---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Styles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Consistent store of various UI items to reuse throughout my config local palette = { pale_red = '#E06C75', dark_red = '#be5046', light_red = '#c43e1f', dark_orange = '#FF922B', green = '#98c379', bright_yellow = '#FAB005', light_yellow = '#e5c07b', dark_blue = '#4e88ff', magenta = '#c678dd', comment_grey = '#5c6370', grey = '#3E4556', whitesmoke = '#626262', bright_blue = '#51afef', teal = '#15AABF', } as.style = { border = { line = { { '🭽', 'FloatBorder' }, { '▔', 'FloatBorder' }, { '🭾', 'FloatBorder' }, { '▕', 'FloatBorder' }, { '🭿', 'FloatBorder' }, { '▁', 'FloatBorder' }, { '🭼', 'FloatBorder' }, { '▏', 'FloatBorder' }, }, }, icons = { lsp = { error = '✗', warn = '', info = '', hint = '', }, git = { add = '', -- '', mod = '', remove = '', -- '', ignore = '', rename = '', diff = '', repo = '', logo = '', }, documents = { file = '', files = '', folder = '', open_folder = '', }, type = { array = '', number = '', object = '', }, misc = { up = '⇡', down = '⇣', line = 'ℓ', -- '' indent = 'Ξ', tab = '⇥', bug = '', -- 'ﴫ' question = '', lock = '', circle = '', project = '', dashboard = '', history = '', comment = '', robot = 'ﮧ', lightbulb = '', search = '', code = '', telescope = '', gear = '', package = '', list = '', sign_in = '', check = '', fire = '', note = '', bookmark = '', pencil = '', tools = '', chevron_right = '', double_chevron_right = '»', table = '', calendar = '', block = '▌', }, }, lsp = { colors = { error = palette.pale_red, warn = palette.dark_orange, hint = palette.bright_yellow, info = palette.teal, }, kind_highlights = { Text = 'String', Method = 'Method', Function = 'Function', Constructor = 'TSConstructor', Field = 'Field', Variable = 'Variable', Class = 'Class', Interface = 'Constant', Module = 'Include', Property = 'Property', Unit = 'Constant', Value = 'Variable', Enum = 'Type', Keyword = 'Keyword', File = 'Directory', Reference = 'PreProc', Constant = 'Constant', Struct = 'Type', Snippet = 'Label', Event = 'Variable', Operator = 'Operator', TypeParameter = 'Type', }, kinds = { Text = '', Method = '', Function = '', Constructor = '', Field = '', -- '', Variable = '', -- '', Class = '', -- '', Interface = '', Module = '', Property = 'ﰠ', Unit = '塞', Value = '', Enum = '', Keyword = '', -- '', Snippet = '', -- '', '', Color = '', File = '', Reference = '', -- '', Folder = '', EnumMember = '', Constant = '', -- '', Struct = '', -- 'פּ', Event = '', Operator = '', TypeParameter = '', }, }, palette = palette, } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global style settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Some styles can be tweaked here to apply globally i.e. by setting the current value for that style -- The current styles for various UI elements as.style.current = { border = as.style.border.line, }