require 'formula' class GordonBinScripts < Formula homepage '' head '' if build.head? depends_on :autoconf => :build depends_on :automake => :build end def install if build.head? # Ugly hack: The build system extracts the version from either ".git" (if cloned) # or from ".tarball-version" (if from a proper dist tarball). # But here, HomeBrew clones (shallowly) first, then extract to a separate directory, # So there's neither ".git" nor ".tarball-version". # # Here, we go back to the GIT directory, 'unshallow' the repository # (unshallow requires git version 1.8.3 or later), then extract the version. # If 'unshallowing' failed, fallback to the SHA1 of the current version. ohai "Trying to extract version from Git Repository" git_repo = "#{HOMEBREW_CACHE}/#{name}--git" prog_version = `(cd #{git_repo} ; git fetch --unshallow ; ./config/git-version-gen v )` prog_version.chomp! if prog_version == "UNKNOWN" git_version = `(cd #{git_repo} ; git describe --always )` git_version.chomp! prog_version = "0.0.0-#{git_version}-HomeBrew-Git" end ohai "Detected Git version = #{prog_version}" system "echo '#{prog_version}' > .tarball-version" end system 'sh', './' system './configure', "--prefix=#{prefix}" system 'make' system 'make', 'install' end end