---------------------------------------- To checkout our repository from scratch: ---------------------------------------- (new clone, new Eclipse workspace) 1) Create a directory to hold the repo 2) On command line, inside the directory: git clone git@github.com:alaurenz/metrobike.git (assumes you have ssh keys set up with GitHub) 3) Open Eclipse/ADT to a new workspace 4) File->Import->Android->Existing Android Code Into Workspace 5) Select your metrobike folder and all projects except HelloMetroBike and HelloMetroBike's google-play-services_libs projects. (Uncheck HelloMetroBike and HelloMetroBike's google-play-services_libs to avoid naming conflicts) 6) Leave 'Copy projects into workspace' *unchecked* 7) Refactor->rename MainActivity to MetroBike 8) Refactor->rename test to MetroBikeTest 9) MetroBikeTest->Properties->Java Build Path, Projects tab. Add MetroBike 10) Close Eclipse, Open Eclipse 11) Select all, right click -> refresh 12) Project -> Clean, clean all (with auto-rebuild) ------------------------------------------------ Add + configure checkstyle tools to Eclipse/ADT: ------------------------------------------------ (modified from email instructions) 1) Eclipse top menu bar->Help->Install New Software 2) Work with: http://eclipse-cs.sf.net/update/ This is the repo where the checkstyle plugin lives The site: http://eclipse-cs.sourceforge.net/ 3) Name the site something like 'Checkstyle' 4) Select the topmost software option 'Checkstyle' 5) Next, next, read+accept, Finish 6) Ok, Yes to restart Eclipse/ADT 7) Window-> Preferences, select 'Checkstyle' 8) New... Type: External Configuration Name: MetroBikeCheckStyle Location: (your metrobike folder)/MetroBike/MetroBikeCheckStyle.xml 9) Select the new configuration and click 'Set as Default' 10) Ok to save/close + To run Checkstyle on a file: Right click -> Checkstyle -> Check Code with Checkstyle + To clear/reset Checkstyle warnings on a file: Right click -> Checkstyle -> Clear Checkstyle violations ---------------------------- Configure Eclipse Formatter: ---------------------------- 1) Eclipse to bar -> Window -> Preferences 2) In left bar, expand Java -> Code Style -> Formatter 3) Import... (your metrobike folder)/MetroBikeEclipseFormatter.xml 4) Be sure 'MetroBike' is selected as the active profile 5) Apply 6) Ok + To run the formatter on a file: Open the file, click into the editor and hit Ctrl+Shift+F -or- Right-click->Source->Format