/* --- name: TabSwapper.js authors: Aaron Newton description: Handles the scripting for a common UI layout; the tabbed box. license: MIT-Style License requires: core:1.2.4: [Element.Event, Fx.Tween, Fx.Morph] more: [Element.Shortcuts, Element.Dimensions, Element.Measure] provides: [TabSwapper] ... */ var TabSwapper = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { selectedClass: 'tabSelected', mouseoverClass: 'tabOver', deselectedClass: '', rearrangeDOM: true, initPanel: 0, smooth: false, smoothSize: false, maxSize: null, effectOptions: { duration: 500 }, cookieName: null, cookieDays: 999 // onActive: $empty, // onActiveAfterFx: $empty, // onBackground: $empty }, tabs: [], sections: [], clickers: [], sectionFx: [], initialize: function(options){ this.setOptions(options); var prev = this.setup(); if (prev) return prev; if (this.options.cookieName && this.recall()) this.show(this.recall().toInt()); else this.show(this.options.initPanel); }, setup: function(){ var opt = this.options; sections = $$(opt.sections); tabs = $$(opt.tabs); if (tabs[0] && tabs[0].retrieve('tabSwapper')) return tabs[0].retrieve('tabSwapper'); clickers = $$(opt.clickers); tabs.each(function(tab, index){ this.addTab(tab, sections[index], clickers[index], index); }, this); }, addTab: function(tab, section, clicker, index){ tab = document.id(tab); clicker = document.id(clicker); section = document.id(section); //if the tab is already in the interface, just move it if (this.tabs.indexOf(tab) >= 0 && tab.retrieve('tabbered') && this.tabs.indexOf(tab) != index && this.options.rearrangeDOM) { this.moveTab(this.tabs.indexOf(tab), index); return this; } //if the index isn't specified, put the tab at the end if (!$defined(index)) index = this.tabs.length; //if this isn't the first item, and there's a tab //already in the interface at the index 1 less than this //insert this after that one if (index > 0 && this.tabs[index-1] && this.options.rearrangeDOM) { tab.inject(this.tabs[index-1], 'after'); section.inject(this.tabs[index-1].retrieve('section'), 'after'); } this.tabs.splice(index, 0, tab); clicker = clicker || tab; tab.addEvents({ mouseout: function(){ tab.removeClass(this.options.mouseoverClass); }.bind(this), mouseover: function(){ tab.addClass(this.options.mouseoverClass); }.bind(this) }); clicker.addEvent('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); this.show(index); }.bind(this)); tab.store('tabbered', true); tab.store('section', section); tab.store('clicker', clicker); this.hideSection(index); return this; }, removeTab: function(index){ var now = this.tabs[this.now]; if (this.now == index){ if (index > 0) this.show(index - 1); else if (index < this.tabs.length) this.show(index + 1); } this.now = this.tabs.indexOf(now); return this; }, moveTab: function(from, to){ var tab = this.tabs[from]; var clicker = tab.retrieve('clicker'); var section = tab.retrieve('section'); var toTab = this.tabs[to]; var toClicker = toTab.retrieve('clicker'); var toSection = toTab.retrieve('section'); this.tabs.erase(tab).splice(to, 0, tab); tab.inject(toTab, 'before'); clicker.inject(toClicker, 'before'); section.inject(toSection, 'before'); return this; }, show: function(i){ if (!$chk(this.now)) { this.tabs.each(function(tab, idx){ if (i != idx) this.hideSection(idx); }, this); } this.showSection(i).save(i); return this; }, save: function(index){ if (this.options.cookieName) Cookie.write(this.options.cookieName, index, {duration:this.options.cookieDays}); return this; }, recall: function(){ return (this.options.cookieName)?$pick(Cookie.read(this.options.cookieName), false): false; }, hideSection: function(idx) { var tab = this.tabs[idx]; if (!tab) return this; var sect = tab.retrieve('section'); if (!sect) return this; if (sect.getStyle('display') != 'none') { this.lastHeight = sect.getSize().y; sect.setStyle('display', 'none'); tab.swapClass(this.options.selectedClass, this.options.deselectedClass); this.fireEvent('onBackground', [idx, sect, tab]); } return this; }, showSection: function(idx) { var tab = this.tabs[idx]; if (!tab) return this; var sect = tab.retrieve('section'); if (!sect) return this; var smoothOk = this.options.smooth && !Browser.Engine.trident4; if (this.now != idx) { if (!tab.retrieve('tabFx')) tab.store('tabFx', new Fx.Morph(sect, this.options.effectOptions)); var overflow = sect.getStyle('overflow'); var start = { display:'block', overflow: 'hidden' }; if (smoothOk) start.opacity = 0; var effect = false; if (smoothOk) { effect = {opacity: 1}; } else if (sect.getStyle('opacity').toInt() < 1) { sect.setStyle('opacity', 1); if (!this.options.smoothSize) this.fireEvent('onActiveAfterFx', [idx, sect, tab]); } if (this.options.smoothSize) { var size = sect.getDimensions().height; if ($chk(this.options.maxSize) && this.options.maxSize < size) size = this.options.maxSize; if (!effect) effect = {}; effect.height = size; } if ($chk(this.now)) this.hideSection(this.now); if (this.options.smoothSize && this.lastHeight) start.height = this.lastHeight; sect.setStyles(start); if (effect) { tab.retrieve('tabFx').start(effect).chain(function(){ this.fireEvent('onActiveAfterFx', [idx, sect, tab]); sect.setStyles({ height: this.options.maxSize == effect.height ? this.options.maxSize : "auto", overflow: overflow }); sect.getElements('input, textarea').setStyle('opacity', 1); }.bind(this)); } this.now = idx; this.fireEvent('onActive', [idx, sect, tab]); } tab.swapClass(this.options.deselectedClass, this.options.selectedClass); return this; } });