# Island Medium Alert > A medium-size alert expanding into a top rectangle from the Dynamic Island **How can I dismiss it through UI?** By tapping on the right xmark. ## Parameters - **isPresented**: A binding to a Boolean value that determines whether to present the alert. When the user presses or taps one of the Cancel action, the system sets this value to false and dismisses. - **systemIcon**: The name of the system symbol image. Use the SF Symbols app to look up the names of system symbol images. - **text**: A text string used as the text of the alert. ## Code ```swift struct Example: View { @State private var showAlert = false public var body: some View { Button("Toggle alert") { withAnimation { showAlert.toggle() } } .islandMediumAlert(isPresented: $showAlert, systemIcon: "airpodspro", title: "Airpods connected") } } ``` ## Result ![Result](IslandMediumAlert.gif)