_____ _ _ _____ _ | __ \ | | | |/ ____| /\ | | | | | |_ _ ___| |_ | | (___ / \ _ __ ___| |__ | | | | | | / __| __| | |\___ \ / /\ \ | '__/ __| '_ \ | |__| | |_| \__ \ || |__| |____) | / ____ \| | | (__| | | |_ |_____/ \__,_|___/\__\____/|_____/ /_/ \_\_| \___|_| |_(_) . ├── build ---> (1) Temporal folder with generated files. ├── source ---> (2) Statics resources. ├── templates ---> (3) Templates. │ ├── layouts ---> (3.1) Layouts. │ │   └── main ---> (3.1.1) Templates definition (in this case, named "main"). │ │   ├── config.json ---> ( Configuration file. │ │   ├── template.tl ---> ( Template. │ │   ├─── i18n ---> ( I18n information. │ │   │   ├── en.json │ │   │   └── es.json │   │ └─ scripts ---> ( JS scripts necessaries for layout. │ │      ├── 01_script_xx.js │ │      └── 02_script_yy.js │   │    │ └── components ---> (3.2) Shared components. │    └── nav-left │    ├── config.json │    ├── template.tl │    ├─── i18n │    │   ├── en.json │    │   └── es.json │   └─ scripts │      ├── 01_script_xx.js │      └── 02_script_yy.js ├── library ---> (3.3) Library. │ │ └── pages    ├── cms    │   └── filter    └── system    └── user    ├── config.json    ├── i18n    │   ├── en.json    │   └── es.json    ├── render.json ---> JSON used in preprocess    ├── ajax_mock.js ??? ---> https://github.com/appendto/jquery-mockjax    ├── scripts    │   └── 01_script.js    └── template.tl (1) build Temporal folder where is stored all generated files. (2) source Folder with in static resources. (3) templates Folder with in dynamic resources. (3.1) templates/layouts Folder with templates used as base layout for definitive pages. Each child folder contain a different layout. (3.1.1) templates/layouts/main As mentioned previously, it would be a layout named "main". This folder would contain all resources associated with this templates. When applications processed, this templates will be registered with the folder's name for use with pages templates. ( templates/layouts/main/config.json Configuration file used for preprocess templates. TODO!! ( templates/layouts/main/template.tl DustJS template. ( templates/layouts/main/i18n I18n information. Each file inside this folder contain translated data associated with one key. This files has json format. The name of the file represent its language and content, so its name it's very important. The name must be a valid combination between language and country (or region) (in this order), separated with "_" character ( {language}_{country or region} ). language = ISO-639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code. [a-zA-Z]{2,8} For example: "es" Spanish or "en" English country or region = ISO-3166 alpha-2 country code or UN M.49 numeric-3 area code. [a-zA-Z]{2} | [0-9]{3} For example: "ES" Spain or "US" (United States) With this two values, it's possible obtain translation information and the correct format for numbers, currency, dates, time, etc... Languages is required but country is optional. The format for this file are: en.json : { example: "example", otherkey: "Other key for the example.", otherkey2: "Other key for the example.", keyxxxx: "English value for keyxxxx" } es.json : { example: "Ejemplo", otherkey: "Otra clave para el ejemplo.", otherkey2: "Otra clave para el ejemplo.", keyxxxx: "Valor español para la clave keyxxxx" } This values will be merged with page's i18n files, so it's possible use it for default i18n values. I will speak about it later. ( templates/layouts/main/scripts JS scripts necessaries for layout. For production environments, all this scripts will be concatenated in one file with other external scripts (as indicated in configuration file), ordered for name and compressed. (3.2) templates/components This folder contains shared components between all application. Like in "templates/layout" sibling folder, contains children folder. Each child folder has same structure like "templates/layout" folder, but it defines components reusable from layouts or pages.