package org.littleshoot.dnssec4j; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xbill.DNS.ARecord; import org.xbill.DNS.CNAMERecord; import org.xbill.DNS.DClass; import org.xbill.DNS.DNSKEYRecord; import org.xbill.DNS.DNSSEC; import org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedFlags; import org.xbill.DNS.ExtendedResolver; import org.xbill.DNS.Message; import org.xbill.DNS.Name; import org.xbill.DNS.Options; import org.xbill.DNS.RRSIGRecord; import org.xbill.DNS.RRset; import org.xbill.DNS.Record; import org.xbill.DNS.Resolver; import org.xbill.DNS.Section; import org.xbill.DNS.Type; /** * DNSSEC resolver and validator. */ public class DnsSec { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DnsSec.class); { System.setProperty("", ","); //System.setProperty("", " ,"); // These are from //System.setProperty("", ","); } /** * If the specified {@link InetSocketAddress} has not already resolved to * an IP address, this verifies the host name and returns a new, verified * and resolved {@link InetSocketAddress}. * * @param unresolved An unresolved {@link InetSocketAddress}. * @return The resolved and verified {@link InetSocketAddress}. * @throws DNSSECException If there's a problem with the DNS signature. * @throws IOException If there's a problem with the nameservers. */ public static InetSocketAddress verify(final InetSocketAddress unresolved) throws DNSSECException, IOException { if (!unresolved.isUnresolved()) { return unresolved; } final InetAddress verified = getByName(unresolved.getHostName()); return new InetSocketAddress(verified, unresolved.getPort()); } /** * Access the specified URL and verifies the signatures of DNSSEC responses * if they exist, returning the resolved IP address. * * @param name The name of the site. * @return The IP address for the specified domain, verified if possible. * @throws IOException If there's an IO error accessing the nameservers or * sending or receiving messages with them. * @throws DNSSECException If there's a DNS error verifying the signatures * for any domain. */ public static InetAddress getByName(final String name) throws DNSSECException, IOException { final Name full = Name.concatenate(Name.fromString(name), Name.root); System.out.println("Verifying record: "+ full); //final String [] servers = ResolverConfig.getCurrentConfig().servers(); final Resolver res = newResolver(); final Record question = Record.newRecord(full, Type.A, DClass.IN); final Message query = Message.newQuery(question); System.out.println("Sending query..."); final Message response = res.send(query); System.out.println("RESPONSE: "+response); final RRset[] answer = response.getSectionRRsets(Section.ANSWER); final ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList(); for (final RRset set : answer) { System.out.println("\n;; RRset to chase:"); // First check for a CNAME and target. Iterator rrIter = set.rrs(); boolean hasCname = false; Name cNameTarget = null; while (rrIter.hasNext()) { final Record rec =; final int type = rec.getType(); if (type == Type.CNAME) { final CNAMERecord cname = (CNAMERecord) rec; hasCname = true; cNameTarget = cname.getTarget(); } } rrIter = set.rrs(); while (rrIter.hasNext()) { final Record rec =; System.out.println(rec); final int type = rec.getType(); if (type == Type.A) { final ARecord arec = (ARecord) rec; if (hasCname) { if (rec.getName().equals(cNameTarget)) { addresses.add(arec.getAddress()); } } else { addresses.add(arec.getAddress()); } } } final Iterator sigIter = set.sigs(); while (sigIter.hasNext()) { final RRSIGRecord rec = (RRSIGRecord); System.out.println("\n;; RRSIG of the RRset to chase:"); System.out.println(rec); verifyZone(set, rec); } } return addresses.get(0); } private static void verifyZone(final RRset set, final RRSIGRecord record) throws DNSSECException, IOException { System.out.println("\nLaunch a query to find a RRset of type DNSKEY for zone: "+record.getSigner()); //System.out.println("\nVerifying sig for rec: "+record); //final DNSKEYRecord publicKey = signingKeyForRecord (record); final Name signer = record.getSigner(); final int tag = record.getFootprint(); System.out.println("Looking for tag: "+tag); boolean keyVerified = false; DNSKEYRecord keyRec = null; // We need to perform a multiline query to get the tags associated with // keys, which lets us verify records with the correct key. try { Options.set("multiline"); final Resolver res = newResolver(); final Record question = Record.newRecord(signer, Type.DNSKEY, DClass.IN); final Message query = Message.newQuery(question); final Message response = res.send(query); System.out.println("Sent query..."); final RRset[] answer = response.getSectionRRsets(Section.ANSWER); for (final RRset answerSet : answer) { System.out.println("\n;; DNSKEYset that signs the RRset to chase:"); //System.out.println(set); final Iterator rrIter = answerSet.rrs(); while (rrIter.hasNext()) { final Record rec =; System.out.println(rec); if (rec instanceof DNSKEYRecord) { final DNSKEYRecord dnskKeyRec = (DNSKEYRecord) rec; if (dnskKeyRec.getFootprint() == tag) { System.out.println("\n\nFound matching DNSKEY for tag!! "+tag+"\n\n"); keyRec = dnskKeyRec; } } } System.out.println("\n;; RRSIG of the DNSKEYset that signs the RRset to chase:"); final Iterator sigIter = answerSet.sigs(); while (sigIter.hasNext()) { final RRSIGRecord rec = (RRSIGRecord); System.out.println(rec); // This resource record set could be self-signed. Verify // the signature as we go, and we'll validate the DS record // as well later. if (rec.getFootprint() == tag) { DNSSEC.verify(answerSet, rec, keyRec); keyVerified = true; } } if (!keyVerified) {"DNSKEY not verified"); //throw new IOException("Key not verified!!"); } else {"DNSKEY verified!!"); } keyVerified = false; } if (keyRec == null) { throw new DNSSECException("Did not find DNSKEY record matching tag: "+tag); } } catch (final org.xbill.DNS.DNSSEC.DNSSECException e) { throw new DNSSECException("Error verifying record", e); } finally { Options.unset("multiline"); } try { DNSSEC.verify(set, record, keyRec); } catch (final org.xbill.DNS.DNSSEC.DNSSECException e) { throw new DNSSECException("Error verifying record", e); } verifyDsRecordForSignerOf(record); } private static Resolver newResolver() throws UnknownHostException { final Resolver res = new ExtendedResolver(); res.setEDNS(0, 0, ExtendedFlags.DO, null); res.setIgnoreTruncation(false); //res.setTCP(true); // Timeouts are in seconds. res.setTimeout(15); return res; } private static void verifyDsRecordForSignerOf(final RRSIGRecord rec) throws IOException, DNSSECException { final Name signer = rec.getSigner(); System.out.println("\nLaunch a query to find a RRset of type DS for zone: "+signer); final Resolver res = newResolver(); final Record question = Record.newRecord(signer, Type.DS, DClass.IN); final Message query = Message.newQuery(question); final Message response = res.send(query); System.out.println("Sent query and got response: "+response); final RRset[] answer = response.getSectionRRsets(Section.ANSWER); for (final RRset set : answer) { final Iterator rrIter = set.rrs(); System.out.println("\n;; DSset of the DNSKEYset"); while (rrIter.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } final Iterator sigIter = set.sigs(); System.out.println("\n;; RRSIG of the DSset of the DNSKEYset"); while (sigIter.hasNext()) { final Record sigRec =; System.out.println(sigRec); if (sigIter.hasNext()) { throw new IOException("We don't handle more than one RRSIGRecord for DS responses!!"); } if (sigRec instanceof RRSIGRecord) { final RRSIGRecord rr = (RRSIGRecord) sigRec; System.out.println(";; Now, we want to validate the DS : recursive call"); verifyZone(set, rr); } } } System.out.println(";; Out of recursive call"); } }