#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is part of booktype-scrolls. # Copyright (c) 2012 Aleksandar Erkalovic # # Booktype is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Booktype is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with booktype-scrolls. If not, see . from optparse import OptionParser import os import sys import subprocess platform = None projectDir = 'mybooktype' PACKAGES = {'debian': ['python', 'python-dev', 'sqlite3', 'git-core', 'python-pip', 'python-virtualenv', 'redis-server', 'libxml2-dev', 'libxslt-dev'], 'ubuntu': ['python', 'python-dev', 'sqlite3', 'git-core', 'python-pip', 'python-virtualenv', 'libjpeg-dev', 'zlib1g-dev', 'redis-server', 'libxml2-dev', 'libxslt-dev'], 'centos': ['python', 'python-devel', 'sqlite', 'git', 'python-virtualenv', 'python-pip', 'redis', 'libxml2-devel', 'libxslt-devel', 'libjpeg', 'libjpeg-devel', 'zlib', 'zlib-devel'], 'osx': ['git', 'redis', 'libjpeg', 'libpng', 'libxml2'] } COLOR = {'green': '32', 'red': '31', 'yellow': '33', 'blue': '34', 'white': '37', 'magenta': '35', 'cyan': '36', 'crimson': '38', 'gray': '30'} def fmt(s, color="gray", bold = False): if not sys.stdout.isatty(): return s attr = [COLOR.get(color, 'gray')] if bold: attr.append('1') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), s) def showIntro(): s = """ _______ / /, Booktype Easy Install v0.1 / // /______// https://github.com/aerkalov/booktype-scrolls (______(/ """ print s def showNotSupported(): print fmt("\n[ERROR] I am sorry but your platform is not supported at the moment.", 'red') print fmt("""[SUPPORTED] It has been tested on: * Ubuntu 10.04 * Ubuntu 12.04 * CentOS 6.3 * Debian 6 * Mac OS X\n""", "yellow") def _ubuntuPackageInstalled(packageName): ret = subprocess.call('dpkg-query -s %s 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null' % packageName, shell=True) return ret def _debianPackageInstalled(packageName): ret = subprocess.call('dpkg-query -s %s 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null' % packageName, shell=True) return ret def _debianInstallPackages(packages): print "Your system is missing couple of required packages. Let's install them!", command = 'sudo apt-get install %s' % ' '.join(needToInstall) print fmt('\n$ ' + command + '\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) return ret def _debianCheckManually(packages): if 'python-pip' in packages: ret = subprocess.call('pip 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 2: packages.remove('python-pip') if 'python-virtualenv' in packages: ret = subprocess.call('virtualenv 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 2: packages.remove('python-virtualenv') return packages def _debianCheckPrerequisite(): ret = subprocess.call('gcc 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 127: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Looks like you don't have developement tools installed. Install them and try again.", "red", True) print fmt("[HOW TO FIX] sudo apt-get install build-essential", "yellow") sys.exit(1) def _centosPackageInstalled(packageName): ret = subprocess.call('rpm -q %s 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null' % packageName, shell=True) return ret def _centosInstallPackages(packages): print "Your system is missing couple of required packages. Let's install them!", command = "su -c 'yum -y install %s'" % ' '.join(needToInstall) print fmt('\n$ ' + command + '\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) return ret def _centosCheckManually(packages): if 'python-pip' in packages: ret = subprocess.call('pip 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 2: packages.remove('python-pip') if 'python-virtualenv' in packages: ret = subprocess.call('virtualenv 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 2: packages.remove('python-virtualenv') return packages def _centosCheckPrerequisite(): # check if EPEL installed ret = subprocess.call('rpm -q epel-release 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] You must add EPEL repository! Add and try again.", "red") print fmt("[HOW TO FIX] For CentOS 6.x:", "yellow") print fmt(" su -c 'rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm'", "yellow") sys.exit(1) # check if gcc installed ret = subprocess.call('gcc 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 127: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Looks like you don't have developement tools installed. Install them and try again.", "red", True) print fmt("[HOW TO FIX] su -c 'yum groupinstall \"Development Tools\"'", "yellow") sys.exit(1) def _osxPackageInstalled(packageName): ret = subprocess.call('brew list %s 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null' % packageName, shell=True) return ret def _osxInstallPackages(packages): print "Your system is missing couple of required packages. Let's install them!", command = "brew install %s" % ' '.join(needToInstall) print fmt('\n$ ' + command + '\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) return ret def _osxCheckManually(packages): # do not need this if 'git' in packages: ret = subprocess.call('git 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 1: packages.remove('git') return packages def _osxCheckPrerequisite(): # check if Brew is installed ret = subprocess.call('brew 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret != 1: print fmt("[WHAT TO DO]", "yellow") print fmt("You should install Homegrew to continue any further. We need Homegrew to install Redis, PostgreSQL, ...", "yellow") print fmt(" http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/", "yellow") sys.exit(1) # check if gcc installed ret = subprocess.call('gcc 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 127: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Looks like you don't have developement tools installed. Install them and try again.", "red", True) sys.exit(1) ret = subprocess.call('pip 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret != 2: print fmt("\n[ERROR] You do not have PIP installed. Install it and start this script again.", "red", True) print fmt("[HOW TO PIX]", "yellow") print fmt(" sudo easy_install pip", "yellow") sys.exit(1) ret = subprocess.call('virtualenv 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret != 2: print fmt("\n[ERROR] You do not have Virtual Python Environment installed. Install it and start this script again.", "red", True) print fmt("[HOW TO FIX]", "yellow") print fmt(" sudo pip install virtualenv", "yellow") sys.exit(1) CALLBACKS = {'debian': {'package_installed': _debianPackageInstalled, 'install_packages': _debianInstallPackages, 'check_if_manually': _debianCheckManually, 'check_prerequisite': _debianCheckPrerequisite }, 'ubuntu': {'package_installed': _ubuntuPackageInstalled, 'install_packages': _debianInstallPackages, 'check_if_manually': _debianCheckManually, 'check_prerequisite': _debianCheckPrerequisite }, 'centos': {'package_installed': _centosPackageInstalled, 'install_packages': _centosInstallPackages, 'check_if_manually': _centosCheckManually, 'check_prerequisite': _centosCheckPrerequisite }, 'osx': {'package_installed': _osxPackageInstalled, 'install_packages': _osxInstallPackages, 'check_if_manually': _osxCheckManually, 'check_prerequisite': _osxCheckPrerequisite } } def getDistribution(): # Check if this is Debian based system try: p = subprocess.Popen("lsb_release -i", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) dist = p.stdout.read() if 'Ubuntu' in dist: return 'ubuntu' if 'Debian' in dist: return 'debian' except OSError: pass # Check if we are centos ret = subprocess.call('rpm -q centos-release 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null', shell=True) if ret == 0: return 'centos' # Check if this is Mac OS X try: p = subprocess.Popen("uname -s", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) dist = p.stdout.read() if 'Darwin' in dist: return 'osx' except OSError: pass return None if __name__ == '__main__': usage = "usage: %prog [options]" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('-p', '--project', dest='project', metavar='PROJECT', action="store", type="string", help="Project name") parser.add_option('-o', '--os', dest='platform', metavar='OS', action="store", type="string", help="OS platform (ubuntu, debian, centos, ...)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() showIntro() if options.project: projectDir = options.project if options.platform: platform = options.platform else: platform = getDistribution() if not platform: showNotSupported() sys.exit(1) CALLBACKS[platform]['check_prerequisite']() needToInstall = filter(CALLBACKS[platform]['package_installed'], PACKAGES[platform]) needToInstall = CALLBACKS[platform]['check_if_manually'](needToInstall) if len(needToInstall) > 0: ret = CALLBACKS[platform]['install_packages'](needToInstall) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not install packages.\n") if platform == "centos": print fmt("[INFO] Do you have EPAL repository installed?", "yellow") sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(projectDir): print fmt("\n[WARNING] You have already installed Booktype in this directory!", "red", True) print fmt("[WHAT TO DO] Remove directory '%s', install it at another location or choose a different project name..\n" % projectDir, "yellow") sys.exit(1) # Maybe it needs virtualenv --distribute if this one fails command = 'virtualenv --distribute %s' % projectDir print fmt('\n$ ' + command + '\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not install virtual environment!", "red", True) print fmt("[WHAT TO DO] Check your virtualenv installation and try again.\n", "yellow") sys.exit(1) if platform in ['debian', 'ubuntu']: command = '. %s/bin/activate && pip install Django==1.3 South==0.7.5 unidecode lxml PIL' % projectDir elif platform in ['osx']: p = subprocess.Popen('find /usr/local/ -name xml2-config', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) confPath = p.stdout.read().strip() command = '. %s/bin/activate && pip install lxml --install-option="--with-xml2-config=%s"' % (projectDir, confPath) else: command = '. %s/bin/activate && pip install Django==1.3 South==0.7.5 unidecode lxml PIL' % projectDir print fmt('\n$ ' + command +'\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not install Python modules!\n", "red", True) sys.exit(1) if platform in ['osx']: command = '. %s/bin/activate && pip install Django==1.3 South==0.7.5 unidecode PIL simplejson' % projectDir print fmt('\n$ ' + command +'\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not install Python modules!\n", "red", True) sys.exit(1) command = 'cd %s && git clone https://github.com/sourcefabric/Booktype.git' % projectDir print fmt('\n$ ' + command +'\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not download Booktype!\n", "red", True) sys.exit(1) command = '. %(project)s/bin/activate && %(project)s/Booktype/scripts/createbooki --database sqlite ./%(project)s/mybook/' % {'project': projectDir} print fmt('\n$ ' + command +'\n', 'blue') ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not create Booktype project!\n", "red", True) sys.exit(1) script = '''. %(project)s/bin/activate . %(project)s/mybook/booki.env django-admin.py syncdb --noinput django-admin.py migrate django-admin.py loaddata documentation_licenses ''' % {'project': projectDir} try: file('%s/tmp.sh' % projectDir, 'w').write(script) except: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not write to a file!", "red") print fmt("[WHAT TO DO] Check permissions on '%s' directory. Check if your disk is full.\n" % projectDir, "yellow") sys.exit(1) command = 'sh %s/tmp.sh' % projectDir ret = subprocess.call(command, shell=True) os.remove('%s/tmp.sh' % projectDir) workingDir = os.getcwd() script = '''#!/usr/bin/env bash . %(cwd)s/%(project)s/bin/activate . %(cwd)s/%(project)s/mybook/booki.env django-admin.py runserver ''' % {'cwd': workingDir, 'project': projectDir, 'port': 8080} try: file('%s/start.sh' % projectDir, 'w').write(script) except: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not write to a file!", "red") print fmt("[WHAT TO DO] Check permissions on '%s' directory. Check if your disk is full.\n" % projectDir, "yellow") sys.exit(1) extraDocs = '' if platform in ['osx']: extraDocs = "\n".join(['echo', 'echo "===================================================================="', 'echo "Warning Mac OS X user!"', 'echo "Redis database MUST be started before you start Booktype."', 'echo "To find out more write:"', 'echo " brew info redis"', 'echo "===================================================================="', 'echo']) script = '''#!/usr/bin/env bash . %(cwd)s/%(project)s/bin/activate . %(cwd)s/%(project)s/mybook/booki.env django-admin.py createsuperuser echo echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Use this command to start Booktype:" echo "%(cwd)s/%(project)s/start.sh" %(extra)s echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" ''' % {'cwd': workingDir, 'project': projectDir, 'extra': extraDocs} try: file('%s/create.sh' % projectDir, 'w').write(script) except: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not write to a file!", "red") print fmt("[WHAT TO DO] Check permissions on '%s' directory. Check if your disk is full.\n" % projectDir, "yellow") sys.exit(1) ret = subprocess.call('chmod u+x %s/start.sh %s/create.sh' % (projectDir, projectDir), shell=True) if ret != 0: print fmt("\n[ERROR] Could not set permissions on start file", "red") print fmt("[WHAT TO DO] chmod u+x %s/start.sh" % projectDir, shell=True) print fmt("\nBooktype has been installed in '%s' directory. We need to create superuser now. Please start this command:" % projectDir, "yellow") print fmt(" %s/create.sh\n" % projectDir, "blue") print fmt("After that you can start Booktype with:", "yellow") print fmt(" %s/start.sh\n" % projectDir, "blue")