#!/bin/bash # Password Prompt zenity --password --title="Easy Bitcoin Wallet Installer" | sudo -S echo "" # GUI selection=$(zenity --list --title="Easy Bitcoin Wallet Installer" --text="Select a wallet and click OK." --width=1062 --height=208 \ --column="Wallet" --column="Description" --column="Ease of Use" --column="Security" --column="Blockchain Download" \ "Electrum (Recommended)" "Electrum is an easy to use Bitcoin client." "Very Easy" "Very Secure" No \ Bitcoin-Qt "Bitcoin-Qt is a full Bitcoin client and builds the backbone of the network." Medium "Very Secure" "Yes (Over 16GB)" \ Multibit "MultiBit is a secure, lightweight, international Bitcoin wallet." Easy "Secure" No \ Armory "Armory is taking Bitcoin security and usability to the next level." Hard "Very Secure" "Yes (over 16GB)" \ ); # Tasks if [ "$selection" = "Electrum (Recommended)" ]; then notify-send "Installing Electrum" "Please wait." sudo apt-get -y install python-qt4 python-pip sudo apt-get -y install python-slowaes sudo pip install http://download.electrum.org/Electrum-1.9.5.tar.gz#md5=e8d66b08f7d1d745e1de04a090d199c2 notify-send "Installation finished" "You can find Electrum by typing it's name in the upper left menu." elif [ "$selection" = "Bitcoin-Qt" ]; then notify-send "Installing Bitcoin-Qt" "Please wait." sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install bitcoin-qt notify-send "Installation finished" "You can find Bitcoin-Qt by typing it's name in the upper left menu." elif [ "$selection" = "Multibit" ]; then notify-send "Installing Multibeat" "Please wait." wget -O /tmp/multibit-0.5.15-linux.jar https://multibit.org/releases/multibit-0.5.15/multibit-0.5.15-linux.jar sudo apt-get install -y default-jre chmod +x /tmp/multibit-0.5.15-linux.jar java -jar /tmp/multibit-0.5.15-linux.jar notify-send "Installation finished" "You can find Multibit by typing it's name in the upper left menu." elif [ "$selection" = "Armory" ]; then notify-send "Installing Armory" "Please wait." sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install bitcoin-qt bitcoind if [ "$(uname -m)" = "i686" ]; then wget -O /tmp/armory_0.90-beta_12.04_i386.deb https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoinarmory-releases/armory_0.90-beta_12.04_i386.deb sudo dpkg -i /tmp/armory_0.90-beta_12.04_i386.deb elif [ "$(uname -m)" = "x86_64" ]; then wget -O /tmp/armory_0.90-beta_12.04_amd64.deb https://s3.amazonaws.com/bitcoinarmory-releases/armory_0.90-beta_12.04_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i /tmp/armory_0.90-beta_12.04_amd64.deb fi sudo apt-get -f -y install notify-send "Installation finished" "You can find Armory by typing it's name in the upper left menu." fi