#### [Bootstrap themes from Bootswatch][themes] [![Bootswatch themes](images/carousel-themes.png)][themes] Select a free theme for your website from an excellent gallery at [Bootswatch][bootswatch]. Out of the box support for these and other custom [Bootstrap][bootstrap] themes. #### [Page layouts][reflow-layouts] [![Page layouts](images/carousel-layouts.jpg)][reflow-layouts] Write plain text in Markdown or APT, then set different layouts to your page sections. #### [Modern skin][reflow-misc] [![Modern skin](images/carousel-components.jpg)][reflow-misc] Reflow skin uses modern components from Bootstrap and other libraries, upgrades Maven generated site and provides further enhancements. #### [New Velocity tools][reflow-tools] [![Reflow Velocity tools](images/carousel-tools.png)][reflow-tools] The skin adds a library of new Velocity tools to use in your own Maven template: rewrite HTML code, support per-page configurations and more! [bootswatch]: http://bootswatch.com [bootstrap]: http://getbootstrap.com [themes]: skin/themes/ [reflow-layouts]: skin/layouts.html [reflow-misc]: skin/misc.html [reflow-tools]: reflow-velocity-tools/ --- ## Get it now To use Reflow skin in your Maven site, [add it to site.xml][reflow-usage]: ```xml lt.velykis.maven.skins reflow-maven-skin 1.1.1 ``` Furthermore, the skin requires accompanying [Reflow Velocity tools][reflow-tools] as a dependency as well as Apache Velocity 1.7. [Add them as dependencies][reflow-usage] to `maven-site-plugin`. [Full usage instructions »][reflow-usage] [reflow-usage]: skin/ ## Responsive layouts Write your pages in [APT or Markdown][doxia-formats], then restructure them using Reflow skin [layouts][reflow-layouts]: - **Carousel** - spinning image slideshow - **Thumbnails** - showcase your image gallery - **Columns** - multi-column text - **Sidebar** - wrap into a sidebar - **Body** - text as it has been written Partition the page into sections using `
` elements, and define preferred layouts for each section in `site.xml`. Reflow skin is responsive thanks to [Bootstrap][bootstrap], so the layouts will be rearranged automatically for readability on small screens. [Read more about layouts in the documentation »][reflow-layouts] [doxia-formats]: http://maven.apache.org/doxia/references/index.html ## Themes The skin theme can be [switched easily][themes]: just select a Bootstrap theme to give an easy makeover for your Maven site. - **Default** - use the default [Bootstrap][bootstrap] theme - **Bootswatch** - select an excellent free theme from [Bootswatch][bootswatch] - **Custom** - create your own Bootstrap theme with [existing tools][bootstrap-custom] **Need to change something?** Extend the skin with custom `site.css` file in your project, and [reuse it for multi-module site][reflow-multi]. [How to select a theme »][themes] [bootstrap-custom]: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/customize.html [reflow-multi]: skin/multi-module.html ## Configure Reflow is very configurable: many features and components can be disabled, and optional enhancements enabled using [configuration in `site.xml`][reflow-config]: - **Table of contents** - display ToC for each page: top bar or sidebar - **Menus** - filter Maven menus and select what to display in top or bottom navigation - **Code highlight** - syntax colouring for code snippets - **Image preview** - display images in pop-ups - ... [and more][reflow-config] Check out the [documentation][reflow-config] for all the features. Every configuration option can be applied on a _per-page_ basis! [reflow-config]: skin/config.html --- ## Velocity tools Reflow skin provides custom Velocity tools library to be used in Maven site template: - **`SkinConfigTool`** - convenient access to custom configuration options (global and per-page) - **`HtmlTool`** - query and modify HTML text - **`URITool`** - use Java URIs in the template To enable these tools for any skin, add `reflow-velocity-tools` dependency to `maven-site-plugin` in the POM. [Read more about usage and browse the Javadoc »][reflow-tools] --- ### About Reflow Maven skin is an [Apache Maven site][mvn-site] skin built on [Bootstrap][bootstrap]. The code is [open source][reflow-github] and licensed under [Apache license][apache-license]. The skin can be used freely for your Maven projects. [Contribute][contribute] by reporting issues, suggesting new features, or forking the Git repository on GitHub and adding some good code! In the end, if you _really really_ like the skin and want to support the author, I will be glad to [accept a small donation][donate]. [mvn-site]: http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-site.html [apache-license]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 [contribute]: contribute.html [reflow-github]: http://github.com/andriusvelykis/reflow-maven-skin/ [donate]: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QWKNRFZH52828