/** * @author [author] * @description reverse animation after marker You may add a compMarker checkbox control to the layer * which will make the expression to take markers from composition * if needed. Otherwise layer markers will be used * @todo [description] */ try{ if(effect("compMarker")("Checkbox")==1){ mrkr = thisComp.marker; } else mrkr = marker; } catch(err){ mrkr = marker;} n = 0; if (mrkr.numKeys > 0){ n = mrkr.nearestKey(time).index; if (mrkr.key(n).time > time) n--; } if(n>0){ try{ t = time-mrkr.key(n).time; if(n%2==1){ lastKeyTime = thisProperty.key(thisProperty.numKeys).time; thisProperty.valueAtTime(lastKeyTime-t); } else{ thisProperty.valueAtTime(t+thisProperty.key(1).time); } } catch(err){value;} } else value;