# Notch Large Alert > A large-size alert expanding completely from the top notch with cancel and confirmation buttons Compatible both with larger notch (iPhone 12 or older) and reduced notch (iPhone 13 or older). ## Parameters - **isPresented**: A binding to a Boolean value that determines whether to present the alert. When the user presses or taps one of the Cancel action, the system sets this value to false and dismisses. - **title**: A text string used as the title of the alert. - **message**: A text string used as the message of the alert, maximum 3 lines of text after which it is truncated - **action**: function performed when the Confirm button is pressed ## Code ```swift struct Example: View { @State private var showAlert = false public var body: some View { Button("Toggle alert") { withAnimation { showAlert.toggle() } } .notchLargeAlert(isPresented: $alert, title: "Hello, Island", message: "This is a test for the new Notch alert.", action: { alert.toggle() }) } } ``` ## Result ![Result](NotchLargeAlert.gif)