Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "Ably" s.version = `Scripts/get-version.sh` s.summary = "iOS, tvOS and macOS Objective-C and Swift client for Ably" s.description = <<-DESC iOS, tvOS and macOS Objective-C and Swift client library for ably.com, the realtime messaging service. DESC s.homepage = "https://www.ably.com" s.license = { :type => 'Apache 2.0', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.author = { "Ably" => "support@ably.com" } s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/ably/ably-cocoa.git", :tag => s.version.to_s } s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/ablyrealtime' s.documentation_url = "https://www.ably.io/documentation" s.ios.deployment_target = '10.0' s.tvos.deployment_target = '10.0' s.osx.deployment_target = '10.12' s.requires_arc = true s.swift_version = '5.0' s.source_files = 'Source/**/*.{h,m,swift}' s.private_header_files = 'Source/PrivateHeaders/**/*.h', 'Source/SocketRocket/**/*.h' s.module_map = 'Source/Ably.modulemap' s.dependency 'msgpack', '0.4.0' s.dependency 'AblyDeltaCodec', '1.3.3' end