/*! * validate.js 0.13.1 * * (c) 2013-2019 Nicklas Ansman, 2013 Wrapp * Validate.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license. * For all details and documentation: * http://validatejs.org/ */ (function(exports, module, define) { "use strict"; // The main function that calls the validators specified by the constraints. // The options are the following: // - format (string) - An option that controls how the returned value is formatted // * flat - Returns a flat array of just the error messages // * grouped - Returns the messages grouped by attribute (default) // * detailed - Returns an array of the raw validation data // - fullMessages (boolean) - If `true` (default) the attribute name is prepended to the error. // // Please note that the options are also passed to each validator. var validate = function(attributes, constraints, options) { options = v.extend({}, v.options, options); var results = v.runValidations(attributes, constraints, options) , attr , validator; if (results.some(function(r) { return v.isPromise(r.error); })) { throw new Error("Use validate.async if you want support for promises"); } return validate.processValidationResults(results, options); }; var v = validate; // Copies over attributes from one or more sources to a single destination. // Very much similar to underscore's extend. // The first argument is the target object and the remaining arguments will be // used as sources. v.extend = function(obj) { [].slice.call(arguments, 1).forEach(function(source) { for (var attr in source) { obj[attr] = source[attr]; } }); return obj; }; v.extend(validate, { // This is the version of the library as a semver. // The toString function will allow it to be coerced into a string version: { major: 0, minor: 13, patch: 1, metadata: "development", toString: function() { var version = v.format("%{major}.%{minor}.%{patch}", v.version); if (!v.isEmpty(v.version.metadata)) { version += "+" + v.version.metadata; } return version; } }, // Below is the dependencies that are used in validate.js // The constructor of the Promise implementation. // If you are using Q.js, RSVP or any other A+ compatible implementation // override this attribute to be the constructor of that promise. // Since jQuery promises aren't A+ compatible they won't work. Promise: typeof Promise !== "undefined" ? Promise : /* istanbul ignore next */ null, EMPTY_STRING_REGEXP: /^\s*$/, // Runs the validators specified by the constraints object. // Will return an array of the format: // [{attribute: "", error: ""}, ...] runValidations: function(attributes, constraints, options) { var results = [] , attr , validatorName , value , validators , validator , validatorOptions , error; if (v.isDomElement(attributes) || v.isJqueryElement(attributes)) { attributes = v.collectFormValues(attributes); } // Loops through each constraints, finds the correct validator and run it. for (attr in constraints) { value = v.getDeepObjectValue(attributes, attr); // This allows the constraints for an attribute to be a function. // The function will be called with the value, attribute name, the complete dict of // attributes as well as the options and constraints passed in. // This is useful when you want to have different // validations depending on the attribute value. validators = v.result(constraints[attr], value, attributes, attr, options, constraints); for (validatorName in validators) { validator = v.validators[validatorName]; if (!validator) { error = v.format("Unknown validator %{name}", {name: validatorName}); throw new Error(error); } validatorOptions = validators[validatorName]; // This allows the options to be a function. The function will be // called with the value, attribute name, the complete dict of // attributes as well as the options and constraints passed in. // This is useful when you want to have different // validations depending on the attribute value. validatorOptions = v.result(validatorOptions, value, attributes, attr, options, constraints); if (!validatorOptions) { continue; } results.push({ attribute: attr, value: value, validator: validatorName, globalOptions: options, attributes: attributes, options: validatorOptions, error: validator.call(validator, value, validatorOptions, attr, attributes, options) }); } } return results; }, // Takes the output from runValidations and converts it to the correct // output format. processValidationResults: function(errors, options) { errors = v.pruneEmptyErrors(errors, options); errors = v.expandMultipleErrors(errors, options); errors = v.convertErrorMessages(errors, options); var format = options.format || "grouped"; if (typeof v.formatters[format] === 'function') { errors = v.formatters[format](errors); } else { throw new Error(v.format("Unknown format %{format}", options)); } return v.isEmpty(errors) ? undefined : errors; }, // Runs the validations with support for promises. // This function will return a promise that is settled when all the // validation promises have been completed. // It can be called even if no validations returned a promise. async: function(attributes, constraints, options) { options = v.extend({}, v.async.options, options); var WrapErrors = options.wrapErrors || function(errors) { return errors; }; // Removes unknown attributes if (options.cleanAttributes !== false) { attributes = v.cleanAttributes(attributes, constraints); } var results = v.runValidations(attributes, constraints, options); return new v.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { v.waitForResults(results).then(function() { var errors = v.processValidationResults(results, options); if (errors) { reject(new WrapErrors(errors, options, attributes, constraints)); } else { resolve(attributes); } }, function(err) { reject(err); }); }); }, single: function(value, constraints, options) { options = v.extend({}, v.single.options, options, { format: "flat", fullMessages: false }); return v({single: value}, {single: constraints}, options); }, // Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises in the results array // are settled. The promise returned from this function is always resolved, // never rejected. // This function modifies the input argument, it replaces the promises // with the value returned from the promise. waitForResults: function(results) { // Create a sequence of all the results starting with a resolved promise. return results.reduce(function(memo, result) { // If this result isn't a promise skip it in the sequence. if (!v.isPromise(result.error)) { return memo; } return memo.then(function() { return result.error.then(function(error) { result.error = error || null; }); }); }, new v.Promise(function(r) { r(); })); // A resolved promise }, // If the given argument is a call: function the and: function return the value // otherwise just return the value. Additional arguments will be passed as // arguments to the function. // Example: // ``` // result('foo') // 'foo' // result(Math.max, 1, 2) // 2 // ``` result: function(value) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); if (typeof value === 'function') { value = value.apply(null, args); } return value; }, // Checks if the value is a number. This function does not consider NaN a // number like many other `isNumber` functions do. isNumber: function(value) { return typeof value === 'number' && !isNaN(value); }, // Returns false if the object is not a function isFunction: function(value) { return typeof value === 'function'; }, // A simple check to verify that the value is an integer. Uses `isNumber` // and a simple modulo check. isInteger: function(value) { return v.isNumber(value) && value % 1 === 0; }, // Checks if the value is a boolean isBoolean: function(value) { return typeof value === 'boolean'; }, // Uses the `Object` function to check if the given argument is an object. isObject: function(obj) { return obj === Object(obj); }, // Simply checks if the object is an instance of a date isDate: function(obj) { return obj instanceof Date; }, // Returns false if the object is `null` of `undefined` isDefined: function(obj) { return obj !== null && obj !== undefined; }, // Checks if the given argument is a promise. Anything with a `then` // function is considered a promise. isPromise: function(p) { return !!p && v.isFunction(p.then); }, isJqueryElement: function(o) { return o && v.isString(o.jquery); }, isDomElement: function(o) { if (!o) { return false; } if (!o.querySelectorAll || !o.querySelector) { return false; } if (v.isObject(document) && o === document) { return true; } // http://stackoverflow.com/a/384380/699304 /* istanbul ignore else */ if (typeof HTMLElement === "object") { return o instanceof HTMLElement; } else { return o && typeof o === "object" && o !== null && o.nodeType === 1 && typeof o.nodeName === "string"; } }, isEmpty: function(value) { var attr; // Null and undefined are empty if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return true; } // functions are non empty if (v.isFunction(value)) { return false; } // Whitespace only strings are empty if (v.isString(value)) { return v.EMPTY_STRING_REGEXP.test(value); } // For arrays we use the length property if (v.isArray(value)) { return value.length === 0; } // Dates have no attributes but aren't empty if (v.isDate(value)) { return false; } // If we find at least one property we consider it non empty if (v.isObject(value)) { for (attr in value) { return false; } return true; } return false; }, // Formats the specified strings with the given values like so: // ``` // format("Foo: %{foo}", {foo: "bar"}) // "Foo bar" // ``` // If you want to write %{...} without having it replaced simply // prefix it with % like this `Foo: %%{foo}` and it will be returned // as `"Foo: %{foo}"` format: v.extend(function(str, vals) { if (!v.isString(str)) { return str; } return str.replace(v.format.FORMAT_REGEXP, function(m0, m1, m2) { if (m1 === '%') { return "%{" + m2 + "}"; } else { return String(vals[m2]); } }); }, { // Finds %{key} style patterns in the given string FORMAT_REGEXP: /(%?)%\{([^\}]+)\}/g }), // "Prettifies" the given string. // Prettifying means replacing [.\_-] with spaces as well as splitting // camel case words. prettify: function(str) { if (v.isNumber(str)) { // If there are more than 2 decimals round it to two if ((str * 100) % 1 === 0) { return "" + str; } else { return parseFloat(Math.round(str * 100) / 100).toFixed(2); } } if (v.isArray(str)) { return str.map(function(s) { return v.prettify(s); }).join(", "); } if (v.isObject(str)) { if (!v.isDefined(str.toString)) { return JSON.stringify(str); } return str.toString(); } // Ensure the string is actually a string str = "" + str; return str // Splits keys separated by periods .replace(/([^\s])\.([^\s])/g, '$1 $2') // Removes backslashes .replace(/\\+/g, '') // Replaces - and - with space .replace(/[_-]/g, ' ') // Splits camel cased words .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, function(m0, m1, m2) { return "" + m1 + " " + m2.toLowerCase(); }) .toLowerCase(); }, stringifyValue: function(value, options) { var prettify = options && options.prettify || v.prettify; return prettify(value); }, isString: function(value) { return typeof value === 'string'; }, isArray: function(value) { return {}.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }, // Checks if the object is a hash, which is equivalent to an object that // is neither an array nor a function. isHash: function(value) { return v.isObject(value) && !v.isArray(value) && !v.isFunction(value); }, contains: function(obj, value) { if (!v.isDefined(obj)) { return false; } if (v.isArray(obj)) { return obj.indexOf(value) !== -1; } return value in obj; }, unique: function(array) { if (!v.isArray(array)) { return array; } return array.filter(function(el, index, array) { return array.indexOf(el) == index; }); }, forEachKeyInKeypath: function(object, keypath, callback) { if (!v.isString(keypath)) { return undefined; } var key = "" , i , escape = false; for (i = 0; i < keypath.length; ++i) { switch (keypath[i]) { case '.': if (escape) { escape = false; key += '.'; } else { object = callback(object, key, false); key = ""; } break; case '\\': if (escape) { escape = false; key += '\\'; } else { escape = true; } break; default: escape = false; key += keypath[i]; break; } } return callback(object, key, true); }, getDeepObjectValue: function(obj, keypath) { if (!v.isObject(obj)) { return undefined; } return v.forEachKeyInKeypath(obj, keypath, function(obj, key) { if (v.isObject(obj)) { return obj[key]; } }); }, // This returns an object with all the values of the form. // It uses the input name as key and the value as value // So for example this: // // would return: // {email: "foo@bar.com"} collectFormValues: function(form, options) { var values = {} , i , j , input , inputs , option , value; if (v.isJqueryElement(form)) { form = form[0]; } if (!form) { return values; } options = options || {}; inputs = form.querySelectorAll("input[name], textarea[name]"); for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { input = inputs.item(i); if (v.isDefined(input.getAttribute("data-ignored"))) { continue; } var name = input.name.replace(/\./g, "\\\\."); value = v.sanitizeFormValue(input.value, options); if (input.type === "number") { value = value ? +value : null; } else if (input.type === "checkbox") { if (input.attributes.value) { if (!input.checked) { value = values[name] || null; } } else { value = input.checked; } } else if (input.type === "radio") { if (!input.checked) { value = values[name] || null; } } values[name] = value; } inputs = form.querySelectorAll("select[name]"); for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { input = inputs.item(i); if (v.isDefined(input.getAttribute("data-ignored"))) { continue; } if (input.multiple) { value = []; for (j in input.options) { option = input.options[j]; if (option && option.selected) { value.push(v.sanitizeFormValue(option.value, options)); } } } else { var _val = typeof input.options[input.selectedIndex] !== 'undefined' ? input.options[input.selectedIndex].value : /* istanbul ignore next */ ''; value = v.sanitizeFormValue(_val, options); } values[input.name] = value; } return values; }, sanitizeFormValue: function(value, options) { if (options.trim && v.isString(value)) { value = value.trim(); } if (options.nullify !== false && value === "") { return null; } return value; }, capitalize: function(str) { if (!v.isString(str)) { return str; } return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); }, // Remove all errors who's error attribute is empty (null or undefined) pruneEmptyErrors: function(errors) { return errors.filter(function(error) { return !v.isEmpty(error.error); }); }, // In // [{error: ["err1", "err2"], ...}] // Out // [{error: "err1", ...}, {error: "err2", ...}] // // All attributes in an error with multiple messages are duplicated // when expanding the errors. expandMultipleErrors: function(errors) { var ret = []; errors.forEach(function(error) { // Removes errors without a message if (v.isArray(error.error)) { error.error.forEach(function(msg) { ret.push(v.extend({}, error, {error: msg})); }); } else { ret.push(error); } }); return ret; }, // Converts the error mesages by prepending the attribute name unless the // message is prefixed by ^ convertErrorMessages: function(errors, options) { options = options || {}; var ret = [] , prettify = options.prettify || v.prettify; errors.forEach(function(errorInfo) { var error = v.result(errorInfo.error, errorInfo.value, errorInfo.attribute, errorInfo.options, errorInfo.attributes, errorInfo.globalOptions); if (!v.isString(error)) { ret.push(errorInfo); return; } if (error[0] === '^') { error = error.slice(1); } else if (options.fullMessages !== false) { error = v.capitalize(prettify(errorInfo.attribute)) + " " + error; } error = error.replace(/\\\^/g, "^"); error = v.format(error, { value: v.stringifyValue(errorInfo.value, options) }); ret.push(v.extend({}, errorInfo, {error: error})); }); return ret; }, // In: // [{attribute: "", ...}] // Out: // {"": [{attribute: "", ...}]} groupErrorsByAttribute: function(errors) { var ret = {}; errors.forEach(function(error) { var list = ret[error.attribute]; if (list) { list.push(error); } else { ret[error.attribute] = [error]; } }); return ret; }, // In: // [{error: "", ...}, {error: "", ...}] // Out: // ["", ""] flattenErrorsToArray: function(errors) { return errors .map(function(error) { return error.error; }) .filter(function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }); }, cleanAttributes: function(attributes, whitelist) { function whitelistCreator(obj, key, last) { if (v.isObject(obj[key])) { return obj[key]; } return (obj[key] = last ? true : {}); } function buildObjectWhitelist(whitelist) { var ow = {} , lastObject , attr; for (attr in whitelist) { if (!whitelist[attr]) { continue; } v.forEachKeyInKeypath(ow, attr, whitelistCreator); } return ow; } function cleanRecursive(attributes, whitelist) { if (!v.isObject(attributes)) { return attributes; } var ret = v.extend({}, attributes) , w , attribute; for (attribute in attributes) { w = whitelist[attribute]; if (v.isObject(w)) { ret[attribute] = cleanRecursive(ret[attribute], w); } else if (!w) { delete ret[attribute]; } } return ret; } if (!v.isObject(whitelist) || !v.isObject(attributes)) { return {}; } whitelist = buildObjectWhitelist(whitelist); return cleanRecursive(attributes, whitelist); }, exposeModule: function(validate, root, exports, module, define) { if (exports) { if (module && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = validate; } exports.validate = validate; } else { root.validate = validate; if (validate.isFunction(define) && define.amd) { define([], function () { return validate; }); } } }, warn: function(msg) { if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) { console.warn("[validate.js] " + msg); } }, error: function(msg) { if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.error) { console.error("[validate.js] " + msg); } } }); validate.validators = { // Presence validates that the value isn't empty presence: function(value, options) { options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); if (options.allowEmpty !== false ? !v.isDefined(value) : v.isEmpty(value)) { return options.message || this.message || "can't be blank"; } }, length: function(value, options, attribute) { // Empty values are allowed if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var is = options.is , maximum = options.maximum , minimum = options.minimum , tokenizer = options.tokenizer || function(val) { return val; } , err , errors = []; value = tokenizer(value); var length = value.length; if(!v.isNumber(length)) { return options.message || this.notValid || "has an incorrect length"; } // Is checks if (v.isNumber(is) && length !== is) { err = options.wrongLength || this.wrongLength || "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)"; errors.push(v.format(err, {count: is})); } if (v.isNumber(minimum) && length < minimum) { err = options.tooShort || this.tooShort || "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)"; errors.push(v.format(err, {count: minimum})); } if (v.isNumber(maximum) && length > maximum) { err = options.tooLong || this.tooLong || "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)"; errors.push(v.format(err, {count: maximum})); } if (errors.length > 0) { return options.message || errors; } }, numericality: function(value, options, attribute, attributes, globalOptions) { // Empty values are fine if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var errors = [] , name , count , checks = { greaterThan: function(v, c) { return v > c; }, greaterThanOrEqualTo: function(v, c) { return v >= c; }, equalTo: function(v, c) { return v === c; }, lessThan: function(v, c) { return v < c; }, lessThanOrEqualTo: function(v, c) { return v <= c; }, divisibleBy: function(v, c) { return v % c === 0; } } , prettify = options.prettify || (globalOptions && globalOptions.prettify) || v.prettify; // Strict will check that it is a valid looking number if (v.isString(value) && options.strict) { var pattern = "^-?(0|[1-9]\\d*)"; if (!options.onlyInteger) { pattern += "(\\.\\d+)?"; } pattern += "$"; if (!(new RegExp(pattern).test(value))) { return options.message || options.notValid || this.notValid || this.message || "must be a valid number"; } } // Coerce the value to a number unless we're being strict. if (options.noStrings !== true && v.isString(value) && !v.isEmpty(value)) { value = +value; } // If it's not a number we shouldn't continue since it will compare it. if (!v.isNumber(value)) { return options.message || options.notValid || this.notValid || this.message || "is not a number"; } // Same logic as above, sort of. Don't bother with comparisons if this // doesn't pass. if (options.onlyInteger && !v.isInteger(value)) { return options.message || options.notInteger || this.notInteger || this.message || "must be an integer"; } for (name in checks) { count = options[name]; if (v.isNumber(count) && !checks[name](value, count)) { // This picks the default message if specified // For example the greaterThan check uses the message from // this.notGreaterThan so we capitalize the name and prepend "not" var key = "not" + v.capitalize(name); var msg = options[key] || this[key] || this.message || "must be %{type} %{count}"; errors.push(v.format(msg, { count: count, type: prettify(name) })); } } if (options.odd && value % 2 !== 1) { errors.push(options.notOdd || this.notOdd || this.message || "must be odd"); } if (options.even && value % 2 !== 0) { errors.push(options.notEven || this.notEven || this.message || "must be even"); } if (errors.length) { return options.message || errors; } }, datetime: v.extend(function(value, options) { if (!v.isFunction(this.parse) || !v.isFunction(this.format)) { throw new Error("Both the parse and format functions needs to be set to use the datetime/date validator"); } // Empty values are fine if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var err , errors = [] , earliest = options.earliest ? this.parse(options.earliest, options) : NaN , latest = options.latest ? this.parse(options.latest, options) : NaN; value = this.parse(value, options); // 86400000 is the number of milliseconds in a day, this is used to remove // the time from the date if (isNaN(value) || options.dateOnly && value % 86400000 !== 0) { err = options.notValid || options.message || this.notValid || "must be a valid date"; return v.format(err, {value: arguments[0]}); } if (!isNaN(earliest) && value < earliest) { err = options.tooEarly || options.message || this.tooEarly || "must be no earlier than %{date}"; err = v.format(err, { value: this.format(value, options), date: this.format(earliest, options) }); errors.push(err); } if (!isNaN(latest) && value > latest) { err = options.tooLate || options.message || this.tooLate || "must be no later than %{date}"; err = v.format(err, { date: this.format(latest, options), value: this.format(value, options) }); errors.push(err); } if (errors.length) { return v.unique(errors); } }, { parse: null, format: null }), date: function(value, options) { options = v.extend({}, options, {dateOnly: true}); return v.validators.datetime.call(v.validators.datetime, value, options); }, format: function(value, options) { if (v.isString(options) || (options instanceof RegExp)) { options = {pattern: options}; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var message = options.message || this.message || "is invalid" , pattern = options.pattern , match; // Empty values are allowed if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } if (!v.isString(value)) { return message; } if (v.isString(pattern)) { pattern = new RegExp(options.pattern, options.flags); } match = pattern.exec(value); if (!match || match[0].length != value.length) { return message; } }, inclusion: function(value, options) { // Empty values are fine if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } if (v.isArray(options)) { options = {within: options}; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); if (v.contains(options.within, value)) { return; } var message = options.message || this.message || "^%{value} is not included in the list"; return v.format(message, {value: value}); }, exclusion: function(value, options) { // Empty values are fine if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } if (v.isArray(options)) { options = {within: options}; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); if (!v.contains(options.within, value)) { return; } var message = options.message || this.message || "^%{value} is restricted"; if (v.isString(options.within[value])) { value = options.within[value]; } return v.format(message, {value: value}); }, email: v.extend(function(value, options) { options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var message = options.message || this.message || "is not a valid email"; // Empty values are fine if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } if (!v.isString(value)) { return message; } if (!this.PATTERN.exec(value)) { return message; } }, { PATTERN: /^(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")@(?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?|\[(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]:(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21-\x5a\x53-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])+)\])$/i }), equality: function(value, options, attribute, attributes, globalOptions) { if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } if (v.isString(options)) { options = {attribute: options}; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var message = options.message || this.message || "is not equal to %{attribute}"; if (v.isEmpty(options.attribute) || !v.isString(options.attribute)) { throw new Error("The attribute must be a non empty string"); } var otherValue = v.getDeepObjectValue(attributes, options.attribute) , comparator = options.comparator || function(v1, v2) { return v1 === v2; } , prettify = options.prettify || (globalOptions && globalOptions.prettify) || v.prettify; if (!comparator(value, otherValue, options, attribute, attributes)) { return v.format(message, {attribute: prettify(options.attribute)}); } }, // A URL validator that is used to validate URLs with the ability to // restrict schemes and some domains. url: function(value, options) { if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } options = v.extend({}, this.options, options); var message = options.message || this.message || "is not a valid url" , schemes = options.schemes || this.schemes || ['http', 'https'] , allowLocal = options.allowLocal || this.allowLocal || false , allowDataUrl = options.allowDataUrl || this.allowDataUrl || false; if (!v.isString(value)) { return message; } // https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294 var regex = "^" + // protocol identifier "(?:(?:" + schemes.join("|") + ")://)" + // user:pass authentication "(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?" + "(?:"; var tld = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))"; if (allowLocal) { tld += "?"; } else { regex += // IP address exclusion // private & local networks "(?!(?:10|127)(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){3})" + "(?!(?:169\\.254|192\\.168)(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})" + "(?!172\\.(?:1[6-9]|2\\d|3[0-1])(?:\\.\\d{1,3}){2})"; } regex += // IP address dotted notation octets // excludes loopback network // excludes reserved space >= // excludes network & broacast addresses // (first & last IP address of each class) "(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])" + "(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}" + "(?:\\.(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))" + "|" + // host name "(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)" + // domain name "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*" + tld + ")" + // port number "(?::\\d{2,5})?" + // resource path "(?:[/?#]\\S*)?" + "$"; if (allowDataUrl) { // RFC 2397 var mediaType = "\\w+\\/[-+.\\w]+(?:;[\\w=]+)*"; var urlchar = "[A-Za-z0-9-_.!~\\*'();\\/?:@&=+$,%]*"; var dataurl = "data:(?:"+mediaType+")?(?:;base64)?,"+urlchar; regex = "(?:"+regex+")|(?:^"+dataurl+"$)"; } var PATTERN = new RegExp(regex, 'i'); if (!PATTERN.exec(value)) { return message; } }, type: v.extend(function(value, originalOptions, attribute, attributes, globalOptions) { if (v.isString(originalOptions)) { originalOptions = {type: originalOptions}; } if (!v.isDefined(value)) { return; } var options = v.extend({}, this.options, originalOptions); var type = options.type; if (!v.isDefined(type)) { throw new Error("No type was specified"); } var check; if (v.isFunction(type)) { check = type; } else { check = this.types[type]; } if (!v.isFunction(check)) { throw new Error("validate.validators.type.types." + type + " must be a function."); } if (!check(value, options, attribute, attributes, globalOptions)) { var message = originalOptions.message || this.messages[type] || this.message || options.message || (v.isFunction(type) ? "must be of the correct type" : "must be of type %{type}"); if (v.isFunction(message)) { message = message(value, originalOptions, attribute, attributes, globalOptions); } return v.format(message, {attribute: v.prettify(attribute), type: type}); } }, { types: { object: function(value) { return v.isObject(value) && !v.isArray(value); }, array: v.isArray, integer: v.isInteger, number: v.isNumber, string: v.isString, date: v.isDate, boolean: v.isBoolean }, messages: {} }) }; validate.formatters = { detailed: function(errors) {return errors;}, flat: v.flattenErrorsToArray, grouped: function(errors) { var attr; errors = v.groupErrorsByAttribute(errors); for (attr in errors) { errors[attr] = v.flattenErrorsToArray(errors[attr]); } return errors; }, constraint: function(errors) { var attr; errors = v.groupErrorsByAttribute(errors); for (attr in errors) { errors[attr] = errors[attr].map(function(result) { return result.validator; }).sort(); } return errors; } }; validate.exposeModule(validate, this, exports, module, define); }).call(this, typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? /* istanbul ignore next */ exports : null, typeof module !== 'undefined' ? /* istanbul ignore next */ module : null, typeof define !== 'undefined' ? /* istanbul ignore next */ define : null);