' + attributeValue + '’ pattern.'; }, /** * MaxItems * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ maxItems: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ‘' + property + '’ property must not contain more than ‘' + attributeValue + '’ items.', 'Currently it contains ‘' + propertyValue.items + '’ items.' ].join(' '); }, /** * MinItems * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ minItems: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return [ 'The ‘' + property + '’ property must contain at least ‘' + attributeValue + '’ items.', 'Currently it contains ‘' + propertyValue.items + '’ items.' ].join(' '); }, /** * Maximum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ divisibleBy: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return 'The ‘' + property + '’ is not divisible by ‘' + attributeValue + '’.'; }, /** * Maximum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ uniqueItems: function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return 'All items in the ‘' + property + '’ property must be unique.'; }, /** * Enum * * @param {string} property * @param {any} propertyValue * @param {string} attributeValue */ 'enum': function(property, propertyValue, attributeValue) { return 'Value of the ‘' + property + '’ must be ' + attributeValue.join(' or ') + '.'; } }; /** * GetProperty * * @param {string} property * @param {object} source */ Validation.prototype.getProperty = function(property, source) { if (source) { return (isDefined(source[property])) ? source[property] : undefined; } else { return undefined; } }; /** * JoinPath * * @param {string} path * @param {string} property */ Validation.prototype.joinPath = function(path, property) { path = path || []; //copy to avoid sharing 1 instance path = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(path)) // Converts the ‘property’ to a string property = property + ''; path.push(property); return path; }; /** * Validation.validate * * @param {object} instance * @param {object} schema * @param {boolean} singleError * @param {function} callback */ Validation.prototype.validate = function(instance, schema, callback) { // Save a reference to the ‘this’ var self = this; this.instance = instance; this.schema = schema; /** * Basic Types */ var basicTypes = [ 'string', 'number', 'function', 'boolean', 'integer', 'int', 'null' ]; /** * Object Types */ var objectTypes = [ 'object', 'array' ]; /** * CallbackProxy */ var callbackProxy = function() { if (self.errors.length !== 0) { return callback(self.errors); } else { return callback(); } }; /** * { * type: 'string', * ... * } */ if (basicTypes.indexOf(schema.type) !== -1) { return this.validateProperty(undefined, instance, schema, callbackProxy); } /** * { * type: 'object', * ... * } */ if (objectTypes.indexOf(schema.type) !== -1) { if (isString(instance)) { try { instance = JSON.parse(instance); } catch(parseError) { } } return this.validateSchema(instance, schema, '', callbackProxy); } /** * { * type: ???, * ... * } */ if (schema.type === 'any' || !schema.type) { if (isString(instance)) { try { instance = JSON.parse(instance); return this.validateSchema(instance, schema, '', callbackProxy); } catch(parseError2) { } } if (isObject(instance) || isArray (instance)) { return this.validateSchema(instance, schema, '', callbackProxy); } return this.validateProperty(undefined, instance, schema, callbackProxy); } }; /** * Validation.validateItems * * @param {object} instance * @param {object} schema * @param {string} path * @param {function} callback */ Validation.prototype.validateItems = function(instance, schema, path, callback) { // Save a reference to the ‘this’ var self = this; /** * { * type: 'array' * items: [ * { * type: 'string' * }, * { * type: 'number' * }, * ... * ], * ... * } */ if (isUndefined(instance)) { instance = [] } if (isArray(schema.items)) { // Additional items are allowed if (isUndefined(schema.additionalItems) || schema.additionalItems === true) { return each(schema.items, function(itemIndex, itemSchema, callback) { return self.validateSchema( instance[itemIndex], itemSchema, self.joinPath(path, itemIndex), callback ); }, callback); } return each(instance, function(itemIndex, itemValue, callback) { // The ‘additionalItems’ attribute is a schema that defines // the schema of the additional items if (schema.items[itemIndex] || isObject(schema.additionalItems)) { return self.validateSchema( itemValue, schema.items[itemIndex], self.joinPath(path, itemIndex), callback ); } // Additional items are disallowed if (schema.additionalItems === false) { self.errors.push({ property: self.joinPath(path, itemIndex), propertyValue: itemValue, attributeName: 'additionalItems', attributeValue: false }); return callback(); } }, callback); } /** * { * type: 'array' * items: { * type: 'string' * }, * ... * } */ if (isObject(schema.items) && instance && !isEmpty(instance)) { return each(instance, function(itemIndex, itemValue, callback) { return self.validateSchema( instance[itemIndex], schema.items, self.joinPath(path, itemIndex), callback ); }, callback); } else { return callback(); } }; /** * Validation.validateProperties * * @param {object} instance * @param {object} schema * @param {string} path * @param {function} callback */ Validation.prototype.validateProperties = function(instance, schema, path, callback) { // Save a reference to the ‘this’ var self = this; // Goes return each(schema.properties, function(property, propertyAttributes, callback) { var isObject = propertyAttributes.type === 'object' && propertyAttributes.properties, isArray = propertyAttributes.type === 'array'; // Get the value of property (instance[property]) var propertyValue = self.getProperty(property, instance); var propertyPath = self.joinPath(path, property); /** * { * type: 'object', * properties: { * user: { * type: 'object', * properties: { * ... * } * } * } * } */ if (isObject || isArray) { return self.validateSchema( propertyValue, schema.properties[property], propertyPath, callback ); } else { return self.validateProperty( propertyPath, propertyValue, propertyAttributes, callback ); } }, callback); }; /** * Validation.validateProperty * * @param {string} propertyName * @param {object} propertyAttributes * @param {string|object} propertyValue * @param {boolean} singleError * @param {function} callback */ Validation.prototype.validateProperty = function(property, propertyValue, propertyAttributes, callback) { // Save a reference to the ‘this’ var self = this; var context = {}; [ 'validateItems', 'validateProperties', 'validateSchema', 'validateProperty', 'getProperty', 'attributes', 'errors', 'joinPath' ].forEach(function(key) { context[key] = this[key]; }, self); /** * Iterator * * @param {string} attributeName * @param {function} attributeFn * @param {function} callback */ var iterator = function(attributeName, attributeFn, callback) { var lastLength = self.errors.length; // Overwrite the ‘addError’ method context.addError = function(message) { if (isObject(message)) { property = message.property || property if (!Array.isArray(property)) { property = [property] } return self.errors.push({ property: property, propertyValue: message.propertyValue || propertyValue, attributeName: message.attributeName || attributeName, attributeValue: message.attributeValue || propertyAttributes[attributeName], message: message.message || undefined }); } if (!Array.isArray(property)) { property = [property] } return self.errors.push({ property: property, propertyValue: propertyValue, attributeName: attributeName, attributeValue: propertyAttributes[attributeName], message: message }); }; /** * OnComplete */ var onComplete = function(error) { // Deprecated if (error === true || isString(error)) { context.addError(error); return callback(true); }; if (self.errors.length > lastLength && self.singleError) { return callback(true); } else { return callback(); } }; if (isDefined(propertyAttributes[attributeName])) { return attributeFn.apply(context, [ property, propertyValue, propertyAttributes[attributeName], propertyAttributes, onComplete ]); } else { return callback(); } }; // If it's not a required param and it's empty, skip if (propertyAttributes.required !== true && isUndefined(propertyValue)) { return callback(); } // Validate the property return each(self.attributes, iterator, callback); }; /** * Validation.validateSchema * * @param {object} instance * @param {object} schema * @param {string} path * @param {function} callback */ Validation.prototype.validateSchema = function(instance, schema, path, callback) { var self = this; return self.validateProperty(path, instance, schema, function(error) { /** * { * type: 'object', * properties: { * ... * } * } */ if (schema.properties) { return self.validateProperties( instance, schema, path, callback ); /** * { * type: 'array', * items: { * type: 'string' * ... * } * } */ } else if (schema.items) { return self.validateItems( instance, schema, path, callback ); /** * { * type: 'array' * } * — or — * { * type: 'object' * } */ } else { return callback(); } }); }; /** * Export * -------------------- */ engines.json = (function() { /** * Cache */ var cache = []; var cacheIndex = {}; return { /** * Validate * * @param {object} instance * @param {object} schema * @param {object} options * @param {function} callback */ validate: function(instance, schema, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } return (new Validation(options)).validate(instance, schema, callback); }, /** * AddAttribute * * @param {string} attributeName * @param {function} attributeFn */ addAttribute: function(attributeName, attributeFn) { return Validation.prototype.addAttribute.apply(Validation, arguments); }, /** * AddAttributeConstructor * * @param {string} attributeName * @param {function} attributeConstructor */ addAttributeConstructor: function(attributeName, attributeConstructor) { return Validation.prototype.addAttributeConstructor.apply(Validation, arguments); } }; }()); }()); var amanda = function(engine) { if (!hasProperty(engines, engine)) { throw new Error('The ‘' + engine + '’ engine is not supported. Please use a different one.'); } return engines[engine]; }; /** * Amanda.validate * * This method is deprecated, please use ‘amanda('json').validate’ instead. */ amanda.validate = function(instance, schema, options, callback) { var json = engines.json; return json.validate.apply(json, arguments); }; /** * Amanda.addValidator * * This method is deprecated, please use ‘amanda('json').addValidator’ instead. */ amanda.addValidator = function(attributeName, attributeFn) { var json = engines.json; return json.addAttribute.apply(json, arguments); }; /** * Amanda.addAttribute * * This method is deprecated, please use ‘amanda('json').addAttribute’ instead. */ amanda.addAttribute = function(attributeName, attributeFn) { var json = engines.json; return json.addAttribute.apply(json, arguments); }; /** * Amanda.addAttributeConstructor * * This method is deprecated, please use ‘amanda('json').addAttributeConstructor’ instead. */ amanda.addAttributeConstructor = function(attributeName, attributeConstructor) { var json = engines.json; return json.addAttributeConstructor.apply(json, arguments); }; /** * Export * -------------------- */ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = amanda; } else if (typeof define !== 'undefined') { define(function() { return amanda; }); } else { this.amanda = amanda; } }());