# Library Customization ![SupportOptions Graphic](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/CustomizableOptions.png) Almost everything in the SupportDocs library can be customized through the `SupportOptions` struct. To use, just make an instance of `SupportOptions` and configure what you want! You can find the declaration for the struct [here](https://github.com/aheze/SupportDocs/blob/main/Sources/SupportDocs/SupportOptions/SupportOptions.swift).
SwiftUI UIKit
```Swift import SwiftUI import SupportDocs struct ContentView: View { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( title: "Support" /// Set navigation bar title to "Support" ), listStyle: .insetGroupedListStyle, /// Inset grouped list style (iOS 14+) other: .init( activityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorView.Style.large, /// Large loading indicator error404: URL(string: "https://aheze.github.io/SupportDocs/404")! /// Custom 404 page (inside the DataSource branch) ) ) @State var supportDocsPresented: Bool = false var body: some View { Button("Present SupportDocs from SwiftUI!") { supportDocsPresented = true } .sheet(isPresented: $supportDocsPresented, content: { SupportDocsView(dataSource: dataSource, options: options, isPresented: $supportDocsPresented) }) } } ``` ```Swift class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var presentButton: UIButton! /// Connect these in the storyboard. @IBAction func presentButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! // MARK: - UIKit way to make `SupportOptions` var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationBar.title = "Support" /// Set navigation bar title to "Support" options.listStyle = .insetGroupedListStyle /// Inset grouped list style (iOS 14+) options.other.activityIndicatorStyle = .large /// Large loading indicator options.other.error404 = URL(string: "https://aheze.github.io/SupportDocs/404")! /// Custom 404 page (inside the DataSource branch) let supportDocsViewController = SupportDocsViewController(dataSourceURL: dataSource, options: options) self.present(supportDocsViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } ```
## Table of Contents - [Examples](#examples) - [SwiftUI](#swiftui) - [UIKit](#uikit) - [Categories](#categories) - [One Category](#one-category) - [Two Categories](#two-categories) - [Multiple Tags in One Category](#multiple-tags-in-one-category) - [Navigation Bar](#navigation-bar) - [Title](#title) - [Title Color](#title-color) - [Dismiss Button View / Dismiss Button Title](#dismiss-button-view) - [Button Tint Color](#button-tint-color) - [Background Color](#background-color) - [Search Bar](#search-bar) - [Placeholder](#placeholder) - [Placeholder Color](#placeholder-color) - [Text Color](#text-color) - [Tint Color](#tint-color) - [Background Color](#background-color-1) - [Progress Bar](#progress-bar) - [Foreground Color](#foreground-color) - [Background Color](#background-color-2) - [List Style](#list-style) - [Navigation View Style](#navigation-view-style) - [Other](#other) ## Examples Here's some sample configurations to get you started. ### SwiftUI - [MinimalSupportDocs.swift](Examples/SwiftUI/MinimalSupportDocs.swift) -- the least code that you need to write. No `SupportOptions` are set. - [SupportDocsWithCategories.swift](Examples/SwiftUI/SupportDocsWithCategories.swift) -- displays 2 categories, one for all documents tagged with `boba`, the other `fastFood`. No other `SupportOptions` are set. - [SupportOptions.swift](Examples/SwiftUI/SupportOptions.swift) -- sets every single property inside `SupportOptions`, including a category of all documents tagged with `boba`. ### UIKit - [MinimalSupportDocs.swift](Examples/UIKit/MinimalSupportDocs.swift) -- the least code that you need to write. No `SupportOptions` are set. - [SupportDocsWithCategories.swift](Examples/UIKit/SupportDocsWithCategories.swift) -- displays 2 categories, one for all documents tagged with `boba`, the other `fastFood`. No other `SupportOptions` are set. - [SupportOptions.swift](Examples/UIKit/SupportOptions.swift) -- sets every single property inside `SupportOptions`, including a category of all documents tagged with `boba`. ## Categories Group multiple documents in the same section. You make a category by specifying the tag(s), display name, and (optionally) color of the text in the category. ![Categories Preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/CategoriesPreview.png) ### Important: Before You Begin Make sure you have added the correct tags to the front matter inside your documents. See the [Tag Your Documents](../README.md#tag-your-documents) section of the README. ### No Categories By default, the categories are set to `nil`, and every single document is displayed no matter their tags. ### One Category Here’s how to make SupportDocs display one category that contains all documents with the tag `boba`:
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( categories: [ .init( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ) ] ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() let bobaCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ) options.categories = [bobaCategory] ```
Show full code ---
```swift struct SwiftUIExampleView_WithCategories: View { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! let options = SupportOptions( categories: [ .init( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ) ] ) @State var supportDocsPresented = false var body: some View { Button("Present SupportDocs from SwiftUI!") { supportDocsPresented = true } .sheet(isPresented: $supportDocsPresented, content: { SupportDocsView(dataSource: dataSource, options: options) }) } } ```
```swift class UIKitExampleController_WithCategories: UIViewController { /** Connect this inside the storyboard. This is just for demo purposes, so it's not connected yet. */ @IBAction func presentButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! var options = SupportOptions() let bobaCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ) options.categories = [bobaCategory] let supportDocsViewController = SupportDocsViewController(dataSource: dataSource, options: options) self.present(supportDocsViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } ```
### Two Categories This will display 2 categories, one for documents tagged with `boba` and another for those tagged with `fastFood`.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( categories: [ .init( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ), .init( tags: ["fastFood"], displayName: "These aren't really healthy", displayColor: UIColor.red ) ] ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() let bobaCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ) let fastFoodCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["fastFood"], displayName: "These aren't really healthy", displayColor: UIColor.red ) options.categories = [bobaCategory, fastFoodCategory] ```
Show full code ---
```swift struct SwiftUIExampleView_WithCategories: View { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! let options = SupportOptions( categories: [ .init( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ), .init( tags: ["fastFood"], displayName: "These aren't really healthy", displayColor: UIColor.red ) ] ) @State var supportDocsPresented = false var body: some View { Button("Present SupportDocs from SwiftUI!") { supportDocsPresented = true } .sheet(isPresented: $supportDocsPresented, content: { SupportDocsView(dataSource: dataSource, options: options) }) } } ```
```swift class UIKitExampleControllerWithCategories: UIViewController { /** Connect this inside the storyboard. This is just for demo purposes, so it's not connected yet. */ @IBAction func presentButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! var options = SupportOptions() let bobaCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["boba"], displayName: "Display name is boba", displayColor: UIColor.blue ) let fastFoodCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["fastFood"], displayName: "These aren't really healthy", displayColor: UIColor.red ) options.categories = [bobaCategory, fastFoodCategory] let supportDocsViewController = SupportDocsViewController(dataSource: dataSource, options: options) self.present(supportDocsViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } ```
### Multiple Tags in One Category You can even combine multiple documents with different tags in the same category!
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( categories: [ .init( tags: ["boba", "fastFood"], displayName: "Food that tastes great", displayColor: UIColor.orange ) ] ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() let bobaAndFastFoodCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["boba", "fastFood"], displayName: "Food that tastes great", displayColor: UIColor.orange ) options.categories = [bobaAndFastFoodCategory] ```
Show full code ---
```swift struct SwiftUIExampleView_WithCategories: View { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! let options = SupportOptions( categories: [ .init( tags: ["boba", "fastFood"], displayName: "Food that tastes great", displayColor: UIColor.orange ) ] ) @State var supportDocsPresented = false var body: some View { Button("Present SupportDocs from SwiftUI!") { supportDocsPresented = true } .sheet(isPresented: $supportDocsPresented, content: { SupportDocsView(dataSource: dataSource, options: options) }) } } ```
```swift class UIKitExampleController_WithCategories: UIViewController { /** Connect this inside the storyboard. This is just for demo purposes, so it's not connected yet. */ @IBAction func presentButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { let dataSource = URL(string: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/DataSource/_data/supportdocs_datasource.json")! var options = SupportOptions() let bobaAndFastFoodCategory = SupportOptions.Category( tags: ["boba", "fastFood"], displayName: "Food that tastes great", displayColor: UIColor.orange ) options.categories = [bobaAndFastFoodCategory] let supportDocsViewController = SupportDocsViewController(dataSource: dataSource, options: options) self.present(supportDocsViewController, animated: true, completion: nil) } } ```
--- ## Navigation Bar This is the bar that's shown at the top of the screen. You can customize quite a lot of its elements. ![Navigation Bar Preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/NavigationBarPreview.png) ### Title The title to display.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( title: "Custom Nav Title" ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationBar.title = "Custom Nav Title" ```
### Title Color The color of the title.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( title: "Custom Nav Title", titleColor: UIColor.purple ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationBar.title = "Custom Nav Title" options.navigationBar.titleColor = UIColor.purple ```
### Dismiss Button View With convenience overload: Dismiss Button Title This is what will be shown as the dismiss button (press to dismiss SupportDocs), and leave it as `nil` to not show it at all. By default, you pass in an `AnyView` of your choice. This should either be an `Image` or a `Text`, but you can experiment with other elements. For example, both of these will work:
`Image` `Text`
```Swift AnyView(Image(systemName: "xmark")) /// SF Symbols are best ``` ```Swift AnyView(Text("I Am Finished")) /// `Text` works just as well ```
You then pass it into `SupportOptions`'s `navigationBar.dismissButtonView` parameter.
SwiftUI Result          
```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( dismissButtonView: AnyView(Text("I Am Finished")) /// or, AnyView(Image(systemName: "xmark")) ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationBar.dismissButtonView = AnyView(Text("I Am Finished")) /// or, AnyView(Image(systemName: "xmark")) ```
However, if you're using SwiftUI, you have the option of supplying a plain `String` instead. This is a little easier to read than `AnyView`, but is limited to a `String` and SwiftUI. ```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( dismissButtonTitle: "I Am Finished" /// Just a normal String ) ) ``` ### Button Tint Color The color of the dismiss button (if any) and the back button (appears once you tap on a row in the list).
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( dismissButtonTitle: "I Am Finished", buttonTintColor: UIColor.green ) ) ``` Dismiss button ↓

Back button (after selecting a document) ↓
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationBar.dismissButtonTitle = "I Am Finished" options.navigationBar.buttonTintColor = UIColor.green ```
### Background Color The background color of the navigation bar.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationBar: .init( backgroundColor: UIColor( red: 217 / 255, green: 247 / 255, blue: 255 / 255, alpha: 1 ) ) ) ``` Before scrolling ↓

After scrolling ↓
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationBar.backgroundColor = UIColor( red: 217 / 255, green: 247 / 255, blue: 255 / 255, alpha: 1 ) ```
--- ## Search Bar New in 1.1.0! This lets your users search the documents in your help center. ![Search Bar Preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/SearchBarPreview.png) ### Placeholder The placeholder to display when no text has been entered yet.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( searchBar: .init( placeholder: "Type here to search!" ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.searchBar.placeholder = "Type here to search!" ```
### Placeholder Color The color of the placeholder.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( searchBar: .init( placeholder: "Type here to search!", placeholderColor: UIColor.blue.withAlphaComponent(0.75) ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.searchBar.placeholder = "Type here to search!" options.searchBar.placeholderColor = UIColor.blue.withAlphaComponent(0.75) ```
### Text Color The color of the text entered in the search bar.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( searchBar: .init( textColor: UIColor.red ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.searchBar.textColor = UIColor.red ```
### Tint Color The color of the cursor and the "Cancel" button
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( searchBar: .init( tintColor: UIColor.orange ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.searchBar.tintColor = UIColor.orange ```
### Background Color Background color of the search bar.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( searchBar: .init( backgroundColor: UIColor.gray ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.searchBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray ```
### Clear Button Mode When to show the clear button. This is one of Apple's [built-in](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uitextfield/viewmode) enums for text fields and search bars.
SwiftUI UIKit
```swift let options = SupportOptions( searchBar: .init( clearButtonMode: .whileEditing ) ) ``` ```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.searchBar.clearButtonMode = .whileEditing ```
`.whileEditing` | `.unlessEditing` | `.always` | `.never` --- | --- | --- | --- ![While editing gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/SearchBar/whileEditing.gif) | ![Unless editing gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/SearchBar/unlessEditing.gif) | ![Always gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/SearchBar/always.gif) | ![Never gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/SearchBar/never.gif) Note: It seems that `.whileEditing` and `.always` are the same thing. Similarly, `.unlessEditing` and `.never` are also interchangeable. --- ## Progress Bar This shows up when the user has pressed a row in the list, waiting for the document to load. ![Progress Bar Preview](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/ProgressBarPreview.png) ### Foreground Color The color of the moving part of the bar.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( progressBar: .init( foregroundColor: UIColor.red ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.progressBar.foregroundColor = UIColor.red ```
### Background Color The background color of the bar.
SwiftUI Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( progressBar: .init( foregroundColor: UIColor.red, backgroundColor: UIColor.blue ) ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.progressBar.foregroundColor = UIColor.red options.progressBar.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue ```
--- ## List Style The SupportDocs library is written in SwiftUI, so you get access to SwiftUI's [list styles](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/liststyle)! Customizing this changes the way the list is displayed. ![List Style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/ListStylePreview.png)
List Style Result
```swift let options = SupportOptions( listStyle: .defaultListStyle ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.listStyle = .defaultListStyle ```
```swift let options = SupportOptions( listStyle: .plainListStyle ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.listStyle = .plainListStyle ```
```swift let options = SupportOptions( listStyle: .groupedListStyle ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.listStyle = .groupedListStyle ```
```swift let options = SupportOptions( listStyle: .insetGroupedListStyle ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.listStyle = .insetGroupedListStyle ```
```swift let options = SupportOptions( listStyle: .insetListStyle ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.listStyle = .insetListStyle ```
```swift let options = SupportOptions( listStyle: .sidebarListStyle ) ```
```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.listStyle = .sidebarListStyle ```
--- ## Navigation View Style This is [another thing](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/navigationviewstyle) that comes from SwiftUI, which controls the layout of the navigation view. This only applies to larger devices like the iPhone 7 Plus when they are in landscape, or iPads. If your app is portrait-only, you can ignore this. ![Navigation View Style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/NavigationStylePreview.png)
SwiftUI UIKit
```swift let options = SupportOptions( navigationViewStyle: .defaultNavigationViewStyle ) ``` ```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.navigationViewStyle = .defaultNavigationViewStyle ```
| Navigation View Style | Portrait Result | Landscape Result | Landscape Interaction | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | `.defaultNavigationViewStyle` | Default Navigation View Style (Portrait) | ![Default Navigation View Style (Landscape)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/Options/NavigationViewStyle/defaultStyle_landscape.png) | ![Default Navigation View Style (Landscape interaction gif)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/NavigationViewStyle/defaultStyle.gif) | | `.doubleColumnNavigationViewStyle` | Double Column Navigation View Style (Portrait) | ![Double Column Navigation View Style (Landscape)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/Options/NavigationViewStyle/doubleColumnStyle_landscape.png) | ![Double Column Navigation View Style (Landscape interaction gif)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/NavigationViewStyle/doubleColumnStyle.gif) | | `.stackNavigationViewStyle` | Stack Navigation View Style (Portrait) | ![Stack Navigation View Style (Landscape)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/Options/NavigationViewStyle/stackStyle_landscape.png) | ![Stack Navigation View Style (Landscape interaction gif)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/NavigationViewStyle/stackStyle.gif) | Keep in mind, if you go with `.defaultNavigationViewStyle` or `.doubleColumnNavigationViewStyle` (they're actually the same thing), you should supply a `welcomeView` as well. This is what will be shown at the start, when no list row has been selected yet. Scroll down to **Other** to see more. --- ## Other Some miscellaneous options for SupportDocs. ![Other](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aheze/SupportDocs/main/Assets/OptionsPreview/OtherPreview.png)
SwiftUI UIKit
```swift let options = SupportOptions( other: .init( activityIndicatorStyle: .medium, welcomeView: AnyView(Text("Swipe right")), footer: AnyView(Text("Contact us if you didn't find what you were looking for!")), error404: URL(string: "https://aheze.github.io/SupportDocs/404")! ) ) ``` ```swift var options = SupportOptions() options.other.activityIndicatorStyle = .medium options.other.welcomeView = AnyView(Text("Swipe right")) options.other.footer = AnyView(Text("Contact us if you didn't find what you were looking for!")) options.other.error404 = URL(string: "https://aheze.github.io/SupportDocs/404")! ```
| Parameter | Type | Values | Default | Corresponding Graphic | | ------------------------ | ------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------------- | | `activityIndicatorStyle` | `UIActivityIndicatorView.Style` | `.large` or `.medium` | `.medium` | Graphic #1 | | `welcomeView` | `AnyView` | -- | `nil` | Graphic #2 | | `footer` | `AnyView` | -- | `nil` | Graphic #3 | | `error404` | `URL` | -- | `URL(string: "https://aheze.github.io/SupportDocs/404")!` | Graphic #4 | - `activityIndicatorStyle`: Size of the activity indicator that's shown when the JSON is being downloaded. You can choose either `.large` or `.medium`. - `welcomeView`: A custom view that will be shown at first, but only in landscape on larger devices and iPads (see [**Navigation View Style**](#navigation-view-style)). See [Example/WelcomeView.swift](https://github.com/aheze/SupportDocs/blob/main/Example/Example/WelcomeView.swift) for an example. - `footer`: A custom view you can add to the bottom of the list. See [Example/Footer.swift](https://github.com/aheze/SupportDocs/blob/main/Example/Example/Footer.swift) for an example. - `error404`: A web page to display in case something cannot be found.