**STRUCT** # `StackGenFile` ```swift public struct StackGenFile: AutoCodable ``` The representation of the stackgen.yml file ## Properties ### `options` ```swift public let options: Options.StackGenFile ``` The options passed to the tool ### `global` ```swift public let global: [String: StringCodable] ``` A dictionary used to declare global values that can be accessed from all the templates ### `firstPartyModules` ```swift public let firstPartyModules: [FirstPartyModule.Input] ``` The first party modules to use ### `thirdPartyModules` ```swift public let thirdPartyModules: [ThirdPartyModule.Input] ``` The third party modules to use ### `availableTemplateGroups` ```swift public let availableTemplateGroups: [String: [TemplateSpec.Input]] ``` The template groups to use ### `lintOptions` ```swift public let lintOptions: LintOptions ``` The lint options to use ## Methods ### `init(options:global:firstPartyModules:thirdPartyModules:availableTemplateGroups:lintOptions:)` ```swift public init( options: Options.StackGenFile = Options.StackGenFile(), global: [String: StringCodable] = defaultGlobal, firstPartyModules: [FirstPartyModule.Input] = defaultFirstPartyModules, thirdPartyModules: [ThirdPartyModule.Input] = defaultThirdPartyModules, availableTemplateGroups: [String: [TemplateSpec.Input]] = defaultAvailableTemplateGroups, lintOptions: LintOptions = defaultLintOptions ) ``` ### `resolve(_:)` ```swift public static func resolve(_ env: inout Env) throws -> StackGenFile? ```